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/lit/ - Literature

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10377889 No.10377889 [Reply] [Original]

What would be a good addition for Buddhism and Islam here?

Other religions also acceptable

>> No.10377898

>Not Kierkegaard

>> No.10377901

you're a retard

>> No.10377902

>Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.10377911

And you're a bitch

>> No.10377913

Actually, Kierkegaard was Catholic but he didn't know it

>> No.10377918

are you asking for literature, sacred texts, both or novels related to the religions?

>> No.10377919

i can stop being a bitch whenever i like but you'll always be a retard.

>> No.10377921


>> No.10377922

literature, just like in the image

>> No.10377927


>> No.10377933

Islam - Satanic Verses
Buddhism - Siddhartha

>> No.10377956

>Islam - Satanic Verses
is this actually appropriately islamic? I thought it was an edgelord apostate type thing, not that I mind that, just not what I'm looking for

>Buddhism - Siddhartha
I thought this was more daoism than buddhism

>> No.10378009

Try the Tao Te Ching

Absolutely beautiful writing.

>> No.10378024

go look at the /lit/ wiki, I can't think of any Buddhist lit written by Buddhists that is worth your time at all and isn't just east asian fairytales with buddhist themes and characters

>> No.10378047
File: 7 KB, 253x400, 32445459[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10378053

oh and you know it is actually pretty good unlike this sentence for contrast

>> No.10378054

what a retarded bitch comment

>> No.10378063


>> No.10378074

>not The God Delusion
>not When Will Jesus Bring the Pork Chops?
>not God is not Great

OP really fucked up that one

>> No.10378080

make a different suggestion then
I didn't make the image btw

>> No.10378417


Pic related is the one for Islam. As with these others, the original is the magic thing, but for those of us left parsing translations, avoid the popular Barks, who gives us the same problem as Pope does with his Iliad, while lovely, they're whole other poems by the end of things.

Instead, go with Jawid Mojaddedi. Mojaddedi has the best translation. Though yes, rhyming couplets have the sort of baggage that can leave Rumi sounding like Sunday school rhyme, he does the best at retaining and conveying the taṣawwuf and illuminationist ideas of Rumi fused into generally great expositions of the ideas of the Quran (as such, its been called "the Persian Quran").

>> No.10378479

what picture

>> No.10378497

Islam: The Arabian Nights
Buddhism: Journey to the West

>> No.10378511

this is the most accurate one yet

>> No.10378576

>Paradife Loft
That, ladies and gentleman, is the sign of a bad publisher.

>> No.10378680

Nietzsche wasn't an atheist.

>> No.10378686

TBK is not orthodox. kys you useless atheist.
TSZ is not atheist, Nietzsche was not an atheist.
This board is pathetic.
Paradife Loft blows Kierkegaard out of the water.

>> No.10378726
File: 95 KB, 500x466, 1507255849009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's another "Retarded fedoras try to pretend that atheism and nihilism aren't inexorably related because that reminds everyone that atheism literally ended civilisation as we'd known it for thousands of years in the 20th Century" episode


>> No.10378753

Nietzsche wasn't a nihilist. Go back to plebbit, subhuman.

>> No.10378757
File: 19 KB, 250x338, hedegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but he actually WAS a nihilist tho

>> No.10378789

no, satanic verses is not at all an accurate depiction of islam. it's like a closeted homo who grew up in the deep south writing an alternative "interpretation" of the gospels. it's really a shitty book, and has all the hallmarks of rushdie's excesses (anti-muslim biases, trivial historical moments serving as a metaphor for broader societal changes, bewildering and incongruent character/setting changes). i don't know what a GOOD muslim religious literary novel would be, but i do know that satanic verses is only read because a bunch of idiots freaked out and then other idiots thought that their freakout was a sign that this book contained DEEP TRUTHS.

sidenote, if you're into rushdie, try midnight's children like the rest of the world or be a rebel and realize that the moor's last sigh is the best he's written

>> No.10378827

Nietzsche was most definitly an atheist

>> No.10378855

Wrong. Try again, moron.

>> No.10378993

you're definitly the moron here
you probably think because you have a tiny bit of understanding of the god is dead phrase you know more than everyone else? its pretty embarrassing. typical dunning-kruger

>> No.10379001

No, I have a full understanding. I understand everything.

>> No.10379070

>Not the Ninety-Five Theses

>> No.10379079

Fuck off idol-worshipper

>> No.10379354

Why did this bait work? hmm

>> No.10379377


pick out the atheism in here

>> No.10379449

Islam forbids pictures so he couldn't actually post it you brainlet

>> No.10379454

Arabian Nights for Islam.

