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10386415 No.10386415[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any characteristics ? are there red flags or warning signs ?

>> No.10386440

Well, I think it is important to understand that there is a difference between people who use their rational to come to conclusions on matters which they are not fully versed on, and those who use the opinions of others to appear smart and knowledgeable.

A pseudo-intellectual will be something like the latter.

>> No.10386445

Usually if you try to engage with him in a topic beyond mere surface platitudes it becomes obvious pretty quickly. Why even ask?

>> No.10386446

>How can you tell if someone is a pseudo intellect
By not being one yourself.

>> No.10386450

Well Peterson is a good example: the grand sweeping statements upon issues he clearly isn't particularly well read in or knowledgable of, the tendency to reduce complex and multifaceted ideas to single trite and cliched lines, and most of all the continual rediscovering of the wheel, ie the presentation of extremely shallow and misguided readings of canonical texts, that are really nothing more than cliffnote summaries of essentially irreducible text, into fragmentary bullet points of 'meaning', all of which fit happily into a transitory and messianic political position.

>> No.10386451

OP. Everyone is a pseudo intellect. Intellectuals are a rare breed.

>> No.10386453

The biggest one is being unnecessarily verbose in casual conversation.
It's one thing to use a semi-obscure word if it's the most appropriate for the situation (like saying "verbose" instead of "uses a lot of words") but going out of your way to cram three SAT words into a FaceJew status is such a "look how smart I am" display that it makes me seethe.

>> No.10386454


This is true, and I know because I'm a pseud. Please do not ask me to elaborate on my opinions, because they're entirely unsubstantiated

>> No.10386457

Do they really make you think?

>> No.10386467

well no, pseuds really make other pseuds 'think', somethings worth cant be dependent wholly upon some random everymans 'response' to it

>> No.10386471

they say dumb shit

>> No.10386486

Not OP but how does someone not be a pseudo intellectual ? I've always wondered this because i'm a bit of a brainlet

>> No.10386498

I've noticed this too. Being unnecceasarily formal and condescending is another big one.
Part of intelligence is understanding how to behave in various settings. If you're invited to a physics symposium and use Twitter slang, you're autistic. Same goes the other way.

>> No.10386636

this. peterson is vastly more invested in his political agenda than academic truth

>> No.10386646

Their primary communication method is underhanded implications instead of the words they speak.

>> No.10386662

I'd say deep down he's more of a nihilist who's in it for the patreon shekels and campus thotts

>> No.10386693

He isn't a nihilist. Him talking about psychedelics, his emotional investment in Western civilization and his desire to help people go against it.

>> No.10386705

People overrate Peterson's political involvement. All he did was refuse enforced pronoun usage because of his free speech/tyranny rationale. He was still making the same ideals long before he blew up.

>> No.10386715

wtf are you talking about

>> No.10386720

Just bee yourself

>> No.10386725

what ideals?

>> No.10386727

You're far more a nihilist than he is, reducing every action to a monetary motive.

>> No.10386728

those ideals are in the domains of philosophy but he uses assbackwards psychology to back up his claims

>> No.10386730

Might be just my opinio, but I think an intelectual is someone who contributes to his culture. For example, a lot of writers translated books into their native language. A pseud is someone who has nothing to show for, who only parrots clever quotes and engages in flowery talk.

>> No.10386734

None of that is what a pseud does. It's like, would you be bothered if he wrote a book on cliff notes? Would you call all authors of cliff note books pseuds? No. It takes effort to translate complex concepts into pills for the masses.

Now, people who REPEAT Petersons thoughts and pretend to be better than others simply by virtue of having heard them, but without any further thoughts being actually prompted by the hearing, that is a pseud. And people who equally dismiss peterson and pretend that they're better than him despite having NO thoughts equal or greater in clarity or usefulness, nor any ability to communicate philosophical ideas AT ALL to others? Pseuds.

Pseuds basically try to play top dog from a bottom dog position. They act superior without having anything going for them.

>> No.10386737

The biggest tell is the tendency to frame everything in terms of two allegedly opposite forces, something Peterson does all the time for example.

