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10378863 No.10378863 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a good analysis of this book because I know I missed a majority of themes and ideas. Easily the hardest to read Russian book

>> No.10378914

How the fuck is this your reaction to finishing this book? I think Wittgenstein is more your style...

>> No.10378938

Isn't the foreword an analysis? I remember not reading the foreword because it said "Warning to first time readers; this foreword discusses analysis of the plot and themes" or something like that.

>> No.10378951

I thought some parts were great but I just struggled a lot more than any other Russian book I've read and more than most books in general.

>> No.10379000

Were you reading it in English?

>> No.10379150


>> No.10379151


>> No.10379179

nice meme.
Tell me how long did it take you to learn, Russian, Greek, Italian, Spanish & Latin?

>> No.10379207

It's also hard to read in Russian, intentionally so. Not just because of the ravings of a braindead bureaucrat, but because it is mostly composed of tangentially connected phrases whose rhythm doesn't match.

>> No.10379211

A couple of days in /int/. It's modern time, you idiot, the technology does the work.

>> No.10379224

What emotion do you feel when you realize you haven't in fact trolled someone?

>> No.10379241

> install Google Translate add-on

I'm trolling so hard that no one would believe it is possible.

>> No.10379251

>spend over $20.000 and a whole year studying at least 3 hours a day to read one book

>> No.10379261

> over $20.000
> whole year studying
One of these things does not worth a mention.

>> No.10379273

>cyka blyat

There, I just taught you half of Russian

>> No.10379279

>Bitch Whore
There, now you can read Ulysses

>> No.10379304

...So is there a good analysis of this book?

>> No.10379327

>Haven't read it

>> No.10379330


>> No.10379340

It was all a dream bro

>> No.10379734

Read the introduction.