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File: 16 KB, 363x391, jesus-bleu-mauve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10375295 No.10375295[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

was he a communist

>> No.10375302

His teachings did lead to the foundation of the idea of communism though, by corrupting and twisting their meaning.

>> No.10375305

I think he would be fine with it but individual freedom was important to him because the choices people make are what is important

>> No.10375306

>I think he would be fine with it
>religion is the opium of the masses

>> No.10375308

What does that have to do with communism?

>> No.10375316

Define communist.
He was definitely not one by the Marxist definition.

>> No.10375323

Communists like this motto really much.
How can you not know this?

>> No.10375324

No, welfare leeches got kicked the fuck out of the clubhouse.

>> No.10375332

There are no rules about belief

>> No.10375335


more like socialist

>> No.10375337

but there are. name how much of the mass murderer communists were not atheists.

>> No.10375347

That's rule one

>> No.10375365

Prove it.
Even if you do, IRL commies don't like religion and use that precise quote.

>> No.10375534

Jesus was a pure anarchist. Against all forms of institutions. Ellul wrote a great book that studies why the teachings of Jesus developped into a civilization, when everything written in the bible points to the opposite. The book is called The Subversion of Christianity.

>> No.10376223
File: 68 KB, 800x522, IMG_0081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do narcissistic sociopaths even have political beliefs?

>> No.10376309

He wasn't a materialist, so no.

>> No.10376316

you seem to have misunderstood that quote, opium is fucking great

>> No.10376375

More of a strict moral socialist? No excess obviously and raising up of the lowest class, one would assume he was working towards an equilibrium between the richest and the poorest, I don't really know if it theoretically goes past " rich people give your rich people stuff to the poor people so they aren't starving anymore".

I think he was more concerned about peoples souls.

>> No.10376391

Depending on your epistemic foundations he could be whatever you want him to be. But the first Christians and the Church Fathers have not seen him as anything similar to communism.

>> No.10376923
File: 737 KB, 1250x800, comradejc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a quote from Marx himself, contrary to what you might believe, Marxist theorists have interpreted and expounded upon his ideas in a number of ways.
Pic related Christian Socialists ww@?

>> No.10376949

>that pic
>implying a syndicate isn't an idol in itself

>> No.10377013

>But the first Christians and the Church Fathers have not seen him as anything similar to communism.
They were literal communalists

>> No.10377072

No because he gave people food

>> No.10377093

>I think he would be fine with it
>Christians are shot and kicked into mass graves under Communist rule

>> No.10377096

No, he was a zealot that disrupted order of the Roman empire

>> No.10377106

He lived before the historical era that produced communism, so no, as interesting as that might be. He was a Palestinian apocalyptic prophet.

>> No.10377115

>le food maymay

>> No.10377146

>All Communist tendencies are Leninism
A number of South American Marxist groups are/are tolerant of Catholicism

>> No.10377152
File: 116 KB, 1598x1200, mauseandstick2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing in Christianity

>> No.10377158

Oh yes, the not real socialism meme. Do I need remind you that Marx himself advocated for intermediary states that would take the form of Stalinism and Leninism before les real communism could be implemented?

>> No.10377169

>intermediary states that would take the form of Stalinism
arguable; Lenin makes a pretty valid interpretation of the Critique of the Gotha Program

>> No.10377187

well, Lenin the writer was different to Lenin the writer-statesman after the 1917 '''''''''''''''revolution'''''''''''', so I take your point. But how about you communist scum expand on the 'not real socialism' meme. As a group average, you are the most historically illiterate scum of scum. Qualify your statements. Tell your friends.

>> No.10377201

>the not real socialism meme
I'm telling you that groups have pursued socialism in a number of ways, plenty of which were not hostile to religion. Leninists are Marxists but not all Marxists are Leninists
>Marx himself advocated for intermediary states that would take the form of Stalinism and Leninism
Marx was dead long before either of them wrote anything, they pursued the intermediary states in their own ways. Honestly that you're going to conflate the two is pretty indicative of your lack of knowledge on the topic

>> No.10377204

Lenin was a realist; he knew that an ideal socialist revolution would look a lot prettier and cultured than the Russian Civil War, but the Russian Civil War was not an ideal socialist revolution. It took place in an isolated, culturally and economically backward, mostly illiterate semi-feudal shithole with nearly every major advanced capitalist country on Earth trying to defeat the workers. No one could have higher ideals in a time and place like that.