>> No.10386739

All his Jungian crap. Watch his lectures. He was doing them since the 80's I think.
>assbackwards psychology
How is Jungian psychology assbackwards?

>> No.10386741

Is the alt right still a thing?

>> No.10386742

What are the two forces?

>> No.10386758


still think he's not a pseud?

>> No.10386761

He posted his IQ on twitter. You can't respect somebody that insecure if over the age of about 19

>> No.10386765

Good and bad

>> No.10386770

where did jung write about anything that has to do with freedom or identity politics?
people discredit psychology as a science because it presents itself as empirical fact yet very rarely can psychological studies can be successfully replicated. his reluctance to confront the subjectivity of his profession shows just how much of a psued he is

>> No.10386774

Did he post it out of insecurity or the lack of it? How do you know?

>> No.10386777

Then why the fuck hasn't he read anything for 30 years?!

>> No.10386784

I don't know, but I'm definitely an intellectual. If you met me, you'd know...

>> No.10386785

Ha, you fucking pseud.

>> No.10386786

Name one serious self respecting academic who publicly announced his score at a brain smartz test


>> No.10386792

Besides being up to date with all the published literature in personality and neuropsych?

>> No.10386799

You remind me of the film director who screamed at Siskel and Ebert, can you do any better? Well maybe not but you still made a bad movie and I can see that with my own two eyes.

>> No.10386802

That doesn't answer my question. Maybe he just doesn't give a fuck.

>> No.10386803

It never was

>> No.10386805

N-no! I'm right! I have all sorts of brilliant ideas in my head!

>> No.10386814

Talk about that then and keep your uninformed 'musings' to yourself. Oh wait teenage retards won't give me clicks and donations, better wing some shit about political correctness

>> No.10386825

Lol like you have any idea what that entails. Last year before you discovered there was an actual academic who shared your petty bigoted views you would have dismissed 'psych' as a useless discipline for women who want a career in starbucks.

>> No.10386834

I'm nearly finished a clinical psych PhD you nong. Quit projecting you pseud lazy crap.

>> No.10386835

Theyre all haters, and jealous of JP's IQ and success.

>> No.10386842

Whats the topic of your dissertation

>> No.10386851

I cannot see the problem you have with this video.

You are acting as if the video speaks for itself proving your point, but it really doesn't.

Maybe it's not the most eloquent clip of him, I'll agree with that, but I don't see the problem with the ideas presented here.

Elaborate. Why do you think this clip proves him as a pseud?

>> No.10386860

Ha, yeah OK. Lets shut this whole website down too. Last thing we want is people sharing their musings. Right?

Comparing the cognitive differences underlying different worldview belief systems and also the different psychological well-being outcomes of various worldview belief systems.

>> No.10386875

I think he says the clip shows Peterson to be a pseud because Peterson says the quote about Sisyphus is from Nietzsche when it is actually from Camus.

>> No.10386884

Misattributing a famous metaphor to another famous philosopher
Anyone who does a minimum of research fucking knows who wrote the myth of Sisyphus but peterson loves wanking of Nietzsche without knowing the slightest thing about him, he's on par with that facebook girl who says she loves nihilism

>> No.10386893

>makes an interesting and decently expressed set of interrelated ideas
>slips up an attribution

>> No.10386895

not that guy. jp is clearly very smart but also selectively dishonest. he believes intelligence is genetic but denies racial divergence.

everythng falls apart from there

he is more interested in his patreon account than advancing science, like most clinicians. that said hes very, very smart for a clinician.

>> No.10386898

2nd post best post

>> No.10386930

It sucks whenever people mistake the former for the latter. Crap, did I just do it?

>> No.10386942

So, for examples of, let's say, English intellectuals, you'd cite maybe... John Locke, Thomas Hobbes, J.R.R. Tolkien, or Arthur C. Clarke?

>> No.10386950

>denies racial divergence

he has said that Jews have some of the highest IQ. If he went any further than that he'd lose his job and book deals. sure maybe it's disingenuous but crusading for race realism obviously isn't what he wants to do with his life.

