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/lit/ - Literature

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10399886 No.10399886 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about inceldom or with incel characters.

>> No.10399890


>> No.10399896
File: 175 KB, 997x853, TheABSOLUTEState.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houellebecq, start with Whatever.

Herman Hesse is also kinda good but not as relevant for incels as Houellebecq is.

>> No.10399900 [DELETED] 

All incels should be brutally murdered.

>> No.10399949

This. If you're still a virgin by the time you're 21, fucking kill yourself.

>> No.10399959

Poor bait. What reason could there possibly be to do this? It's not as though they're going to pollute the gene pool

>> No.10399961

Fug man I just woke up

>> No.10399978

I don't understand this image

>> No.10400050

>Kill 80% of the male population
Good idea

>> No.10400057

No, they should be turned into animals of their choosing. :^)

>> No.10400100 [DELETED] 

>80% if men are worthless frogposting virgins

Is this really what incels need to believe?

>> No.10400110

LMAO at this thread
Protip: stop feeling sorry for yourself it's leagues more unattractive than any sort to physical/mental issues

>> No.10400114

teenagers and slow developers that think their lives are so tough they can take more pain than anything women can. But, its kids making images on the internet, if people let them they will do it unsupervised then many of them will have odd ideas. They cant help being slow developers and i think its important to remember this, they are 14 year old minds in older bodies not the actual freaks and spazs they so want to be to make themselves different and unique rather than the sad truth that they will just always be behind the people their own age.

>> No.10400121

I've been ant-feminist for years, but that image fills me with incoherent rage anyway. gr8 b8 m8 8/8 now go masturb8

>> No.10400123

Here we have an exemplar of the species normalfaugus desirisus, who wants every one to be like him, and puts those who are not in neat conceptual boxes that can be patronized to. If you want people to get over themselves, it would help to not be such a smug douche yourself

>> No.10400124 [DELETED] 

You're the one who needs to believe that 80% of other men are as unloved and pathetic as you

>> No.10400168

Incels are unbelievably smug. They are tumblr the male version of the tumbr girl who thinks that the other gender is nothing but shit and nobody can understand their pain. It's pretty hard to treat such smug assholes with anything other than smug disdain.

>> No.10400191

Do you actually think it's clever to post like a fake tour guide and add -ius to everything as fake latin

>> No.10400200

Im a 22yo virgin, my problem is (diagnosed) social phobia. I’m scared to even ask for directions, so flirting with girls is out of option.

I don’t share the incel victim mentality, as girls have shown interest in me sometimes.

It still hurts when I realize how much others get out of their relationships.

>> No.10400206

Therapy and exposure, you can have it workable in a few months.
t. Someone who went through it.

>> No.10400220

>It still hurts when I realize how much others get out of their relationships.
Relationships don't make you happy. If you are happy while single you can be happy in a relationship though relationships can actually make it more difficult to be happy since your happiness is tied to another person which removes control. If you are unhappy single you will be unhappy in a relationship. Also a bad relationship (which is inevitable if you are sad) is worse than being single.

>> No.10400225

The raped female is a weak little fox who dies from only one arrow. The incel is a big strong fox who suffers much more but doesn't lay down and die like the raped female.

>> No.10400226

>Relationships don't make you happy.
Biggest lie every said and design to keep people miserable.
>lol bruh don't try and get companionship before you become perfectly happy as a loner
it doesn't work like that. You need a basis of frequent human contacts to not be miserable.

>> No.10400231


OP, read The Underground Man

>> No.10400233

>I'm anti-feminist for years
Can you name three prominent works of feminism without googling? I'm not trying to demean you, but I'm curious as to whether anti-feminists actually address the arguments and debunk them.

>> No.10400239

nah, they just assume all reasonable women are like those Claremont college activists

>> No.10400244

Gender Trouble, The Second Sex, SCUM Manifesto (satire or not, it's feminist)

>> No.10400286

Slit your wrists you pathetic, lying faggot.

>> No.10400295

scum isn't prominent though
it is literally only famous because she tried to kill Warhol

>> No.10400316

I am a 23 year old kissless virgin. I've started going to church and I am becoming a Christian, so i don't really care anymore.

>> No.10400345

It's a famous piece of inconoclasm but whatever, take A Vindication of the Rights of Women, everyone already read it in high school

>> No.10400364
File: 201 KB, 800x800, Skelemen+dont+have+halloweiners+that+headless+horseman+is+_a3e85cc44b6c7a562bdc46a2be35bbee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the losers who populate /catholic/ generals

>> No.10400374

>Biggest lie every said and design to keep people miserable.

Then why does so much media revolves around the idea that pussy is the be-all-and-end-all for men? If it's such a self-evident truth, why constantly drill it into mens' heads?

>You need a basis of frequent human contacts to not be miserable.

Even if true, a spouse is not necessary for this.

>> No.10400390

80% of men don't live a romantic life.

>> No.10400407

he's a prod, as are you since you don't know what a shibboleth is.

>> No.10400424

This is true and anyone who disagrees watches too much television

t. Upper classman living on a fraternity row

>> No.10400453

Bait taking redditors exposed. Go back there

>> No.10400471


>> No.10400496

i am 22 years old, 180cm height, 63kg weight, blue eyes, 108 iq, 4500$ of savings and i am still virgin

>> No.10400501

Fucking what? I presume you're only talking about surface-level Hesse here, the works that you see posted on /lit/

>> No.10400502 [DELETED] 

Time to kill yourself, disgusting ugly autistic creep

>> No.10400513

They pollute the internet with their bullshit.
not being in a relationship =/= virgin or even not having sex anyway

>> No.10400516

Can you give some tips and tricks please? I would imagine that exposure therapy involves asking 100 people what time it is but because it's fake I have a problem doing that, have little problem talking when there is a purpose. Still a fucking brick romantically.

>> No.10400519

but i still have so much left to read

>> No.10400522

Daily reminder that valuing sex as the telos of all life means that you're a brainlet, whether you get laid or not

>> No.10400529

Steppenwolf and Siddhartha are not about incel but about (somewhat lonely)men looking for meaning in life, inceldom could be reduced to this if you have the discipline.

>> No.10400538

>engaging intellectually with women or cucks

>> No.10400546

>/lit/ makes these threads to bait out people they feel superior to so they can make them feel bad about themselves and promote hookup culture and amoral socio-sexual relations while also undermining the value and the rhetoric that supports healthy monogamous male-female relations, all of this relates back to marxists primarily being middle status and lower-upper status white atheists who live off of grants, financial aid, loans and their parents good graces and have ensconced themselves in either self-hating lower socio-economic enclaves or higher level social networks where a lack of willingness or success to/in getting laid is associated with worthlessness politically and socially. the people who fall into this group tend to utilize relationships as vehicles for resource extraction and to create social weapons to bash others over the head with and as entertainment devices where the suffering of out-group members or lower status group memembers is the primary fuel and glue for the in-group. They show little sympathy and no empathy towards incels and lower status males, specifically white and asian males, out of jealousy, envy, hatred and a lack of proper sensitivity to suffering which is not advertised to them as worthy from a young age
>a gay person for instance who has trouble with their identity but gets laid and has wealth and friends will receive endless support on this and other leftist boards
>similarly women are showered with attention and praise in these circles, often given primacy over more adept male members due to their being promiscuous and likely permissive of aggressive sexual advances from higher status members and the general association of female membership with high status which stems from a repressed bio-evolutionary consciousness they deny in theory but exercise often more practically than right wingers and liberals
>to them the incel represents the priviledge white male who has failed to claim the priviledge they expect him to wield
>his lack of status is an insult to those who want him as a larger enemy threat and renders him even more pathetic than his successful counterparts
>all the while a bait-and-switch tactic is played where oppression=morality and purity but also is a method of metering sympathy and organizing resources around tiered systems of attractiveness, intellect and sociality. the more attractive, social and intelligent the oppressed or approved group is, the more license they have to emulate the oppressor group in behavior. For instance a Jewish podcast host or a blonde, blue eyed, but nerdy, tall whyte leftist grad student who has a large friend group have more license to behave like an oppressor than a fat man, a balding man, a short asian man, a poor loner trucker man, a black nerd or a woman who prefers to be conservative and struggles to attain social status for herself because of this

>> No.10400551

Almost 26 and still a virgin. It actually gets worse with age, not better. You feel more and more alienated by the year.

>> No.10400556

>Can you name three prominent works of feminism without googling?

Can the average feminist?