>> No.10377210

I know you never read any, it's okay.

>> No.10377246

>if I am belligerent enough and type enough quotation marks I will seem like I know what I'm talking about

>> No.10377249


Then you're one too because he is you.

>> No.10377271

Go on commie scum, let's see how your apologetics presents itself in your generation. Is explaining away the Holomodor and Dekulakization still under the same 'not real socialism' banner?

>> No.10377284

The Holodomor was not intentional, nor was it as bad as academics say, nor is it essential to communist thinking. And there is literally nothing wrong with Dekulakization .

>> No.10377291

he was a social democrat

>> No.10377296
File: 216 KB, 896x1232, communism is that trotsky or lenin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not at all.
>holodomor was not intentional
>nothing wrong with dekulakization
Really makes me think.

>> No.10377297

a spiritual communist maybe but not a political one after all "render that which is Caesar's unto Caesar"

>> No.10377308

>make fortunes by stealing other people's farmland and selling their grain to starving poor people at exorbitant prices
>get shot
explain how this is bad

>> No.10377316

I wish you weren't larping, or if this is truly your sentiment, I wish your comrades would be as open as you publicly so I could flatten their nose without much guilt. Embrace your scumminess.

>> No.10377320

I was mostly just trying to piss him off. I'm a Trot. The collectivization programs were a disaster and millions of people died for literally no reason.

The Kulaks were still scum, tho

>> No.10377326

I know your kind has a whole different dictionary than the rest of the world, but I must remind you that you are still subject to the same normative grammar and legal definitions as the rest of us until you set up your scum commune on some unclaimed ground.

>> No.10377333
File: 2.64 MB, 5874x1596, communism is jewery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simply due to the fact that it is a complete fabrication.
Also rape and torture isn't the same as being shot.
In Romania, for example, when the peasantry revolted they just killed the boyars, no need for torture. Why couldn't that be done in Russia too?

>> No.10377337

he was an anarcho-monarchist, anarchism on Earth, sovereignty in Heaven. All earthly powers are evil and figureheads that worship Satan and draw their Earthly powers from him. Satan is the Lord of the World and was given dominion over the flesh of all the creatures of the Earth until judgement is passed and Original Sin is completely purified from the world soul of mankind. All religious figures, money, political leaders, military archons are evil and are empowered by Satan. Again, this is spelled out obviously in the Bible over and over again. The only authority is God, no other being can claim dominion over mankind. Mankind was put here to worship the Lord, not to follow each other, man is sinful and wicked he cannot lead others to salvation. The kings and presidents of the Earth are Satan's servants, unwittingly or knowingly. They style themselves after his nature and follow his inversion of Christian values. All popes, kings and presidents are servants of Satan, all bankers and money lenders and economists serve Satan. All production and economic activity is against God's will. Sustenance is the only thing you are permitted, you are at the mercy of God, nothing else. If you put faith in anything outside God you lose your soul immediately and are vulnerable to Evil. only through God's mercy can you be saved. God loves you and you turn away from him for money and power.

>> No.10377339

Do you think Kulaks became Kulaks by virtue of their free market savvy? They cruelly and maliciously profited off of the bankruptcy of the small peasant and rural proletariat, using all sorts of horrid trickery, terrorism, and political corruption.

>> No.10377347

This. Jesus was an Einar Gerhardsen-era Nordic Model social democrat.

>> No.10377356

>maliciously profited off of the bankruptcy of the small peasant and rural proletariat, using all sorts of horrid trickery, terrorism, and political corruption.

how about you unpack and qualify that statement. Was the standard of extermination based on the means by which affluence was acquired by independent farmers, or was it merely an arbitrary level of affluence and independence itself?

You truly are a disgusting bunch.

>> No.10377421

that's certainly an interesting perspective
not one held by most however