>> No.10379455

Deism - Star Maker

Or The Age of Reason if non-fiction is allowed

>> No.10379557

>Dante's Inferno

Enjoy hellfires Protestant cuckold

>> No.10379570

I'm so fucking sick of Catholicism being the latest /r/the_donald meme

The Pope has literally endorsed Communism and homosexuality you LARPing filth

>> No.10379573

>I thought this was more daoism than buddhism
more like shitism

>> No.10379574
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>> No.10379576

not a good fit, the tao te ching is a primary source while the books in OP are fan fiction

>> No.10379585

why does catholicism get the only real font while the rest get meme fonts?

>> No.10379589
File: 653 KB, 450x200, 1507274093876.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the edgy cunts crying about how Thus Spoke Zarathustra isn't atheist literature have literally NOTHING
>to put in place of it, because atheism is a spiritual black hole

>> No.10379594

The Pope promised that the poster would go to heaven if he gave them a nice font

idol worshipping scum

>> No.10379615

is paradise lost worth reading if even though protestantism is pure heretic cancer?

>> No.10379631
File: 691 KB, 644x2169, 1512867049100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the majority of alleged "Catholics" who pretend to hate Protestants are actually Jewish/Atheist shills sent to split Christianity into smaller and smaller groups to overcome and destroy

>> No.10379641

>hey guys maybe having this socialist, communist sympathiser, homosexual and refugee loving, one step away from supporting abortion guy who's claimed to be God's infallible voice on earth is wrong--

Yeah right

>> No.10379642

how the fuck did a dinosaur evolve from a meercat

>> No.10379646

>He's fine with the idea that all life came from zero but it's the meerkat to dinosaur connection he doubts

This is your brain on atheist ideology

>> No.10379650

well yeah because of all the evidence

>> No.10379663
File: 305 KB, 1720x1290, 1512873084287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fedoras eradicate Christianity from the West

>In its absence they expect hundreds of millions of normal people to pick right over left

>> No.10379666

>who's claimed to be God's infallible voice on earth is wrong--
lol, the church is dead but that's not correct

>> No.10379669
File: 282 KB, 971x977, Heretic Exterminator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10379676
File: 396 KB, 590x484, 1507168347098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"What? The Pope may be a Communist plant who has kissed the feet of anti-Christian rapist refugees; sure, he may have said that Jesus was a socialist and that there's nothing wrong with it. I mean yes he did say that borders are an evil concept and that homosexuality should be openly tolerated in society, but infallible?! What do you take us Catholics for, idol-worshippers?!"
>Prays to Mary instead of the Father

>> No.10379682

>"protestantism" uncapitalised and in a child's font

>> No.10379684

an idol is just a symbol you brainlet, it points towards something, but it's not important in itself

you might as well call the cross or the bible idols and burn them

>> No.10379688

Reminder that Martin Luther was unironically an atheist and that all his criticisms of the Church came from the fact that he believed he couldn't feel God's presence

>> No.10379693

Unironic nonwhite lives-in-Asia Buddhist here with no axe to grind against either sect of Christianity. Its true that there is a difference between idol worship as symbol and making idols or "craven figures" out of man but surely what Catholics do with saints or even people who have been beautified (an admission by the Catholic Church that you can pray to these people to be granted favours) falls under the second?

>> No.10379695

just modernist degeneracy, if it wasn't Luther it would have been someone else

>> No.10379700

Luther and his hordes murdered literally millions of Catholics you imbecile. The Church would still stand today if it wasn't for him. Naziism and Communism never would have existed either. You are a dupe, a shill. Protestantism is the devil and I would take a thousand left-wing, bigot bashing Pope Francises (the most popular pope EVER by the way. Catholicism is more popular than ever!) over one antisemite Luther.

>> No.10379704
File: 39 KB, 374x374, D8CRtMS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TBK is not Orthodox

>> No.10379707
File: 91 KB, 976x549, retarded catholic vermin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A Brazilian grandmother has been praying to a figurine from Lord of the Rings for years without realising.

>The woman thought she was praying to Saint Anthony but it turns out the figure was Elrond, Lord of Rivendell.

>Her relative Gabriela Brandao made the discovery and posted it on Facebook with the caption: "The funniest discovery of 2016."


>> No.10379712

In terms of theology, no, they explicitly only venerate saints and Mary. Any prayers to saints and Mary are just asking them to perform intercessory prayers.

In practice though, it is indistinguishable from worship.

>> No.10379715

So it is as though people hand picked by the Pope have a hotline to God and everyone else has second rate service?