>> No.10400580

>the Left is vehemently opposed to discussion of breeding opportunity inequalities because doing so brings up two important issues: is sex a right? and is biology more important than socio-economics?
>similiarly the issues of progeny is brought up, as naturally one wonders, "why indeed, are there so many men disappointed they are not in stable monogamous relationships"
>also in a similar vein there is the issue of whether or not the attractiveness of men and woman is in fact a social resource which transcends or predates economic inequality and if so whether or not the relative attractiveness and socio-sexual prowess of these two distinct groups has anything to say about their equality or further still whether their attractiveness is equal in utility, value or morality
>finally the left is strongly opposed to monogamy as Karl Marx and other Marxists have repeatedly stated that they wish to make women in common, wives in common, public sexual harems for all men, but particularly the most productive, handsome and charismatic men. There is little if any mention of husbands in common and of course there is a neglect to mention whether the lower socio-sexual status males would actually have access to women more frequently either via wives-in-common or husbands-in-common as there is no guarantee that women would consent (if this be an issue, many leftists deny the idea of personhood or agency over one's body, once there are no abortion activists or anti-drug activists in the room) to associating with them socially or sexually either through the wives in common or would pick them as partners through husband's in common
>another point though much smaller is whether or not these men would be asked to even sacrifice themselves socio-sexually for the cohesion of the greater whole
>if so, then the issue of agency, and the value of one's own life is brought up once more and thus of course leads back to issues of private property and whether its justifiable to allow others to do with as they please, one's own production and the fruits of that production
>all these issues come from analysis of unequal distribution of sexual partners, especially among liberals and the left where sexual promiscuity and social gaming are much more prominent than in their analogue right wing communities; I neglect to mention fraternities as a facet of conservative or right wing communities as analyzing their socio-sexual hierarchies and relations is its own topic of discussion and would itself require a deep analysis and probably more lengthy as the inhabitants of this board are primarily left leaning or not in any way involved with the athletics-fraternity-business circles that make up the conservative and right wing elites of the socio-sexual environment in the West

>> No.10400583


>> No.10400603

/lit/ is not left leaning

>> No.10400625

then just consider it to be a message to the marxists, liberals and social democrats of the board and any socially liberal right wingers as well. I don't really have a desire to discuss right wing socio-sexual relations right now as they're distinct from right wing socio-sexual relations. The two groups are genetically distinct and have different mating strategies and socializing structures. Just go on twitter, its blatantly obvious. But a lot of this still could apply as I said. Hopefully you aren't trying to shut down what I said and bury it by bringing up trivialities of that nature anon

>> No.10400630

Bell Hooks, Marilyn Frye, Mary Wollstonecraft, Gloria Steinem,

>> No.10400885


>> No.10400938

It's probably the most left leaning of any boards.

>> No.10400954

Honestly you should probably just an hero. If you're 22 and can't even ask for directions there's no hope for you, romantically or otherwise.

>> No.10400992
File: 273 KB, 1080x1349, SharkGirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I miss when it was. I prefer the company of leftists. There's no better way to hone your rhetoric or enhance your understanding than through the Darwinian process of argumentation.

>> No.10401004

Stop, seriously, this isn't even funny and it's obvious from your diligence ITT that you're just projecting your own feelings of insecurity onto others. This is just sad

>> No.10401071
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>> No.10401093

nah, sex isn't that important to be honest

>> No.10401096

>stop making me read things I don't like!

>> No.10401112

>tfw 22 year old virgin with engineering degree, research job and hopes for a P.hd
I got so far to lose it all...

>> No.10401126

Who needs books about incels, when we have /pol?

>> No.10401132

I couldn't give a shit about sex outside of a relationship. What the fuck would be the point?

>> No.10401135

Y-yeah haha, they're not pu$$y slayers like you and me haha

>> No.10401147
File: 375 KB, 910x672, Selection_032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my twisted world by Elliot Rodgers

not memeing, i am currently reading it. it is hard to understand him for me

t. grown up in eastern Europe in a bad neighborhood

>> No.10401151

making out counts as sex right? the mouth is a secondary sex organ. If so then fuck you incels I got mine.

>> No.10401168

I wasn't trying to be funny. He asked an honest question, I gave an honest answer. Stop assuming that stating an uncomfortable truth must equate to 'projecting,' shitheel.

>> No.10401176

>108 iq
behead him

>> No.10401178
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Nice innocuous politically correct insult.

>> No.10401197

I want to hear your opinions on fraternities, anon.

>> No.10401214
File: 6 KB, 268x188, ma14a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touche, I guess.

>> No.10401276

Are these threads even real? Every time I see one, I feel like the Ghost of Birthdays Yet to Come is punishing me by showing me that I will become an incel rodent if I don't get more social. I have to say, it's working. I haven't gotten laid yet, but I'm already talking to more people. I don't want to be one of you for the rest of my life.

>> No.10401287

>Read the Underground Man
come on man atleast get the title right.

>> No.10401288


Pretty sure i'm asexual/aromantic, surely I would feel frustrated, and want to persue it? I couldn't give a shit about it.

>> No.10401303


Are you near 30? Please don't turn into a beta bux.

>> No.10401306

What if I'm virgin by choice?

>> No.10401313

so what? I am more intelligent than 70% population yet they managed to get laid and i dont

>> No.10401332

I can tell you for a fact that these threads are real.
Check out >>>/r9k/ you really want to see just how bad it is.

>> No.10401344

What "proof" could there possible be to show that two individuals are equal?

>> No.10401361

>implying that fundamental normative presuppositions are argumentatively tractable

>> No.10401364

Disgusting. Beyond beta: the omega man.

>> No.10401383

Ah, the classic go-back-to-wherever-I-don't-like treatment. What a fine and full statement, never not en vogue.

>> No.10401413

Bell hooks is incapable of thought

>> No.10401422

I like some of her critiques of Beyoncé:
Contrary to misguided notions of gender equality, women do not and will not seize power and create self-love and self-esteem through violent acts. Female violence is no more liberatory than male violence. And when violence is made to look sexy and eroticized, as in the Lemonade sexy-dress street scene, it does not serve to undercut the prevailing cultural sentiment that it is acceptable to use violence to reinforce domination, especially in relations between men and women. Violence does not create positive change.

>> No.10401464
File: 32 KB, 720x518, 1513223318492-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 26 year old virgin.

I don't like it when people make fun of me because of my virginity. I hate this fucking society, I want to die.

>> No.10401482

Me on the right

>> No.10401491

Me on the left

>> No.10401540

>i am 22 years old
So you're late in the game.
>180cm height
Manlet cut-off, can get away with it though.
>63kg weight
Underweight as fuck, are you in a concentration camp? lift weights you bitch.
>blue eyes
Means nothing if you're a skelly ugly fucker.
>108 iq
So, avg? do you understand iq? obviously not since you have an 108iq lol.
>4500$ of savings
So you're poor but you think you're rich? lmao.

>inb4 pretending

>> No.10401572

>Tfw 21 and only $12,000 CAD in savings

Second hand embarrassed that got thought 4500 was a decen number

>> No.10401580
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>> No.10401592
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you guys cannot even fathom the pain of being volcel

>> No.10401595

To some extent, the detective Ushikawa in 1Q84. He's not a virgin, and he might go to whores sometimes, but emotionally he's like an incel in that he has no real bonds to anyone.

>> No.10401656

i am from third world country, i said it in dollars for you brainlets to understand

>> No.10401668

Oh shit I didn't realize you were a CEO, my mistake friend

>> No.10401684

Just got to the part where he threw coffee at those thots. The day of vengeance is coming.

>> No.10401687

Sex is overrated. I'm glad I've had it to experienced an essential part of the human experience. It feels good for a fleeting moment but when it's done I always feel like shit and get the irresistible urge to abandon whatever women I'm with.

>> No.10401692


Fuck I didn't proofread I am ashamed. Please shit on me.

>> No.10401693

I am an autistic and have fucked four girls even. Now I have come back to Christ though and am volcel forever.

>> No.10401842
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I read it earlier this week. It inspired me to break up with my girlfriend. She's really nice and good looking and a pervert mommy gf but I miss reading and writing songs and stuff.

>> No.10401881

I'm an avoidant personality disorder which has crippled my social and professional life, just get an escort

>> No.10401908

They're killing themselves and removing themselves from the gene pool already, why exert any effort?

>> No.10401909

The Nick Land thread was better than this

>> No.10401931

Tits or gtfo, bitch

>> No.10401933

Do you masturbate? If so, you're not a virgin by choice.

