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10377531 No.10377531 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Americans so resistant to this man? It seems like he just wanted the best for everybody

>> No.10377538

Uh, his stuff doesn't even work because people are naturally greedy.

>> No.10377554

So people dont like him because they don't want the best for everybody?

>> No.10377608

Perhaps people can become greedy for the communist revolution, then.

>> No.10377609

It's because it doesn't take human nature in consideration. There are way to many power hungry people, that would abuse the shit of an equality system.
Capitalist system is still one of the most stable systems (even with all it's flaws), because it keeps power hungry people in a hamster wheel.

>> No.10377615

American was founded on unchallenged classical liberalism until the great depression.

Those roots die hard.

>> No.10377617

>"wants best for everybody"
>100 million dead

>> No.10377624

Human nature is a fucking spook and every one using that as a critique of Marxism ought to be brained.

>> No.10377625

Not his fault. If you actually read Marx then you would know he would never agree with what Lenin did to his work.
Or was Nietzsche responsible for hitler's concentration camps too?

>> No.10377626

something something jews something banks 1488 etc

>> No.10377629

n i c e m e m e
it's true tho

>> No.10377630

>be me
>be John Locke
>write a book
>some time after some other guys read it and set up a government based on my ideas
>after a while one of the heads of state decides that the injuns in the south need to go
>wtf I did the trail of tears now

>> No.10377633

Nobody wants what is best for everybody, only what is best for themselves, hence why the leaders of any communist system become geoncidal dictators.

>> No.10377634

places too much importance to the state

>> No.10377635

Every economic system which lasted for more than 100 years was stable in a certain sense. Human nature isn't a universal, or consistent category, and therefore many different economic systems can be 'best suited' for human nature. The judgement of an economic system relates to but is not principally based on human nature.

>> No.10377640

>altruism and solidarity don't exist

>> No.10377644
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>Marxism doesn't take human nature into consideration

>> No.10377647

I'd like a full list of the charities you're donating to on a weekly basis. I'll wait.

>> No.10377648

John Locke is a bad example for the trail of tears. Maybe try imperialism, colonialism, liberalism, empiricism, Darwinism, international trade and finance.

>> No.10377649

America is a communist country, newfriend.

>> No.10377652

Can you explain this post in non-meme form? Did you reply to the wrong person?

>> No.10377667

An universal statement is not proven by examples. But it can be refuted by examples. If you're implying that the existence of people that donate to charities is enough to refute your claim, it is refuted since those people do exist.
Also, this is one of the worst arguments I've ever seen, apply yourself.

>> No.10377670

Many of those deaths came at the hands of his fellow jews, like Lenin, who believed they were carrying out the big jew's orders, and would have probably been correct in this assumption. That is more likely than your baseless theory that he would have abhorred such things, a theory makes me think you aren't quite up to speed on the ins and outs of jewish thought and behavior.

>> No.10377673

He's implying Marx in fact did take human nature into account. I mean, if you think about it, he was an economist and philosopher. If he didn't take human nature into consideration, he probably wouldn't have even made it through school.

>> No.10377675

Lenin wasn't a jew. And most of the soviet deaths were well after lenin was dead, and included plenty of jews. Stop spreading neonazi lies, stormtard.

>> No.10377681

I implied the same, to be clear.

>> No.10377682

Lenin most definitely was a jew, and you are uninformed, as I initially suspected and drew attention to.

>> No.10377691

But that is false. Lenin wasn't a jew neither by nazi nor by jewish standards. He was also born as a christian, given a christian name, and believed in a christian god until his father died and he became an atheist. He didn't have any connection with jews in his entire life, besides his jewish comrades of course which were secular.

>> No.10377694

>Lenin wasn't a jew
Lenin was a jew. We know this. It's a fact. Look it up instead of digging a deeper hole for yourself.

>> No.10377701

>We know this. It's a fact.
Great argument. Repeating lies is not going to make them true, stormtard.

>> No.10377705

brainwashed by mainstream media and fake news

>> No.10377707

Only people who have't read and understood at least one vol of capital use this as an "argument."

>> No.10377713

>wants the best for everybody
except for that large swathe of society he decided to designate as the bourgeoisie

>> No.10377718

This display is pathetic. This is something you could confirm in two seconds. So why are you acting like a baby instead of simply looking up this fact? Are you trying to embarrass yourself on purpose?

>> No.10377725

You are a very sad person. Probably a jew yourself.

>> No.10377732

Please, be my guest and prove any of my statements wrong.

>> No.10377735

You should have posted it here by now desu.

>> No.10377754

why are you posting your arguments were already summed up here >>10377626

>> No.10377757


>> No.10377759

That was never my responsibility, but I suppose I should expect a degree of immaturity from jews and jewish sympathizers so I'll be the man here.


>> No.10377782

Nice of you to post something that confirms everything I posted:

>Lenin’s sister, Anna Ulyanova, claiming that their maternal grandfather was a Jew from the Ukraine who converted to Christianity
A (converted) grandfather makes you non jewish both according to nuremberg and jewish laws, as I claimed. A conversion lenin didn't even know about.

>I am very sorry that the fact of our origin – which I had suspected before – was not known during his lifetime.
As the article confirms, he was not culturally jewish, didn't grow up as a jew, didn't know he had a converted jewish grandparent. He was a christian and later an atheist. Basically didn't have anything to do with judaism during his entire life.

How did he end up in a jewish conspiracy, exactly?

As a bonus, let me quote lenin:
>The same applies to the most oppressed and persecuted nation—the Jews. Jewish national culture is the slogan of the rabbis and the bourgeoisie, the slogan of our enemies.
>Whoever, directly or indirectly, puts forward the slogan of Jewish “national culture” is (whatever his good intentions may be) an enemy of the proletariat, a supporter of all that is outmoded and connected with caste among the Jewish people; he is an accomplice of the rabbis and the bourgeoisie.

>> No.10377794

Didn't understand Hegel. Into the trash.

>> No.10377801

Stalin mass murdered Jews and purged them from Russia? Why do you guys hate Stalin then?

>> No.10377804

L M A O, one maternal Jewish grandparent that converted to Christianity. Is he a fucking Swede because his maternal grandmother was? Shut the fuck up you wanna be nazi loser.

>> No.10377812

>jewish sympathizers

what do you think of this?

>> No.10377817

Pol is a nest of jew sympathizers.

>> No.10377829

He didn't even know about the conversion. The conspiracy theories of neonazis are always plenty of magical elements, like non-jews or open antisemites leading the conspiracies, or millions of dispersed people supporting different and mutually exclusive shit being part of a coordinated movement. It's because implicitly they treat jews as a genetic hivemind.

>> No.10377839

He's a jew. You must be delusional to still be trying to deny that at this point.

Stalin didn't come until later, after jews had murdered tens of millions of Russians.

Quarter jews are often the most hardcore jewish ideologues of all, like Time Wise today. I recommend looking into how jewishness actually works. It's a unique genetic disease in a way that stays with people even after you'd think it'd be gone.

>> No.10377853

>He's a jew.
Already proven false.

>Stalin didn't come until later, after jews had murdered tens of millions of Russians.
Equally ridiculous claim. Feel free to provide source.

>Quarter jews are often the most hardcore jewish ideologues of all, like Time Wise today. I recommend looking into how jewishness actually works. It's a unique genetic disease in a way that stays with people even after you'd think it'd be gone.
Ah, yes. The magical jewish conspiracy is transmitted genetically, that's why lenin was able to be its leader without even knowing he had a jewish grandparent. Stormfag logic, everyone.

