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/lit/ - Literature

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10388783 No.10388783 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Judge each other's book titles.

I'll start:

To Feel The Breeze Again

>> No.10388805

On Juniper St, Hesperia


>> No.10388813

Must Go Back

>> No.10388816

To feel the breeze from my ass again

>> No.10388821

The Path of Consumption

>> No.10388824


>> No.10388840

seems too vague. at least the rest give me an image in my head.

>> No.10388842


>> No.10388843


Branches and Leaves

>> No.10388849


>> No.10388857

Haven't decided yet but I'm thinking 'A Lonely Night's Languor'.

7/10. Seems cosy. Is that what you're going for?
6/10. Doesn't speak to me personally but that's entirely subjective.
5/10. If I saw this my prejudgement would be 'edgy trite'.
8/10. Simplistic and sweet.

>> No.10388858
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Thank brah

>> No.10388862

I like it, but would probably scare off normies.
I was going for cosy (I assume you mean cozy)
Its a tale of tumult and turmoil to get back home (and feel the breeze again)

>> No.10388868

6/10 - hated it at first, but i like it more every time i think of it. What’s it about?

>> No.10388873

“Empty boxes” - too simple, maybe?

>> No.10388896

gotta rate others to get rated.
pity rate
7/10, on a literal level, boxes are meant to hold things, so if theyre empty it has a symbolic mystery

>> No.10388909

Dreams in Black and White

>> No.10388910

Nice iambs, I like it


Invasively bad


Better than most ITT

>> No.10388913









This is mine, rate please.

>> No.10388919

Wise, wise human
Byzantium America

>> No.10388922

I like Dreams in Black and White 8/10
I never noticed the iambs, completely unintentional, but thats probably why I liked it to begin with subconsciously

>> No.10388925

Is that the whole title? I dont understand

>> No.10388929

Fucking Faggots: Brown Coloured Plunderers

>> No.10388932

They are two distinct titles. If you don't get the titles that's fine.

>> No.10388933

The brain’s best magic is unintentional, baby

>> No.10388941

Go back to plebbit

>> No.10388943


These are the only two that aren't disqualified, but they're not good either

I don't have one because as you can see, they're pretty difficult

>> No.10388944

I like em both, I just didnt understand if they were one title or two.

>> No.10388947

Its easy to judge without offering anything.

>> No.10388951

Confessions of an Emotional Pervert

>> No.10388953
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>> No.10388954

Ooggity Boogity

>> No.10388955

No you
Thank you

>> No.10388961
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1. Saturnalia
2. Autumn Pastel
3. Under An Iron Sun

>> No.10388962

Remarks on Retrotemporal Efficient Causality: Hyperstition and History: A Schizoanalysis

>> No.10388963

very interesting, but once again, will for sure scare off normies.
sounds like a weird scifi fantasy thing

>> No.10388968

The Conscious Retard

>> No.10388973

An autobiography? interesting choice.

>> No.10388976

1 and 3 are good.
wtf did I just read

>> No.10388977

Thanks anon, do you like the title though?

>> No.10388980

Yeah number 2 is just a thought at the moment

>> No.10388982

Good if you're not going for widespread appeal

>> No.10388991

Daughters and Sons of my Land

Its a biography I'm writing for an 83 year old nanny who spent more of her time with children of a different woman than with her own. There are some really sad themes that I'm drawing from, but I think it will have a positive ending.

>> No.10388992

I like to your first and third.

>> No.10388996

whoops meant for

>> No.10388999

Sounds interesting, id love to read it

>> No.10389000

Living men with dead souls

>> No.10389003

It should be called Daughters and Sons of my Employer.

>> No.10389005

Might work better as a single stanza rather than a title
You have lost my interest already. Juniper St. sounds generic, Hesperia sounds like an anime place. Don't introduce titles that don't work as a plot.
Hello Stephen King. Way to introduce meaningless buzzwords in your title.
More like branch out and leave this place
Why should I care about a lonely night?
Trying too hard to be profound
Seems like mumbo-jumbo word jumble
1. Your best one. But no one is going to read a book that sounds like a rock cover.
2. Purple prose
3. More purple prose

>> No.10389011

I'm Writer

>> No.10389012

The Definite Article

>> No.10389015

funny you should suggest that because I was going to have a similar name for the second part, rather than chapter titles.