>> No.10386954

How about trying to summarize human history as one or two incredibly simplified concepts? Like Marx's Class Warfare, or "War Never Changes"?

>> No.10386962

its not just a slip up though, it shows how shallow his knowledge is. If someone attributed a line from Genesis to Walk Whitman you'd think they were fucking stupid; thats how people who actually know about philosophy react to a pseud like Peterson

>> No.10386973

>its not just a slip up though
But it literally is. The rest of your post is bitter speculation.

>> No.10386978

yeah? fuck him then

he already made a stand on "political" grounds. there is no single issue more important. he has complete independence to do anything he likes. if he is afraid, he betrays the reason people gave him all that money

he can hang

>> No.10386983

bitter about what, his success and patreon money and big cock?

>> No.10386986

When I was little, I always wondered how people end up like you and if they will be a thing of the past. Now I know, having seen it unfold before my own eyes.

>> No.10386989

have you read everything jung ever wrote then dickhead? He talks about the importance of the individual and the trap of ideology

>> No.10386991

You're just showing how shallow your knowledge is as well. Because you don't know anything you can't see it in others.

>> No.10387006

people end up like me because blacks suck up a million dollars per person net in government money and go on killing rampages and blame us for it

its only hard to understand if you're a retard

>> No.10387011

I'm not the guy you replied to, but I can almost hear your raspy whining. Choke back those tears, and tell him what it is you don't like about him. Or shut up. You don't think you'll actually make him feel ashamed of himself with your "muh hate" crocodile tears, on an offbrand Korean Manga forum, do you?

I don't even necessarily agree with redditman here, I'm just sick of the whining.

>> No.10387034

dude just stop

>> No.10387038

No, I just give people a break when they deliver more than 500 hours of online lectures, most for free, that there is going to be one or two errors in there and their whole reputation and value doesn't need to be on the line each time.

>> No.10387043

mate this would be like a maths professor calling a^2+b^2=c^2 thales' theorem
Literally anyone with basic knowledge in philosophy wouldn't make this mistake

>> No.10387050

I don't disagree with the fact that blacks, on average, are lower in intelligence and consequently ability to delay gratification, nor that they have built a mainstream culture around their worst traits, which unfortunately they themselves equate with the colour of their skin. Unlike meme 'white supremacists', who are by no means homogeneous, a worrying proportion of Anglo blacks have managed to equate being ghetto with the colour of their skin.

I just disagree with hanging everyone that doesn't use their public platform to talk race. And those who do, have infantile retarded solutions like ethno-nationalism. I just don't like your attitude mate, that's all.

CAlm down babes, I was merely doing some masturbatory posting. I was sick of his whining just like you were sick of mine.

>> No.10387054

dude i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you're retarded

>> No.10387057

So are you out there on a soapbox screaming about racial differences? Put your money where your mouth is, if nothing is more important to you.

>> No.10387061

is intended for >>10386893

>> No.10387066

>peterson shouldn't talk outside his area of expertise
>peterson should spend his entire time in psychology lectures riffing on racial differences.
He just can't win with you neckbeards.

>> No.10387068

1. People make mistakes. Big mistakes, even. I do not know how big it is this false attribution nor do I particularly care.The one to whom this belongs does not affect the argument.

2. This was a talk he made, not a paper he wrote. When you write something you can fact-check to see if you didn't screw up something before publishing it. You don't have that option when talking to an audience in public, specially because his talks are not scripted.

3. Almost every single person, intelectual or otherwise has said at least something very very stupid. The best dirt you can dig from him is a wrong attribution. Wow. Impressive.

>> No.10387071
File: 108 KB, 782x520, 4+charged+with+hate+crimes+great+news+these+four+pieces_cec09a_6139135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its true. I don't have privilege and its not my fault blacks commit so much murder. if you insist on blaming my entire race for it you are going to have a civil war.

stop taking my money. stop blaming me for things I didn't do. stop forcing me to be subject to crime

fuck you, leave me alone or you're gonna get your head blown off

pic related got found to be "innocent"

all I ever asked for in my entire life is to be left alone to read. people like you got trump elected. try it again, faggot. you're all gonna die if you take this further

>> No.10387073

He spends good time discussing the literature, that there are more in group variations than between group variations and diversity should not be approached as a racial issue but as an individual personality issue.