>> No.10377854

>they treat jews as a genetic hivemind.

Jews are a genetic hive mind though. They're so inbred that they're literally 5th cousins of one another. They quite literally share the same genes and descend from the same handful of people after the most recent bottleneck.

>> No.10377859

So you don't practice what you preach, nice meme, keyboard social justice fag. EYL my dude.

>> No.10377860

You were proven wrong, the link is right there for everyone to see. Are you trying to flaunt the jewish delusion I'm speaking of? I won't stand in your way...

>> No.10377868
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>They're so inbred
They're so inbred that most of the "jews" in your retarded conspiracies aren't even jews. So inbred they marry non jews just as much as jews.
In any case, the point was that the belief that a conspiracy can be transmitted genetically is beyond retard.

>> No.10377872

you know who was a jew also? hitler. and kim jong un. trust the jews now? i think not.

>> No.10377880

Unable to prove your initial claim, and outright ignored the request for a source on your second one. Because you are lying.
Sure, I agree, the posts are there for everyone to see.

>> No.10377891

I want everyone to notice the way this jew lies. He was proven wrong about Lenin being jewish, and now he appears to be completely losing it.

This is tribal behavior in its most extreme form you are seeing here. The jew will do anything to defend his tribe. These are a very sick people, they have a genetic sickness.

>> No.10377910

Come back when you have evidence for your claims. It was a good try, stormnigger.

>> No.10377917


yes i completely see your point. that jew is just completely delusional. i can't wait to put him in a gas chamber when we overthrow the US gov and install richard spencer as fuhrer

>> No.10377960

You embarrassed yourself enormously and forwarded a blatant lie in an attempt to defend your tribe. Truth doesn't matter to the jew, he is purely tribal to the bone.

>> No.10377971

Sure anon. We agreed to let other people judge the discussion.
Now, how about a source on your claim about "tens of millions of Russians" being killed before stalin? Surely you wouldn't lie to push your narrative like those dirty jews, right?

>> No.10377990

>It seems like he just wanted the best for everybody
It seems he didnt have a coherent plan for what would happen after a revolution.

>> No.10378000

It's not my fault if you don't know the basic chronology of events here, or numbers that have been estimated and reestimated many times over.

>> No.10378020

Nice cop out. I honestly wonder if you at least admit to yourself that you're lying. Feel free to post a source whenever you want.

>> No.10378061

I already proved to some incessant, delusional jew how Lenin was jewish. I do not need to show that Stalin obtained power after 1917 and that millions of people died because that's information anyone can look up. The way you jews behave in this completely childish and nonsensical fashion is one of the main reasons people are waking up in massive numbers these day. You are a sick, neurotic people.

>> No.10378068

Because aside from me no American has actually read him. They've only heard about him and hold him accountable for the millions of deaths under Stalin, Mao, and other communist dictators.

>> No.10378081

>I already proved to some incessant, delusional jew how Lenin was jewish.
You didn't. I was objectively right in claiming lenin wasn't jewish under neither nazi nor jewish laws, and that he didn't grow up as a jew. But we agreed that other would judge that.

>I do not need to show that Stalin obtained power after 1917 and that millions of people died because that's information anyone can look up
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant lenin. You specifically claimed that "Stalin didn't come until later, after jews had murdered tens of millions of Russians". This is blatantly false, which is why you are trying to move the goalpost unsuccessfully. If this is so obvious, you are wasting both of our time by not providing a simple citation.

>> No.10378083

They have a sick desire to read and study his ideas despite what they have been used to accomplish, like Hitler, Jesus, Mohamed, the Founding Fathers, and every one ever.

>> No.10378085

why do feel the need to have safety net to fall back on in any argument you engage in?

>> No.10378094


Indoctrination and propaganda.

>> No.10378116

Why are foreigners so resistant to America? We have the strongest military and our entire country is a sanctuary for artistic pleasure. Our heroes are lovable. If you can't stand that, something is wrong with you.

>> No.10378118

The amount of delusion this jew is displaying is pretty remarkable, even to someone like myself, who is highly attuned to jewish delusional thinking.

The truth means nothing to the jew, which is why they will not only frequently deceive others, but also themselves, as we're seeing here. This jew knows he's wrong, it's beyond obvious he's wrong ... but he has to keep up the lie, because he's a jew.

>> No.10378123

From now on, I'll just reply with
>he keeps wasting our time instead of posting a simple source
Until you post a source.

>> No.10378131

You are failing on an unprecedented scale today. It's sad.

>> No.10378137

Are you legitimately retarded? I'm asking for source on the "Stalin didn't come until later, after jews had murdered tens of millions of Russians" claim.
I've already refuted that previous claim (you were kind enough to post an article that confirms both that lenin ancestry wouldn't be considered jewish by nazis or jews and that he didn't grow up as a jew), and we agreed that others would judge who is right. Do you have short memory problems or something?
Let me start again:
>he keeps wasting our time instead of posting a simple source

>> No.10378145

Can't wait to count out your coin!

>> No.10378155

>genetic hivemind: True
>multigenerational world spanning conspiracy: True

Everyone who calls you out on weak facts a jew: False

>> No.10378165

The jewish bolshevik revolution occurred in 1917 and Stalin didn't obtain power until 1929. Basic chronology here.

>considered jewish
Just stop, please, I'm almost starting to feel bad for you, jew. He *was* jewish.

Now I understand the jew above is on the very lower end of the scale, but the kind of delusion he displays is actually characteristic of jews, which is why people are trying to get the word out. With the dumb ones, they get it out for you though.

>> No.10378183

>The jewish bolshevik
A neonazi meme.

>Stalin didn't obtain power until 1929
Incorrect, but irrelevant.

Still waiting for a source on the "Stalin didn't come until later, after jews had murdered tens of millions of Russians" claim.

>> No.10378184

Indeed he didn't have a plan.
He just wrote about what capitalims is.

>> No.10378191

So do you disagree with the NSDAP's definition of jewery?

>> No.10378195
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>The jewish bolshevik
ever fucking time

>> No.10378254

>neonazi meme
Neonazi is a fake word, and jews were the leaders of the bolshevik revolution. But how about this, I'll be your source fetch (again) when you admit you were wrong about Lenin not being a jew.

If you're referring to Germany's quarter jew policy, personally, yes.

This is representative of the jewish neurosis I've been referring to. Jewish projection to the hilt.

>> No.10378325

stop feeding /pol/ retards (You)s, we know they're wrong and you can't convince them so stop giving them chances to shit up threads

>> No.10378334

If people are naturally greedy then why do some want communism? Obviously you can't say that of all people.

>> No.10378336

this is how western civilization goes

>> No.10378339

>jews were the leaders of the bolshevik revolution

>I'll be your source fetch (again) when you admit you were wrong about Lenin not being a jew.
I'll gladly admit I was wrong if you were able to prove so. You can't.

>> No.10378344

>muh marxism

Not taking into account the nature of man and you're in for a bad time

>> No.10378349


>third party altruism
>altruism as an act not a state of mind

>> No.10378350
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>> No.10378360

There are really people who believe a random Jewish philosopher from the XIXth century holds the answer to all the problems of the 21st century, isn't there?

Why don't you see the same kind of autistic clingering towards, I don't know, Afrikan Spir, I wonder. He has as much relevance to our questions nowadays as Karl Marx.