No wonder this Martin Luther did away with Paddy vermin if you ask me, an impartial Asian Buddhist. Back to the_donald with you.


>> No.10379716

not an issue, a symbol doesn't matter as long as it points in the right direction, idolatry only has to be forbidden when the population reaches levels of retardation where they confuse the finger for the moon, so places like the middle east or northern europe

>> No.10379724

>idolatry only has to be forbidden when the population reaches levels of retardation where they confuse the finger for the moon
So genuinely Catholicism

>> No.10379736

there's no catholic that believes that mary or any saint represent the highest value, so not sure what are you trying to argue

>> No.10379747

I have no doubt that only 1/4 of the posters ITT who claim to be Protestant or Catholic are actually Protestant or Catholic and that half are Catholics and Protestants trying to make them look stupid and the other 1/4 are atheists along for the ride

>> No.10379764

Unfashionable atheist here
Of the two the Pope worshippers seem more ridiculous. I can imagine praying to a God that's beyond all our comprehension because you believe he's the source of everything but you're no better than atheists who worship earthly figures like Stalin etc when it comes to all those retarded saints and the Pope himself. Licking random African guys' feet and saying that countries shouldn't have borders? And this guy is God's representative? Come on lmao it's like if there was a Church of Atheism and its infallible leader was a guy who thinks that God probably does exist

>> No.10379770

By looking at the posting styles from earlier we can actually tell from this post that this person is the Catholic poster pretending to be an atheist, pretending to be a Protestant. This is ridiculous.

>> No.10379773

I am a Catholic and I believe that the Mother of God Herself does represent the highest godliness, so not sure what you are trying to argue

>> No.10379778

yes, i am sure you are catholic and "highest godliness" is not even a word

>> No.10379784

>Unfashionable atheist here
>Of the two the Pope worshippers seem more ridiculous.
that makes sense, because protestantism is pretty much atheism already

>> No.10379786

>Catholic doesn't know what godliness is
No change there

>> No.10379792

It takes some nerve to say this when your own voice of God on Earth is literally obsessed with forcing as many humanist/atheist beliefs on his church as possible

>> No.10379799

>tfw Catholics and Protestants arguing endlessly ITT about which of them loves degeneracy the least could just go Orthodox and save themselves and society


>> No.10379803

yes, catholicism is becoming more protestant now that the anglo world of meaninglessness has contaminated everything, never said the opposite

>> No.10379809
File: 93 KB, 512x288, JP headshot_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No! Do not come to me with science when I am looking for the natural
antagonist to the ascetic ideal, when I ask: ‘Where is the opposing will in
which its opposing ideal expresses itself ?’ Science is not nearly independent
enough for that, in every respect it first needs a value-ideal, a valuecreating
power, in whose service it can believe in itself, – science itself never
creates values. Its relationship to the ascetic ideal is certainly not yet
inherently antagonistic; indeed, it is much more the case, in general, that
it still represents the driving force in the inner evolution of that ideal. Its
repugnance and pugnacity are, on closer inspection, directed not at the
ideal itself but at its outworks, its apparel and disguise, at the way the ideal
temporarily hardens, solidifies, becomes dogmatic – science liberates
what life is in it by denying what is exoteric in this ideal. Both of them,
science and the ascetic ideal, are still on the same foundation – I have
already explained –; that is to say, both overestimate truth (more
correctly: they share the same faith that truth cannot be assessed or
criticized), and this makes them both necessarily allies, – so that, if they must be fought, they can only be fought and called into question together.
A depreciation of the value of the ascetic ideal inevitably brings about a
depreciation of the value of science: one must keep one’s eyes open and
prick up one’s ears for this in time! (Art, let me say at the outset, since I
shall deal with this at length some day, – art, in which lying sanctifies itself
and the will to deception has good conscience on its side, is much more fundamentally
opposed to the ascetic ideal than science is: this was sensed
instinctively by Plato, the greatest enemy of art Europe has yet produced.
Plato versus Homer. No! – open your eyes! – this ‘modern science’ is, for the time
being, the best ally for the ascetic ideal, for the simple reason that it is the
most unconscious, involuntary, secret and subterranean! The ‘poor in
spirit and the scientific opponents of this ideal have up till now played
the same game (by the way, beware of thinking that they are its opposite,
i.e. the rich in spirit: – they are not that, I called them the hectics of the
spirit). These famous victories of the latter: undoubtedly they are victories
– but over what? The ascetic ideal was decidedly not conquered, it
was, on the contrary, made stronger, I mean more elusive, more spiritual

>> No.10379810

Muslim here, it seems like you are passing the buck and that Catholicism actually is very damaging. Mohammed was a blessed Prophet but even we don't pray to him... There is a serious problem with golden calf worship with these Pope worshippers by Allah.