>> No.10387074

Mate, I'm not sure how you think 4chan works, but chances are, throughout the course of this thread you haven't interacted with only one person.

I haven't claimed either of those things.

>> No.10387080

You've CLEARLY never done any public speaking. He said the wrong name, it doesn't mean he doesn't know to whom the phrase belongs.

>> No.10387081

this boy is right

>> No.10387082

It's not his only mistake his entire interpretation of Nietzsche is one giant mistake

>> No.10387095

>pic related got found to be "innocent"
Dude, you're on the fucking internet, I just Googled that news story, you lied, that's not true, that's FAKE NEWS.

1 woman involved pleaded guilty to a hate crime and got probation, the 3 other are pending trial.

>> No.10387098

Maybe if he weren't constantly namedropping and doing his research he wouldn't make a mistake that basic
At least Zizek knows which philosophers had what ideas

You're implying this is the only time he's outted himself as a pseud when it comes to philosophy

>> No.10387103

>uses Nietzsche in a defense of traditionalism

>> No.10387107

Since your only offered example is clearly just a public speaking faux paus, feel free to offer another from this vast sea of outings you suggest exist.

>> No.10387108

Harry Frankfurt's "On Bullshit" is a very brief but will fine tune your BS detector

>> No.10387112

elaborate please

>> No.10387113

I'm black, I haven't kill anyone or done any bad crime. I don't know if this may seem like a anecdotal response but some of us aren't bad people

>> No.10387117
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>> No.10387118

>people discredit psychology as a science because it presents itself as empirical fact

Jung specifically said his own discoveries and those of Freud, Adler and others were not empirical, though. He wrote a deal about just that. Try reading him?

>> No.10387121
File: 196 KB, 750x1775, incarceration-rates-750x-256c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these guys blame people like me
>not all the people like me end up like I did
>the way I ended up is the fault of those guys who blamed people like me
do you hear yourself, you're just as bad the ones you're against

>> No.10387130

here you go it was already done for me
reminder anyone who defends this is also a pseud who doesn't understand godels theorem or logical deductions

the gist of it here>>10387103

>> No.10387132

>200 hour community service for kidnapping, torture, hate crime
k mate

I demand the right to live in an area free of black criminals. YOU can choose to do it if you like

I demand the right to pay for my race, not theirs (a MILLION per black.) YOU can choose to do it if you like

I demand the right to not pay for the crimes of people I am not descended from. YOU can choose to do it if you like

leave me alone. I only read books. if yuo cant do that, fuck you. you are dead. you aren't going to survive the revolution.

>> No.10387139

poor baby

>> No.10387143

Single determining factor: do they use the word "pseudointellectual"?

>> No.10387144

lol ironically >>10387006 needs to read some jung and integrate his shadow

>> No.10387148

That's why no matter what I see on this website, I try my best to not let it affect the way I treat others.

>> No.10387150

>>200 hour community service for kidnapping, torture, hate crime
She was only present at the crime, didn't actually do the torture, hence the lenient sentence AND the fact she she pleaded guilty before any of her peers. The system works, sorry it's not a good boogeyman.
He's not wrong, he just expressed it poorly, and what do you expect in a fucking tweet?

>> No.10387156

If you don't like America you can get out. If the social contract isn't one you agree with find or create another.

>> No.10387168
File: 47 KB, 1280x507, Screen-Shot-2016-08-21-at-3.36.41-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then stop defending criminals and making me apologise for slavery (I am polish)

if you cant leave me alone, fuck you. you are a criminal. your compatriots are pushing for civil war

the democrats are literally pushing to give violent felons more influence. if they keep doing this they are all gonna die

>> No.10387170

It's completely fucking wrong his statement has NOTHING to do with ANY of the conclusions Godel reached in his theorem
stop posting

>> No.10387175

the social contract for all of history is that violent criminals get hanged. you have a very soviet social contract and I think if you dislike a safe america, you can leave

>> No.10387176


Literally 1 and the first line on Wikipedia corroborates as much. You couldn't do that much background research before posturing like an intellectual? Lmao.