>> No.10378368

It didn't take a violent global revolution to facilitate the transition to capitalism and Leninist regimes were objectively shitty. If it's truly the next step for civilization then automation will ease us into it.

>> No.10378375

What's best for everybody isn't what's best for me.

>> No.10378459

The only real source of those is the second, the rest are either false of hearsay.

>> No.10378463

If that's what he wants, it isn't what he preaches

>> No.10378473


>> No.10378477

>Neonazi is a fake word
>I am a National Socialist but I don't accept NSDAP doctrine on Jewishness


>> No.10378486
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>Yes goyim! Why you so resistant to me? Oy vey! Remember the 6 shekelzillion! Da ebil men must be shutted down!

>> No.10378489

Marx wouldnt have stood up for the anthem

>> No.10378490

Again no argument. They're literally hearsay. Snyder is legit but if you actually read bloodlands there's no claim of a conspiracy and other nationalities like poles are also very over represented.
But you can see the ethnicity of the relevant people here:

>> No.10378510

When did I claim I was a national socialist?

Until you are able to actually debunk something you need to be quiet.

>> No.10378514

Nigger. 100th post

>> No.10378518

Yeah I can, I just did. They think they want communism but then remember they're greedy.

>> No.10378546

>Not a NatSoc
>Not a Neonazi
>Disagrees with NSDAP Jewish policy for being too soft on Jews
Oh shit go-- I mean boys, we've got a SUPERNAZI on our hands

>> No.10378553

What, you don't think someone who "wants the best for everybody" can be wrong? The Marxist theory of labor is false. Marx's predictions concerning the progression of societies' organizing toward communism have thusfar been false. Experiments in those in the 19th and 20th centuries have cost humanity millions of lives, not to mention losses of efficiency, learning, and flourishing. Think of everything we could have accomplished if not for this man supposedly "wanting the best for everybody," and then end your life, please.

>> No.10378573

Because they can't produce a livelihood for themselves thus want to usurp someone else's wealth to subsidize their layabout tendencies. Hence, greed.
>I shouldn't have to wagecuck to support myself
>gibs me dat

>> No.10378612

Why do wealthy as fuck aristocrats such as kropotkin give everything up for their revolutionary ideals?

>> No.10378672

Greentext is true, but jews breed these "super"types, don't they? What I want is what has since time immemorial been normal and natural, has always existed even if not explicitly, and need not be associated with 33-45 Germany. It's ludicrous that jews have not only inserted this bogus kabbalistic word, "not see," into our lexicon, but have up till now gotten away with slandering us with it whenever we express our interests as a people. This is backwards and wrong, and brings to the fore the neuroticism and egotism of this sand tribe.

Yes, but therein lies the reality too many refuse to accept. Jews are tribal schemers, they are not visionaries or benevolent social/economic planners, even if they pretend to be such. Marx was wrong about everything, of course, but he was right about the only thing that mattered, which is why he is praised and lorded in front of us by the jews who have taken over our institutions. And what he was right about was how to take out the European elite so that jews could fill that power vacuum, by convincing this manipulatable industrial class that had recently been formed that *they* were the true leaders ... that *they* were revolutionaries, the righteous owners of a budding utopia. That's all communism was really about. It was jewish method of manipulating people so that they could obtain the rulership they presently enjoy over our societies.

This is what they do: divide. Feminism and minorityism is not different, it's all the same jewish scheme. But don't for a second think they really believe in it, because as soon as it worked in Russia and jews had finally after so many centuries of shtetl preaching about them being the chosen rulers of the earth, what did they do? They genocided up to 60 million members of the Russian underclass. It was a scam from the beginning, and jews are not like us. They are psychopathic murderers who lie and do anything to obtain power.

>> No.10378696

Does kropotkin consider himself a champion of revolution justly due to retain some position or tenure as compensation for some sort of leadership/"helmsman" role in the potential overthrow?
>muh anarchism muh no/minimal government
No such thing, in your minarchist ideal world I'm technically left free to establish trade markets with likeminded people as myself.

>> No.10378703

>Does kropotkin consider himself a champion of revolution justly due to retain some position or tenure as compensation for some sort of leadership/"helmsman" role in the potential overthrow?

>No such thing, in your minarchist ideal world I'm technically left free to establish trade markets with likeminded people as myself.
Irrelevant to what we are discussing.

>> No.10378720

Imagine spending this much time to write an obvious bait text

>> No.10378724

>bait text
You're overestimating the retard.

>> No.10378761

Aiming for nothing but that fat schnoz of yours, rabbi. Glad you know it.

>> No.10378845

At best, he's an idealist who didn't take into account the consequences of his actions because it seeks to eliminate class warfare by creating "the people" and a ruling government class. Pointing out the failure of Soviet Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, or anything else will just get shot down as "well, that's not REAL communism" or something along those lines.

>> No.10378848

Fantastic, but it only begs my inquiry: what is his plan to deter opportunism? Obviously privation isn't enough to assuage opportunistic endeavor, or you wouldn't have "dirty pig capitalists" "unjustifiably" worth billions in the first place: so it can't be as simple as "if communism meets people's needs then they won't have need or desire for _______". (This may just seem like answering questions with questions but honestly it's all pertinent to an overall perspective of the thing.)

>> No.10378896

To be clear, I'm not defending kropotkin's project of society nor any type communism, I'm arguing that altruistic people do exist, among which are a good amount of communists, which some people in this thread seem to be denying.

>> No.10379029

You realize Marx's entire ideology is based on materialism?

>> No.10379312
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Americans enjoy eating.

>> No.10379316

Nagel pls

>> No.10379318
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His shit theory was a net negative for humanity.

>> No.10379331

How about because Marx's conception of class was a misappropriation of 19th century European cultural categories for the purpose of an ad-hoc justification of sociological theories assuming a Hegelian/Feuerbachian methodology, and these same cultural categories
were not as prevalent and more subject to change and fluidity in America, compounded by a late spread of his ideas to American academia in an era when overall quality of life had for the average worker had already exceeded a certain standard?

>> No.10379333
File: 141 KB, 969x583, PostmodernistMarxistDisdainingPlebJungianCirca2016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10379338

>You realize Marx's entire ideology is based on materialism?
You realize words can have more than one meaning?

>> No.10379369

Even without the misinterpretation of what he said, Marx's methodology is equally based in German Idealism as it is in Materialism.

>> No.10379392

1. Non-Mengerian Theory of Money.

2. No property.

3. Can't solve economic calc problem.

4. Theory rests on flawed understanding of value; doesn't account for time preference for example.

>> No.10379426

>Laws don't work because we're naturally predisposed to commiting crimes


>> No.10379503

You forgot:
>Transformation problem
>Okishio's theorem
>muh reification

>> No.10379507

greed is a form of fear

>> No.10379519

Schumpeter btfo economic calc problem and he's not even a Marxist
Time preference lmao. The worst attempt at an attack on marx

>> No.10379597


>> No.10379636

So you're a jew, right?

>> No.10379744
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rose to international superpower status
embargoed by its biggest neighbour and most powerful country on the earth, still managed to survive
economy collapsed after oil price took a nose dive.
URSS and Venezuela went to shit after their government fucked it up. Russia didn't started the much needed reforms and Venezuela didn't diversified its economy. How is that unique to communism?

>> No.10380226

Yes Nietzsche deserves some of the blame. It's because the ideas are bad and putting them in practice leads to innocent people suffering.