>> No.10401941

>Ah the ol'

Seriously. Go back to your containment site.

>> No.10401953

Yeah, this one should have been deleted instead of that one.

>> No.10401955
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What if they're scared of girls

>> No.10402058

Of the top of my head:
The Second Sex
Vindication of the Rights of Women
Gender Trouble
Feminism is for Everybody
The Dialectic of Sex
The Feminine Mystique

All trash.

>> No.10402069

quand elle eut des mes os suce toute la moelle,
et que languissamment je me tournai vers elle,
pour lui rendre un baiser d'amour, je ne vis plus
qu'une outre aux flancs gluants, toute pleine de pus!
for what purpose? Isnt only reason for sex validation and procreation?

>> No.10402082

yellow wallpaper is actually decent for feminist literature

>> No.10402089

This is why you're an Incel anon :)

>> No.10402198


>delete a thread that is asking about literature in a literature board

Roastie much?

>> No.10402228

>if you don't adhere to muh western degeneracy, then you need to die
Most of the world doesn't have casual sex, and loses their virginity in their early 20s to their wife/husband or some long-term partner.

>> No.10402328

>hopes for a P.hd
so you have a meme b.s.

>> No.10402474

You really can't come up with anything better than the thing I told you that you were saying? I know we're both just shitposting but still.

>> No.10402551

>Vindication of the Rights of Women
So you are saying that women should be prevented from having any sort of education that is comparable to men?

>> No.10402560

of course
we should repeal the 19th amendment too

>> No.10402563

>hopes for a P.hd
I like how you are using this as a credential.

>> No.10402567

>Most of the world doesn't have casual sex, and loses their virginity in their early 20s to their wife/husband or some long-term partner.
What the fuck is with this sentence? You literally just said that most of the world doesn't have casual sex and don't lose their virginity to their spouse. Maybe you should learn how to do the most basic things of using a language such as making your sentences reflect what you want it to instead of the opposite before you try to talk with the big boys.

>> No.10402578

Please stop making these threads, you're making non-insane virgins like me look bad

>> No.10402579

just delete the thread, this issue will be dealt with by other people down the road, if people don’t want to discuss it then don’t. Mishima and Houellebecque have books that deal with incels btw. Im disappointed but whatever, no reason to spam a board with topics they’re anathema towards

>> No.10402593

Masturbation is mandatory though, if you don't do it then you'll just soil your clothes.

>> No.10402607


>> No.10402640

pathetic loser.
Reevaluate your life.

>> No.10402654

on it

>> No.10402658

these responses are pathetic

>> No.10402709

I'd argue a victim of date rape and a 25 year old incel experience(d) similar levels of stress and dejection anon. Not a victim of gang rape or violent rape obviously.
They don't want to talk about it at all, no matter how intellectual the conversation, no matter how relevant it is, they just want these guys to die. Its really depressing I didn't think this place would be that cruel but I was wrong again.

>> No.10402871

The feminization of education has caused a great deal of harm to western society. It should be reversed.

>> No.10402883
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>> No.10402902

My Twisted World.

>> No.10402929

Unironically yes. """Educated""" women are still fucking retarded. Female suffrage was a mistake that is collapsing the great western democracies because half of the voting populace somehow can't think in spite of its "education" with its ideology boiling down to "we r all the same just luv everybody." Basically nobody these days knows anything about the past, and thinks the world has always existed in a NATO/EU bubble where we just talk things out and the only reason some people suffer is that other people withhold apparently bottomless resources from them. At least men have some base instinct towards understanding conflict; women are irredeemable and should never have been permitted to play a role in government.


>> No.10402974

please stop bumping this thread, they're not going to engage, its making me sad. Its a gud idea for a discussion but they don't want to have it, just don't even bother please.

>> No.10403126

anecdotally the women in my family vote for whoever is "cutest". I got woke on the FQ early on seeing that shit

>> No.10404249 [DELETED] 


>> No.10404257

That's not the FQ that's just how fucking thick your whole family is. Whatever reasoning you use to decide your vote is going to be just as bad, the only difference is you've deluded yourself otherwise.

>> No.10404925
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>> No.10405372
File: 416 KB, 1200x470, read it its 50 pages long.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is THE single most important thing to read if you're an "incel", everything you've been going through with women is concisely explained and cataloged in 50 pages

>> No.10405499

The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.10405532


Shouldn't the incel be festooned with boomerangs instead of arrows?

>140 replies
>mfw this topic generates this much more discussion than most other threads

>> No.10405545

what if i have no libido? T-T

>> No.10405667

> If you're 22 and can't even ask for directions

I can if there is a purpose as in if I want to get somewhere instead of asking directions for the sake of asking them to practice. I can do lots of social stuff but i feel horrible doing it and I feel that I creep people out. I was asking him as he said that he went through behavioral therapy and so can give the main points to focus on.

>> No.10405690

a restaurant owner said i looked like a serial killer. you’re fine anon

>> No.10405698

Zinc supplements

>> No.10405706

Most great thinkers would be dead, lad.

>> No.10405753

You've completely misguided yourself with your supplements, working out, practicing pick up lines and what not. It doesn't work in the long run.
Face it, you have serious emotional issues with being intimate and confident. Confidence is not what you say or how you behave, it's a mindset from which all the external behavior follows. It's really shifting your attention from "oh God, I must be coming off as a creep" and "I wonder if she likes me" to "is this girl really good enough for me". Basically you need to shift your gears from viewing yourself as an observed specimen in a social situation to BEING the observer. BEING the one evaluating, not the one being evaluated. That's how normal people's brains are supposed to work.
That's why a lot of gym rats retain their neurosis. They only work out to fare better than the other guy on the evaluation.
You need to overcome that hurdle of looking for sex. Thots can smell that from a mile away. Their social "radar" is incredibly advanced, I'm not kidding it's close to mind-reading. So clean up your mind first. It's the only way to win. Also there's Tinder I guess.

>> No.10405783

Hey anon, clinical psych here. First of all don't mind the spergs telling you're hopeless. Some people just cannot understand the pain people with social phobia go through and just wrongly think about it in terms of bravery or cowardice.

Even though social anxiety and phobia is very disabling and leads to awful emotional states, you're in luck because social phobia (and phobias overall) positively responds to therapy.

As you just said, your problem does not lie in a lack of social skills, but rather in your own insecurity, specially when it comes to romantic relationships. Exposure therapy is useful, but might not be enough for you. However, a cognitive based approach that deals with your automatic thoughts and your personal beliefs regarding rejection will do the trick for you.

Cognitive therapy, or CBT is the most common form of therapy there is right now, so it's not like you need a specific kind of specialist. If I were you I'd start looking for professional help, because there is hope for you. I've personally had cases of adults who had been suffering or 10+ years partially solved (or at least good enough to have a decent quality of life) in 12 sessions.

>> No.10405838

personally the CBT helped make exposure more tolerable but it was the exposure that actually changed how my brain responded over time. even using the tools initially i was still getting an extreme stress response. the tools basically just allow you to convince yourself to stay engaged anyway. i tried to find novel situations like toastmasters and improv classes to keep pushing my limits and also give myself an actual reason for interacting. the hardest part is finding honest ways to interact when you are isolated and also the embarrassment of not having any stories or friends to reference.

>> No.10405862
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Just tell green text stories and consider us friends.

>> No.10405960
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>> No.10405967

auschwitz mode

>> No.10406018

Why does it matter what age you have sex?

>> No.10406082

You mean expanded right?

>> No.10406088

Hey, I hope to be president one day! I am bretty much Trump.

>> No.10406111

I'm 18.

>> No.10406176

>to practice
That is LITERALLY the purpose. What more do you fucking want? It's just an excuse to not do it.

>> No.10406719
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>> No.10406856

How can you argue that the majority (~80%) are incels, but still call the other ones normies? Surely by your logic incels are the normies. Anyway, this is not surprising as weak, pathetic people who get their identity from victimhood are not to be exacted anyway, least of all on /lit who enjoy hero fantasy. Fuck off you little swine.