>> No.10387184

No, the social construct is whatever people decide is the norm. If most people accept what you reject...racism isn't normal anon.

>> No.10387188

But I've never defended criminals, other black people did. What am I supposed to do ?

>> No.10387197

So history doesn't include the soviet union? CAUTION, you might be a pseud anon, your logic isn't even internally consistent.

>> No.10387201

This is the proof not the theorem you fucking pseud
>hurr there's no difference
maybe to a pseud but to someone with an interest in this there's a big difference between a mathematical theorem that aims to demonstrate a conclusion of logical systems and a fucking proof of god

>> No.10387203

t. pseud

>> No.10387211

To add to this, nowhere does Godel prove the statement peterson claims he has

>> No.10387213

>browses 4chan
>believes in god
>they are sexist
>they think their life is more valuable than others
>believes social media
>they always attack other people opinion
>they are conservatives
>they have a family
also they are american

>> No.10387228

>Hates DFW
>Loves Pynchon

>> No.10387232

you need to vote republican and speak up

the primary truth remains, most of them defend murderers. this is unacceptable. if they cant accept our society, including punishment for murder, they need to go to africa and they can choose their personal method of punishing murderers (I guarantee you they are much less kind about punishment)

>> No.10387279

I ain't your mate, pal.

>> No.10387301

hating any writer is a pretty pseud thing to do desu

why waste valuable brain power and time over such matters?

>> No.10387322

they post on /lit/

>> No.10387323

Do footjobs actually work?

>> No.10387340


>> No.10387342

Yes, and surprisingly intense/pleasurable. The other person’s legs might get tired out quickly though.

>> No.10387372

There are 42 million blacks in the US. If each one even used 1 million dollars of the government's money as you suggest that'd be significantly more money than everyone in the US has combined.

>poltards can't even do basic math or logic
color me surprised

>> No.10387398

lifetime cost you retard.

and the government is in deep debt you faggot

half of all blacks never pay a single cent. I do not mean net. I mean not a single cent, EVER.

the blue and orange essentially represent elfare and outstrip military by far. the majority of us debt goes to "po' peepo"

you learn math you fucking maggot

>> No.10387401
File: 146 KB, 1003x915, total_spending_pie,__2015_enacted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10387405

>How can you tell if someone is a pseudo intellect ?
If he likes Marx.

>> No.10387439

>education, food/ag, housing/community, energy/environ are among the lowest
and people wonder why this country's so messed up and unhealthy

>> No.10387453

>moves goalposts
>still mathematically impossible
top kek

>> No.10387457

social security, unemployment and labor mostly pays for housing and food and is the single largest chunk of that graph

kill yourself you nigger

>> No.10387475

no you overreaching faggot Peterson is a pseud because he does not understand Dostoyevsky or Nietzsche or Jung (not that Jung can be understood but Peterson certainly did not read him adequately), and then teaches other even less literate people bastardizations of these other thinkers ideas or notions. Even if he did not do that he'd still be a pseud because: he thinks psychoanalysis and psychiatry are not pseudosciences and that anyone who practices them isn't a danger to the species and a hack fraud; he thinks that he understands political theory at all, he absolutely does not especially Fascism and Marxist-Leninism which he purposefully avoids debates about; he has never read much of the material he criticizes like Deleuze, Foucault, Adorno and the like; he has no training in philosophy or maths and is basically a brainlet by default because of this; he was an alcoholic and lies about why he was one to make himself some kind of wounded-warrior authority on the issue which is a red flag for a personality disorder; he preys upon stupid social science fags for his audience and college dropouts and trade school niggers, classic pseudery in avoiding anyone whose well educated or high IQ who could be his equal or challenge him.

There's plenty more but those alone are strong reasons to not just call him a pseud but to call anyone who listens to him for more than the initial period of enamoradness are themselves bona fide pseuds.