>> No.10380317
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The road to hell is littered with good guys with good intentions.

>best for everybody
Oh yeah, Communism has such a wonderful track record of economy, human rights and general prosperity in the past 100 years.

An expected opinion of a filthy collectivist.

>> No.10380338
File: 28 KB, 432x289, karlmarx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not in people who seek vast control and power over large groups of people.

You should never trust big political leaders or large corporate overlords, they have either selfish or outright malign motives and they will bring suffering if you let them.

I'd say that Karl Marx didn't fucking *understand* human nature, based on how someone had to actually put painstaking effort into interpreting his written work.

>> No.10380385

>>I'd say that Karl Marx didn't fucking *understand* human nature, based on how someone had to actually put painstaking effort into interpreting his written work.

>can't read
>other guy doesn't know what he's talking about

>> No.10380401

> never let an employer use him as a wage slave.

again why is this bad?

>> No.10380408
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>talks about worker's rights
>haven't worked a day in his life

>> No.10380431

he worked. he just wasn't an employee.

and you dont have to be a whale to write about whales.

>> No.10380441

His ideas were nonsensical and didn't bear fruit. Those that tried to achieve a worker's revolution at a significant scale, with significant stability, inevitably succumbed to using a collectivist state as a proxy for the proletariat. This state is inevitably forced to impose upon its citizens' freedoms. Free societies where anyone can freely move and work, and patronize whomever they please, naturally fall into hierarchies of ownership.

Star Trek is the only believable Marxist utopia, and only because nothing is scarce and everyone's self-interests are catered by sheer abundance.

>> No.10380443

wtf I now prefer feels to reals, based libcuckbro

>> No.10380452

>works every day
>doesn't care about workers rights

>> No.10380469

Is it too late to post that communism doesn't work? It's been tried in many countries but has never worked in a single one.

>> No.10380492

Star Trek is interesting but there's a lot of things that don't actually work in it.

I like the Ferengi a lot because they have actual economy and trade.

>> No.10380521

this. you could play this game with almost any old dead smart guy, but for some reason we only do it to Marx.

t. not a Marxist, whatever that would even mean

>> No.10380523

I think Marx wrote communism as a utopia that would save people from the problems of his own time. It was a flawed vision, yes, but I don't think he foresaw what the 20th century would make of his ideas.

With that said, I don't think communism as practiced in the past is meant to produce a state with the same conditions as a capitalist one. I'm not saying "not real communism", just maybe that the communist dictatorships were carried out by people who wanted to kill millions, not accrue capital and properties and ownership of anything that will allow them to accrue more capital.

My question is why is it that communist leaders, once thy come to power, just start killing people as fast as they can? Is it the different political and economic organization that causes this? Is this leader installed by hidden operators or political enemies to ruin this country or to cut deals with certain outside private parties? What is it that causes the mind of this leader to always go full genocide on his own people?

>> No.10380546

>I think Marx wrote communism as a utopia
where exactly does Marx write prescriptively about communism? This sentence alone proves that you have never read Marx nor know seemingly the most basic information about him. Your post is pure air and no one who knows anything about the subject read past your first sentence.

>> No.10380556

You know this isn't analagous and you posted it anyway, shame on you.
Communism only works as a voluntary system, as people need to provide based on their abilities even though they will recieve the same as everyone else. Since humans are predisposed to greed, people are going to be dissatisfied with a communist system and will not provide for the public.

>> No.10380571

>where exactly does Marx write prescriptively about communism?
Read his thesis on Feuerbach, you fucking retard

>> No.10380575

>people need to provide based on their abilities even though they will recieve the same as everyone else

are you 12 or something?
what do you think santa will bring you in christmas eve?

>> No.10380583

Please elaborate

>> No.10380587

1. Karl Marx's works are not preoccupied or largely interested in the worker's right on a pragmatic, down-to-factory-floor style of trade unions and labour unions off the time. They are largely descriptive and dry tomes on political economy, not poverty sociology.
2. Karl Marx's interests lied in the transformation of worker's place in the economic system and their ability to fully gain the benefits of their labour
3. Karl Marx worked a wide variety of jobs as a researcher, journalist, teacher and political organiser and administrator in what was at the time the largest trade union federation in the world. He was prohibited from works that were up to his skill level due to his status as an emigre and a political radical, and while he probably could have found a low ranking bureacrautic or administrative work in London, Engels voluntary saw it more suitable to act as an patron so that he could focus on his core strengths.

>> No.10380591

I don't want to talk with kids.

>> No.10380601

Damn, you got me there.

>> No.10380606

>people are naturally greedy.
people's "human nature" changes based on their environment mate

>> No.10380613

you are completely retarded if you have read Marx and think he has anything to say specifically about communism other than it is the stage after capitalism. This is like Marx 101. Yes, in the theses he outlines the need for philosophers to change the world and his materialism is proof of his belief that he believes communism will happen, but where exactly does he prescribe a utopian vision of communism versus his real project of criticizing capitalism on theoretic grounds?

>> No.10380621

It's hard for a capitalist to think outside his capitalist box

>> No.10380626

The Manifesto?

>> No.10380632

have you read it???

Do it now, is short.

>> No.10380644

america is fascism perfectly cloaked under the facade of democracy

>> No.10380649

Was I right? Cause if so, then I don't have to.

>> No.10380650

you mean the document where no vision for utopian communism is written about but rather an analysis of capitalism? Why'd you put a question mark at the end of your response like you're not completely sure of what you're putting forth?

>> No.10380656

all commies must die..... IF you believe communism will work anywhere you are delusional. KYS COMMIES. YOU ARE IN FOR STARVATION.

>> No.10380660

No, you are not. It barely described socialism and communism as other than economic system with social ownership of capital rather than private one of the current one. Bulk of the manifesto is critique of capitalism and its ills.

>> No.10380661

>Why'd you put a question mark at the end of your response like you're not completely sure of what you're putting forth?
Because I wasn't completely sure of what I was putting forth.

>> No.10380665

hoe how is america facist at all? where is the dictator? Who is the sole man running all of this? Competition is what drives life you ninny

>> No.10380668

Dialectical materialism failed to make any useful predictions.

Marx became popular in the first place because he purported to present a scientific theory of history.

He failed and now his proponents engage in cargo-cult ideology. Really as bad as Nazi larpers who think they can export an ideology crafted for ethnic Germans in the 1930s. Almost worse because Nazis were at least defeated in war before the contradictions in their ideology could fully come to fruition.

>> No.10380672

so are Marx's theses on Feurebach the only thing you've read by him? those ten bullet points?

>> No.10380678

looks at the perpetual wars, and how business profits and influences both "opposed" parties. The nation is sublime and peace through violence its vision. And it is all conditioned in society that its citizens truly believe they are in control of the system. It is a fascists wet dream.

>> No.10380686

btw no one will reply to this post with anything substantive

>> No.10380691

maybe if you're using D&G's meme definition of fascism. Expand your mind:

>> No.10380695

okay.... but... .again....... who is in control? Who is the dictator?
We are a democracy, we do not have a say in the government, or what we do is of little say, but this is not controlled by one person. There are a ton of people with their hands in on america. This country is not fascist in the slightest . WE ARE FREE.

>> No.10380696

I'd say a main difference between Nazilarpers and "dem dam commies" is that the Nazis are actually still Nazis after their ideology did what it did and was defeated and yet want to bring Nazism onto the political stage again for a repeat, and the commies are anyone who has interest in reading Marx.