>> No.10389021

Where's your title, edgemeister?

>> No.10389022

I figured it was something along those lines. Your story is rather similar to mine.

Nothing spectacular; it's an autobiographical short-story. I had intended to vagabond across New Zealand for a few months but it was apparent that I was trying to run away from a recent problem and I had to confront it. I headed home at sunset and resolved to walk the entire night to get back home.

The title comes from a particular moment (around 1am) of respite from fatigue and blister-beaten feet, where I found a comfortable serenity sitting on the side of the road next to a gas station.

>> No.10389031

Hesperia is a shitty little town in California

>> No.10389033

It better have interesting events, otherwise youve lost my interest

>> No.10389036

The day my soul died

>> No.10389035

It would be something like this
Title: Daughters and Sons of my Land

Part 1: Mother's last family.
Part 2: My third family.
Part 3: Years spent away
Part 4: Return to my Land

I only have the 1st and 2nd parts fleshed out, and im working on the 3rd and 4th together (these titles are ones im still debating).

>> No.10389037

Put me in the screencap

>> No.10389044

Would this be a legal title?

#1 National Bestseller

>> No.10389050

too edgy

>> No.10389058


>> No.10389061


>> No.10389066

Nothing too interesting, really. It's mostly personal musings. I'm just writing it for myself.

>> No.10389067


>> No.10389093

man and I thought /r9k/ was depressing as shit

>> No.10389099

Orgasm Denial: a Guide in Prose

>> No.10389102

"An Evening Residue"

>> No.10389174


>> No.10389188

Onan's Palm

Is the book cutesy? If so 8/10

>> No.10389194

Hype Nation

>> No.10389195
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Calm down John Green

>> No.10389197

Eyes on the other side

>> No.10389201

Sorry. I rated that one on a separate post. Thanks for the pity rate.

>> No.10389204


>> No.10389219

Symphony Rotations: Bleu et Seven MINOR

>> No.10389226

Open to suggestions, going for one word title similar to Greek epic poem
Story is essentially a mythical road trip

>> No.10389229

Odd, but the cover could be neat: FUCK in a loud font and KNIFE in a less bold font, with the shining blade eclipsing the vertical line of the K to contrast the fonts

>> No.10389230

I'm thinking Ad Gladium because the short story is about a Gladiators death in the arena, but I'm nowhere near a final name yet.

>> No.10389232

It would certainly be successful

>> No.10389244

Dilated Vagina

>> No.10389262

Wait in the Fire

>> No.10389278

A sleepless night with your mother

>> No.10389285

Your Hell Is Much Hotter

>> No.10389356

Do Not Read This Book (No Seriously, Don't)

>> No.10389386

This is a White Noise style novel on Hypebeast culture
This sounds like a late Harlem Renaissance Novel
Online horror-comedy novella about a serial rapist, loved genuinely & ironically
Collections of poetry from someone from Buffalo, New York. Will receive praise but will fall into obscurity
An obvious rip-off of Story of The Eye. Will be liked by weird twitter people.
A mid-western novel about failing marriages. Will be adapted into an indie film with a different title.
An actually touching novel through the eyes of a young child. No one will openly read because of the title.
A Young-Adult novel that is derivative of Pop Culture Nostalgia. Guaranteed financial success

>> No.10389388


>> No.10389401


>> No.10389405

Kalmankello - Lich Bell

>> No.10389411

Who was you?

>> No.10389415

At the Court of Cats

>> No.10389423

Summit Child

>> No.10389429

I want to go home

>> No.10389433

Is ok
Sounds YA tier
Like it
10/10 bravo
Poor attempt but trips

>> No.10389436

Forgot mine,
Drops of smoke

>> No.10389439

I likethis one. What’s it about?

>> No.10389443

That's beautiful in Finnish. Savupisarat.

>> No.10389448

It's a chase for horizon lost, on the seas of memories. Alienation and finding solace in this life of waiting.

>> No.10389451

That is really nice, the only other Finnish word I know is the one for cartwheel.

>> No.10389473

Care to explain?

>> No.10389478

The Ducks.