>> No.10379814
File: 66 KB, 599x518, 1484611186725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>File: JP

Stopped reading there

>> No.10379818

>It's another "Catholic poster replies to himself pretending to be a Protestant masquerading as a Muslim" episode

>> No.10379830

not sure what islam has to brag about, you have created the most postmodern and degenerate religious form even seen with ISIS, even surpassing the fucking anglo world in their degeneracy which is a great achievement that i wouldn't have expected to be possible 10 years ago

i'm sure the degenerate west has a lot to learn from you when we start getting right wing loonies thinking that they are returning to "tradition" while starting some kind of traditionalist revolution, bravo

>> No.10379839

See >>10379663

The fact that you consider fundamentalist Islam "degenerate" is quite hilarious. Thanks to your infallible Pope worshipping refugees and homosexuals is now the based, deus vult, God and Glory position to hold, and the others are all backwards degenerates... How pitiful

>> No.10379843
File: 69 KB, 630x458, deus cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>degenerate west

>> No.10379853

Is this real?

>> No.10379856

Lmao that chick in blue knows whats up
Bitch be making a face like "yo THIS toe suckin nigga meant to be the infallible voice of God on earth?"

>> No.10379866

>the priest on the right's face
Yeah me too buddy.

>> No.10379872
File: 74 KB, 590x720, toenig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mmmmm know ya place white boi
>indulge THIS

>> No.10379876
File: 12 KB, 263x200, pC8jf5t4eWCDKcMu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fundamentalist Islam
how i know that you are a retarded anglo

>> No.10379878

>white boi
Pope Francis is Argentinian. Thanks.

>> No.10379885

ISIS are basically irreligious. They're a group of weed-smoking, pork-eating Muslim-in-name-only degenerates who are labelled by the media as radical muslims so that people will be driven to neoconservatism (But GOD FORBID actual conservatism - that is a huge no no) and support Israeli landgrab after Israeli landgrab.

After Trump is done messing around in North Korea Iran is next, then the world goes dark.

>> No.10379892

Unironically based truthposter
You'll find that most Catholics are big supporters of war in the Middle East because it matches up with their pathetic DEUS VULT roleplaying

>> No.10379897

yes, ISIS are just active nihilists, while the degenerates on the west are the more the passive nihilist kind

>> No.10379900

The Pope believes in climate change which is fundamentally a nihilistic doomsday cult, educate yourself and go Orthodox

>> No.10379921

>You'll find that most Catholics are big supporters of war in the Middle East because it matches up with their pathetic DEUS VULT roleplaying
I'm fully convinced that the only reason /pol/ (and by extension 4chan as a whole since they're fucking everywhere now) suddenly became Catholic is because they couldn't bear the fact that Trump turned out to be a NeoCon shill who bombed Syria and wants to rebuild the Middle East as Greater Israel so now they're pretending it's some sort of epic ISIS-killing second Crusades whereas in reality they're just funding them even more. It's a sick joke the way things turned out with him.

>> No.10379997

I was going to lament the way this thread went but then I saw the font "Protestantism" was typed in the OP and realised it was a shitshow from the beginning

>> No.10380363

you can't claim authority in this setting brainlet

>> No.10380470

They don't like Catholicism. They're all protestants who love pastor Anderson.

>> No.10380502

No, he didn't for fuck's sake. I'm so tired of that meme and fuck Bill Donahue as well.

>> No.10380982

The /pol/eddit invasion has really destroyed this board

>> No.10381172

>for actually understanding Nietzsche
Atheism is an identity, Nietzsche did not identify as an atheist.

>> No.10381175

Paradife Loft models the ideal anarchist society

>> No.10381179

You know nothing of Orthodoxy.

>> No.10381260

I am not claiming authority, I have authority.

>> No.10381370

"Surely Cartesian doubt has showed its efficiency nowhere more disastrously and irrevocably than in the realm of religious belief, where it was introduced by Pascal and Kierkegaard, the two greatest religious thinkers of modernity. (For what undermined the Christian faith was not the atheism of the 18th century or the materialism of the 19th, their arguments are frequently vulgar and for the most part easily refutable by traditional theology, but the doubting concern with salvation of genuinely religious men in whose eyes the traditional Christian content and promise had become absurd)".

>> No.10381611

Don't bother trying to reason with him when the best criticism he can muster is "edgy".

>> No.10381626


>> No.10381639

The God Delusion is literal garbage

If I agreed with burning books, that'd be the one to kindle the flame