>> No.10380705

something fishy about this post

>> No.10380711

I haven't even read that. That was some other anon. I'm the one that made that original big post, the one you didn't read past the first sentence. I just figured I'd pick up his responses because you didn't want to talk to me.

>> No.10380737
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>> No.10380749

Socialism inevitably encourages a complacent and self-entitled population. This is the mark of death for an individual, population, and species.

I live in Canada and it's pathetic how people confuse social benefits that exist solely because of our social history and trajectory with some inherent universal principle.

I have two sons and the only thing I hope I can instil within them is a sense of competition, a survival instinct, and an edge. I don't want them to turn into what many MIllennials have embodied: a rampant sense of self-entitlement and complete disconnect from the natural world.

>> No.10380750


A fascist oligarchy then?

>> No.10380755

Most never read him, because if they did, they would see that America essentially achieved full communism after WWII.

>> No.10380770

Because Chomsky, Zinn, and other mainstream leftists never made apologies for marxist influenced atrocities right?

>> No.10380779

And to your other point, Communism was defeated as surely as Nazism. Communism was only more successful because it was universalist rather than particular.

>> No.10380786

Idk I never read those hacks, but if they did that's not the same thing as starting a party, arming themselves, and banging on the doors of parliament, is it?

>> No.10380790

>more successful because it was universalist rather than particular
this is the dumbest thing ive read today
of course, it was posted by a tripfag

>> No.10380801

I don't give a shit about that point. You would. I just needed perhaps a better way of saying Nazism (and communism, to be absolutely fair) ran its course or whatever.

>> No.10380803

Imperialism =/= fascism

>> No.10380806


where is the fascism name it fuck face

>> No.10380807

If it was dumb you could explain why without resorting to memes.

>> No.10380818

> What is it that causes the mind of this leader to always go full genocide on his own people?
In Russia with jews it was about them literally not being their own people.

>> No.10380822

This is the perfect sort of hackneyed dialog you'd expect from someone influenced by Marxism.

Explain exactly how this is different from ranting about the jews.

>> No.10380829

this thread shows clearly how most of the critics of Marx or Freud came by people that never actually read them.

>> No.10380838 [DELETED] 

So the reds were redpilled?

>> No.10380853

No it was the jews who were doing the killing.

>> No.10380862

t. the average republican voter

>> No.10380866

reading is for gays and losers

>> No.10380887

What was their endgame? Because it was western capitalists who picked at the bones of the Soviet Union after it fell.

>> No.10380894

This thread shows that people like you can never address substantive criticisms, only whine "you don't understaaaand".

>> No.10380898

I think one of the key feature of oligarchy is that the oligarchs are hidden from the public. Lke there's no Fortune magazines top oligarchs of the year or anything.

>> No.10380908

OT genocide. But nah dude, those weren't "capitalists" they jews as well, jews like Marc Rich.

>> No.10380909

It was mostly jewish oligarchs, how about you actually read about Russia in the 90s.

>> No.10380922

This is true, for instance, Communists were some of the biggest imperialists of the 20th century.

>> No.10380934


>> No.10380958
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>substantive criticisms

I woud have to educate you dense faggots first.

>> No.10380980

So where's the reply?

>> No.10380995

America is far from fascist. Their minorities are spoiled and paraded by the government. The white man suffers at the hands of them.

>> No.10381031

America is more quasi-socialist at this point, at least Federally.

>> No.10381104

What is socialism?

>> No.10381306

>It seems like he just wanted the best for everybody
He raped his 11 year old maid and then kicked her and his bastard son out of his house.

>> No.10381317

That's a stupid and wrong thing to think.

>> No.10381318

Like I said, read his thesis on Feuerbach

>> No.10381467

> but for some reason we only do it to Marx.
because Marx's ideas are a dangerous attack to the status quo.
also to disprove them you need to actually read 2k+ pages and that is a nono
notice how 99% of the online critiques to marxism are pretty much Red Scare level
>he never worked lmao
>study econom 101 lmao
>muh 100 gorillion

>> No.10381481

> Marx's ideas are a dangerous attack to the status quo.
Haha. 70 years ago maybe, but those Marxist jews are the status quo now.

>> No.10381486

Where can i read of this account?

>> No.10381494
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>because Marx's ideas are a dangerous attack to the status quo

>> No.10381509
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>where is the dictator? Who is the sole man running all of this?
please don't tell me you think americans' vote matter

>> No.10381511

Thanks for the contribution.
Yes, wanting to end private property is dangerous to the status quo.

>> No.10381518

It's also dangerous to anyone and everyone.

>> No.10381524

I don't disagree with that.

>> No.10381537

What do you think it will feel like when you realize you are the biggest pawn of the system you believe you're fighting?

>> No.10381563

What do you think it will feel like when you realize that you've been brainwashed in a chinese cartoon forum because you're too dumb to understand a complex world where jews are not the answer to everything?

>> No.10381568

I hate socialists of all flavors and kinds, even the nationlist ones.

>> No.10381575

The two Red Scares. The first happened after WW1 and the second after WW2. The creation of the Soviet Union made any socialist movement in the US extremely unpopular and people began to distrust anything associated with radical leftism. That said socialism did have some popularity when not called socialism which Upton Sinclair learned.

>> No.10381585

Look at this poor slave doing the work of his enemies with no awareness of it.

>> No.10381593

>responds with sectish brainwashing

>> No.10381738

He's correct you know. The right has to deny the real power structure because they are interested in preserving it. This is why their leaders throw them for a loop, and it is why they happily oblige in following their lead. This is why their side of the argument (this thread for example) amounts to nothing more than trolling.

>> No.10381772

The people itt talking about the power structure and their desire to bring it down are on the right.

>> No.10381781

Daily reminder that Marx was a libertarian

>> No.10381784

replacing rich jew with rich whites doesnt change the power structure at all

>> No.10381789

daily reminder that Kantbot isn't funny and his meme'ing is only going to become more stale in the next year

>> No.10381793

Except it did just that.

>> No.10381800


>> No.10381802

marx was anarcho-nixonist with guatarrian characteristics

>> No.10381811

finally someone who knows their shit

>> No.10381819

The white elite has been replaced by a jewish elite.

>> No.10381825

Feel free to elaborate on this
Who? Marx was a great admirer of Adam Smith and is ideologically libertarian, his realpolitik just takes a different approach to political libertarianism.

>> No.10381829

Let me guess, your source is a /pol/ infograph.

>> No.10381832

and labor is still alienated. nothing changed structurally.

>> No.10381855

no it hasn't at all, there is no data that backs this up. unsourced /pol/ charts from 2014 that mix and match, bait and switch different data inputs are not tenable. Please provide 3rd party research from forensic financial investigators or literally sincerely kys

>> No.10381858

A lot has changed, and "labor" is more viciously attacked than ever, with jobs being sent overseas and displacement-level immigration.

>> No.10381867

It's not even a question.

>> No.10381870

So you're not interested in the power structure the racial identity of those who control it?

>> No.10381879

>believes shit with no evidence but considers it an unquestionable truth
[brainwashing intensifies]

>> No.10381898

The power structure, as in the institutions through which power is wielded, is not the problem.

>> No.10381902

The evidence is superabundant.

>> No.10381908

Socialism doesn't work.
Marxism doesn't work.
Communism doesn't work.