>> No.10406910

Incels i've heard of them they're like the people living down the alfredson street right? They're the ones with the turbans and the guys with towels on their heads and talk like geonosians right? I hate those fuckers. Last time i went to the bar with my pal Rooney Dawson we were having a splendid fun time and there was karaoke too in the bar with some guy who wore a pink shirt on his upper body and he sang some older song and i said to my pal Lil Dawson that i couldn't do stuff like that because i'd feel like a representative of a new effeminate world by participating in such a vapid and feminized activity. It's too controlled, it's too tightly organized as an event. Too ritualistic. If we sing we should sing spontaneously i told my pal Lil Dawson when suddenly out of FUCKING NOWHERE an incel patted me on my shoulder and said you there can i set to your left there are no other places left and i said: No you fucking terrorist incel, you may not sit to my left because this an AMERICAn bar and my pal Dawson said: Damn right you fascist Incel this is america and we gave each other high five and some other solemn looking older guys like us said yeah or dats right or you heard em you fucking incels and i looked at the incel who had a frozen smile on his face and stood still, probably considering what to do i thought. I looked at Dawson for a second who had raised his glass filled with beer and was drinking it and i said: I'll count down to ten by then you'll have left ok? He nodded with repressed aggression and moved out of the bar. Hell yeah bro i said and we gave each other a high five. "One more beer please" i said to the women who was behind the bar. The women was blond and i had fucked her several times but i couldn't remember her name. She liked to be fucked in the ass which was ok with me but it had been quite some time for i have found my love and no longer needed to roam the streets like some crazed busta and hunt for some bedmate to spend the night with. If i drank these days it was with my pals to get some of that steam out of the system.Occasionally me and my pals wrestled in the early morning, being still drunk from the night and it was plenty of fun but this wasn't a night for wrestling. Rather i felt like this was a night to keep it tame and solemn if you apologize the choice of words. This s why i was dissatisfied with the presene of my pink-shirted friend who was surrounded by a group of girl-friends it seems and very likely was gay which to me was unacceptable and the more i thought of it the more i got angry at it. Homosexuality, a word that makes me want to throw up, is a sin. And that's that. I moved to him while waving at my friend Lil Dawson to follow me and he did. I could always rely on Lil Dawson who was my partner in crime so to say. And i moved to pinkshirt faggot and patted him politely on the shoulder. And i said straight to his face that we don't like faggots in our city and that he should leave. The girls said omg did he

>> No.10406929

Small brain is thinking sex is everything
Medium brain is realizing sex isn't everything
Big brain is knowing sex is everything

>> No.10406943

I'm an Incel. Hell if you just knew how fucking i need to fuck a girl. If only any of you guys could even think or conceive how much i need it. If the world was aware something would be changed. My god. every morning i wake up with my raging hard on and the fantasies storming into my head how good it must feel. The warm feeling the smell, the feeling of seeing her laying in front of in submission and helplessness as i shag her until she bleeds. Every morning i wake up and am stormed by these fantasies and it takes me just 3 minutes, if at all, to cum for the first time of the day. I don't work. I got fired because i can't fall asleep at night so i have a looooot of time at hand. I do play Hearthstone if you've heard of it and also i enjoy playing some Battlefield 1 with my BattleStation. A top-tier personal computer with a frikkin titan. My parents are rich i get a shit ton of money from them. That's right. But i'm also interested in 3D-Modelling which i have practiced for half a year so i do have talents and am politically informed. But there's just so much sexual energy inside me that i cna barely contain it. It's like a catastrophe. My god i go to saunas 2 times a week. Yes, i know it's so degenerate but what can i do ih have to go there and be there and i can do nothing but look and think and try to repress my lust. I sit there naked wiht a towel it's a mixed sauna and stare at the woman and see there tits and i wished that i could kust rape them. Take out a gun and force them to kneel down and suck on my dick while the gun is pointed at their heads. And i say to her: Girl if you even THINK about chewing on my dick as to hurt me i will activate the trigger and boom gone's your head, do you hear me you fucking stacey slut? And she cries and nods and keeps sucking on my willie. Or i would grab her by her hair and she would moan from pain but also from lust and then jump on her and fuck her like a madman but i come after 1 minute and she would also come because the violence and intensity was so strong of my hyperfuck that she couldnm't even handle what happened. The problem is simply that i'm a fucking lanklet. I'm 196 metres tall but thin as fuck.. My body is so disgusting but i simply can't find the energy to work out or to do sports and so i'm just not gaining any muscle. I had acne but it's good now my parents have paid for a decent treatment. But in honesty it's a matter of these superficial women. I have money, i have a future. I can 3D-Model and i have top tier values about patriotism and the state of my nation and am morally upright even if my sexual fantasies are maybe violent and degrading BUT they are only degrading because i live degraded because i live a fucking degraded pointless terrible existence of an INCEL who doesn't get to fuck a woman despite being MALE despite being BORN to FUCK AND REPRODUCE and of this i am DEPRIVED by a fucking superficial society in which sex is reserved for the idiot chads who have at most 3 IQ's in th

>> No.10406973

Fuck Rooney Again

>> No.10406975

jamey the incel walked down the streets with his green berreta hat on his head and looked out for people who would look at him and judge him. He was afraid that perhaps they would judge him and reinforce his position as a poor idiot who nobody likeked but atleast he had a badass green beretta which looked nice with his medium black hair which made him look like "D from the gorillaz. gorillaz is my favourite band who jamey answer when asked about his favourite band and he meant it. It would be not far of to assume that he had an obsession with the video of El Manana and that he felt represented and touched and reconciled with his own sadness and loneliness by the very dark and despairish undertones of this video, something, he thinks, which had sadly be gone every since demon days and that the new albums were a bit too cartoonish but whatever he said: Theey are by far the best band in the world. He was nonetheless anxious, despite of his berreta. It was not that Jamey was truly obsessed about sex, he wasn't paying attention to it that much to be quite hones twith you. But nonetheless he longed for a cute girl which he could love and support. He had a lot of goodness in his heart, he was a very kind and sharing and thoughtful soul which emptasized a lot of people. There was rarely any anger or spite in his thinking and he was a timid and sensitive soul, that much was sure, but his life was very unsatisfying because these qualities of his demanded to be exerted. As he was unable to do so it felt really much as if his nature was rejected by reality and that he and his qualities were not needed by the world which is a very sad and draining perception of oneself and who can blame him that he stuck to himself because when he had tired to socialize with others of his age he noticed that there were certain rules, that there was a certain undertone of constant aggression which maybe others would call banter and that one always needed to be watchful and have a proper answer when one was teased but he didn't like it. He felt a lot of amnevolence among these people and that he didn't judge and he didnt even think it was malevolence but he was conscious of him not fitting in with those kind of epople and to those people Jaimy was a real bore, it could not be denied. So jaime walked to the computer store where he was going to look for used games for his 360 which in truth was his only really friend aside perhaps from his ma who was also like a friend ecause they got along really well. They were watching black mirror atm and both were fond of the show bu twhenever nudity or sex came up it was very unpleasant for jaimy because he felt that this was also uncomfortable for a woman and that in her heart was the wish that he would find a woman for himself while in truth poor jaimy simply lacked the tools and avenues to present some woman with the qualities of his and they were real qualities and valuable ones. That was a real shame and he didn't know what to do about

>> No.10407008

some of you may not agree with this but if you look deep into your heart and then contemlate truthfully and with good intentions and no intentions of telling lies or reaffirming your dominant believes you will find how insignificant sex truly is. it's such a small part of experience. Wow you will say if you truly look deep into your heart you will say WOW and you will see how much more important it was to talk in honesty with your friends and share your secre- what are thou talking about said the man who was adressed by the red-haired hippy who had stopped him in the middle of the street and the red-haired guy said: Incelpride world wide you DadChad and made the peace sign and moved on. Me, who was a dad at the age of 45 and had a benis and a ballsack with two balls in it and i must say a decent virility even if occassionally i had to help it with some viagra though i've actually heard that viagra is damaging to the body but usually i never need it when i have sex with my wife. I have a job which pays $$$ and have a son who goes to school. He's in high school i think and for a moment i feared that he would become like that red-haired hippy with his extravagant free-floating and body conscious dresses which floated in the air like jellyfish moving through the endless oceans but i was sure that my son had the right spirit in him. He got a bigger dick than I which doesn't say much but he looks good too he just needs some more confidence and needs to drink with his pals as to lose his inhibtions which are there because his dear mother, my wife, is overprotective and because i work a lot i don't have the time to give him a kick in the ass despite it's not possible in our days anyway because you will get sued and my wife, i love her damn but still, would scream and make a fuzz and so i'm helpless to help my son whom i love and who should get into touch with some girls sooner than later because it's not good if it takes too long and i know that he masturbates because i walked in and we can hear him even if he tries to be silent but of course we hear him so it's clear that my son got some drives in him which he needs to live out and that means to whip out the willie and make it hard if you're older it's fairly natural i've read that occassionally you need to help it with some viagra and besides i have sleep apnea which in case you aren't aware of has negative impact on blood flow and as such is a vastly underestimated cause for erectyle dysfunction and i talked with my doctor and i'm getting treatment for my sleep apnea as to make sure that it's not causing my brief spells of impotence but you can be fairly assured that i'm still going at it like the stud i used to be and that my wife, i do love her, doesn't need even to think for the smallest of seconds that perhaps a better equipped stud or perhaps somebody who was mor epotent and "exciting" was needed because i can tell you: I take care of her. And she has no right to complain even if she does, i'm ta