>> No.10389513

My story's name is either:
1) Remember Forgetting
2) Remember To Forget

Sounds interesting
I don't like it personally
It's ok
Love it
Fuck no

>> No.10389524

>1) Remember Forgetting
>2) Remember To Forget
Iiish, YA-tier

>> No.10389538

retrace your steps until you get lost

>> No.10389577

Change it to Hype Nash brah
>gets sued by Games-Workshop
I dig it.
I don't dig it.

The Things Our Fathers Loved

>> No.10389580

A Midsummer Night's Meme

>> No.10389598


>> No.10389800

The Diary and Musings of a 27 year old incel.

>> No.10389808

I, Shitposter

>> No.10389810

What makes a good title?

>> No.10389826

I will not tell the forest

>> No.10389875


>> No.10389899
File: 7 KB, 250x206, 65EB45BF-449E-4109-95DC-BC34995A6C06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“The Tragedy of Mephistopheles”

It’s actually succubi catgirl erotica

>> No.10389905

Title Wave

>> No.10389910

The Great Disappointment

>> No.10389913

Autonomy in the Azores

>> No.10389926

Sounds like a Nick Land essay or something. 7/10

Meh. 5/10.


6/10, sounds like genre fiction.

Trash. I know you're shitposting.

>> No.10389928

that's the title of my diary

>> No.10389933

Nice. I'd really like to see that as a depressing, satirical account of being a demon forced to do contracts, etc. Cat girl erotica is a bit out of place. What's the plot?

>> No.10389966

The Varangian

>> No.10389969

fuck off

>> No.10389987

shame on you

you'll find out soon once i get published :)

>> No.10390004

Precision. A title should convey a feeling, a genre, a world and a purpose.

>> No.10390049

No Strings Attached

>> No.10390053

Lol are these joke titles? I'm lauffin!

>> No.10390072

Bouba and Kiki

My applause if the reference is understood. The gimmick is that I keep the protagonists unnamed in spite of their identities being obvious.

sounds more like an album title

>More like branch out and leave this place

>> No.10390081

Bouba is male

Kiki is female.

I heard this in some neurologists talk on synesthesia. Prof Ramachandran or something.

>> No.10390105

Not posting the actual title as the book's nearly done but the title is a unix command that doesn't do anything.

>> No.10390128
File: 141 KB, 1200x704, 23551145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The effect is more than that though, I've been seeing it more and more lately. Might be confirmation bias though.

>> No.10390141

interesting extrapolation

was this your reference tho?

>> No.10390147

You mean my image? No.

>> No.10390154

" The Space Sphincter Pilot - A Journey through Worm Holes and Butt Holes"

>> No.10390169


In order written:

Amazing Bullshit Adventure
Alone in Blood
Roar (Dragon Gestalt)
Edgelord Wizards of Vector Time - Tales of the Draconomicodex - Part 2 of the legend of ehy-'yauoieahh

Unwritten, lost, or partially written novel titles:

Atlas Shrugged with Dragons
As the Bridges Burn

>> No.10390278

The Penis Christmas Dinner

>> No.10390290

Deep in the dungeon.

>> No.10390311

Baths of Bath (literary fiction)
The Wanker (philosophy)

>> No.10390320

The Dawn Comes Quietly

>> No.10390327

Manhattan, My Own

>> No.10390329

The Tidal Dave (I helped this person make a book, he insisted this should be the title.)

>> No.10390331

All unremarkable
Feminist text
Young adult, remove the "the"
New age bullshit

>> No.10390334

Perdition’s Flame

>> No.10390339

They Carry Fire

>> No.10390342

Feel, The Breeze Again

>> No.10390345

The Menaced Assassin

>> No.10390347

trying too hard

>> No.10390376

A Life Without Conflict

>> No.10390385

Kinda lame
Good, sounds right for a war memoir or mil sci-fi, but would be great for literary fiction
Trashy but could go well with certain genres

Mine is a tossup between three:
1. Pus Eye, Black Pyramid
2. The Fragile Time
3. Ritual Suicide for Absolute Beginners

>> No.10390390

The Cloud of Unknowing

>> No.10390398

1: 3/10
2: 2/10
3: 10/10

>> No.10390429

The Hanged Man

>> No.10390439

«J'ai le privilège de me détester»
Aaaaaaaand I now realize this board is only for Americans/anglos.

>> No.10390442

Sounds like leaves of grass, except it doesn't roll off the tongue as well

>> No.10390448

Is it, "I have a privilege that i detest" or something?

