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/lit/ - Literature

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10395832 No.10395832 [Reply] [Original]

>dismantles philosophy
>deconstructs philosophy as a simple problem of language and logic
>people still talk about philosophy


>> No.10395839


>> No.10395848

t. has not read Wittgenstein

>> No.10395854

it's in the preface of the tractatus

>> No.10395860

Wittgenstein hates the tractatus

>> No.10395879
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philosophy is (mostly) just what is called philosophy. people still call stuff that has been done since him philsophy

>> No.10395887

Wittgenstein only questions our ability to attain ultimate meaning from philosophical inquiry. By the end of his career he recognized the absolute importance of using our current understanding of language to inform the systems we live under.

>> No.10396029

Has anyone ever looked into Nietzsche's view of language? He was, after all, a prodigy in philology.

I'm reading Truth and Lying in an Extra-Moral Sense right now, and it's the first time I've ever heard him delve into it.

>> No.10396070

I see you have only read the preface.
>All philosophy is a 'critique of language' (though not in Mauthner's sense). It was Russell who performed the service of showing that the apparent logical form of a proposition need not be its real one.
>Tractatus, 4.0031

Wittgenstein is a philosopher because he criticizes language. That he disagrees with many prior philosophers does not mean that he 'ended' philosophy. He brought some clarity to it.

>> No.10396102
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>> No.10396184

>No Marx
>Reading Wittgenstein without the Analytics
>Reading Kant without Leibniz/Wolff/Baumgarten
>Taking the Hermeticists seriously
>Taking Weininger seriously
>More than one Stirner book.

4/8 shit-tier bait.

>> No.10396218

>Any Stirner book that isn't The Ego and Its Own
>Freud instead of Jung
>Post-modernism without Foucault
>Land but no Dugin

>> No.10396237

For Continental Philosophy, see pic related. (I made it for a Marxist forum, so it has a big emphasis on DiaMat, but it covers a bunch of non-Marxist stuff too.)

For Ethical/Political Philosophy:
>Plato - Republic
>Aristotle - Nichomachean Ethics
>Aristotle - On Politics
>Hobbes - Leviathan
>John Lock - Two Treatise on Government
>Rousseau - Social Contract
>Kant - Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals
>Max Stirner - The Ego & Its Own
>John Stuart Mill - Utilitarianism
> Nietzsche - Genealogy of Morals
>Nietzsche - Beyond Good & Evil
>Marx & Engels - German Ideology
>Lenin - State & Revolution
>John Rawls - A Theory of Justice
>Robert Nozick - Anarchy, State & Utopia

For Analytic Philosophy:
Frege, Russell, Whitehead, Carnap, Godel, Wittgenstein

>> No.10396239
File: 1.80 MB, 2500x7500, marxistPhilosophyReadingChart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, sorry.

>> No.10396253

keep reading guys, long way to go

>> No.10396975

The absolute state of this.

>> No.10396989


you are a nihilist and a loathsome man