>> No.10407013

I'm an incel and I think the developmentally delayed theory is plausible
t. different guy, with autism

>> No.10407057

Ra and La were walking on the fields while smiling very happily and content. "gosh it's such a beautiful sunny day" said la and looked at Ra with an excited face that was almost goofy and Ra cheekily gave her a swift kiss on her cheek and said:"yeah but it's only so good because you're here with me you know. It's you who made this day such a splendid and evocative affair" and La said: Wow that's so awfully nice of you." and they started galloping through the fields and made weeehaa like horses and laughed and weeehaaa weeehaaaa and brrrrrrrr and then clutched at each other tightly and fell into the grass and laughed HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA and she hahahahaha haha and Ra gave La a swift kiss on her cheek and said: You're truly beautiful. You're swanky because you look so good. And she said: swanky? hahahaha oh Ra but you're very manly and strong. And he nodded and made his muscles on his arms stand up and said: Strongest guy in school. I beat everyone in arm wrestling! and she said: It's because you're a brave guy. And he noded and said: Yeah a guy gotta be brave. My paw told me so and he knows everything. And i got a bit thoughtful and looked at the clouds which were also thoughtful like me. But La walked with tho fingerlegs on my arm and said: your paw will return. But you're also a man. You can take care of yourself and of me and of your mother and your brothers and sisters. And i said: Sure thing i can. I'm the man of the house after all but i'm really thankful that you're helping me with school. You're a really smart girl La. said Ra and La blushed and said: I'm not really smart, i just learn a lot. And Ra said: No, La. I mean it. You could go to some University when you're older. Like Harvanna, where all the rich people go. And she said: Noway, that's for rich people and i said: Oh, that's true and you aren't rich. But as to not make her become thoughtful i said: but you're so beautiful Ra. And i looked at her face and the freckles on it and the long blond hair and her large lips, very large lips and beautiful. They were full i think. And Ra said to La while looking with her, which made La feel a tingle all over her body that he wanted to kiss her on her lips. May I, he asked her and she hesitated. She was always sure that she had the willpower to stay a honest christian and remain celibate until marriage but suddenly there was a certain drive inside her which wanted to say yes, which wanted him to kiss her very much, something in her which made her want to feel Ra more than she ever had before but she couldn't say yes, she said nothing and closed her eyes and waited for Ra's lips and there the came. There they came and touched her lips and it was a spectualar thing. Ra himself was so driven he had grown hard and in his breast was a feeling which made him feel as if he was close to exploding as if he was so close to something so secret and important that he had wanted it all his life even though he didn't know what it was. He made her lay down whi

>> No.10407084

How degrading. How degrading. My lack of sexual activity signifies the grand void of my existance: I am unable to act on my instincts, to get what i want. Day to day i stick to what is around me as to distract me from the feeling of being dissatisfied. Christ, i read Schopenhauer, i read Land, i read Derrida, i read Lao-Tze, i read Luther i read whatever. In my mind a grand nation has been built. In my mind a grand state rules, a powerful one it is. I am not clueless about the world. I do understand things. I do understand people even. My advice and psychological insight is favoured and acknowledged by those who know me. I am not without charmes and friends. I am not without talent and my looks are decent tnough but for christs sake: I don't know how to get a woman. I can not tell you how much it hurts to sit here, late in the night and realize that so far my dick has been used for nothing but pissing and jerking and that even, moving close to my 30's i still haven't fucking done it. I'm still so pathetic, so utterly fucking pathetic that i lack even the slightest amount of bravery, the slightest drop of masculinity to just ask a women out, to make a move, to dare the first step, to even try to communicate with them. I just can't it. I am simply incapable. I am scared of failure, so deeply scared of failure. I even have a fucking job. I do earn money. I have studied. I'm not one of these fucking NEET-robots who can't even cook their own tendies. I am capable of functioning, i am capable of living and yet i just am not able to get a fucking women, to fuck a woman, to stop being a pathetic fucking virgin. Reading books, working, joking around with the friends, going out drinking, hell i do things. I am capable of everything. I'm fit. I got muscles. And yet i just don't know what to do. Christ. I think, personally, it's because my parents divorced and my mother shat on my father all the time. It just took away all of my confidence i think. This is why i'm a traditionalist. All of you may deny this but traditions ensure the mos timportant thing: That the youngins know how to live, that they are taught the ways of living, of reaching a satisfying life. Traditions mean to learn how things are done, when to abstain and when to go for it. It's the essence of upbringing that is expressed through traditionalism. I fucking hate the fact that we are such a degenerated country in which traditions mean fuckall. You see all of these braindead morons staring at their smartphones 24/7, chattering when not in reality all the fucking time on their smartphones. Looking like overgrown fucking babies constantly sucking on their digital pacifiers while they are the ones that get to fuck, while i live this meaningless empty experience in which get everything except for the one fucking thing i want: A woman. A girlfriend. My own family, which is not to be understated in importance. I hate this fucking torn-apart society, in which everyone's on his own. I want to make up

>> No.10407111


shut up retard nobody said you could talk

>> No.10407123

>Competitive debater and public speaker
>Experienced actor and improv champion
>Still feel like I'm going to vomit at the mere thought of introducing myself to somebody


>> No.10407141


The CBT guy just laughed at me and tried to steer me towards things like getting a job.

>> No.10407161

Tinder will make you hate yourself even more, even when you do get numbers. most of the women on there are looking for validation and are not interested in meeting up. I've had multiple girls basically say "buy me food heehee" and try to coax comedy routines out of me over text. Its really fucking preverse stuff, you'll also see what women do for attention from higher status males in depth. "looking for daddy" "i like to be choked and dominated" "I'm a sugar baby looking for a sugar daddy" "HOT MILF LOOKING TO PARTY WITH BOYZ HIT ME UP ON KIK" and other degrading things like that. Its useful but you really have to either be insensitive to the circle of hell you're inhabiting or lucky. Its really helpless, I've said before that the tragedy is that not only do these people deserve families and love, but that it will likely never happen for them and the rising suicide and drug overdose rates will start accelerating as incel populations increase and autism explodes in prevalence (which is due to dysgenics, the food, the vaccines, the media, the atomization and has nothing to do with diagnosis protocols).
didn't even attempt to engage
memes are the death of discourse anon
I know, I was accepting the challenge that an anti-feminist couldn't name feminist theorists, but I can because I read anything I strongly disagree with and consider a threat to my safety or survival. Something that leftists and right wingers used to do when critique was a serious part of the intellectual zeitgeist but its not, because now you can just exclude people from discourse, get them deplatformed, dogpile, talk over them etc
you all are showing some ugly faces here in these threads, I saw the same behavior on /lefytpol/ and twitter too, it seems like the IN-GROUP crowd are definitively sociopaths
you're not going to receive empathy from professionals, especially in the psyche field who have an incentive to feed you into the pharma-therapy machine, or these people who are basically sociopathic and feel solidarity with one another in exterminating you
I read all of these

>> No.10407196


Why is it that the 100-110 iqs always talk the loudest and the longest?

>> No.10407257

the average white male IQ is 105.
so no

>> No.10407341

>a little learning is a dangerous thing.
They know enough to know that they know more than a lot of people, they don't know enough to know they're still incredibly ignorant.

>> No.10407346

100-110 IQ: The Post

>> No.10407389

>180 cm
>63 kg
Get some meat on those bones skeleton.

>> No.10407412

What if you're scared of people?

>> No.10407598
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H-how d-did you kn-know!?

>> No.10407603

Who GIVES a shit!? Everyone is scared, anon. Why do you think being scared is such a big deal?

>> No.10407954

>Tinder will make you hate yourself even more
Yeah I know and I agree with what you've wrote, my "recommendation" of Tinder was more sarcastic than honest

>> No.10408015


Wow, pathetic

You are the 1% that doesn't get laid. Stop with the delusion

>> No.10408029


Wait, I remember you posting about your gf

You should Never take advice from 4chan. It'll ruin your life.

