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/lit/ - Literature

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10373104 No.10373104 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I'm an irresponsible 20-year-old and my son has just been born.

Can I get any /lit/ recommendations for how should I cope without the feeling of my life ending before it even started? I was introvertic as fuck as a kid and never had friends, never partied at all. And now it's sure that I will never do. I will never have a fulfilling job because no uni education and I will forever be stuck in some entry-level bullshit until the end of my life just to pay our bills. If it's going to be enough.

So, any recommendations? Sorry for bad English, not a native.

>> No.10373108

with the feeling*, sorry for being a dirty phoneposter

>> No.10373120

Hmm idk dude lol you're obviously hot if you can manage to get a girl to fuck you, maybe become a model or something? lol idk dude, maybe ask /adv/ instead of hoping that a literature forum will give you a book that makes you feel like less of a fuckup or something, hmmm first time i've ever met an irresponsible introvert who gets pussy tho lol u should be proud you nutted in that pussy haha XD good luck dude!

>> No.10373132

bro you have taken the only step you possibly could in making sure you are passed on in the future by having an heir.

no book will give you that.

>> No.10373144



>> No.10373145

Wow, so I really am free to kill myself now. Thanks, senpai.

>> No.10373183


Time to grow up real fast, you can do it Anon. My cousin had his son when he was fucking 16 years old, and he was a dumb weed smoking retard and turned into a mature adult by the time he was 18.

It's time to go looking for jobs that aren't dead end and train you on the job. They still exist, you just have to look. Then you will be working somewhere you can actually move up ranks in a few years.

Just take care of your kid. A kid needs a good dad no matter what.

>> No.10373210
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You'll be fine.

>> No.10373211

the qu'ran

>> No.10373365

>the only step you possibly could in making sure you are passed on in the future by having an heir
Stated on a board about literature.

>> No.10373381

>Stated on a board about literature.
so what? i'm jealous of the OP.

reading a bunch of shit for years hasn't made my life as fulfilling as knowing that someone wanted to procreate with me and did so.

of course fatherhood isn't easy but at least it's something worth protecting. OP has an incentive to improve his life now because of the added responsibility. reading has never given me that feeling.

>> No.10373418

Where to meet girls like this cartoon irl?

>> No.10373463
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Don't worry about missing out on 'the partying scene' anon. it's a lifestyle ideal sold to you by corporations. i've lived it and if you drink the kool-aid it will only make you a miserable, infatantilized man-child. you have an opportunity here to sidestep a trap that the rest of us have fallen into. Being a responsible adult raising a child seems very scary but it will ultimately be the most deeply and profoundly satisfying thing you ever do. A very worthwhile trade for a few years of empty hedonism.

>> No.10373598

Paris, Brooklyn, Berlin. But why would (you) want to?

>> No.10374408

> I was introvertic as fuck as a kid and never had friends, never partied at all. And now it's sure that I will never do.

You would never do anyway. Stop measuring yourself by the stereotypical standards of shitty media you consume.

Maybe having a kid is a solid fucking reason to find out what you actually want and how you want it. Important decisions like that prevent you from fleeing hard questions.

>> No.10374447

Oh, and read Nabokov's “An Affair of Honor” before you get the same idea.

>> No.10374460
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what happend to her nose

>> No.10374472

Is your gf cute at least?

>> No.10374473

>Can I get any /lit/ recommendations for how should I cope without the feeling of my life ending before it even started?
The job stuff sucks but if you didn't go out of your way to enter parties beforehand you probably wouldn't have actually had a lot of fun even if someone threw you into one. The job stuff sucks though.

>> No.10374534

Depends on the person really


People wete partying before corporations even existed as a concept.

>> No.10374554


>> No.10374905

true anon but people didn't have the idea that they should party on and be free spirits ruthlessly marketed to them 24/7 before about 1960. it's not fucked up that you should party, but it is fucked up that you think you HAVE to

>> No.10375139

>corporations are people

Buh... buh how can people exist before people... and if *waterfall drooling* corporations are people cant corporations party too... whats the big deal

>wins the 2017 Mental Gymmast Award

Ty to all my fans, my mom, not my dad because he left when i was 3, my aunt Lou, Stacy, Jordan Peterson, Chester Cheetoh/Orange Gorilla/Drumpfinator/TweetMaster and most of all ty >>10374534

>> No.10375152

>has a kid at twenty
>can't even spell introvert
Yep, dysgenics are real. In a proper society you would have been sterilised.

>> No.10375155

So much delusion in one post should be a ban-able offence. Your cousin is a dumb nigger.

>> No.10375158

this, look for a job where you can move up and just because you have a job doesn't mean you wont have a life, go out on weekends and find out what you're interested in. You will have to grow up ten times faster than others in your age group yes but you should look at it as a blessing , this accidental crash course you have and live your dreams through your kid like every other obsessive parent.

>> No.10375166


>> No.10375230

Anon I don't have any book recommendations but I wanted you to know that what you just said is actually wonderful news.