>> No.10390484

The Happiness of the Homosexual Squirrel

>> No.10390508

The Man Who Accidentaly Got His Dick Cut Off And How He Overcame Nihlisim

>> No.10390586

would read/10

>> No.10390593

Basically means "I have the privilege of hating myself"

>> No.10390622

Metrics of Valor

>> No.10390653


>> No.10390783

Cunny, the Sweetest Flower

>> No.10390791

Trolling, but 'The Sweetest Flower' would be a nice novel if you were going to do another Lolita-styled story

>> No.10390850

لهيب الثورة المقدسة
The flames of the divine revolution
It's still a WIP

>> No.10390874

Just realized a much better title
لظى الثورة المقدسة

>> No.10390881

The Prophet

>> No.10390960

The Menaced Assassin is the title of a Magritte painting FYI, inspired by Fantômas, a famous serial killer in French Crime Fiction during the 1910-20s.

I want it to be a kind of neo-noir, murder mystery set in New York.

Sound like that title could work in that genre?

>> No.10390962

Definitely not bad
sex euphemism?
Sounds like it was generated in Dwarf Fortress. It is terrifying.

And mine: Hesperos

>> No.10390968

Innercity Midst

>> No.10391001
File: 786 KB, 850x1024, 80341d203e9bb39191d8a9b705db9fa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Lands of Grace

>> No.10391441

A Room of Sins

>> No.10391536
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Can't wait to copyright all these titles lmao

>> No.10391539

Star of Withering/Star of Hope

>> No.10391546

Only one I'd read in this thread desu

>> No.10391551

Big Dick Willy's Big Hung Schlong Pageant Vol. 1: The Girth Chronicles

>> No.10391571

The Beggar's Fever

>> No.10391601

Life, the Vaginal Excrement

>> No.10391639

Don't Tessellate

i like the third a lot, probably cos the word gestalt


sounds tautological

nobody uses the word perdition IRL, so it sounds pretentious automatically

that is a very pretty word

>> No.10391703

Gibran should shoot you.


Sounds good. If it's about a brothel neck yourself.

If it's 2 novels I'm interested

I need to know more anon.

>> No.10391718

Anon, unfortunately i just thought in the title.


>> No.10391759

words that hurt
the title is printed in razorblades disguised as paper so that anyone unfortunate enough to rub their skin against the cover will sustain damage

>> No.10391768

that's a magritte painting

>> No.10391778
File: 378 KB, 726x1193, a9924355-46c7-483a-8975-c5dce97cccf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50 ways to heartbreak
Its a poetry book of melancholic poetry

>> No.10391796

Here I give an actual title for a work in progress (about an "edgy" Christian rock band) to critique, and you jerks can't be bothered to look at it! I even offered a critique of my own, yet still nothing. Eff this garbage thread. I hate you all ( ;_;)

>> No.10391853

Short Story Collection:

The Jeremiads

>> No.10391862

Epin. 10/10

>> No.10392078

I, Donald J Trump

it's about disappointment

>> No.10392132

Two, If You Count God

>> No.10392145

Plastic Phoenix Fronds Celebrate His Passing

>> No.10392162

Milk and Honky.

>> No.10392174

Is it a Jack Reacher fanfic novel?

>> No.10392175

A little wordy for a title but i would probably read the first chapter

>> No.10392398

cliff sargent said he's working on a screenplay called 'path to consumption' in one of his patreon exclusive videos. is this you cliff?

>> No.10392468

Ere We Rot

Best in thread

>> No.10392502

A Jigaboo's Tale

>> No.10392517

Detroit Cops

>> No.10392536

Eight Steps to Reaching True Enlightment

>> No.10392551

Andy Bernard's Path to Ritititdadoodom
Micheal Scarn: Fall From Grace
Squatspatter: A Corncobb story

>> No.10392552
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Working title for my diary

>Samson Among the Philistines

>> No.10392697


>> No.10392757

The Gaping of Sara Mathews

>> No.10393008

Easy Breezy Let's Get Sleazy

>> No.10393020

Last Bee In Lebanon

>> No.10393031

Pus Filled Doughnut

>> No.10393036

That's the same title i used for my diary desu

>> No.10393059

Neon Monsoon

>> No.10393238

>A View of the Walls

kinda edgy tbqh 6/10
1. 6/10 2. 7/10 but add comma in between
1 and 3 are pure kino
I dig it 8/10
Very good 9/10
Average but kind of interesting 7/10
5/10 in english, 9/10 in Finnish

>> No.10393292

A view of my balls/10

The Puritan Rides

>> No.10393317

Platonic Civics

>> No.10393347

عن ايش

>> No.10393355

Ellipsis Sky

>> No.10393361

ah good joke anon!

