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/lit/ - Literature

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10401557 No.10401557 [Reply] [Original]

so, I found out all the things spirit science was talking about and teaching was actually sugar coated gift wrapped luciferian rituals and teachings.
I spent 3 years looking into all this and bought several books and things like tarot cards, I thought it could be used for both good and evil but I was wrong.
it feelz like a part of my life has been taken, I'm a christian and don't want to step in the wrong thing what of spirit science could I still dwell in and what books do I get now? I'm lost.

>> No.10401562

you thought spells were real? time to re-roll on yyour life anon

>> No.10401564
File: 76 KB, 333x499, CDB863EE-6088-4C6E-AA63-FEFC766D6AD7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got any occult book recommendations?

>> No.10401590

I didn't dive that deep, sorry.

>> No.10401623
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>he took spirit science seriously
Ever gotten a parking ticket on your merkabah?

>> No.10401636

You sound like my housekeeper but more retarded, and that's saying something. She used to be homeless, man.
please take this advice OP

>> No.10401649
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>> No.10401911

go fuck your dog, faggot

>> No.10401942

ahahahahaha you fucking retard. The ultimate irony is that Christianity is bullshit too.

>> No.10401963

are you gonna help or just be a dumbass?

>> No.10401976
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>You came here for help

>> No.10401984

The old testament is flawed sure, but the actual gospel (the words out of Jesus's mouth) are pure truth.
He describes anyone would want for a God. Justice, objective morality which is idealistic and normative, mercy, love, and redemption.

>> No.10401992

thank you for that.

>> No.10402002

>Objective morality

>> No.10402009

I came here, to /lit/ because all I have as far as books go is a bible and all the stuff relevant to spirit science. WTF do I read now since it's luciferian?

>> No.10402014

the bible isn't luciferian, I know.

>> No.10402025

The golden rule and love your neighbor as your self does produce a system of absolute ethics, the question is merely of "proving" that this sytem is God's system.
First, moral absolutism in which all ethical actions are clearly distinguished, such that killing is always immoral. But this absolutism must be based upon a principle, and it is, which is the golden rule. If logic is objective then so is the golden rule. To break the golden rule and do to others what you would not done to yourself makes you a hypocrite or illogical in how you treat others. It is just the logic of human treatment.
In the negative or limiting aspect of the golden rule, which is often confused, it can be simplified to don't do things to people against their will. In the positive aspect, one requires a definition of natural rights so that one can tell what duties one is obligated to perform (otherwise we would run into trouble like "I like when people have sex with me, I should have sex with anyone that wants me to). Jesus even outlines these rights ("I was hungry and you did not feed me" etc).

>> No.10402029

Just drop the spirit science and build philosophy around Christianity

>> No.10402039

thank you, but do you have any books to suggest?

>> No.10402071

dats so sad king peepz
i hope ur feeling alright there
i know this little butthair wont get you nowhere
but i feel like were coming to good bears
we need to go on a hunt
and get all the cowards up in a bunch
get them real fucking trifle
grab a rifle put it knifle dont carry onto me i dont want a piffle

>> No.10402109

umm, what?

>> No.10402123

Start with the Greeks

>> No.10402131

I've looked into pythagoras

>> No.10402386

>what of spirit science could I still dwell in
None of it.
>The old testament is flawed sure, but the actual gospel (the words out of Jesus's mouth) are pure truth.
Every word Jesus spoke in the NT either fulfilled, or was connected to, something in the OT. He cites the scriptures over and over in his teachings. He cites prophecy over and over to reveal who He is. My book recommendation for you is the Bible, all of it.

>> No.10402622

The Catechism of the Catholic Church.

It is, unironically, a clear, concise and deep explanation of Christianity.

>> No.10403448

Unironically this- in a way. Read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. A lot of works of stoicism are relevant to Christianity though they precede it.

>> No.10403497

>he doesn't realize he has nomadic powers to evoke potentialities into the actual.
stick to your fiction, sweetie

>> No.10403818
File: 193 KB, 386x304, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you
ever heard of meme magic?

>> No.10403843

Is that clip of milk from gumby?

>> No.10403849

it's from spongebob squarepants