>> No.10387479

you're a dumb nigger. the net life productivity of a caucasian male in america is 2 million and roughly million in state revenue

>> No.10387483

Don't be a cunt, read a lot, and so original work. A lot of people here think being a mediocre intellectual is the equivalent of being a pseudointellectual, which is absolutely retarded because it allows the most biased (and arguably most pseud) posters the ability to dismiss the life works of anybody whose beliefs they find disagreeable.

>> No.10387489

do original work*

>> No.10387493

Case in point: this underachieving, underread, unoriginal pseud cunt projector >>10387475

>> No.10387497

My biggest fear is being found out to be a pseud.

>> No.10387499

I like Marx :)

>> No.10387518

>kvetching this much bullshit about somebody you don't like

>> No.10387523

most of the medicare and social security shit is for sick fat whyte people anon, most welfare is collected by whytes, most social security is collected by fat fucking useless pig boomers. I strongly dislike nogs and spics and am with you on keeping their numbers low but you're lying outright to push an agenda. And the thing about the blacks not paying a cent is irrelevant because a large portion of whyte welfare queens do not pay shit into the state and whyte single moms are probably one of the most dangerous evil demographics in existence and place a massive burden on the State. And the military budget is probably a lot bigger than that, you're forgetting black budget spending

>> No.10387531

lol aren't you mad

>> No.10387560

the aveage black is a million dollar drain on the system. the average caucasian is a net contributor of a million.

you're a retard or a liar if you think averages dont matter

>> No.10387580

Peterson isn't an intellectual nor a pseudo intellectual. He's just a guy who studies an obscure area that put some loud mouths in their place on a public platform

>> No.10387595

>the aveage black is a million dollar drain on the system. the average caucasian is a net contributor of a million.
I do not believe that for even a second and have seen the infographic you're talking about a hundred times. Do you have any sources that are actual studies themselves I can look at anon?
>you're a retard or a liar if you think averages dont matter
i'm neither and averages can be deceiving, can obscure interesting features to a large dataset and you can also just use averages that don't mean anything or don't measure anything meaningful. You're not going to beguile me with pretty charts anon, did you read what I said? Most people who collect welfare are whyte, most people who are collecting medicaid and social security are whyte, most obese people are whyte, most people with health problems are whyte, most people who abuse illegal narcotics are whyte, most people in this country who commit property crimes are whyte and most people on parole are whyte. Then there's the point about military spending being understated as the DoD cooks its books and then there's the black budget which isn't a secret really anymore which could be anywhere from 50-200 B we have no idea because its classified. If you want to discuss this show me a source for the differential between whyte and black contributions to State budgets. I want data from the last 15 years, not shit from the mid 20th century

>> No.10387636

I really believe that the difference between a pseudo-intellectual and a genuine intellectual is honesty with oneself. Pseudo-intellectuals are incapable or unwilling to recognize their own limits which lets them, without any embarrassment, comment on things they know nothing or very little about, or allows them to come up with "lofty" ideas that they spend no time fleshing out and present as very wise and true.

>> No.10387646

Their vanity matters most to them, their intellectual interests are a means to an end. They make underhanded off-point/irrelevant statements without being able to approach things with clarity. They enjoy philosophy because the smart people are doing it, it's more or less a trend for them that they want to involve themselves in. They can't sit and read a drier book for more than five minutes even if they tried because they enjoy novelty. They usually tend to insult people without good reason also, for some reason. I could go on. They're just ridiculously vain.

>> No.10387661
File: 19 KB, 471x312, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just warming up.

>> No.10387683

>Under 6ft
>Has trouble urinating in public bathrooms while other people are there.
>Uses the stalls instead of the urinals (therefore all females are pseudo-intellectuals)
>Urine is clear or yellow in color instead of a rich brown or red (low removal of toxins through urinating)
>Unsteady or inaccurate pee streams
>Urinal range under 3ft (lack of exercise)

>> No.10387697

>Urine is clear or yellow in color instead of a rich brown or red (low removal of toxins through urinating)
I don't get why this is bad

>> No.10387718

Actually let me correct that, pseudo intellectuals tend to over-complicate things that, in the grand scheme of things, don't matter as much as the next to compensate for their lack of understanding.