>> No.10393384

It Wasn't Meant To Be Painful

>> No.10393387

Only a pseud would use such a pretentious name. I imagine you talk in an affected voice and constantly tell people how "important theater and the arts" are.

>> No.10393397

Thepur Itan Rides 10: 4 scenes and over 2 hours of the hottest new star

>> No.10393406

as opposed to talking in this manner, “like, literally i think that, yeah um, so uh yeah like literally, totally haha yeah bro, awe yeha haha like totally, yeah” guarantee you uptalk, have vocal fry and use filler words constantly you inarticulate pseud FAGGOT

>> No.10393433

The Last Generation

>> No.10393450

Ummm excuse me, but that's, like, a stereotype. Please don't, like, say shit like that about me ever again.

>> No.10393458

Song of the Sorcerer

>> No.10393467

Both of these are generic and bland t-b-h

>> No.10393489

the imitation of mulgrew

>> No.10393496

I was afraid of that, yeah. But I don't know what else to title a story of kid learning incantations via singing to rescue his sister from being sold to the southern sex trade. Aside from Fantasy Taken: The Musical.

>> No.10393510

It's an interesting concept. My suggestion is to read Classics until you find a line about the power of speech/song and take a phrase from that, or a line that hooks right into the themes you wanted to explore.

>> No.10393522

Sing! Said the Sorcerer
The Singing Sorcerer
A Sorcerer in Sing Sing
The Song and the Sorcerer
When the Sorcerer Sings

>> No.10393523

Bird of Paradise
The Ghoul
Pinewood Nights

>> No.10393571

Mute Preacher

>> No.10393585

"The Great Kubla Kahn, Or Death and Transfiguration, Or a Story about a Man Being Sucked into a Black Hole"

might add "& knuckles" to the end desu

>> No.10393600

Call it Super Mario Brothers 18: This time it's personal

>> No.10393638

Thanks for the positive feedback. I'm thinking about releasing some comedic audio CDs someday

>> No.10393798
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I'm still working hard on this one so any input is appreciated

"Reflections on the modern Charlemagne: How Hitler shaped Europe and the World"

So alternatives to this would be "Reflections on the Second Charlemagne: How Hitler Shaped the Modern World", [Charlemagne stuff] and then "How Hitler shaped Germany, Europe and the World at Large"
"Charlemagne, Napoleon, Hitler: Europe's Glorious Emperors"

Titles that would require a large image of Hitler on the cover:
>Charlemagne II (maybe have pic related as cover but it's Hitlers face under the crown)
>Europe's Final Emperor
>The Last Roman
>Caesar Reborn

>> No.10393896

Towers of Flesh and Blood

>> No.10393902

Discourses on Machiavelli

>> No.10393913

Kidnapped a Serial Killer

>> No.10394022

I Really Fucking Hate Niggers

>> No.10394137

Not a single good title in the entire thread.

For shame.

>> No.10394147

We want you to participate, roasty.

>> No.10394149

I Wish Chad Would Cum in Me, A Memoir A Priori of the Lust of Women

>> No.10394245

the sorrowful life of a man of insufficienty

>> No.10394259

Crisis Onions

>> No.10394281
File: 9 KB, 566x466, artofwarbaby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

General Accounting
Fire, It Went
The Late Dollar and The Short Day
Catamarans: A Study of Surrender.

what does "A Priori" mean? 3/10

Poor shock value, I'd prefer a simple "I hate niggers" with a picture of bruce willis from "Armageddon" on it

It very seriously depends on the scope of the book, but it is best to keep book titles short, but maintaining an aura of mystery, like a skirt on a woman. If the book more generally focuses on the impact European rulers had in the geopolitical sense, with a heavy gravitation towards Hitler, then I'd recommend "Spirit of Charlemagne: Hitler and His Europe" and avoid some of the more grandstanding words of Roman type. A simple image of post-ww2 borders with Hitler superimposed on the german states might do, certainly would look interesting.

