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/lit/ - Literature

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10398860 No.10398860 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading now, /lit/?

What do you think of it so far? How are you liking it?

What will you read next?

>> No.10398869
File: 38 KB, 300x475, wuthering heights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wuthering Heights.

Loving it so far. About halfway through. Initially thought I was just going to read some sentimental romantic novel and wasn't expecting much, but pretty quickly things become ominous, malicious and uncomfortable. All of the passive-aggressive manipulation, the forcing of embarrassment onto others, the outright lies, it's absolutely uncomfortable. It's fascinating. I'm very surprised with how intense it becomes.

Wishing to read Jane Eyre next, I hear that is also very good.

>> No.10398881
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witty's mistress
i like it, it's a lot of rambling but it's fun and interesting to follow someone's memories collapse into each other. makes me wish i knew more about art

got the man without qualities coming in the mail today i think so i'm gonna start that tomorrow. only got 50 pgs or so left on wm

>> No.10398908
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Pic related, also The Gutenberg Galaxy by Marshall Mcluhan

Both are great, but Mcluhan is incredible.

I want to read Goethe's Faust
Which version should I download lads?

>> No.10398917

Dogg :)

>> No.10398937
File: 45 KB, 382x614, why im no longer talking to white people about race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mother literally gave me her copy and I was curious because the title is intentionally provocative.

It genuinely raises some valid arguments about white people's understanding of race and how people try to overcome race struggles, but I feel the majority of the book is less about trying to heal and build bridges of understanding with white people and more about "look at how they squirm and over-rationalise how they're not racist dude lmao" and at that point it does become irritating.

I suppose that's the point. Not a great read to be honest. If you were at all somewhat interested in books tackling race (there'll be at least someone on here), try something like Malcolm X's autobiography or Miles Davis' autobiography (yes, really). They offer more insight, understanding and respect to the reader.

>> No.10398940
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>> No.10398949

The Sound and the Fury

It's great, I can see why Faulkner is so highly regarded

Probably Infinite Jest

>> No.10398974

lolita. expectations were way higher, halfway through and I'm questioning if I should bother with other nabokov books. Just want to finish it now.

today was my last final, so I'm officially on vacation, which means: delicious yearly ulysses re-read, or at least, the start a yearly reading of it, since its my first re-read of it.

>> No.10398987

With every re-read of Ulysses, do you delve further into the Greeks and The Bible? Not even memeing, I could imagine revisiting Ulysses so frequently would feel rewarding especially when diving into what Joyce was reading at the time.

>> No.10399041
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>> No.10399045

yes. In the time of my first read of it I had only read homer and had not started the bible. Now I've read hesiod, all greek plays and am almost finishing the old testament. Next year my goal is to focus on nonfic to get to herodotus and thucydides, plato, aristotle, augustine and aquinas, that i my main goal (not only because of ulysses, thats my goal 'literature/philosophy' wise.

on my first read I had only read dubliners and portrait, now, I read (and reread) all works published on joyce's name: chamber music, dubliners, stephen hero (which was pretty interesting in constrast to portrait, lot more focus on the "artist" side and the art of writing, pretty heavy on aquinas too), portrait, giacomo joyce, exiles. Right after ulysses I'll read Finns hotel and finally Finnegans wake, which was another goal

>> No.10399050

Nice work, anon

>> No.10399053

Aw :)

>> No.10399059
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Just finished Lord of the Flies and I liked it. Next on my list is a Wonderfull new World or The Catcher in the Rye.
What should I read first?
Just getting in to literature by the way.

>> No.10399061
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*unsheathes katana*
hmm nothin personnel, sweetie

>> No.10399063

The Catcher in the Rye only because it's considered an easily accessible classic (not heard of Wonderful New World). It's cool if you don't like it, a lot of people hate Holden Caulfield.

>> No.10399064

Dune, The Crying of Lot 49, Presophists, The Histories.
Honestly considering shelving Dune for a while since I'm not really in the mood for that kind of fiction

>> No.10399068

the hippest of good boys

>> No.10399071

I translated it completely wrong, sorry I'm not a native speaker
I meant Brave New World

>> No.10399074
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> accident prone porko puppo getting into accidents
> he's crazy haha he always rolls down the stairs
> the sound he makes running into a wall is the same sound you make when you smack your tummy
> haha what a mad dog haha crazy dogman
> feel bad when he gets into a major accident involving jumping onto the sofa and getting stuck in the avalanche of sofa cushions
> almost lost him for good
> got to save this little dogman for good
> for the greater good i save his life by wrapping him in an impenetrable fortress of bubble wrap and masking tape
> he's so safe forever that when he runs into the door now he just gently pops a bubble and has fun every time
> thank you god i am blessed

>> No.10399078

Ohhh, no worries anon. I prefer Brave New World but you'll honestly be in safe hands with either book, they're both easily accessible classics and if you don't enjoy them all that much, it's cool because there's plenty others to get hold of.

>> No.10399083

Please spare me. Show mercy, doggo. I have a family.

>> No.10399092

Damn it, I unironically love dogs so much. I think it's a symptom for never loving another human being.

>> No.10399094
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This genuinely made me cry a little as I had a little dog but he had to be put down two years ago and he was the best goofball exactly as this post would suggest.

>> No.10399100
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>> No.10399104
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Dogs are infinitely better than cats. They're much more expressive, playful and appreciative of your company. The fact that a well treated dog feels the urge to follow you wherever you go, even if there isn't food there, is enough to show that dogs clearly were meant to be everybody's best friend.

>> No.10399110

I love a good happy ending. 10/10

>> No.10399125
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Solid, near perfect. Thought I'd be bored by the farming aspects but it's all consistently interesting. Gonna go for the big W&P afterwards.

>> No.10399135
File: 157 KB, 736x1303, les miserables book cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's become one of my favourite novels I've ever read. It's an emotional rollercoaster and I think everyone one of us should probably strive to be a little more like Jean Valjean.

Everything feels so satisfying in this book: when Marius discovers that it was Jean Valjean who saved his life from the barricade, finding out by sussing out Thenardier's lies or when Eponine dies expressing a love for Marius; when Marius' grandfather opens his doors again to Marius after all of their disputes; Faunchelevent as the convent groundskeeper; etc.

Dude you don't even know how much I love this book right now.

>> No.10399151

revolt against the modern world
it puts a lot of thoughts i've had myself into words and it's very interesting to see the similarities in ancient civilizations presented as having the same origin. also the whole "white people mixed with gods who lived in the north pole" thing is pretty epic. next i'll either read some more esoteric books or das kapital

>> No.10399193

Ring world, I'm at the part where they first meet some natives, interesting so far I'm really digging all the engineering aspects and what not. I hope to read Lolita next

>> No.10399267
