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10403878 No.10403878 [Reply] [Original]

>$74.88 aus
>500 pages

He's taking advantage of people with daddy issues by paycucking them just to give them a sense of order in their life. Sad.

He makes around 60k a month on donations alone by these desperate people. I think its just proof of the type of people Christianity attracts are absolutely pathetic.

When he first appeared on Joe Rogan podcast I took his future authoring program because it was free for a limited time and all it was was the same question asked differently again and again about what you plan to do with your life. The price for these tests is no $10 a pop.

Do you think he will just get away with it and make off with all the money or will one of the bugmen he's tricked become resentful enough to take him out?

>> No.10403881

he has a free PDF of that book on his patreon iirc

>> No.10403894

I don't actually want to read it. I just noticed it in the recommended section and couldn't understand the price. 500 pages of CLEAN YOUR ROOM then watch Pinnochio.

I dont understand how anyone can stand reading a pdf btw. The sense of meaningless if too much to bear.

>> No.10403898

Just downloaded to yout kindle or print it. Lmao you cucks

>> No.10403918


Hes a self-help grifter that jumped on the latest normie fad of whining about uni retards, are you honestly surprised that he is milking these dupes for all he can?

>> No.10403921

There's an epub version on libgen.
Buy an e-reader you dummy, you will get the best of both worlds: The comfort of paper with the convenience and freedom (as in free beer) of digital.

>> No.10403925

All academic work is expensive to buy, it’s probably from a university press too. Academic publishing is a racket.

>> No.10403938
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>free PDF on his website
probably almost out of print, nothing to complain about, his new book costs $15 hardcover so not anything too crazy even though a bit expensive

>> No.10403956

>Academic publishing is a racket.
It's not.
The costs for editing a book is the same no matter how small or big its circulation is - the costs for editing an academic book properly is even higher since you have to check all the references and pay for possible copyrights occasionally. Since the circulation of academic books is pretty small normally, you have to balance the costs of the books by higher prices instead of the quantity of sold books.

>> No.10403967

But you don't amass a glorious book shelf to show visitors how superior your big brain is.

>> No.10404010

This, academic books take a lot more work than a novel, especially with multiple authors and editors.

They ARE overpriced, but you can't just compare them to other books.

>> No.10404011

Stupid people aren't impressed by bookshelves, they just consider them furniture, part of the house.

>> No.10404017


>> No.10404024

lol, are the books actually filled with words

>> No.10404041

a lot of hate, whats wrong with him getting people to fix themselves?

He was almost a tenured prof at Harvard,
sounds better than some basement dwelling hater...

>> No.10404044

wtf you going about? we were talking about book prices up until you arrived

>> No.10404058

OP is hating on the author and contents of the book.

>> No.10404066

There's a ton of self help celebrities out there and Peterson is one of the few who discusses real philosophy. Why single him out? So what if there's people who find what he says valuable? It's more pathetic to go on about it than to be them.

>> No.10404067

i don't see anything about the contents of the book on OP, just about the author's personal life which is irrelevant

>> No.10404068

This. Plus book is free online...

>> No.10404069

Cuz hating on people is easier than fixing your life, ironically.

>> No.10404084

>He's taking advantage of people with daddy issues by paycucking them just to give them a sense of order in their life. Sad.
About the book.

>He makes around 60k a month on donations alone by these desperate people. I think its just proof of the type of people Christianity attracts are absolutely pathetic.
About the readers.

>When he first appeared on Joe Rogan podcast I took his future authoring program because it was free for a limited time and all it was was the same question asked differently again and again about what you plan to do with your life. The price for these tests is no $10 a pop.
About the author's program.

>Do you think he will just get away with it and make off with all the money or will one of the bugmen he's tricked become resentful enough to take him out?
About the author and his readers.

I'd say that's a pretty exhaustive amount of hate.