>> No.10375356


>> No.10375542

You could probably do an apprenticeship. You'd have a shit wage for 2 years but maybe it'll be something more meaningful and eventually pay more than some supermarket or callcentre job.

I don't know what the apprenticeship schemes and job opportunities are like in your country though. Just remember that there's nothing demeaning about entry level bullshit jobs - at least you're working.

>> No.10375548

Where are you from OP?

>> No.10375556

Probably you should read those books that tell you how to abuse government programs.

Also go for some meme trad job like welding or something which supposedly pays well because no one wants to do hand work these days, or learn IT

>> No.10375562

Are you sure it's your kid and the girl isn't taking your for a ride? Go have a paternity test. Don't be a literal cuckhold.

>> No.10375573

Start studying math and become a math tutor. Help out your with studying math son along the way

You'll eventually make more than you are now and or make the same but have more free time to focus on more studying.

It will also open other avenues depending on where you are and luck

If youre bad at computation and get bored, read math books and dont do the problems. Read it so that you understand it conceptually and roughly, then go back and do the computations

Good luck

>> No.10375616

I would like to have children with the girl in your image. http://www.strawpoll.me/14581148

>> No.10375659

Thanks guys, that's reassuring.

Hipster bars/pubs in richer slav countries during the work week.


Kinda. She isn't into the Internets, she comes from a very Christian family and is backwards when it comes to technology, but I would still call her a fembot. She would fit /r9k/ nicely.

t. a single-language speaking brainlet

Thanks, and I'm really happy as well. Just scared of the future.


I will try to dig out any info on that in Poland. Honestly, I haven't heard anything and it hasn't crossed my mind at all, yet it seems reasonable.

Yeah, I'm sure, unfortunately.

That's... A long stretch. And I have always been bad at maths and much more interested in humanities. That's why I'm not in the programming field even though I "kinda" know how to program and have been doing it since middle school. But I have trouble learning new technologies and that's why nobody wants to hire me. And there are no internship programs around where I live.

>> No.10375784

I am fluent in 3, and know 5 languages in total.
>a very Christian family
Doesn't look like it, given how she got knocked up by some 'tard with whom she probably wasn't even married.

>> No.10375810

>You get passed on

What's so appealing about this?
Do you really believe that's you being passed on when you have a child?

>> No.10376141


>> No.10376162

This guy gets it. On German Sifftwitter there’s plenty of them as well.

>> No.10377252

> strict Christian
> still got knocked up as a result of casual affair

how did it happen

>> No.10379074

It's Poland. They all call themselves Christians. Even the drug dealers, rapists and murderers. Kinda like in Italy. It's more of an ethnic marker than an actual religion.

>> No.10379398

What mango is that? Smoking 2D girls are my favorite.

>> No.10379428

fuck man, how is anybody supposed to answer that?

All I can say is your life ain't over yet man. This song always stokes the coals a bit, if you listen to the chorus.


>> No.10379435

Its kind of a song about how even though it seems like you life is going no where, you somehow end up right where you belong.

Being born in a small town, not having a lot of options, growing old, watching those young dreams fade away. Like sayin' "you're life ain't over, its just different than you thought it was going to be."

>> No.10379438

Rii Baaso Imeji Syoo Chi by 茶菓山

>> No.10379442

Stop being sorry for yourself and start preventing your son from becoming a failure like you.

>> No.10379633
File: 1.13 MB, 1910x1110, endless fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these books will make you a man

>> No.10380322

>Can I get any /lit/ recommendations for how should I cope without the feeling of my life ending before it even started? I was introvertic as fuck as a kid and never had friends, never partied at all. And now it's sure that I will never do.

>> No.10380370
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It sounds like you are more upset because of your economic and mental situation than anything else. You would probably be best with any popular self help book like pic related that convinces you to structure your daily routine to help you feel more in control of your life instead of feeling like it's over already. You are only 20 man people have turned their live's around way later than that. If you want somehing more old school I would reccomend Stoic literature like Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

>> No.10380430

Could have just left The Will To Power and the diy books on there.

>> No.10382146
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back to the_donald

>> No.10382156

Fuck off

>> No.10382179

The dude is asking pretty /adv/ level shit I don't see the point of telling him to read Thus Spoke Zarathustra when he is obviously just seeking literature with statements of affirmation.

>> No.10382183

>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
Way to drop another intro meme book you fucking pleb ->out

>> No.10382199
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>> No.10382215

lurk around any place related to philosophy and you'll ecounter the hundreds of kids who's only experience with the field are the three books you just listed, oh wait that's you

>> No.10382253

Sorry anon I will never read anything more influential than Nick Land again. Thank you for your insight

>> No.10382303

>valuing what you are told to value rather than what interests you

The Ego and Its Own. Although if things like "partying" and having a "fulfilling job" truly interest you you are as much of a normalfag as you sound, and there's very little that could penetrate your irreversibly congealed reason

>> No.10382393
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Also, find something you're passionate about and like doing and devote your time to it intead of parties, video games and other distractions. With time you will become really fucking good at it, and that's one of the best feelings out there. You may even make a living out of it and that's pretty much the dream.
Also, marry her if you haven't already.