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10402160 No.10402160[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that Christianity is self-hatred and anyone who practices Christianity is petrified by Nature.

>> No.10402172

>implying humans are good
read Hobbes, humans are awful and you know it
The Christian seeks to not be that way

>> No.10402177

Maybe one day you will get over your fedora tipping phase

>> No.10402178

the verb is practises; petrified is not an insult in roman catholic tradition; self-hatred is often apt since god, like everyone else, doesn't have time to be hating you; embrace the struggle, you'll find it's more constant than the length of days.

>> No.10402186

My post is devoid of any moral claim. A murderer who is an atheist is superior to a Saint who has accomplished the greatest feats of charity, with regard to truth.

>> No.10402190

>Hurr durr all of atheism is reddit
Consider reading

>> No.10402200

why did the murderer fess up? this is a plot hole in your genre fiction which kind of attracts continuity watchers. i need backstory

>> No.10402206

I'm Catholic; I'd call self-hatred disappointment in myself and feeling shameful. But yeah it is totally apt. embracing struggle, shame, and disappointment makes us better.

And if I do something awful, I ought to not feel good about it too lol

OP is a fedora who doesn't want to think about a life that isn't 100% ecstasy

>> No.10402207

You made that assumption not me.

>> No.10402226

what is that second sentence

I'll bite; how do you know that to be absolutely true? What is objective standard?

>> No.10402234

>disappointed in yourself not because of a self-imposed morality but because of your slave morality

As I said, WEAK and SCARED

>> No.10402235

Christianity is self-overcoming, through the Holy Spirit of course :)

>> No.10402241

In what way is either superior to the other? also I called you a fedora tipper because you don't want to discuss certain aspects or ideas behind the religioun but rather attack it as a whole. Did your preist nolest you as a child that you hate this much? I'm not christian by the way.

>> No.10402247

Who said anything about absolute truth. The superiority lies in authenticity and self-awareness. To act in accordance with one’s self is superior to reacting out of obligation to someone else. Of course this is only true if you believe freedom is better than slavery, which you may not, in which case go make me a sandwich.

>> No.10402254

>being so afraid of your fellows you cannot forbear their duty and pity
>thinking that'll calm anyone's curiosity
well, now, neighbour, what can we do for you? lend you some nietzsche?

>> No.10402258

I am Nietzsche reincarnate, here to destroy a reactionary world.

>> No.10402262

In what way are you free? The same way you claim he is a slave but doesn't know could be said about you unable to see your own short comings.

>> No.10402271

it's weird that you forgot the contents of human all too human from the ~360 mark on. is it a side effect?

>> No.10402273


>> No.10402280

Weak relative to the next human being? Scared relative to the next human being? On the one hand there's an institution alive now two millenia. And on the other there's (you) and the few books (you) imperfectly understand. Don't make me laugh, anon. Or rather *do*

>> No.10402283

If I have shortcomings they are because I deem them shortcomings. If he has shortcomings it’s because he is told he is sinful, is impure, is impious. Control over one’s suffering is the ultimate dividing line.

>> No.10402286

>quotes Nietzsche
>responds as zombie Nietzsche
ily /lit/, you gay faggot LARPers

>> No.10402288

What does the lifespan of the institution have to do with anything.

>> No.10402291


How slavish Christian morality when it dominates the world for 1600 years, topples the greatest empire of the ancient world, advances science, creates well being like no other, have some of the greatest art and beauty, etc.

>it's not master morality!
lol okay; and that's also to imply the aspects of kindness, sympathy, humility are bad in some sense.

Wasn't Nietzsche hard for Darwin and based his philosophy on an individualistic natural selection? It seems to be that group selection makes more sense that natural selection anyways

>> No.10402292

>Not contextualizing this within my Oeuvre
Get better

>> No.10402298

>creates well being like no other, have some of the greatest art and beauty, etc.
Source (other than Herr derr we literally forced Michelangelo to paint the Sistine Chapel under threat of life imprisonment).

>> No.10402299

>not understanding aphorism
>nanny put ketchup in the reincarnation recipe instead of blood again
you're more duckula than birdcatcher, freddy baby.