>> No.10408033


> this entire post

Thanks for the laff you faggot

>> No.10408037
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>I don't like it when people make fun of me because of my virginity. I hate this fucking society, I want to die.
>caring what other people think
you're not just a virgin you're a cuck

>> No.10408040
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If western society was worth saving it wouldn't have been destroyed.

>> No.10408049

Imagine being a self-pitying little bitch that blames everything in his life on external factors, isolates himself in a bitter hugbox of like-minded teenagers, and never attempts to grow up or change anything in his life.


>> No.10408082

I kinda already made the decision before. The breakup just kinda coincided with the reading I guess. In a lot of ways the decision was made the first time we had sex, when she squirted all over me, when she asked me to cum inside her, when she said it's okay because he tubes are tied.

>> No.10408309

Why does it matter so much to you?

>> No.10408320 [SPOILER] 
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How often do you losers need to come up with new "words" to justify your sad existence?

Also why are these /pol/ bai threads allowed to stay up? Its literally nothing about /lit/.

>> No.10408537


you might find this place more fitting


>> No.10408544

it's about incel literature

but as soon as normies post a shitstorm follows

I come here to trash women and have my opinion validates, not to hear reddit teach me things about life

>> No.10408561


pretty much all your replies^

>> No.10408564


just a way to pretend you're not an incel.

>> No.10408568

Can't be true. I made every autistic mistake there is and still got a few nuts in before my 18th birthday

>> No.10408577

You told him you have serious social anxiety and he dismissed you? I find that hard to believe

>> No.10408595

seriously, seriously, recognize it's not women's fault you're broken

>> No.10408819

How do you get laid when literally no woman in your life has ever shown interest in you romantically or sexually?

>> No.10408829

Keep meeting new ones. This is why high school is important, it's your best chance to meet as many new people as you can. One of them will like you, or if not one of them will at least get off with you at a party.

Maybe you should get on tinder

>> No.10408859


Realize that sex is secondary to what you really want out of life. The pleasure of intercourse is fleeting and maddeningly temporary. Even hot women age or change so as to make themselves less attractive. Your own tastes change and you evolve and regard qualities you once found alluring to be repulsive. What women , and people in general, are attracted to most are self-assuredness and contentment. somebody who is committed to something they are legitimately passionate about is endlessly more enjoyable to be around and interact with than some pathetic lump who wallows in his own failures.

And don't fall for that redpill "alpha" whatever shit please. To put in terms probably more familiar to you, women can spell desperation and sort of a facade of sexual confidence or whatever will be at best laughable. Do what you enjoy and women will come eventually. Don't think about them so much because the vast majority of them aren't worth the mental effort.

>> No.10408880

Best post itt

>> No.10408891


Should say: "women can smell desperation and any of sort of facade of sexual confidence or whatever will be at best laughable." Sorry I'm drunk.

>> No.10408893

>just be asexual
>women are attracted to asexual betas
>that alpha shit don’t matter
>don’t breed ugly faggot
im saving every single one of these

>> No.10408913


The most "alpha" thing you can do is conquer your dependence on sex and the approval of women.

>> No.10409000

No its not at all, alpha status is biologically determined by socio-sexual prowess and the ability to kill and rayp other males

>> No.10409004


Thanks for the b8, m8

>> No.10409503


I also told him the only way I know how to talk to people is from this course in sales I did, my usual demeanor is an oversized smile and a handshake. He looks at my compensation and considers the problem solved. Which it isn't really.

I would try to interject things like I have trouble approaching women and he would spout "Well why not?" with an overly magnanimous tone that gives the impression that he is laughing inside. I also think he was ripping me off with the copays, charging the specialist rate when the insurance people quoted me the office rate.

>> No.10409677

Do people seriously believe this?

How ugly are you guys that you cant trick some slag into having sex with you?

>> No.10409720

What an ass, to be honest. I'm sorry you had to put up with such an unprofessional therapist, really makes the rest of us look bad.

>> No.10409723

Women aren't going to sleep with you just because you're "fighting" against "creeps".

>> No.10409734

>have no libido
>uses bitch boy emoticons (in 2018-1month) instead of high test thug emojis


>> No.10409757

lmfao the absolute state of feminists.

>> No.10409771

>they just want these guys to die. Its really depressing I didn't think this place would be that cruel but I was wrong again.
You need to understand the extremely pathetic nature of male feminists and "allies", who are making these comments. Q: Why do so many self-proclaimed male feminists end up getting into sexual harassment scandals after getting into positions of power? Start there.
Be a man, these people are some of the worst scum alive. You really shouldn't give a damn what they say.

>> No.10410689

Why do you need validation from ANYONE for that matter? Do you really expect the world to roll over and say, "you don't need to do anything and we will still respect you. We've stayed a government campaign to make sure all men, even the ones with no motivation and drive, who sit at home watching anime and never risking anything, we're going to make sure a girl comes to their house to fall in love with them and give them the pussy they need."

Jesus Christ, the world has been competitive since day dot, nobody owes anybody anything, and whinging about it does. not. help. There are SO many avenues for self improvement, and saying" uh yeah but Chad doesn't even need to do those things" doesn't make the slightest difference AT ALL. They are still avenues there to make your life better. Use them or shut the fucking fuck up.

>> No.10411491



>> No.10411512
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>> No.10411534

Incels fucking suck, but it sure is refreshing to see a new resentful community making /lit/ their home instead of only anti-semitic WASPs crying about their downward social mobility.

>> No.10411588 [DELETED] 

I don't understand the incels. I'm an agoraphobic hermit so scared of social interaction I'm practically mute. Simply being seen by strangers terrifies me. It's not uncommon for me to go months without talking to anyone, and yet despite all of this even I've had sex.

>> No.10411773

/pol/acks are incels when they're not as depressed as usual.

>> No.10411785

But you bitching about FEEEEEMALEZ, chads, jooz and feminism 24/7 are A-OK. I'd say you're 2 sides of the same coin but those fags at least get social contact and some poossay too from time to time.

>> No.10411788

Why the hell was /r/incels banned, it was comedy platinum

>> No.10411802

Some weirdo had a long winded post about how he hated his chad roommate(by his description he seemed like a pretty average guy). When the guy got a visit from his family the incel decided he wanted to drug and castrate him to a choir of "he deserves it".

I'm sad it's gone too.

>> No.10411804

I don't get why you'd get rid of a platform in which people freely incriminate themselves.

>> No.10411825

It's the choir problem. Most incels are turbobetas that lack the will, energy or courage to do anything. When a choir o other betas cheer you and egg you on however, you might just find the guts to see things through.

>> No.10411872

Are you a virgin if you've gotten your dick sucked by 2 different women, you've eaten pussy, and you've literally "grabbed a woman by the pussy" and she let you do it and enjoyed it YET you've never had penetrative vaginal sex?

>> No.10411892

This can't be true.

>> No.10411901

Check inceltears, it's a wonderful place.

>> No.10412029

Depends why you never had sex.

>> No.10412315

it was falseflagged into oblivion

yeah bro frail crippingly socially anxious guys are well known for their violent behavior

>> No.10412334

not him, but the metaphor of reduction implies that once you see through and remove the superficial boohoo-why-can't-i-get-laid appearance of inceldom, what's left is the inherent meaninglessness of life for the individual

>> No.10412342

but at what point did vision of benjamin franklin dance in your head??

>> No.10412346

>yeah bro frail crippingly socially anxious guys are well known for their violent behavior
Not that anon but I am one of those guys and I don't see why you'd think them any less capable of it. The real catalyst is egotism. There are guys who are in this boat who are leading really rough and quietly desperate lives but are able to manage the bitterness so it doesn't overwhelm them. They have their bad days, but the mostly have shit in check and they know they aren't owed anything in life. Then there are bitter guys who circlejerk with other bitter guys about how bullshit and unfair everything is to the point where it changes their character for the worse and moves them onto another level of hostility. When they reach that level they are primed and ready to go boom. It's all the circlejerks they endlessly post in that is doing it. The scary thing is that guys like this aren't violent, you're right, until they *are*, and that scenario usually involves a manifesto and some weapons.

>> No.10412371

>muh slippery slope
congrats, you gorged on the anti-incel moral panic koolaid

it was just a venting sub and once reddit estabilished violent content wasn't allowed, the subreddit moderation started deleting such posts on the spot. I was there daily and I saw it happening: moderation was active

some of the subhumans over at r/IncelTears openly acknowledged they've gone undercover to post violent content and try and get the sub hammered. they also took posts out of context and deliberately advanced literal reading of ironic comments

it's really mindboggling to me that people would assume hikikomori psychologically fragile redditors are prone to extremism or violence. if anything, sex-havers and socially competent people are the dangerous demographic. three out of four rape victims knew the perpetrator. most violent crimes are commited by repeating offenders. and so on...