I prefer "The Great Kublai Can"

I prefer "Doughnut that is Pus Filled"

Calisthenics, what a waste.

sounds steamy DESU

Vaginal Excrement and Life: More Similar Than First Thought

>> No.10394297
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Empty Chapel

>> No.10394305
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wtf I used that as the title for my diary as well!

>> No.10394307

The Lion of Syria:
Assad did Nothing Wrong

>> No.10394324

Fuck You
Nothing for you
Don’t steal other people’s ideas
Lol faggot
Nice try OP

>> No.10394487

>>10388919 first one only
>>10388951 all three
>>10389262 Particuarly like this one
All titles that would make me want to at least pick the book off the shelf and take a deeper look, which is one of the main functions of a title. The other function is whether it properly sets up expectations for what your book is going to be about so I won't be disappointed.

>> No.10394568

The Red Hills of Home

>> No.10394676

>>10391639 (first one)

>> No.10394699

1. Fleshy people
2. Misaka Onorichi in The Tower of the Rape Wizard
3. Let the tender in

they're all for the same book

sorry for not rating other book titles in this post

>> No.10394714

Generationsroman: en generationsroman

>> No.10394721

Walking Berries

>> No.10394750

Oxford Pages

>> No.10394825

>1. Saturnalia
I hope it's a book about the romans

>> No.10394826

edgy 0/10
could be ok 6?/10
2/10, boring aand unoriginal
dumb 1/10
dumb 7/10
cringe -5/10
ultra cringe -11/10, unless its a feminist novel, then 4/10
could be interesting
needs to be paired with cover art, no idea what mulgrew you're talking about
also boring
1/10 and cringy unless its a feminist novel, in which case 5/10
2/10, unless feminist novel in which case, 6/10

okay, mine is:

A dying star of humanity in its last stand against empty vessels: a novel on humans being too human, in a dead world

>> No.10394842

The book of George (protags name is george :D)

>> No.10395128

Can someone respond to this por favor

>> No.10395155

It's good; walls are an inexhaustibly rich motif

>> No.10395197

>A dying star of humanity in its last stand against empty vessels: a novel on humans being too human, in a dead world

>> No.10395214

>walls are an inexhaustibly rich motif
and boring af and trite too

>> No.10395218

Ménage à lone

>> No.10395223

So is anything, if you're a TALENTLESS PLEB

>> No.10395305

In the Eye of the Owl
Remus and his Merit
Finch's Jug
The Call of Barabbas

>> No.10395367

All the girls i know have either written a script or a short story about walls, passage of time, generations, memories, ephemeral nature of humanity.

They're awful.

Not everyone is Keats or Proust. Stop please. No more walls.

The men i know are self-aware enough to approach this subject with caution.

>> No.10395384


I Only Look Out the Window During the Apocalypse

>> No.10395622

One man holocaust

>> No.10395695

Milky Manifesto

>> No.10395702

You're writing Ben Garrison's biography?

>> No.10395743

The Siltlands: A Convulsion of Culture

It's fantasy

Be gentle, please

>> No.10395838

Belladonna, or Deadly Nightshade

Cute. I love inter-lingual wordplay. Sounds sad but funny.

Intriguing, but a bit nonsensical. I mean I get what you're trying to say, but the way it's worded implies that apocalypses are relatively common. It also primes me to think that the speaker is some kind of edgy 2cool4skool misanthrope and it's pretty risky business to make your reader feel skeptical of the protagonist before they even started reading.

I don't really get anything out of this. Years of deviant porn give me some interpretation, but I doubt it's the kind you want. Or maybe it is, I won't judge. I think for the average reader though, "manifesto" is an extremely loaded word. I think it's more commonly used in British politics, but anywhere else if you write "manifesto", people read "Communist". Maybe that's also what you're going for, but be aware.

I like it. The title reads more like a nature documentary than a novel, but I'm the sort of weirdo who would actually love to read/watch a nature doc about a fantasy world. If nothing else, it sounds like you put a lot of care into designing this place. "Siltlands" is a very interesting an evocative word, and I really enjoy "convulsion". I can imagine a wet, fertile land convulsing with life. Rivers convulsing over the banks. A prosperous city convulsing with trade and war.