>> No.10404088

There's a free pdf version on his site

>> No.10404094

There's a free pdf version on his site

>> No.10404103

>Authors decide the prices of their books

>> No.10404144
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Peterson is just trying to make money by being an intellectual. He doesn't actually believe what he says. WHat more proof do you need other then seeing him weasel out of admitting that the reason he cancelled the invitation to Faith Goldy wasn't because of some esoteric question of her character because she didn't question and prod the podcast she appeared on AS A GUEST instead of just admitting its because she was positive towards an anti Jewish group in the dailystormer/kypto report?

Peterson has to please Yids and pretend his a hero for standing up to college trannies and feminists. Funny because I watched all his videos at the start of the year and he mentioned a nightmare some kid in his family had of all these small bird monsters attacking him and they kept regenerating from the smoke a dragon was breathing and Peterson explained to him that he should fight the actual dragon instead of the minions the dragon was creating, thus defeating the source of the problem.

Who's creating the feminists and tranny sjw's, Jordan? Who'd the big nosed, gold hoarding monster controlling the media and edjewcation system? Spineless cuck will never compremise where his shekels come from.

>> No.10404149

There's a free pdf version on his site

>> No.10404152

I don't know the man and I don't particularly care about /pol/ stuff but if someone has OBSESSED haters then that means they usually have something interesting to say.

>> No.10404154


>> No.10404162

Part of the reason so many people hate him is because Petersonfags used to spam this board with 20 threads a day

>> No.10404166


>> No.10404319

Becouse idiots will buy it.

>> No.10404346

>>Becouse idiots will buy it.
>1 edition (March 26, 1999)
>it's almost current year+1
or maybe not

>> No.10404634

He's a professor. I'm not sure what you're expecting.

>> No.10404811

There's no contradiction between believing what he says and being against anti-Semites. He's not anti-Semitic at all and the problems he deals with are greater than "the Jews orchestrated it." You aren't intellectual enough to listen to JP.

>> No.10405353

Or maybe it's because kissless fatherless spergs like you spam threads about this money hungry cunt every few hours on a slow board. Pretend that mom's kitchen knife is a dick and choke on it before typing another post.

>> No.10405625
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>this dumb nigga seriously think Jordan himself decide the price for that book

Maps of Meaning was a very obscure book written by some random Canadian professor for like 20 years before Jordan Peterson got youtube-famous. His new book have a normal price.

I swear to god, you can criticize Memeson for a lot of things, but most of you mouth-breathers even fail at that. I'm tired of all the stupid Peterson threads.

>> No.10405687

are they actual books?

>> No.10405702


>literally free on his website

>> No.10405722

Are your products real books or faux books?
All of our styles are real, readable books except for the "Faux Book Accent" and our "Chop Props".

>50 bucks for 2 feet of forgotten tomes

>> No.10405746

Because it is a textbook. And a cheap textbook at that.

>> No.10405962
File: 56 KB, 320x471, bollocks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peterson sets the price that academic publishing houses charge for his works
Thanks for showing us you have absolutely no idea what's going on, but then, that's what you wanted all along because this is a troll thread.

>> No.10406108

academic presses don't publish books with the general public in mind. these aren't intended to be mass market paperbacks, the primary buyers are usually university libraries.
as we all know, universities are cash cows, loaded with those sweet federal dollars. it's all incestuous back scratching anyways. why charge $15 for your book when you know the university libraries can easily pay $80 or more for them
if you actually had professors who published you would know this, it isn't just peterson. all of my professor's books are at least $70 and usually more

>> No.10407607

That moment you realize JP is just basing most of his insights on breaking bad

>> No.10407627

Who would that make Jessie then?

