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/lit/ - Literature

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10402498 No.10402498 [Reply] [Original]

Does /lit/ even Wodehouse?

>> No.10403047

Blandings Castle is the epitome of comfy.
I mostly Saki, though.

>> No.10403212

Well of course, my good man.
Just finished Much Obliged, Jeeves

>> No.10403260

Can anybody recommend an author with similar flow as Wodehouse? The way he writes feels like being told a story second hand over a drink

>> No.10403263


>> No.10403273

English """humor"""

>> No.10403275

I hope in this instance "reddit" is a contraction of "I read it and enjoyed it", otherwise you're just proclaiming your faggotry to the world.

>> No.10403375

Recently got myself the entire Jeeves&Wooster collection, great stuff. Although the short story volumes are a bit mediocre. And it's pretty much the same story in every book. Still highly enjoyable though

>> No.10403380
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>> No.10403382
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the absolute state of /lit/

>> No.10403884
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This triggers /pol/tards

>> No.10403895

Its true, it's why a redditor faggot like Stephen Fry loves them

>> No.10404703


>> No.10404720

You people are bad and you should feel bad

>> No.10404736

You're reddit and should kys.

>> No.10404803

How can I be a website? Think before you post. And get that bitterness checked out.

>> No.10404805

>How can I be a website?

So this is the power of British wit

>> No.10404807

None, he's a genre unto himself

>> No.10404808

>how can I language??!?
Drown in acid pukeface

>> No.10404818

Post a couple of sentences about why you don't like Wodehouse, without referencing reddit or cucks. USE YOUR WORDS. Refer to specific novels or stories. Think about what it is that you don't like. USE YOUR WORDS.

>> No.10404823

Shut up reddit cuck

>> No.10404826

It might be time to delete /lit/

>> No.10404845

Wow you sure convinced me with those hot opinions

>> No.10404852

Look through 10 pages...there's about 2 threads about books. I'd say its just trolls and 'memes' now so yeh not needed, can be safely deleted

>> No.10404855

I woke up in 2015????? o-OH SPEGHETTIWOES!!@'!@!!!@!!!
""""""""""seriously"""""""""" d'oh nice try bur I'm not gonna fall you putting the burden of proof on me foe nothing
this is a three world:, you gotta give something to get something

>> No.10404862

Had to read Code of the Woosters in 11th grade.

Thoroughly unenjoyable and unfunny, but vastly preferable to the dense shit all the other Brit Lit classes had to read.

>> No.10404879

Yes, and the fact that nu-/lit/ (/pol/) doesn't like him suggests he really was an excellent writer.

>> No.10404919

Where's a good place to start with PG?

>> No.10404959
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Pic related was such fun.

>> No.10405107

the absolute state of eulily

>> No.10405172

Americans are incapable of detecting humour in something without sex jokes, toilet humour or a laugh track.
This is what your comedians sound like:

"The other day I fucked this chick so hard (with my circumcised penis) a goddamn towel came outta her ass!"
>laugh track
>diabetes-stricken mutt audience guffaw obediently
"Whaddaya know, she sure sounds like a catch!"
"You're telling me, I laughed so hard Bud Light came out my nose!"
>pavlovian laughter
>20% of audience have heart attacks
"So what didya do?"
"Shucks, you know me - I needed something to clean up all the lube anyway!"
>mention of smut prompts infantile laughter
"I guess that's why they call me...Greaseball Joe."
>catchphrase initiated
>thousands of admixtured jaws unhinge in one great collective howl
>the movement of bodies triggers the San Andreas fault
>the entire west coast collapses into the sea
>a wave of fat pours into the Pacific
>thousands of ocean species suffocate in cheeto dust and dorito fragments
>slap bass outro plays

>> No.10405575

>anons who hate wodehouse
how? i know we hate fun as a board, but wodehouse is hardly objectionable. even making broadcasts for the nazis didn't make him objectionable because what else is one to do when the gestapo asks you nicely?

>> No.10406124

As opposed to the British...
"I rather fancy a shit, Jeeves. If you would be so kind as to escort me to the privy."
"Pardon me sir, but this hardly seems an appropriate time to go stooling about."
"Oh? And what do you propose is the optimal hour at which to drop brown, Jeeves?"
"Poo-turdy BM, sir."

>> No.10406135

>>20% of audience have heart attacks

>> No.10406159
File: 42 KB, 512x512, So7rlrhl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might have had a case 20 years ago but British comedy is pure cancer now

>> No.10406169

well done, lad.

>> No.10406400

>genuine Nazi sympathiser before it was fashionable
You'd think /lit/ would get him.

>> No.10408056

I like Anything Goes. That's a good play.

>> No.10408058

>someone I don't like likes something so I have to hate it
>ywn be a nazi dictator with a woman's lingerie shop on the side

>> No.10408069

You can't be a successful Dictator and design women's underclothing. One or the other. Not both.

>> No.10408158

How do I get into Wodehouse, /lit/?

>> No.10408326

Get one of his books and start reading. It's not rocket science.

>> No.10408358

I like the audio books I have of the Wooster and Jeeves series. The reader is great at bouncing from the goofiness of Bertie to the elegant formalness of Jeeves,and to the odd assortment of supporting characters tossed in the mad salad of a situation.