>> No.10412390

>congrats, you gorged on the anti-incel moral panic koolaid
This is a load of buzzword horseshit. And I am keenly aware of the various moral panics at play right now, thanks. I definitely believe you were there daily, by the way, your whole attitude stinks of that place.
>it's really mindboggling to me that people would assume hikikomori psychologically fragile redditors are prone to extremism or violence.
Really? You think it's "really mindboggling" that "psychologically fragile" people could be prone to extreme and anti-social behavior?

>> No.10412409

I think I got confused because I see the quest for meaning in groundless existential suffering as a positive thing. One could reduce that to whinging about not getting laid, but not the other way around. I do see what you mean, though, as if all the universe would suddenly become meaningful if they were just handsome and had love and sex. Ah, what a surprise it would be, that minute after filling her pussy with cum, when all the world problems and things to do come rushing back in like waking from a beautiful dream into the morning of responsibility.

>> No.10412418

And I'll add that you're probably right about subversive normies fucking with you and ruining the sub. But there's always going to be normies everywhere who will enrage you if you let them. Personally I don't think it was right that they shut the sub down. I think it made the characters of most of the men posting there far worse in the end, but that would be their decision to arrive at. The same could be said of women and tumblr. I don't support this moral panic censorship of things, but I think that sub was a shitshow and I don't care that it's gone. Don't let any of this get to you. Just walk away.

>> No.10412439

>You think it's "really mindboggling" that "psychologically fragile" people could be prone to extreme and anti-social behavior?

Yes, I do. I believe it's the ultimate expression of groupthink and fear-mongering as a vehicle for ostracization - characterizing the lower castes as dangerous and antithetical to societal values - and the halo effect. People have vehement, intrinsic hatred for incels because they're male losers, therefore they need to find a way to rationalize that hatred and make it something morally sound and not primitive. Suddenly, incels are terrorists and rapists in the making

>> No.10412465

>People have vehement, intrinsic hatred for incels because they're male losers, therefore they need to find a way to rationalize that hatred and make it something morally sound and not primitive. Suddenly, incels are terrorists and rapists in the making
You're not wrong with this line of logic, and we both know that you're very rarely if ever going to get any honesty from women about the tribal and primal motives that underscore many of their attitudes toward these guys, instead you need to listen to them be in denial over it and obfuscate it away with modern pseudo-woke and "concerned" claptrap. You need to disregard that as well because the dishonestly is never going to stop and you're only going to worry yourself into neurosis and high blood pressure. Try to minimize the amount of normie hypocrisy that will rile you as much as possible. I know it isn't easy, but you have to.

But you're also not taking into account just how shitty these men were making one another feel for sport. It goes past the need to "speak out and be heard" or whatever you want to call it. These guys were making one another feel worse on a day-by-day basis than women were/are making them feel. I'm not talking about every sperg here, I'm talking specifically about the ones who got too into that sub and let it take over their thought process.

>> No.10412500
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Yeah it's definitely those damn Stacies who has a problem.

>> No.10412674


So, an incel wants to help helpless normies and you are against it?

>> No.10412684


>> No.10412835

good job outing yourself as a post /pol/ newfag, lmao

this reads, to me, as an ill-informed rant by someone who has has no IRL relationships with actual leftists. cast off your persecution complex and log off.

also, i'd love to read where marx advocated for public sexual harems for all men.

>> No.10412873




>> No.10413031

all traditional societies were like this

>> No.10413253

lmfao I'm 6'0 and the same weight. I just don't like food

>> No.10413275


>> No.10413289

not a single poster was willing to engage with what I wrote. all too scared and low C

>> No.10413416

Yeah it reads like a passage from notes from underground.

>> No.10413457



>> No.10413467 [DELETED] 


>> No.10413538

You do know that this board was original an offshoot of r9k once, right?

>yeah bro frail crippingly socially anxious guys are well known for their violent behavior
Yes actually, serial killers and mass murderers.

>> No.10413567

can’t engage because you’re not intelligent enough
>the .01% of incels who are serial killers and “”””MASS MURDERERS”””” is so SCAWWY

>> No.10413577

>Yes actually, serial killers and mass murderers.

good way of outing yourself as completely ignorant on this subject
the one mental illness that is most prevalent among serial killers - sociopathy/psychopathy - is basically incompatible with social anxiety

the fact is most serial killers throughout history were otherwise normalfags


>> No.10413637

>the .01% of incels who are serial killers
I was responding to someone who said they aren't well known. It doesn't matter the proportion, serial killers and mass murderers are well known.

>otherwise normalfags

I don't think you understood my point or perhaps the article doesn't do what you think it does.
>In summary, despite pervasive media stereotypes to the contrary, the majority of serial killers are not social misfits who live isolation and do not interact with others. In fact, many are highly functioning and appear to be completely normal. Therein lies the terror.
Social misfit here wouldn't include incels. Incels for the most part seem a little weird but not that strange in the way they outwardly interact with people. It then goes on to say that many seem highly functional. Many does not mean most, many does not mean a majority. Many could just mean a noticeable amount. You are going to have to link to another article to press that claim. Props though for finding an article by someone with a PhD in criminology.

>the one mental illness that is most prevalent among serial killers - sociopathy/psychopathy - is basically incompatible with social anxiety
I don't have time to tackle this one, I'm about to go to work but I'll be back in ten or so hours to take on this point.

>> No.10413755

IM not a virgin but lately Ive been thinking why the fuck shouldnt I be putting women on pedestal if SEX is literally the best thing there is?

>> No.10413758

All traditional societies killed the functional members?

>> No.10414933



>> No.10415064


When the attainment of it is used as the ultimate measuring stick of thought I don't know how you avoid pedestalizing.

>> No.10415092

I'm a wisard harvy

what now

>> No.10415099


no, that definitely goes to /lgbt/ followed probably by /cgl/ and /co/

>> No.10415103

sucking dick doesn't in itself make you left wing
just look at pol

>> No.10415109

Underground Man may have been a weirdo but he wasn't wrong.

>> No.10415111

Are you even from around here?
It's /fit/ that's "sucking dick's not gay bro no homo"

You talk like a foreigner

>> No.10415129

as long as you remember they’re dumb and greedy, and respond to environmental cues far more than men, then go ahead. If you think of them as sweet, nurturing, little nymphs who can make you smile and cum and full then by all means. Just remember they’re almost universally less intelligent, conscientious and stable mentally than males and you’re good. Also, the lying and thieving part is really important, they can’t help it. Emotional manipulation too

>> No.10415294

TFW incel but don't hate women and have never felt victimized by them beyon gettinf rejected
I would have rejected me too
I don't feel any solidarity with the woman haters

>> No.10415313

go away house nigger

>> No.10415349

It's not women's fault I was born ugly.

>> No.10415459

quoting to pls put me in the screencap

>> No.10415479

Their future spouse you dipshit

>> No.10415569
File: 32 KB, 325x300, mary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you and your gf are devout virginal Christians who use your faith as a cover for avoiding intimacy as much as possible

Feels good desu :)

>> No.10415576
File: 2.57 MB, 220x212, 1510725516358.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sex is the best thing there is

Is this what normies actually believe?