>> No.10381911

Present it.
>inb4 infographs

>> No.10381940

Learn how to use the internet you nigger-brained fool.

>> No.10381946

>"labor" is more viciously attacked than ever
in what way? striking coal miners used to be moved down by pinkertons.
>ith jobs being sent overseas and displacement-level immigration.
Capitalists requiring cheaper labor due to falling rates of profit is nothing new exactly. Slave trade ring a bell?

>> No.10381948

>no evidence
As expected. Keep on fighting the lizard people anon, you're our only hope.

>> No.10381960

I guess the real question we should be asking ourselves is why do the people who run the world hate Jews and want them eliminated?

>> No.10381978

>in what way?
In the ways mentioned, their very livelihoods are under attack. The new elite is hostile to those below them because they are a different race. However bad you think it was before there was at least a sense of noblesse oblige.

>> No.10381994

>workers used to work 16 hours per day, die in their twenties and get killed during strikes
>but they are actually worse off now because of my imaginary cabal of reptilians
You really opened my eyes.

>> No.10382014

>exceptions were the standard
Dishonesty will not make you wiser.

>> No.10382035

Read about the prevailing conditions during the industrial revolution.

>> No.10382072

No one is saying anything was perfect but who was it that reformed the conditions you're railing against?

>> No.10382102

>economy collapsed after oil price took a nose dive
Yeah, so did Houston in the 1980s, but there weren't shortages of food and toilet paper, nor massive clashes with police.

>> No.10382106

Usually the reformist left (the french revolution / popular front in france, new dealers in usa, etc.) along with unions. I don't see your point.

>> No.10382145

>>be me
>>be ameriburger
>>be "capitalism gives most people the most chance at equality and success"

>>millions around the world slave away for pennies manufacturing useless crap to satiate our decadent lifestyles just so they can accumulate the bare minimum resources necessary for their survival, sometimes getting bombed and invaded by us

>>muh "it's basic economics, dumb commies! REEEEE"

>> No.10382153

No, white people, and in particular the white ruling class. Get your head out of all this abstract ideology based on flawed notions that people are all the same, it's blinding you to the reality that they are not, and do not share the same interests.

>> No.10382164
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>comparing the world hegemonic superpower at peak form with a south american country whose gdp is reliant almost in its entirety on oil export
yeah I'm sure it's socialism fault, anon

>> No.10382196

Generally speaking white people along with non white people on the left supported legislation favoring labor laws. Other white people along with other non white people on the right opposed such legislation. There was no racial divide in labor laws, you're just twisting observations to fit the preconceived worldview you've been fed.

>> No.10382216

Lenin wasn't Jewish . His great great great great grandmother was like a quarter. Almost everyone in Europe has Jewish blood in them. They have been living together for 2000 years.

>> No.10382236

Also, while we're at it, leon blum, who introduced the right to strike, collective bargaining, paid annual leave, 40 hour workweeks, and raised wages in france was one of the evil jewish lizardpeople.

>> No.10382245

What? That was a time when everyone was white minus the unimportant negro contingent. You are choosing to view things in abstract terms so you're failing to grasp what's most important.

>> No.10382260

So you're jewish. Makes sense now.

>> No.10382276

Sounds like someone is mad they're working for pennies to support my decadent lifestyle.

>> No.10382293

>That was a time when everyone was white minus the unimportant negro contingent
Are you actually retarded?
I've already given a counterexample in my previous post. If you look at for example the 8 hour labor day, it was proposed by marx (the most evil of the lizardjews), adopted by the marxist workingmen's party in the US, and fought by both black and white working people.
While, of course, being opposed by other whites, blacks, and jews. The world is not so simple, anon.

Great deduction work and comeback.

>> No.10382301
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>> No.10382311
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>Great deduction work
Really puts non-truths and spin like the above into context, I know.

>> No.10382348

Marx proposed fighting for an 8 hours labor day, which marxist parties did, which helped it become a reality. I didn't say he invented the notion of an 8 hour day labor day. And my argument is that different individuals of different races support and oppose labors laws depending on their ideology, which you are confirming.

>Really puts non-truths and spin like the above into context, I know.
So, what truth did I spin about leon blum that made me a lizardjew? Was it not a government that involved multiple ethnic groups and passed labor laws?

>> No.10382436

So a white guy made a proposal to better his society and a jew appropriated it and used it for revolutionary purposes that had disastrous effects and ultimately benefited his own people. That's the point here: it's not really about ideology, it's about people working for their own interests. The interests of whites is different than those of jews, which is why the new jewish elite is not working in the interests of whites. It's also why you lied, you're defending your own from people like me. But the issue then as now is that these are not your societies, and you have no business meddling in them.

>> No.10382488
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>Marx proposed fighting for an 8 hours labor day

>> No.10382511

>new jewish elite
where are my forensic finance charts anon? where are my numbers, figures, graphs and ideology.jpg's? I want it now or i'm gonna ask as many times as necessary and shit up the entire thread

>> No.10382541

>So a white guy made a proposal to better his society and a jew appropriated it and used it for revolutionary purposes that had disastrous effects and ultimately benefited his own people
Completely retarded. Wherever marxism was adopted by democratic parties that fought for labor laws, working people from all ethnic groups benefited. Whenever it was adopted by power hungry dictators, working people from all ethnic groups were hurt. In all of those cases, people of every ethnic group were represented in each of the opposing movements.

>the new jewish elite
Which you still haven't proven.

>It's also why you lied, you're defending your own from people like me.
Everything that contradicts you is a lizardjew defending his people, making your beliefs unfalsifiable. Your beliefs are totalitarian because they incorporate a way to dismiss any refutation of them. This makes them un-empirical and metaphysical. Marxism has the same problem, which led to their adherents being fanatic nutjobs. Maybe one day you'll understand this.

Also, I'm still waiting an explanation on how leon blum's labor laws aren't a counterexample.

He did in das kapital. Of course, not as his ultimate goal.

>> No.10382556

>Written: by Marx at the end of August 1866;
>A preliminary condition, without which all further attempts at improvement and emancipation must prove abortive, is the limitation of the working day.
>It is needed to restore the health and physical energies of the working class, that is, the great body of every nation, as well as to secure them the possibility of intellectual development, sociable intercourse, social and political action.
>We propose 8 hours work as the legal limit of the working day.

>> No.10382666

If I believed you were genuine, I might play along, but this is information that is known and widely available. From the Forbes list to media ownership to the biggest NGO funds and on down the line, jews are using these institutions as ethnic rackets. There's no secret about it either.

>Whenever it was adopted
You mean whenever it was adopted in white countries by white people and white leaders? That's what I thought.

>> No.10382675

We are still caught in a cold war, hope imperialism falls in the following tw decades

>> No.10382728

human beings can be molded into pretty much any shape imaginable

>> No.10382752


>> No.10382760

>If I believed you were genuine, I might play along, but this is information that is known and widely available. From the Forbes list to media ownership to the biggest NGO funds and on down the line, jews are using these institutions as ethnic rackets. There's no secret about it either.
Not me, but I'll reply anyway.
Whites are overrepresented among the world's richest people (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World%27s_Billionaires#2017, 6 and a half in the top 10), is it a conspiracy or the result of a historical development? And how are jews the "new elite" if they are overrepresented but still a minority? Also, what would you say if the underrepresentation of blacks was presented as an anti black conspiracy by blacks? The fact is that people like zuckerberg (as much as I despise him) and ellison are self made billionaires, not the result of some spooky conspiracy.
As for the media, jews were historically banned from a lot of jobs which ended with them being overrepresented in certain sectors, although the overrepresentation is vastly exaggerated by /pol/. Ironically, most of the antisemitic complains are self inflicted. Not to say there isn't nepotism also.

