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/lit/ - Literature

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10389482 No.10389482[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is /pol/ so full of brainlets? If you try to analyze the discourse over there you'll eventually be amazed at how inexplicably retarded the posters are. In fact, there is no discourse. 99% is shouting the same shit over and over. This isn't being ironic, edgy, or trolling anymore. Shitposting nazi propaganda for years on a board for hours a day has to fuck up their mental state in some way.

How the fuck did this shit happen in the first place?

>> No.10389489

Gonna contribute with an example, when /pol/ was asked to defend trump's decision to recognize jerusalem as israel's capital the most repeated argument was " it makes sand people mad XD"

>> No.10389491

intel agencies+100 year old propaganda+republican parenting+memes+atomization+actual hatred and villification of whyte males=/pol/

there are askhual feds on /pol/ and they helped organize the stormnigger migration. hopping onto the conspiracy movemennt to do so.

btw putting “cute” pics of grills to attract (You)’s is debauched behavior and you’re a worse person for objectifying women in this way you massive hypocrite fag

>> No.10389501

l e g s
Gay asf

>> No.10389502

It's like that by design. The mods not only refuse to moderate /pol/ beyond the kind of shit that would get 4chan in legal problems, but they actively encourage the race to the bottom.

Anyway, none of this has anything to do with /lit/.
Please delete your thread while you still can.

>> No.10389505

onjectifying women is gay as fuck, you’re a gay fucking consumer irony faggot who should swallow his tongue and jump off a bridge

>> No.10389506

But why? What exactly is their goal here? I demand more transparency on this

>> No.10389512
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>> No.10389522

jezebels etc and not literature

>> No.10389527

>What exactly is their goal here?
Guilt by association. They went to reinforce the consensus that right-of-centre views are only held by paranoid cranks, imbeciles and uneducated rednecks. It's working.

>> No.10389534

I wantto hear their reasoning for once, it probably has something to do with ad revenue or worse, datamining

>> No.10389541

Maybe. (Can you please delete your thread and fuck off back to >>>/pol/)

>> No.10389543

Or maybe its more to do the whole point of this fucking site is to have minimal moderator interference. Feel free to go to reddit instead if you want muh civilized discussion

>> No.10389545

not my thread ok

>> No.10389548

Why are you a faggot OP? this is a literature board, go complain about /pol/ in the meta board

>> No.10389555

>4chan is for shitposting
It's you who need to fuck off back to plebbit.
Retarded newfag.

>> No.10389556

Why is posting a pic of a girl, uploaded by the girl herself, objectifying said girl, you fucking schizo? If OP had posted an image from a male would you be bitching about how that is objectifying him?
Posting an image from someone isnt objectifying them, they already objectified themselves by being in an image

>> No.10389588

Democracy has made politics fodder for the masses. It's one of those subjects where people consider themselves experts without actually engaging having to invest effort into learning or studying it, and subsequently don't even try to learn or study it. /pol/ is the logical end-state of this idea; a group of people who consider themselves hyper aware of the sociopolitical undercurrents driving current events, yet don't actually engage with any of the material that they talk about. Practically speaking, it's a combination of low-investment posters and a large numbers of posters, which has naturally flattened any potential discussion to disgruntled collective opinions. It's not all that different from reddit, just without the structure or moderation. especially since the_donald colonized it. Also this isn't literature, so fuck off.

>> No.10389593

Brittany Venti came into the tinychat room once but left because we just told her how great a troll she was.

>> No.10389611

How would /pol/ benefit from intelligent discourse? they're interested in "winning".

>> No.10389626

/pol/ is reddit

>> No.10389636

I would bang her.

>> No.10389655
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Me too

>> No.10389679

I don't think she would make a good long term girlfriend though, too much of an attention whore.

>> No.10389699

but those tits tho

>> No.10389751
File: 135 KB, 452x818, B912202B-7102-4703-9519-A6C598FD974C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I browse both boards and one thing I’ve never seen is a thread on /pol/ whining about /lit/ so...