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/lit/ - Literature

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10393058 No.10393058 [Reply] [Original]

How's the writing career coming, /lit/?

>> No.10393073

well, the writing career couldn't be better, but my career as a fiction author is just ok. self-published two months ago and mostly my friends have my book.

i did just give it to an eccentric literary critic professor i have kept in touch with for years, so, you know, maybe he'll chuckle at my novel before composting it in his garden

>> No.10393083

How many times do I have to tell you that writing isn't a career it's a hobby?

>> No.10393119

Haha, about as good as my roughnecking career.
t. A beer bellied midget

>> No.10393139

Since the concept of a career has a different meaning these days, it's relevant to mention that I've started a blog recently.


I haven't gotten a chance to dive deep on anything. I'm laying a foundation (and doing a terrible job at it so far at driving anything home)

If anyone has an interest in metaphysics and wants to write up a critique, then I'm sure it would help with writer's block.

>> No.10393154

The writing is fine
The career is non-existent

>> No.10393202

Haven't done any writing lately.

All the work I put into stories fizzle out. Even if I finish stuff nobody cares.

I'm supposed to enrol for a writing class at uni but I feel too sick and scared and sad to even leave the house.

>> No.10393207

Quite badly. However, I did manage to achieve a few things throughout the year. Now I can read Italian, French and, with little difficulty, Provençal. I've also read about 52 books so far, which seems to me to be a reasonable number, though I intend to read 18 more so I can get to 70.

I will have three months of vacations now, and I will see if I can finally achieve my plan of copying Antônio Vieira's sermons, translating Dr. Faust into Portuguese, and composing the series of 22 sonnets I've been thinking of since June or so.

I also need to finish Giovanni Reale's series on the history of philosophy and start reading some serious philosophical works, so that I can use them in my poetry. I have no life, so my poetry will be made out of pure thought.

I am 21. In other words, there's enough time, but I do have to hurry a little.

Also, Latin. Latin, Latin, Latin. I gotta learn it already, for God's sake!

>> No.10393243
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Absolutely and completely non-existent. On the bright side, I genuinely believe that, over these last few months (maybe years?), that I've had an honest to God artistic and creative breakthrough and, for the first time in as long as I'm able to remember, I feel like I have some sort of direction and my ideas and philosophies are building toward something substantial.

Here's hoping, a year from now, I've completed the first chapter of my great epic story of America.

>mfw they're going to think I'm joking and memeing but I'm 100% serious.

>> No.10393338


>wolf running in the snow
>Dr. Manhattan panel from Watchmen
>le pyramid eye picture
>picture of isaac newton
>didnt read
>must be a brainlet

>> No.10393398
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I have a short story collection out with a small press right now. They haven't rejected it yet, which I take to be a good sign since it's been more than seven months. The press says they'll be making decisions in December and January, so we'll see.

>> No.10393425

I write advertisements.

>> No.10393429

So you're Don Draper?

>> No.10393440

Trying to be. But right now I’m doing shit tier work for a digital agency that focuses on pharmaceuticals.

>> No.10393494

My novella is getting published in february so it coincides with my birthday. Got a steady job working logistics so it's not make or break.

>> No.10393519
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>Start as a shitty amateur
>Make something not great but make up for it by quantity, make lots of different scenario's
>Publish it in a game
>Game does bang busters (managed to pocket 45k in total) despite the not great writing, mediocre gameplay, and generic art
>Feel happy with myself and then with practice I can top that

>Time passes
>Almost 2 years later
>Practice everyday
>Writing is a lot better
>Quantity is through the roof
>Made almost 2 books worth of writing (200 pages each, or something like that. It's hard to tell how much you have when it comes to game scripts)
>Market has become over-saturated
>Since I spent all my time writing. Art and coding suffered
>My gameplay was all over the place
>Didn't do enough testing so bug reports just kept coming in
>Make pennies
>Tfw I realize now that no one really gives a shit about writing and it acts as only the icing to a good cake
>Tfw my kino story that I cried over is now lost in the void because of my neglect

This Weight is Heavy

>> No.10393560


what game

>> No.10393562

>This Weight is Heavy
Good title.

>> No.10393576

I can't disclose that because some people might recognize me and call me out for being a bitch for crying on /lit/

It's happened before

>> No.10393578


Give clues

>> No.10393587

What kind of game is it? And how did you make it/market it?

>> No.10393595


You could have spent all the time actually writing a novel instead of a story nobody cares about in some shit indie videogame.

>Assuming your story is "Kino"

>> No.10393646

It's kino to me

>> No.10393750

Pomo please go

>> No.10393828

I keep coming to the conclusion I'm a great writer. Particularly because I can rapidly deconstruct images, and also due to the intensity I'm affected by my own emotion. Despite that no one's interested in reading anything so I'm floundering the chans and awkwardly posturing while I dream of closure.