>You mean whenever it was adopted in white countries by white people and white leaders? That's what I thought.
But I already proved this false. Labor laws were fought for and against by people of all ethnicities and adopted by people of different ethnicities. How am I wrong, exactly?

>> No.10382799

Notice the tactics the jew uses to minimize his people's negative influence, the diversions and distractions he goes into. Again, tribal behavior in action. You're seeing it right here.

>historically banned
Same justifications for it too. "Oh whites didn't want us running their information distribution platforms so we're justified in stacking them with jews once we're in the door."

This is why they have to go, why they've been kicked out so many times. They're dishonest, nepotistic, tribal people who lash out whenever anyone questions them.

>> No.10382851
File: 68 KB, 850x400, quote-ah-you-miserable-creatures-you-who-think-that-you-are-so-great-you-who-judge-humanity-frederic-bastiat-34-59-77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he should've started with providing the best for his family instead of leeching off his wife and his friend, shaming his family, being a grub and mistreating his maid and son just so he could sook about factory owners like his mate that he leeched off.

Pic related.

>> No.10382853

>no arguments
>starts sperging about how everyone that disagrees with him is a jew
Just as a protip, the vast majority of the world is not jewish while also not believing there is a jewish conspiracy. And most somewhat educated people will be able to challenge most of your claims. You'll have to learn to use arguments to convince those people, and calling them jews is not one.

And yes, banning a group of people from certain jobs will end up with them being overrepresented in others, I don't see how this is such a ridiculous claim. It's like complaining about carpenter cagots in the XVIII century. But, again, if it was a ridiculous explanation the correct way to refute it would be to use arguments.

>> No.10382874

So what are some good books for critiquing Capitalism and what are some good books for it?

>> No.10382886


>> No.10382892

>when you realize Peterson stole his catchphrase from Bastiat

>> No.10382894

I have no lack of arguments, but am reluctant to waste them on jews who keep trying to change the argument up to get it off of jews.

>jewish conspiracy
Who said that? I didn't. Jews do conspire, but they also pursue their tribal interests effectively. Just as they, like you're doing now, constantly play the victim and pretend they're incapable of wrongdoing. But what it boils down to is this: you don't have the right to think you do. You are just a guest, one that has overstayed his welcome and had a net negative effect.

>> No.10382903

read this thread desu

>> No.10382918

>I have no lack of arguments, but am reluctant to waste them on jews who keep trying to change the argument up to get it off of jews.
How convenient. Then you don't have arguments as far as this discussion is concerned.

>Who said that? I didn't. Jews do conspire
Are you schizophrenic?

>but they also pursue their tribal interests effectively

>like you're doing now, constantly play the victim and pretend they're incapable of wrongdoing
Now you're hallucinating shit. Jews are just as capable of wrongdoing as anyone else, and I didn't say the opposite. Not as a hivemind though.

>But what it boils down to is this: you don't have the right to think you do. You are just a guest, one that has overstayed his welcome and had a net negative effect.
More calling everyone who disagrees with you jews instead of using arguments. Interesting how you are willing to waste your time calling me a jew but not using arguments, it's almost as if those arguments didn't actually exist.

>> No.10382948

I stopped because of the jew arguments, I didn't see any recommendations

>> No.10382980

I have been schooling you in this discussion from the beginning, pointing out your deceptions and diversions, and using you as a primary example of the greater problem. You're upset because I made a correct assessment about you being a dishonest jew and thus chose to not jump through some of the more arbitrary hoops you laid out to sidetrack and get me working for you.

>Not as a hivemind
If that were so I wouldn't have heard every jewish talking point of yours a hundred times. You are an interloper, an unwelcome guest in the non-Israel country you currently reside in. And you have to go.

>> No.10383022

I wouldn't waste my time with Das Kapital, it's an outdated and dry giant book with plenty of bullshit.
Pro: Capitalism and Freedom
Against: 23 Things They Don't Tell You About Capitalism
Both are kinda meme books, and the second book is not an anti-system book (if that's what you wanted) but they should do the job.
Sorry for feeding the /pol/tard.

>I have been schooling you in this discussion from the beginning
I'm happy that you can declare yourself the victor of the discussion anon, congratulations.

>If that were so I wouldn't have heard every jewish talking point of yours a hundred times.
You would if they were legitimate rebuttals that separate (educated) individuals would come to. But I know you're part of a sect with an unfalsifiable conspiracy theory and reject such a possibility a priori. I have heard your talking points a million times too btw, you're just repeating basic neonazi propaganda.

>> No.10383038
File: 273 KB, 793x794, mcgas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I want is to be left alone working as a cook and building/buying/trading automatic weapons in my free time with nobody telling me I can't.

>> No.10383040

>North Korea

Yes Communism is a great great flawless system it is something that definitely works and isn't silly idealism that will always lead to failure and suffering

>> No.10383050
File: 386 KB, 800x600, socialism (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot Cambodia.

>> No.10383058

what about all those European countries like Sweden and Norway where they have free health care and huge quality of life for everyone?
Aren't those socialist?

>> No.10383070

>conspiracy theory
It just doesn't work anymore, jew. The goyim know and no amount of spin will stop that process from continuing on until your people are removed again. I don't want you to seek internal reform, which I know you're incapable of anyway, but I know somewhere in the back of your mind you realize that this theme of your history stems from you and you alone. It's a lesson you cannot learn on your own, which is why so many in the past have had to force it on you.

>> No.10383073

>economic freedom on par with South Korea
South Korea was extremely interventionist during its economic miracle.

>> No.10383084

>The goyim know
That's the thing, the goyim doesn't know and you're not providing any arguments to make me know.

>> No.10383113

I'm always eager to inform, but you can't behave like you did and start making demands, then expect others to be forthright with you and jump through a bunch of arbitrary hoops to please you. That's not how this works.

>> No.10383116

Yeah, I know it was foolish to expect evidence from neonazis.

>> No.10383131
File: 312 KB, 500x500, tumblr_inline_of236mafrZ1t2r02b_540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a Swede I will tell you that the quality of life has dropped like a rock in the past 20 years

>huge immigration flood, there was already a shortage of housing and jobs, but in most recent years we've taken in yet more and more immigrants, meaning we're taking in lots of people who have no place to live and no place to work, hardly fair to them, hardly fair to us
>all these immigrants (and now native swedes), have no option but to live at home or at refugee compounds (where lots of abuse and rape happens), and live on social security
>crime has absolutely skyrocketed because there's now lots of displaced and out of place people who have nothing to do and any attempt to try to integrate them into society is met with accusations of racism
>police stopped reporting rape statistics because they were accused of being racist
>Sweden is the only country in Europe where *grenade attacks* is a common feature of crime, and grenades are stupid cheap and easy to obtain on the black market, averaging less than $2 a piece
>there's entire ghettos which are "no-go zones", where police and emergency services refuse to go because they will be attacked with at best rocks and firebombs, at worst the previously mentioned grenades
>regular health services and mental health services are understaffed and overburdened beyond belief, because there's not enough personnel and resources to handle all these people, and they're in themselves a continued net drain because they have no way to sustain themselves but social security
>you might have to wait 18mths to get an appointment with a psych and that's if you regularly call to bother them, otherwise they will hope you forgot and just quietly pretend you don't exist
>there's not even 20k cops in the entire country, many places have response times measured in hours, and the private ownership of weapons for the purpose of self-defense is 100% illegal, more-over self-defense is treated with extreme prejudice by police and if they think they can get you for something, even if you were just trying to defend yourself and your property, they will try their hardest
>courts are beyond surreal in their treatment of criminals, the most infamous serial rapist in modern history got 14 years and served 9, he's let out despite the fact that psych said he was at an extreme risk for relapse, rapists and murderers are commonly given absurdly light treatments (brutal child rape is commonly met with a 4 year sentence, which they probably will not serve fully), on the other hand, courts love to shit on anyone caught with illegal drugs, this is the only crime they seem to care about

Not bullshitting about grenade attacks:
If you think Sweden is some sort of paradise, you're a delusional Bernout, socialism has failed Sweden.

