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/lit/ - Literature

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10406860 No.10406860 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We post the book we're currently reading and we have to share our opinion on any other book already posted that we've read.
I'll start:
>Thomas Bernhard - Korrektur (Correction)

>> No.10406875

Why do you seek validation, anon? Just read your fucking book.

>> No.10407458


Posting because Correction is unironically my favorite book.
The ending is so sad and lucid and cerebral.

>We always go too far, so as not to fall short.

>> No.10407469

not that anon but I've read everything Bernhard, my favourite is definitely Old Masters but I'd definitely rank Beckett's novels higher than his

im currently reading IJ (for the fifth time)

>> No.10407473
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Just finished this tonight. I can see why it's a meme, I imagine David Lynch has read it.
— it was something they couldn't even show in films..

>> No.10408532

It's also my favorite book and I also love the ending or rather the last 30 pages or so. I think this is when he finds out that his sister committed suicide, isn't it? And the tone shifts drastically because of that

>> No.10408618
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I read The Woodcutters and loved it. I tried reading Wittgenstein's Nephew and never finished it. I'll check this out too.

Currently reading this. Don't really know what to make of it.

>> No.10408706

Out of curiosity, is this your first Blanchot ? He’s definitely a perplexing case indeed.

>> No.10408724
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>pretentious garbage
>seeks validation
>probably underage/manchild

Why has /lit/ gotten so shit?!