>> No.10415640

There is no balance in this universe. There is no order. The cosmos is a myth. Gaze inside your innards for a second and reflect. Dare to face what lies beneath your skin and be surprised at what you face. You will see a violent cycloon rummaging through your soul. Twisting and deforming every symbol of grace and love and peace which has been planted inside your soul by divine hand. In this world man is doomed to live protected only by a semipermeable membrane. Through diffusion the malevolence of the world flows into you until equilibrium between the chaos and evil of the universe and the void of your body has been reached. Every thought of yours carries the seed of the greatest deeds against humanity. All thought in your head is a mutation, a mlevolent and violent mutation of an original image which floated through the universal network of human communication. The groans of the sufferng giantss,being held captive beneath the word can be heard if you open your eyes. Their truth is suffering, they are our forefathers. The truth of human existance is suffering. The truth of all living beings, of all animated matter is suffering. From the giants to the dwarves called man, we must suffer because we exist. If you pay close attention to the people around you, you will notice. Hear them grinding their teeth in their sleep. See them taking sleeping pills every night at age forty as to find rest, inducing artificial sleep to escape the racing minds summoned by the moon in the sky. A danger haunts them but the danger does no longer lurk in the infinite darkness under african stars or the preying eyes of beasts in woods, the danger waits in your heart. It haunts you, it torments you and like all people you must seek refuge in motion and that is the truth of all motion and all is motion. All motion is is an escape to attempt from the insides which open up if you stay still. The world is a dangerous place and many people stay still these days. They grind their teeth, they sawllow xanax. They take sleeping pills. They wind down. They scream inside abandoned factories. They move lfrom A to B. They live through machines. They swipe their smartphones late into the night. They listen to loud and abrasive music when they ought to be sleeping. They call themself incels because they have not inserted their genitals into females. They cut their wirsts. They take cocaine and Adderall. They play video games every single day. They read and read and read. They listen music when nothinghappens. They observe the stillness of their rooms and try to undo it by playing music.There is no god. There is nothing but death and escape from death, suffering and escape from suffering. A shadow haunts you, it is your dark twin. You are life and he is death. This is Nocturnal Emissions, 95.7, your radio channel guiding you through the night. It is 3 Am while the moon is obscured by sinister clouds. I am DJ Hoffmann and you are now listening to Jeff Greinke

>> No.10415722

the Hitler I knew

>> No.10415723

Jeff Greinke from his album Cities in Fog. I am now going to read an email, an electronic mail delivered to me via the email-services of gmail, google mail. The letter has been written by Elizabeth Hudson.

"DJ Hoffmann, you talk and talk and talk and talk. Who do you think you are, i often ask myself while listening to the words escaping yoiur mouth night after night, is it a joke? Is it a hoax? Are you making fun of us? Is that why you call your show Nocturnal Emissions?"

Elizabeth, you have not understood me well, if these questions emerged in your head and incited your action to send them to me. I sit in lonely apartment, like every night, and i must tell you that i do not work, as i have said many times before. I live through state funding. They pay me because i'm ill, because i'm mentally ill and incapable of working. Elizabeth, my dear Elizabeth, i am not mentally ill, i assure you of that. I'm far from being mentally ill. I have simply been confronted, involuntarily, with a truth. With one of many truths, but this truth is my truth, i have discovered it. And it is your truth, you listen to me talk about it. This truth is our secret. It is the "us" you summon in your email, it is what makes me say "you" or "one" in my messages to the dwellers in the night. This truth, as evasive as it is, as playful as it is in it's constant attempts to conceal it's true appearance is Suffering. A deep, deep suffering underlying all of our vain attempts to live. A suffering underming and sabotaging our lifes, again and again.

DJ Hoffmann speaking and you are now listening to Coil, from their album: Time Machines.
"Mr. Hoffmann. I really appreciate your show, i really do but i must add some criticism. I think your thinking is very vague, i think it lacks precision and nuance. You aim high with your selection of words, but it lacks grace. I think you always slightly miss the mark. you are close to hitting it but again you miss it and end up with the wrong conclusions. I must repeat that i am a fan of your show, and this does not hamper my enjoyment of laying wide awake in my bed at 3 AM and listening to your ramblings and to some music that fits the tone of my heart. I just wanted to give you some constructive feedback because i think you have potential. Have you for example read Schopenhauer? Or perhaps Rousseau? I think that they would really enhance your thinking and feed your playful mind with new ideas, new perspectives through which you can inspect the world and existance. You often utilize the words pain, and suffering and despair and vanity and death, but to me this seems all too reductive and uncritical of the language through which you think. I suspect that you suffered a great loss in your life and ever since then got stuck in a conceptualization of your self in which suffering and loss reigned supreme, in which a certain repulsion at life gained a dominant position, but i feel, somehow, and irrationally so, that at the roots of this thin

>> No.10415827


Not the original Anon, but thanks! Useful.

>> No.10415861

Book of Disquiet by Pessoa

>> No.10417039

This made me ... feel ... something.

>> No.10417046

what the fuck man

>> No.10417143

I still feel like a jerk but it's over now. I've never had to break up with anyone. I'm sure she'll be fine. She really is great. She'd pack me leftovers for lunch and leave notes about how I'm a good, hard-working man and I deserve to relax and I deserve to be happy and she can't wait to see me again. I've had a handful of girlfriends but I've never had one that was nice or supportive like her.
I wonder if it really was her tubes being tied that colored the whole relationship for me. It made it seem so fake. I wouldn't consider myself a "sex without (chance of) procreation isn't sex" by any measure, but it really did feel like a fleshlight to me. I could've probably lived with all the squirting but I guess deep down I want to be a father.

>> No.10417160

I'm sure you'll be fine too.


>> No.10417171

lol ok, go lie down in the dirt and die for them. they won’t shed a single tear.

>> No.10417240

No one would, anon.

>> No.10417303
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This is true.
Its normal for people to have an irrational hate of weakness and they would rather try and justify it than sort themselves out.

I myself try to battle the repulsion I have for incels and I say this as a former one that finally lost his v-card at the ripe age of 20. Even though I gained confidence with age and more experience with women, I never had a truly commited relationship for more than a year because fake it till you make it can only take you so far. Women realize at some point that I'm just clingy, too sensible and overall riddled with emotional issues.
I'm maybe not one to give too many lessons but the best thing you can do is to never visit those cesspools like /r9k/ and r/incel. Those people arent your friends. They are actively trying to sabotage you both to prove toto themselves that they can have an impact on the world and to drag you to their level so that they can feel someone can relate to them for once. Do yourself a favor and surround yourself with positive and outgoing people that arent addicted to the internet, even if by normie standards they're losers. Your life will improve tenfold

>> No.10417349

Didn't read more then a paragraph and I can already tell is regurgitated pol garbage.
Do an hero op

>> No.10417654
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>Violence does not create positive change.

How's the altar boys?

>Food is overrated. I'm glad I've had it to experienced an essential part of the human experience. It feels good for a fleeting moment but when it's done I always feel like shit and get the irresistible urge to abandon whatever restaurant I'm in.

>> No.10418994


>> No.10419542

There's a dominatrix out there waiting to pluck your fresh little cherry, anon

>> No.10419622

What's going on in this picture?

>> No.10419636

Sex is disgusting desu

>> No.10420029
File: 628 KB, 847x767, incel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaving this here for yo u stupid pieces of sh!t

>> No.10420916

just replying to say that I saw your post, anon

>> No.10421379
File: 25 KB, 349x349, 1511152735959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot to update the thread. The first post was better anyway. That hivemind though.

>> No.10421950



>> No.10422684

>normalfag signaling
when will it end

>> No.10422750

so i am above average, then why they have sex but i dont?

>> No.10423971


Beause you are not Chad sir.

>> No.10425188

allow euthanasia faggot
>you shouldn't be alive, but euthanasia shouldn't be legalized

>> No.10425232

Got my first make out on 21.
Honestly, I just had to do before what I did then - message like 30 girls on Facebook, get blocked by 20, go out with 5, make out with 2 of them.
I think everyone can make out (even sex), except if you fat (if you are fat, just stop eating).
Maintaining a relationship is a different thing. That is what truly matters - if you don't have that, no sex will save you. (except if you are a girl and you get attention the whole time, which will actively delude you)

>> No.10425260

Can the mods remove this thread from my brain

>> No.10425797
File: 381 KB, 2560x1440, 1464818183942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've noticed that men get picked on for being virgins/bad with the opposite gender whether they're incels or not. Is this only in "western" culture? I'm starting to think it might be biological, with inadequate males being perceived as the weakest, and therefore the easiest to compete against and take resources from while also being the worst candidates for distributing resources to

good post anon. Hopefully somebody will come by and try to actually argue against it

>> No.10425819

No, I think this is important to learn. How people cope with suffering. All of leftism, egalitarianism and Marxism is similar to /r9k/ and r/incels.
>Boo hoo, we are the victims let's make others suffer or be insufferable ourselves
>never improve your own conditions, except in 'the day of the rope/glorious revolution/day of retribution'.

>> No.10425850


>> No.10425882


>> No.10425978

I feel the same way. How do I get rid of this feeling, fml

>> No.10425982

Thank you impoverished, malnourished skelly

>> No.10425987

>thinking voting still matters
>thinking elected officials are in any way representative of their base in the grand majority of """""democratic republics"""""
ho ho ho

>> No.10426248

Why is /lit/ filled with incels? I think you guys belong in /a/.

>> No.10426301

incel is the nigger of the Internet