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1039808 No.1039808 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: awesome titles

>> No.1039810

Brave New World

>> No.1039813

Atlas Shrugged

The title is actually pretty damn good
the book not so much

>> No.1039816

Journey to the Center of the Earth

>> No.1039815

The Sound and the Fury.

>> No.1039817

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius.

>> No.1039824

At the Mountains of Madness

>> No.1039827

Final Crisis

>> No.1039829

The Grapes of Wrath
Especially when you learn why it's called that in one of the last chapters. That paragraph is so fucking awesome.

>> No.1039852

Darker than you Think, Jack Williamson
The Carefully considered rape of the world, Shepherd Mead
Fevre Dream, George RR Martin

>> No.1039855

Finnegans Wake.

>> No.1039865

The Beast That Shouted Love at the Heart of the World - Harlan Ellison.

>> No.1039896

Violent Semen Inferno: The maid rape assault.

>> No.1039908

Flow my Tears, The Policeman Said.

Not sure why I like it so much.

>> No.1039943

I have no mouth and I must scream

>> No.1039973

Till We Have Faces

>> No.1039986

The Man who was Thursday

>> No.1039990

I have no hands and I must masturbate

>> No.1039991

The Sound and the Fury
As I Lay Dying
Crime and Punishment
For Whom the Bell Tolls
To Kill a Mockingbird

>> No.1040048

Journey to the End of the Night
Claudius, The God
The Book of Disquiet

>> No.1040051

In Search of Lost Time

>> No.1040069
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>> No.1040096

"Of Mice and Men" really gets to me. The title alone makes want to read it.

>> No.1040129


I think you'll find the title is Remembrances of Things Past.

>> No.1040133
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I think you'll find that it isn't you pretentious fuck.

>> No.1040151
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lol, guess what:

>> No.1040154
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I think you'll find the title is À la recherche du temps perdu

>> No.1040155
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I was right?
No surprise there.

>> No.1040194
File: 39 KB, 388x586, twilight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twilight. Title and cover are just about perfect, considering that the story is about a human girl who falls in love with a vampire.

If I didn't know more than that, I'd probably have bought a copy.

>> No.1040199

The Music of Chance

>> No.1040205

hard boiled wonderland and the end of the world.

blood meridian or the evening redness in the west.

the silent cry

>> No.1040220

I bet you use google translate for all your translations...

>> No.1040241
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Twilight so full of teenage crap that it makes me vomit,anything conserning the whole consept should be burned and forgotten

>> No.1040264
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> Salamandastron
granted it's from a children's series, but sweet fucking title

>> No.1040275
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Best title, ever

>> No.1040294

The Long Goodbye
The Roadside Picnic
Life is Elsewhere
Remains of the Day

>> No.1040307

Leo Tolstoy?
how hard is it to pronounce Lev

>> No.1040475

Cioran and Antonin Artaud have some really great titles in French...

I really like Nietzsche's titles as well:
Human, All Too Human; Twilight of the Idols (or, How to Philosophize with a Hammer); Ecce Homo; The Gay Science.

>> No.1040476
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Best book title ever, as far as I'm concerned

>> No.1040488

of mice and men is a great title.

Deadwood Dick, The Prince of the Road, or, The Black Rider of the Black Hills

is a nice title too i think.

>> No.1040499

>the screwtape letters
>the lords of the north

>> No.1040513
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>burned and forgotten

Ray Bradbury just shed a tear.

>> No.1040519

you know that old saw about the exception to every rule? well, twilight is one of those exceptions.

>> No.1040523


Well since it's more like Lyev... harder than you'd think for the average Joe.

>> No.1040532

"--All You Zombies--"

>> No.1040539

I always thought A Tale of Two Cities had a nice ring to it, even though by the end you feel like the story only REALLY took place in Paris.

>> No.1040545


It's A Tale OF Two Cities, not A Tale IN Two Cities.

>> No.1040550
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>> No.1040669


On a Pale Horse, is a cool title, except the book sounds retarded.

>> No.1040670

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

>> No.1040997

The Great American Novel
Sex, Drugs and Coco Puffs
Love in the Time of Cholera
As I Lay Dying

>> No.1041948

I just noticed that the dude on the cover of SIASL looks like David Tennant.

>> No.1041963

>I bet you use google translate for all your translations
What exactly would I need to translate? The title is already translated for me.

>> No.1042006

The Forever War.

>> No.1042019

Death on the Installment Plan. I think it sounds even better than the French original title. It just struck me immediately as a twisted joke when I saw it at a bookstore.

>> No.1042041

No way! I was going to make a thread like this. It's awesome to see that someone else beat me to the punch.

I really like "Hard-boiled Wonderland and the End of the World" and "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test"

I sort of like the titles of a lot of the new wave science fiction works, but they often seem like they're trying waaay too hard to be artsy and serious ("The Mote in God's Eye," "To Your Scattered Bodies, Go," "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream")

>> No.1042060

>new wave
>last two titles written 40 years ago.
Uh yeah ok man.

>> No.1042078

New Wave was a specific movement in science fiction that happened a while ago. Seriously, check me on Wikipedia. I will concede, however, that apparently The Mote in God's Eye is not new wave. Also, there is no coma in "To Your Scattered Bodies Go."

But dude, Harlan Ellison is the king of new wave science fiction. I'm not backing down from that one.

>> No.1042083


'new wave' refers to a specific movement within science fiction lasting (very roughly) from 1965-1977 in which a bunch of cool authors (basically a bunch of hippies) tried to make science fiction more post-modern and literary in character. Lots of experimental fiction and shit like that. Named after the New Wave of french cinema in the 1950s (which also ended like 50 years ago).

>> No.1042109

ehh, I think he has to share that crown with Moorcock. But the two of them are definitely the most influential, both in terms of their writing and their place in the movement - Ellison by editing Dangerous Visions, Moorcock by editing New Worlds.

But I do agree that new wave science fiction has a lot of great, great titles. I've always liked Stand on Zanzibar, and This Immortal.

>> No.1042149
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And the Ass Saw the Angel

>> No.1044402

Chronicle of a Blood Merchant

>> No.1044409

"-All You Zombies-"

>> No.1044435
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>> No.1044527

From the category of books I have read:

"I Drink for a Reason", David Cross

From the Category of books I have not read:

"The Subtle Knife", Philip Pullman
"After Many A Summer Dies The Swan", Aldous Huxley

>> No.1044539

