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10404075 No.10404075 [Reply] [Original]

How do I quit being a Werther-fag in real life?

>> No.10404081

Same way he did.

>> No.10404083

But I’m catholic and am not allowed to kill my self.

>> No.10404099

Martyr death then.

>> No.10404112


Goethe got over it by fucking a bunch of other women and being a total genius, mastering not only poetry and science but statecraft as well.

Try that.

>> No.10404158


commiting suicide with chad's pistols

>> No.10404163

You bang Lotte and kill her husband like a Chad!

>> No.10404177

This is the sort of question that can fuel an entire literary career. Too broad and deep for a /lit/ post. There are many ways to quit Werthering IRL.

>> No.10404198

It’s ruining my life, friend. I’m aware of how irrational I’ve become. But I can’t help it. Wat do? I need escape from this pain.

>> No.10404213

write about it.

>> No.10405288

>implying Werther is anything other than an epistolary work of Werther writing out his feelings and then killing himself


>> No.10405299

If you manage to not kill yourself it eventually goes away on its own.
Other reasons to kill yourself will take its place however.

>> No.10405320

Become a misogynist. Guaranteed fix.
Go on a hardcore diet of /r9k/ and it will definitely start going away.
Werthering is often the result of imagistic misconceptions about the true nature of women and love. You just need to understand the reality and you'll laugh at tales like Werther ever after.

Now, love might be real, and Lotte's might be out there, but it's so rare that Werther-inspired social phenomenons are highly absurd.

>> No.10405335

>Goethe mastered Science
please for fuck's sake stop saying stupid shit

>> No.10405351

He didn't mean your pleb "objective reality" science, he meant the occult science.

>> No.10405360

suicide by romans

>> No.10405374

then just say occult science and stop trying to associate yourself with the natural sciences if you don't understand basic undergrad maths or chemistry at all.

>> No.10405386

>goethe didn't understand basic maths or chemistry
nice meme

>> No.10405428

jesus fucking christ you're so retarded. goethe had a better understanding of science than any dumb STEMcuck playing with sterile abstractions

>> No.10405507
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How do women feel about Werthers-fags?

>> No.10405510

Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.10405530

Disgusting image.

>> No.10405640
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If the love is not reciprocated as in the case of Werthe and Lotte then honestly go to the gym, read, and work on you, and I can tell you that it WILL GO AWAY as long as you limit all exposure to the girl in question. Check out Ovid's Remedia Amoris and some Plato and some Montaigne and anything else that'll help you become a better man. DO NOT EVER SEE THE GIRL IN ANY INSTANCE for as long as you can. Think Swann in Swann's Way: he was okay as long as he didn't see her, but once he saw her again, even after years, it was game over. It doesn't have to be game over for you though if you better yourself and maybe (though this shouldn't be sought out, because the best of relationships are by fortune), STUMBLE upon another girl.

Also: If you're going to call yourself Werther you better be well-equipped to back up that claim. Do you honestly think you're on Goethe's level? The dude was on such another plane that he didn't even need to read anymore and only resorted to Homer for the sound. Reach that level, THEN find a girl that'll turn you into a Werther-fag (because after all the point of Sorrows is that no matter how manly or great you are a girl will collapse it all), then return. Also, Schopenhauer's Metaphysical Love of the Sexes might help you, but honestly i wouldn't recommend it because even though he says that the romantics won't jive with what he has to say, I, as a "Werther-fag," do jive with what he's saying, and still see the romantic in the curmudgeon, especially elsewhere in "On Thinking for Oneself" where he has a short lamenting paragraph that might go unnoticed:

>The presence of a thought is like a presence of a woman we love. We fancy we shall never forget the thought nor become indifferent to the dear one. But out of sight, out of mind! The finest thought runs the risk of being irrevocably forgotten if we do not write it down, and the darling of being deserted if we do not marry her.

>> No.10405755

Excellent post.

>> No.10405808
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>> No.10405910

Wise words.

>> No.10406095

This is one of the best posts I've ever seen here. Thanks.