>> No.10395940

The Butt Club

>> No.10395943

My first idea was Convulsion of Nature, or Spasm of Nature/Culture

>> No.10395988

>ultra cringe -11/10
It's a penis joke.

>> No.10396228
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Fertile Fairytale

>> No.10397438

The Fall of Prudence

>> No.10397454

How well do I know you: extremity and commonalities

>> No.10397484

That was the title of a book I was writing back when I was 15. Don't even know what it means. "Tautological" is the best word to describe it.

>> No.10397508

Here Lies Bethlehem Steel.

>> No.10397582

Unfortunately Not Dead Yet

>> No.10397599

I'm Not Racist, But...

>> No.10397605

A Turd in the Hand is Worth Two in the Shitter

>> No.10397606


>> No.10397620

The Man

>> No.10397628
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War on Atlantis

>> No.10397665

Titty Queen on Rape Island

>> No.10397674

Ellie and Me
Turin in March

Which would an intellectual read? Lit fags are my target audience.

>> No.10397676

Cold Souls

>> No.10397697

Sounds pulpy.

>> No.10397713

Moby Dick

>> No.10397741

Red Rouge

>> No.10397805

Sounds like a history of Pontiac's rebellion

>> No.10398151

My Little Sister is Trying to Force me have Gay Sex with Him?

>> No.10398182

Po-Mo beautiful

>The Titan of Rhodes

>> No.10398251

>Autumn Pastel
gives a twee vibe in a bad way
>Under An Iron Sun
Sounds like it could be either a boring sci-fantasy shlock or a novel set in particular period (probably war times or similoa) of some not really well known, not really unknown country.
8/10 would buy
0/10 wouldn't even touch
0/10 stop being a teenager
8.5/10 nice
Sounds ok, although this kind of thing is a bit overdone
Ad Mentula Canis would be a better one
Sounds like it could be total shit but I want to trust you and I give you a 7/10.
Bleah 1/10 but only because I love the world flame.
I feel like I've heard this one before.
As with the other guy, sounds like it could be interesting or total shit. 7/10

>> No.10398252

58 cheap and easy bean recipes that will make you think life is worth holding onto

>> No.10398278

The Honest Hamburger

>> No.10398477

Song of Sam
The English point

>> No.10398481

One story

>> No.10398492

mfw coming back to this thread a day later and I got no (you)'s

>> No.10398495
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These are the only two I would read based on the title alone.

>> No.10398497
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>> No.10398501

Death in Spain

>> No.10398558

Those better be some damn good beans.

>> No.10398581


>> No.10398618

Under the Tempered Brush
For Russian Daughters
Tripleslit Blinds

>Deadly Nightshade
>General Accounting
>Fire, It Went
>The Late Dollar and The Short Day
>Late Dollar and a Short Day
>Catamarans: A Study of Surrender
>Don't Tessellate
3/10, sounds like you just discovered the word "tessellate"
4/10, sounds like Big Mouth & Ugly Girl

>> No.10398681

All the recipes relay on a carefully selected spice blend. It's very delicious and also made from ingredients you can find in any store. No need to go to special emporiums. The other secret is write down on a sheet of paper everything you are afraid of losing and everyone you will miss when they die: than to burn it on the stove top.

Not only does this make it cook faster it also teaches you to that all things are temporal and that detachment is the key to happiness.

>> No.10398704

Nose all wet

>> No.10398707

godspeed you, black cumdumpster

>> No.10398722

I like the title, but judging by it, I'd most likely find the content not that engaging.
Neither, but the titles seem okay. 7.5/10
The first one is a keeper, 7.5/10
The first three are great.

Haven't set it in stone, but this is mine >Onyxian Newborn

>> No.10398739

1 Ash

2 The Gathering

3 Jackson

>> No.10399298

Such Lordly Praise

>> No.10399303

Smoking weed is my hobby with a 12 gauge shotty

>> No.10399315

i remember a movie where a guy used a shotgun as a bong and accidentally killed himself

the cops had a good laff but i don't remember the movie being very good

>> No.10399320

Soul Harvest, or How I learned to Love 3D Women

>> No.10399408

Rent Roll

probably a woman

ebin my fellow based black magapede!!


tryhard pedants







not bad


i hope its about dogs

>> No.10399752

Calliou: The Rise of a Drug Empire