>> No.10402301

You are obviously underage, you dont have to deem them short comings for them to be short comings. I am referring to your way of thinking when I say that just because you see no flaw doesn't mean it isn't there. You boxed yourself in a way of thinking just as he did.

>> No.10402307

you made a claim in regard to truth; it would have weight if there is absolute truth. If there is an absolute truth, then what you're saying doesn't mean jack, neither would mine.

>superiority lies in authenticity and self-awareness

How is that true? Or is that an aphoristic statement that feels correct

>> No.10402310

>thinking you’re Thomas Pynchon
Nobody cares about your gay brexit food and television allusions when the future of the western world is at stake.

>> No.10402315

It’s superior in the same way not being chained to a pole in someone’s basement is superior

>> No.10402317

>not getting the birdcatcher reference
>or the transubstantiation one
your best excuse now is that you've never read nietzsche; more probable is that you read and never comprehended it and assumed it to be beyond anyone else including the two that nietzsche claimed would be fine with it.

>> No.10402324

No, friend. I am 41. One goes from “subjectivity is objectivity” to “objectivity is a spook” to “I am Christ reincarnate” in about twenty years. Only when we become Christ, instead of subjects of Christianity as presented, are we free.

>> No.10402329

>goes to one example out of thousands

And do you mean the super narcissistic Michelangelo who painted an Archbishop in Hell, because he got mad him and literally got away with because the Pope pulled through? The one who finished the Sistine Chapel years past the expected due date? lol try better

>> No.10402335

>only reading Human and deriving your understanding of his entire thought from those few pages

>> No.10402338

>nobody cares about Nietzsche's diet
I think there's about 6lb of fruit a day that Nietzsche and the hotel chef would disagree with you over. I'm ruling the ketchup part legit, on account of tomatoes being a fruit that goes well with beefsteak.

>> No.10402340

oh, just a thought

superiority lies in authenticity? What an authentic ,yet nietzschean idea of your's

>> No.10402341

>provides 0 examples to support his assertion and criticizes me for providing 100% more than He.

>> No.10402343

I am He. See above.

>> No.10402345

>trying to be an immoralist without Human All Too Human
we could talk about the one where he recommends walking in the woods and fruit if you want another book on being a mensch you haven't read

>> No.10402352
File: 572 KB, 600x580, Im audi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"If we said what we felt, we should say, 'So you are the Creator and Redeemer of the world: but what a small world it must be! What a little Heaven you must inhabit, with angels no bigger than butterflies! How sad it must be to be God; and an inadequate God! Is there really no life fuller and no love more marvelous than yours; and is it really in your small and painful pity that all flesh must put its faith? How much happier you would be, how much more of you there would be, if the hammer of a higher God could smash your small cosmos, scattering the stars like spangles, and leave you in the open, free like other men to look up as well as down!'"

>> No.10402354

>he doesn't know what Nietzsche said about the one Christian ever
>thinks Nietzsche thought he was Christ
>hasn't read the madness letters
you know, you'd be a more likeable and edgier fuck if you read books you want to talk about. if you just want to be edgier, try pretending you read harry potter to their fans, they won't be as subtle in pointing out your erring from the text.

>> No.10402357

Oh, that was regarding well being? one sec

"The Church operates more than 140,000 schools, 10,000 orphanages, 5,000 hospitals and some 16,000 other health clinics. Caritas, the umbrella organisation for Catholic aid agencies, estimates that spending by its affiliates totals between £2 billion and £4 billion, making it one of the biggest aid agencies in the world."

just one

>> No.10402358

I agree in similar way but it's better to ignore religious thought if you have already moved beyond that way of thinking. You are only regressing.
Who are you quoting?

>> No.10402367

G.K. Chesterton from Orthodoxy

>> No.10402376

Kek, didn’t read my WtP notebooks, didn’t understand that everything I said about Christianity was out of envy but not acceptance.

