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10372263 No.10372263 [Reply] [Original]

Any books about how to live and get by in today's world of degeneracy and decadence?

I feel lost, I'm at a point now where I'm trying real fucking hard everyday not to lose my shit. I can see the collapse happening right infront of me. Can someone help me find books as to why, or what to do?

>> No.10372272

Why are the biggest 4chan losers always convinced the world is ending? How desperate are they for that to be true, and what does it say about them that they need to entertain this idea?

>> No.10372281

You sound real emotional op.

>> No.10372317

explain what is degeneracy and decadence to you and maybe i help you?.

>> No.10372331

if you can source your own food, you are free

>> No.10372336

My source: walmart

>> No.10372343

then you need okane, my friend

>> No.10372344

lel, degeneracy and decadence has been prevalent in every period of history, it's only the location and people involved that change.

>> No.10372354

pol crybaby shit on every single fucking board
the_donald really is killing "4chan culture"

>> No.10372361

>posting on a Chinese basket weaving forum
>what is degeneracy?

Anyway, that's for the input lads. I'll remember never to visit this board again.

>> No.10372384

Houellebecq, duh

>> No.10372389

Yeah, read the Gospel of John.

>> No.10372427

White women are having sex with blacks. I find this utterly unacceptable and downright bestiality

>> No.10372434

No, they have been prevalent only in the decadent eras of societies.

>> No.10372449

You're just upset that they won't sleep with you lol

>> No.10372450

If you post here you are the collapse

>> No.10372454

>White women are having sex with blacks
This is truly the highest index of catastrophe as understood by the white man. I honestly believe the radical political response is his only answer to the radical cultural and social movements caused by the promises of democracy and upward mobility of minority groups into positions of power and influence. He cannot cope. 2017 has got him reaching for the button, ready to end it all for everyone because of this.

Goodnight bros

>> No.10372500

You won't be missed

>> No.10372524
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I've been searching for this too, OP, not much luck so far. Trying Revolt Against the Modern World next.

>> No.10372570


If you're still here. I'd like to retort.

Race, is a synonym for sub-species. Think about how politically incorrect it would be to refer to people of different genetics as a sub species. It is very obvious that we are different, and if you've been browsing 4chan, or /lit/ for more than a month, I'm sure you've been exposed to credible studies showing this. I can get them and prove to you if you want, but I fear it'll fall on deaf ears. The reason you don't see it anywhere mainstream, is because the mainstream media is owned by the Jewish merchants, and the Jews will do everything to unddermine the white race.

Are you not aware that humans today are in a constant state of disunity? Look at the US elections, look at the state of the EU. This multi-culture experiment is coming to a head. There have been no civilizations in history that have made it through this stage. Even Rome tried a multi racial/special society.. It lasted 18 years. How many years was the Roman empire the 'greatest' civilization in the world? Fuck knows... but it took only 18 years to take it down.

My point is. In 50 years time, as a human species we will not have achieved anything more than we have done 50 years ago. When you actually think about it, it's difficult to comprehend. Either you accept it and just live your life just now as best you can according to your ideals, or you an hero.

I suppose my question to you is, how are you dealing with it? Are you one of the people that I mentioned that is just saying 'fuck it bro we only got one life do whatever the fuck you want' ... or are you trying to combat this subversion?

>> No.10372625

If you put as much effort into improving your life or a craft as you have in this post maybe you could make something of your life rather than stew in anger and resentment all day

>> No.10372648

>Even Rome tried a multi racial/special society.
This isn't a good example because even just phenotypic difference between sub saharans and nords is so much greater than between the different meds that made up Rome

>> No.10372662

Maybe he is doing that. Obviously societal improvement starts at the level of the individual, but just because you’ve gained discipline and made something of your own life doesn’t mean you can’t be resentful that your own culture is committing suicide, or that it has allowed too much influence to be accorded to groups who are the most base and undeserving of that influence.

>> No.10372678

For millennia self righteous people have been harking on the death of culture. And yet it persists.

>> No.10372686

ride the tiger is closer to what you're looking for

>> No.10372687

culture is a necessary component of human society, so where two or more are gathered together, there, too, is culture.

not all cultures are equal

it's sickening, isn't it.

>> No.10372690
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There is nothing to help you apart from killing yourself. Humanity is slowly losing touch with the new ecology it's created and we're doomed to fall apart in front of unknown unknowns as we struggle to develop new heuristics.

>> No.10372700

You first.

>> No.10372716

No, I'm waiting to read the Winds of Winter.

>> No.10372735

What's it like having boobs?

>> No.10372772
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>> No.10372776
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>when you notice that the golden age has passed but you don't understand shit about geopolitics, economics or history, so you just chalk the whole thing up to people liking things you don't like

>> No.10372783

>t. De Niro in Taxi Driver

>> No.10372786


Unfortunately I'm extremely ugly. No matter how rational I may be, how much truth I speak, I will not be take seriously by the masses because I look like a beta male with a facial disorder. What I look forward to before I die is someone with the same outlook as me coming forward and giving the civilized people hope. Maybe I'll write a book, kek.