>> No.10383148

>>Sweden is the only country in Europe where *grenade attacks* is a common feature of crime, and grenades are stupid cheap and easy to obtain on the black market, averaging less than $2 a piece

fucking christ. Where are they getting these grenades? They're expensive to produce.

>> No.10383155
File: 236 KB, 780x1643, 1497092727202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah I'm sure it's socialism fault
I told you it would always come down to "that's not real socialism/communism". Even the "mainstream" U.S. newspapers linked price-fixed toilet paper to socialism.

>> No.10383156
File: 236 KB, 1200x676, the siege of sarajevo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black market surplus from the dissolution of Yugoslavia, remember that huge war that happened in the 90's, with all the civil war and genocide?

Man, Socialism sure turned out well for Yugoslavia too!

>> No.10383167

It's more of a political failure than an economic failure though, as in the economic policies are not unsustainable by themselves. Social democracies should just be less ideological tbqh.

>> No.10383169
File: 117 KB, 618x269, ct3miekvaaajwsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweden is learning to become multicultural.

>> No.10383216

Both Economic Freedom Indexes are more of a neoliberal just-so story than a legitimate metric. For instance, the US and Canada are tied at 7.94, Norway has a comparable index of 7.67, and Mexico, which has far less regulations and worker's protections than any of those is at 6.79.

When studying correlations in economics it's better to use quantifiable metrics like GDP per capita, exports and imports, goverment spending as a percentage of GDP, Gini coefficient...

>> No.10383235

>as in the economic policies are not unsustainable by themselves
You're fucking deluding yourself if you think our economy is going to hold up at this rate, we are heading at an economic crisis in a near future.

The entire country is a housing scam propped up by socialist measures.

Go suckstart a Kampfpistole you sad socialist fuck, neetsocks would only continue doing damage.

>> No.10383237

Hey thanks for the recs dude, I appreciate it

>> No.10383247

Why are you counter-signaling someone drawing attention to the jews who have done this to your country, in particular Barbara Lerner Spectre?

>> No.10383261
File: 90 KB, 612x612, if your first instinct on seeing this is to shout 'centrist' then you're a brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because she's my enemy doesn't make you my friend.

>> No.10383272

>You're fucking deluding yourself if you think our economy is going to hold up at this rate, we are heading at an economic crisis in a near future.
According to your posts, it would be due to incorrect political policies (migratory issues) and not the impossibility of maintaining the social democrat state (if the migratory policies were to be corrected). Or are you saying that the system wouldn't be sustainable regardless?

>> No.10383290

I'm more saying that such action will not be taken until it's too late and we're already in ruin.

The elite will make sure of this.

>> No.10383300

Embrace your white brothers, stupid fuck. And you wonder why it's been so easy for these jews to make Sweden the test tube of their European destruction program?

>> No.10383304

Then the problem is political and a less ideological social democracy could work.

>> No.10383313

>my socialism will be better than their socialism
Not a good pitch, shit for brains.

>social democracy could work
Given it's results here, I'm not that keen on seeing more of it.

>> No.10383321

Nothing I've said has anything to do with socialism.

>> No.10383342


Very dumb post by a very dumb person. And no, the category does not somehow "vanish" by just philosophically scratching its surface. It goes on being the case that when deprived of air, water or food for respective, sufficiently long periods of time, human beings die, in addition to other probabalistic statements which may validly be made about human beings in general. The confluence of such unimpeachable statements, together with observation, leads to a series of conclusions that humans behave in such-and-such a way. Putting all of this together, leads to human nature.

Human nature is an actually existent phenomenon, and category of inquiry, which Chomsky correctly defended, in general terms, in the first part of his famous discussion with Foucault, while Foucault lost that part of their exchange (he would win the second part) by just going "no because Marx." You are literally as dumb as Richard Seymour, here, who commits the same idiocy as you've just done: http://www.leninology.co.uk/2017/04/against-nature_13.html?m=1

>> No.10383347

Oh, so it's
>muh race!

Worked out fucking great in

I have no love for racial supremacists, you're shit to me like any other collectivist troglodyte filth.

>> No.10383353

>Given it's results here, I'm not that keen on seeing more of it.
Because you conflate politics and economics. If the only problem with social democracy in sweden is its immigration problem, it is easy to solve by adopting more restrictive policies. Of course, if those policies are associated with retarded neonazis like the other anon, a small adjusment becomes almost impossible. I'm sure a social democratic movement with little tweaks can arise from moderate people.

>> No.10383364

The independent nature of the northern European, displayed wonderfully by this Swedeposter here, is precisely what collectivist jews is using against us. So swell work, Swedeguy, way to play right into it.

>> No.10383390

>Because you conflate politics and economics
You're delusional if you think they aren't intrinsically related.

Politics are largely about controlling economics.
A new social democrat party will lead to another house of cards like this.

>abloobloobloo jews
Think further than your religious belief system.

>> No.10383416

>You're delusional if you think they aren't intrinsically related.
There's no logical reason a social democratic state with more moderate immigration policy couldn't exist. I know they are related in practice, but they aren't related logically. It's an arbitrary relation through ideology. I'm going to sleep, swedefriend, good luck.

>> No.10383436

Because Freud and Marx were deluded jews with good intentions but brainlet solutions.

>> No.10383526

Anyone blaming a body of people for their troubles needs to grow a pair.

>> No.10383534

>we're all individualists, goy!

>> No.10383542
File: 143 KB, 971x869, OW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a sorry excuse for a lifeform.

>> No.10383576
File: 145 KB, 675x1200, 536c12009d9e5ce65d74bcbbb43b1af19e1139e9053eeb3a54eb72e670f0defb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10383627
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, 0Pyvzqm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at all these masterminds of pure malevolence who have never contributed to anything ruining muh country!


Look at these totally unremarkable scientific developments occurring in muh western culture being forced into stagnation and decline by global-sized malevolence!


Look at all these totally unadmirable and unartistic undertakings totally not enjoyed by millions being created in muh dying culture!


>> No.10383689

^^^^^neurotic jew

>> No.10384154

>"I hope everything turns out great for everybody"
>Contributes nothing to the cause
w e w

>> No.10384343

>he just wanted the best for everybody
>the best
>for everybody
>"Hey guys lets kill the rich and middle class and take all their stuff xD xD "


>> No.10384671

how is this relevant to my point "falling oil prices aren't socialism fault"?
Also your "criticism" fall under the 'muh 100 gorillion category.