>> No.10393844

Question my dude. What did you do as you were creating the game to market/promote it?

>> No.10393846


>> No.10393850

Would either of you like to make a game add my discord kwyjibo#1305

>> No.10393851

Rewrite it. You still have the story in your heart for the Muses have blessed you with one, make it a screenplay or theater script. Or a novel

>> No.10393867

Well I've finally raised a few goats, mature and fat. I've yet to decide whether to sacrifice them to the Muses, Athene, or Apollo

>> No.10393869

Quantum Mechanics actually does rely on the indeterminacy of certain things, in a mathematically derived and physically validated sense. You take a deterministic equation, and you somehow get a probability distribution out of it, but the results "work".

>> No.10393870

I'm not good at trying to market
It got posted around on chan and forums and other places and I did a podcast at one point
That's about it

>> No.10393878

Why are you learning latin? Will it help you as a writer?

Do you want to be like Rimbaud or something? Them's some big things to shoot for... if you fail, it's gonna hurt real bad.

>> No.10393891

That's cool. If I finish my game I imagine 4chan would have no interest in picking it up or soliciting it. Based on the kinds of creations you had what elements did you add that resulted in the most exposure on here and which boards received it the most? I know these are parasitic questions and you don't have to answer them.

>> No.10393898

>city's writing contest has some pretty biggish names (for Canada) judging their prose contest
>enter a short i worked on for about a month
>1945 words (2000 count limit)
>end up winning the thing
>judge who's a seasoned, respected novelist with national awards and international awards picks my piece, says I brought my subject "fully to life" and "made us feel what he was feeling"
>biggest compliments any writer can receive
>people crying at its reading at the award event
>be me now
>depressed POS who writes only when i feel like it
>is now scared to submit anything else for fear it was all just a fluke
>also acknowledge i dont really give any effort to anything
>actually put the effort into editing my short
>maybe i'm just afraid of effort
>am i shooting myself in the foot by not committing myself fully to writing?
>end up smoking weed and playing with my penis all day
>just turned 22

I really don't know. I just want to smoke weed.

>> No.10393906

I don't think it had anything to do with the subject matter but rather because I posted a lot on chan
As for the board it was early /vg/ and 8ch

I wouldn't use /vg/ now though since it's filled with nothing but waifu-posters

>> No.10393912

Impostors syndrome

>> No.10393915

Reading as much as I can. I've tried to write but I can only write one paragraph at a time before getting too excited or something. The texts I've written are alright-ish considering my style is simple and not artistic and I'm trying to write a (short) novel. In maybe 2-4 years I could write something that could be published. I really dont want to write a bad book, struggle but get it published and then get bad reviews. I can self-criticize my texts quite well I think as I'm not overly optimistic and I assume everything I write is shit

>> No.10393925

Yeah I'm just saying that there's a difference between their models and reality.

e.g. just because [an unknown] could be anything doesn't mean it's everything

>> No.10393929

Read 1 post all the way through or don't comment.
They're very short

>> No.10393939

Hm. That's useful information!

I relate to the abundance of writing over art or code. I realized once I had my 40,000 words written no artist was going to read what I wrote and understand or even want to paint a picture along to it and that I'd have to do the art myself which is difficult because I haven't drawn since I was 13 but I am having a lot of fun albeit struggling a bit with the thousands of hours of flash involved. Just a weird creative transition, being semi-/lit/, and all.

>> No.10393966

Actually I had the same problem when I first started.

I had to take 3 months of learning before I even attempted to draw or animate and even then I shilled out a bunch of money for commissions for things I couldn't possibly do myself. And I'm honestly glad I did because I don't think the game would have ever been even a semi-success if the art style was completely my own.
Overall I was lucky that the amateurish was hidden by the competent.

>> No.10395419

Quick question, is okay to title your book after a tv show? Not that its related to said tv show but its the perfect name. Also if it matters the tv show im talking about hasnt been on air for a while.

>> No.10395438

Moving to Berlin in march to actually take a year or so just for writing. Currently working on developing some kind of "style" in my time off university.

>> No.10395564
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Wrote today for the first time in a month. Feels good. At this rate, my first novel will be finished in about 5 years.

>> No.10395579

Maybe if you post a proper invite link we could.

>> No.10396473

Ehhh. It pays the bills.

I bounce between Freelance straight up commission Copywriiting, working Fiverr/Upwork and shitty places like that, and Self Publishing off of Amazon, and stuff like that and its enough to pay my bills and eat.

In between I'm working on several things that I'm hoping to get published through traditional means when I'm done.

So it's going?

>> No.10397718

What do you self-publish on Amazon? I know more than one Anon on here has made some decent money selling erotica.