>> No.10407666

It's not about clean your room whatsoever. The focus of the book is how groups of people come to assign valence to objects, with a lot of reference to mythology and Jungian-style interpretation of it, what lessons (thus cultural value) the mythologies translated to their cultures, how such (seemingly arbitrary) valuations cascade into the eventual moral fabric of a culture, and by extension why some culture's ideas may be in fact (according to our system of valence) better than another culture's ideas; but also that it is a certain doom on your own civilization if you are to disbar any "outside" cultures from influencing on your own in the first place, because your culture with begin to stultify over the increasing totalitarianism of a patriarchal system (and patriarchy really just means the cultural inheritance in this sphere, its not simply "muh men") that is scared of change and makes sure to resist change by dictation. This also provides short explanation for what he means by "rescuing your father from the belly of the whale": your father, as in the patriarchy, who is trapped and cowering before any endeavor for further growth, from taking something unknown and making it known and creating new value and possibility, you are "rescuing" your old, forever at risk of stultifying, current culture (because everything that is current is just an exercise of the old idea) by exposing it to new ideas to revolutionize a way of doing things. In this manner, the book approaches and tries to disentangle from both progressive and traditional platforms of the political landscape, subscribing to neither but also specifying that strict adherence to either side is a certain disaster.

And the reason it's so expensive in physical form is because it's a coursework textbook for his psychology class.

>> No.10407671

i just realized Peterson’s fans are cultists, they spend countless hours listening to his voice and reading his works so they’ll do his work for him and shill all over the internet. He’s more brilliant than I thought

>> No.10407994

So much vitriol. I got my dick sucked this morning, read a bit of phil, traded quite some money last week, going to the gym now, after i cleaned my room.

True daddy ain't around, but fuck it still slaying life. How's it down in the basement?

>> No.10407999


Agree with this poster

The types of people he attracts are bottom feeding scum anyway who gives a shit

>> No.10408114

>>$74.88 aus

where did you see this price? itunes?

>> No.10408120

>The focus of the book is how groups of people come to assign valence to objects

someone doesn't know what "valence" means. or they're doing the postmodern thing where you take a word with an accepted meaning and then arbitrarily assign a new meaning to it that can only be deciphered from a close reading of your text and which nobody can fault you on misusing because nobody really knows what you mean by it.

>> No.10408126

Red pill me on Peterson. Is he a legitimate philosopher or does /lit/ only care because he made inflammatory remarks about feminism and pc culture?

>> No.10408144

he is a legitimate psychologist and "public intellectual" whatever that means, he is no philosopher and is not engaged enough with the history of philosophy, doesn't mean he can't discuss explicitly stated philosophical frames, but don't expect to get any kind of big picture from him

>> No.10408155

He isn't really philosopher, but to be fair he received a bachelor's degree in political philosophy before switching to psychology.

>> No.10408234
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>> No.10408600

>I think its just proof of the type of people Christianity attracts are absolutely pathetic.

>"Jordan Peterson do you believe in God"
>"I don't like that question. First of all, it's an attempt to box me in in an sense, and the reason that it is an attempt to box me in is because it is asked so that I can be firmly placed on one side or another. The reason I don't like to answer is A) I don't like to be boxed in and B) because I don't know what the person means by belief or God.
Anon the man thinks of God in some form of Jungian archetype that he adheres to. He isn't a Christian. I mean he doesn't even believe that Jesus Christ resurrected, and without that the whole Christian narrative collapses.

>> No.10409223

Depends on what you mean by resurrected. His spirit still lives on, people talk him and he's in our minds. You can say he has resurrected.

>> No.10409228

>the bible is a literal text and it's wrong.
Alright bucko. There's no talking about it if that's the narrow lens you're viewing things through

>> No.10409250

HE DID? lol that makes his dumb bs even worse.

>> No.10409291

>without that the whole Christian narrative collapses.
It doesn't collapse as a narrative, just as a religious myth. The spirit of Christ, the higher truth of his teachings, certainly resurrected after he was murdered.
The problem is that if you believe this christfags will call you a heretic and fedoratippers will laugh you out of the room for what they consider to be drinking the kool aid.

>> No.10409608


brainlets these days

>> No.10409996

don't reply to these retards and they might go away.

>> No.10410352

I wish Jordan Peterson was my father.

>> No.10410669

You fucked up by linking Wikipedia, now that retard will come here pasting "Kurt (((Lewin)))" all day

>> No.10410783

He's not christian, his "christianity" is basically gnosticism used for self-help.

>> No.10410993

>He's not christian
Even within exoteric life every sect says this crap about every other. You think Protestants consider Catholics to be like them? Or vice versa?