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/lit/ - Literature

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10393624 No.10393624 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/ I'm not from here but is there a book you guys recommend that's so depressing it'll push me to finally kill myself?

>> No.10393668


my diary desu

>> No.10393671

Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.10393674



>> No.10393675

Depressing books usually make you feel a little better
The standards are Dostoevsky's Notes
Houllebecq's Whatever
Pessoa's Book of Disquiet
Ouzama's No Longer Human

>> No.10393726
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Notes From Blunderground. Chances are you'll realize your reading ability has declined so much that you're unable to even get through a tiny hundred page book and kill yourself midway, as intended.

>> No.10394216

No I want to kill myself not feel better

>> No.10394222

The Metamorphosis

>> No.10394251

this, it will make you dread the life that's ahead of you!

good luck anon

>> No.10394253

If you can't kill yourself as is, then you're a lost cause.

Also Stoner.

>> No.10394258

read the entire goosebumps series followed by the entire anamorphs series, and if you still don't see that life is worth living, I guess you truly cannot be saved.

>> No.10394331

The Elementary Particles, i askhually contemplated it for a moment when i finished that shit. Never again

>> No.10394347

I hate 4chan. What are you going through anon?

>> No.10394355

I’m reading a short story collection called "Evening Proposal" by one Hye-young Pyun right now. I don’t think it’s especially famous, but certainly it is very depressing. Every story has a man trapped in an incredibly dull life being confronted with some kind of change or difficulty, unable to handle it.

E.g. in one story a guy is taking up a job in a branch of his company (branches of faceless companies feature in almost every story) and moving into a house there that’s supplied by the company more or less, with his pregnant wife. They move into this house without even having looked at it beforehand, and it turns out there is a giant dog, actually not aggressive, just very playful, guarding this house and another one. Now the pregnant wife is so afraid of this dog that she cannot leave the house alone. The owner of both houses refuses to do anything about this dog.
Now this is a situation a sane man could reasonably handle in a number of ways, right? It’s not a giant blow of fate.
Yet this guy goes mental (and all this is still told in a very dull tone), baiting the dog deep into a dark forest, where he chains and poisons it. Then darkness has fallen and the guy cannot find his way back. He stumbling through the forest, gets covered by a cloud of mayflies (they invade his nostrils and all), eventually sets the woods on fire and passes out. That’s the end of this story, and they’re all like that.

I guess it’s slightly of Kafkaesque, and thinking of this, Kafka also wrote some stories which I think should be very suicide-inducing. "The Judgement" is my favorite one. Maybe you can just read it half a dozen times in a row and be done with it.

Another yet unmentioned author is Thomas Bernhard. All his works have a despairing tone, but some have a kind of darkly humorous ending -- these are probably not what you’re looking for.
Some which are bleak from front to back (afaik, haven’t read all of them):
- Early stories
- Extinction
- Frost
- The Lime Works
- Concrete

>> No.10394369


>> No.10394519

Carrots all the way down by Bugs Greeny

>> No.10394885

ready player one

>> No.10395568

Infinite Jest

>> No.10395584

crime and punishment

>> No.10395889

>Ending your own life because of feelings

>> No.10396004
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The Conspiracy Against the Human Race

>> No.10396020

The Myth of Sisyphus.

>> No.10396039

I want books that are depressing not books that are so bad it's depressing. I want to jump off a cliff not read trash, that'll just piss me off.

>> No.10396073

I'm also interested in depressing books. I will get book of disquiet, thank you fourth channel

>> No.10396128

Read this Gass essay

>> No.10396180

Oh shit I just bought that for feels, will it exacerbate crippling loneliness?

>> No.10396303

>Death will not fill up an empty life and in a line of verse it occupies only five letters of space.

Goddammit Gass, I'm not going to let you near my feels if you assault them like this

>> No.10396682


>> No.10396692

If you think this book was depressing then you misunderstood literally everything about it

>> No.10396704

It's literally on /lit/s recommended depression list, are you saying all of /lit,/ is wrong?

>> No.10397853

Hey my feelings are real

>> No.10397857

Stop whoring for attention, OP.

>> No.10398328

Thanks Anon, your post was very well written.

>> No.10398331

The Blind Assassin

>> No.10398362

Okay, I will, thank you

>> No.10398370

The Trial

I don't know why I just wanted to fucking end it after I was done

>> No.10398479

i recommend reading this guy's diary >>10393668

>> No.10398503

Leopardi's cantos

>> No.10398506
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Here you go anon.

>> No.10398571

>all of /lit/ works on and agrees on every recommendation list
wew lad

>> No.10399901

Wow these are a lot of books
>rape a love story

>> No.10400187
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>> No.10400481

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius... it’s helped me a lot

>> No.10401602

Everything okay Anon?

>> No.10402224

I've just begun to read this but I don't want to kill myself. Should I stop?

>> No.10402269
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Pls don't kill yourself. You'll never know who I am, nor I you, but I love you. You are loved. I can't tell you things will get better, but I can tell you that when someone close to you, someone you need takes their own life, they don't end their suffering... they just pass it on. Grin and bear it anon, you have the strength. Disconnect from social conventions, find what makes you happy, and LIVE.

>> No.10402276

genuinely yes
Ligotti makes regular updates on his forums about all of his health complications and how the doctors and nurses treat him like shit and it 100% depressing

>> No.10402589

The book is the best manifestation of crippling loneliness I've encountered so yes. Or instead of wallowing in self-misery you could place that effort into bettering yourself in some manner. But you and I both know where we are - that isn't going to happen.

>> No.10402592

>literally everything
maybe you should kill yourself

>> No.10402598

Anonymous posts are a poor expression of recognizing and giving compassion to the essence of another subject friend-o.

>> No.10402713

>But you and I both know where we are - that isn't going to happen.
Sigh, you're right.

>> No.10403020

Maybe Nausea.