>> No.10402390

>doesn't know Nietzsche signed letters Dionysos
>didn't read his nachlass comments on Schopenhauer
you've basically just shown yourself to be the kind of wishywashy christian he thought paralysed Schopenhauer. it means you misunderstood the yes part of zarathustra. how do you think we should grade you? on a curve derived from your other errors, this is still a doozy.

>> No.10402408

>nietzsche was just jelly of schopenhauer
>that's why we shouldn't asceticism like schopenhauer
this is pretty hilarious. not for you, but i'm not you.

>> No.10402414

Where are you pulling these interpretations from?

>> No.10402417

Reacting to the proposition of an all-good, all-loving, all-powerful creator doesn't sound bad at all. The 10 Commandments are not restrictive or a slave maker. It's what frees us from our unforgiving, brutish human nature. Humans are really good at being terrible and not following the 10 Commandments (one's that aren't imposed for the sake of sincere love and acceptance). Superior in your sense has lead to the death of millions. Don't see how you buy it; Superiority to you is pretty shitty

>> No.10402426

probably the nachlass or twilight where it's explicit. for a text where you need to interpret, zarathustra does well as i mentioned >>10402390

>> No.10402431

it's not an interpretation, you're just fucking up really badly. read moar.

>> No.10402448

>thinking I need to read Nietzsche.

>> No.10402454

you clearly don't or you would have. you also don't have to discuss him intelligently and i see no sign you will.

>> No.10402669

I just wanted to see how far I could get based off the documentary I just watched.

Where does a 41-year-old start with Nietzsche?

>> No.10402687

Daily reminder that Atheism is self-hatred and anyone who is a practical atheist is petrified of the Self, he that knoweth, he that knoweth


>> No.10404108

Don Quixote's been alive, i.e. continuously read, considered, talked about, loved, for over 400 years. It can be dismissed of course by this or that reader who doesn't 'like it' but even that has a share in its time-stamped objective vitality. Rejecting the religion of your forebears is like rejecting the country of your birth. What does it mean? Nothing.

>> No.10404113

There needs to be an > 100 IQ requirement to post here

>> No.10404130

>Act in accordance with yourself ia superior to

What a fucking retard. Implying you can do anything but that.

>> No.10404698

Wow gr8 argument dood u gotta have lyke a big ol IQ or something lolol


>> No.10404704

>being an adult unfamiliar with cognitive dissonance

You have to go back

>> No.10404706

Looks like I hit a nerve

>> No.10404714

to be fair the average american’s iq is much closer to 90 than people think it is and it does seem a large number of the users on 4chan hover around 90 iq. and that includes this board. there’s a high probability, just from looking at your diction, that you’re below 115 iq

>> No.10404743

>Based on your diction, which I astutely observed while browsing through a homosexual flan making image board, your IQ is roughly X.
Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.10404753

the poster in question writes like someone with a below par IQ, you can easily use diction as an indicator of intellecual development and thus intelligence quotient. I was being honest, i don’t see any indications of creativity or higher level thought in your/their posts. The retreat into unnecessary meme structure green-text again indicates lower intelligence. You all type the same, and resort to the same panic tactics when threatened by others, which is a sign of being average intelligence. Linguistic complexity correlates strongly with IQ and creativity, you don’t display that at all. Most of the posters on this board don’t at all, and they wouldn’t notice if I didn’t neg them for it

>> No.10404756

It’s practices, you limey bastard.

>> No.10404766


Christians tend to agree, see the prodigal son. Hence their monstrosity.

>> No.10404767

Run on sentences, poor grammar, abysmal punctuation. Brainlets calling brainlets brainlets. What fun!

>> No.10404834

>Linguistic complexity correlates strongly with iq and creativity
>This is what pseuds actually tell themselves
You can use big words to describe something simple, does that make you more intelligent? How also do you determine the intelligence of someone on this site if you don't always know if they are being genuine? An intelligent person can break down and simplify complex ideas rather than using big words to prove he is more intelligent, what use would that be?

>> No.10404844

>Who is Ernest Hemingway
>What is minimalism
>Where is my thesaurus

>> No.10404865

I can tell that you have low IQ from your post.

>> No.10405193

Bye bye dum boi