It wasn't only 'meds' that made up Rome.... and I don't get what you're saying? Are you backing my point, that species so far away from each other cannot live in harmony?
Please explain, I'm drunk... and this thread wont be here when I wake up.
Honestly, I'm trying not to be condescending here, but it would take you literally (yes) 30 minutes to read up on this. Rome was made up of every species within the area that it held power. There were even non white senates toward the latter era. Actually that raises a point that maybe I've missed. I guess I'll take my own advice and look into how the specific non white senates undermined the Roman society. I'm pretty sure I'll find a Jewish person at the root of it. GIve me 30 minutes and I'll see what I can find.

>> No.10372797

Which is funny because all of the biggest philistines I've ever met are reactionary as hell

>> No.10372811

is this a wax sculpture?

>> No.10372827

When did people become such weak, useless pussies? When was the change over? When did men need a fleshed-out rubric to keep from sprouting a vagina every day and crying about it?

>> No.10372830

(not meditations, although that's ok, maybe 7/10,...but meditate)

>> No.10372834

You're not rational. You're an emotional individual hiding behind icy exterior and blaming faults on your own imperfections rather than shrugging it off and doing something worthwhile. You think people discredited Sartre just because he was ugly?

>> No.10372850

>do something worthwhile instead of posting here
>n-no i'm too ugly!!


>> No.10372851

>I'll remember never to visit this board again.
Thank god, we don't want you

>> No.10372900


What makes you think I'm emotional? Nothing I have said represents emotion... I don't think. Please, quote the part on which my emotion triumphed over logic, I'll listen. Like I said, I'm drunk so maybe I overlooked something.

>> No.10372912
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>What makes you think I'm emotional?
If you read it and are still pretending you don't have any please consider dropping an ecstasy pill

>> No.10372971

You're an emotional being. We like to think of ourselves as rational, but a lot of our quirks and habits are sprung by our emotions. Sure you can keep your emotions in check and no cry all the time, but I'm telling you, you are emotional like it or not.

And drinking alcohol exacerbates those emotions tenfold

>> No.10373038


I agree with what you're saying, I do. But really, you are just making assumptions, because what I said is not in line with the current agenda.

And to the guy who made a joke about being ugly, and blaming the fact on myself rather than society. Tell me, any great contribution (publicly) that a real ugly person has made to society in the last 100 years. I'm not taking this out of context and saying because I don't get get girls therefore I'm ugly. I have a deformity that makes me officially 'disabled'. You cannot deny the truth in my statements, though you will, based on the fact that I can't get laid... that's subjectively part of my original thought. In this current civilization, it's better to be a handsome follower, than an ugly separatist. I think it's a shame. We value fake 'beauty' far more than we do scientific publications.

>no quote
>just a random statement based on *your* emotional response to mine

Well played.

>> No.10373088

>Tell me, any great contribution (publicly) that a real ugly person has made to society in the last 100 years
He already mentioned Sartre, who was awarded, although did not accept, a nobel prize

>> No.10373129

>And to the guy who made a joke about being ugly, and blaming the fact on myself rather than society. Tell me, any great contribution (publicly) that a real ugly person has made to society in the last 100 years. I'm not taking this out of context and saying because I don't get get girls therefore I'm ugly. I have a deformity that makes me officially 'disabled'. You cannot deny the truth in my statements, though you will, based on the fact that I can't get laid... that's subjectively part of my original thought. In this current civilization, it's better to be a handsome follower, than an ugly separatist. I think it's a shame. We value fake 'beauty' far more than we do scientific publications.

You're almost certainly under 20 years old, which means you should shut the fuck and keep your stupid opinions to yourself. You are talking a lot of drivel, but are extremely unawares, this is why you are disgusting, that and your self-proclaimed deformity.

>> No.10373131

The only people obsessed over degeneracy are the degenerates themselves

>> No.10373141

>You're an emotional being. We like to think of ourselves as rational, but a lot of our quirks and habits are sprung by our emotions. Sure you can keep your emotions in check and no cry all the time, but I'm telling you, you are emotional like it or not.

this is exactly why i can't take stoicism seriously because you are right anon

>> No.10373318

The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times by René Guenon

>> No.10373362
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>> No.10373375

Except stoicism isn't necessarily about ignoring your emotions, or become a stone cold person. Its principles are that you ought not let your emotions guide every action/reaction and that some instances one is required to step back and be rational. The Stoics for example would HATE twitter for the reason it feeds off reactionism

>> No.10373646

Love this one

>> No.10373693

>People who say they hate X actually secretly love X and that’s why they’re so mad!

Great analysis. It’s right until there with how your mom told you that the kids only bullied you at school because they were “envious” of you.

>> No.10374479

Maybe go outside for a change.

>> No.10374516

A lot of 4chan loser think that if society ends they will be the post apocalyptic philosophical warrior that roams the wasteland, this is due to their surface deep knowledge on many subjects which leaves them with the wisdom of an angry child but with the ego of a fortune 500 CEO.

In true they would pee themselves and cry if any catastrophic event ever happened.

>> No.10374543

i knew it was over for the white race when i found out /lit/ was the whitest board

>> No.10374567
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To overcome it you must understand it.