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/lit/ - Literature

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10390807 No.10390807 [Reply] [Original]

best books about girl holes? Can involve licking and sniffing, etc.
I've already read Joyce's letters, and they were great.

>> No.10390912
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>white girl
>black hair
>has a perfect ass

>> No.10390921

she's hispanic

>> No.10390929

>tfw you'll never enter the bathroom immediately after she's taken a dirty, reeking, filthy shit
>tfw you'll never get to push her aside as she's sobbing and begging you not to go in just yet, because she's embarrassed about the stench and thinks that this will make you see her in a different, less favorable light
>tfw you lock yourself in there, inhale deeply, start to gag as your eyes starts burning, and fall to the floor as she is pounding on the door, begging you to come out
>tfw you'll never choke to death as your froth-corrupted lungs give out

Why even live? Why can't I have a nice girl fart poopstink gf? Life is so fucking unfair

>> No.10390955

Hispanic women are the closest thing to angels on earth

>> No.10390971

Anything by Houellebecq

>> No.10390974

No. This can't be. Into the trash she goes.

>> No.10390977

Post excerpt, lad