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1037143 No.1037143 [Reply] [Original]

Do you use bookmarks or fold the page over?

>> No.1037146

I can't dog-ear pages. It makes me ache on the inside. I just typically use old receipts/ticket stubs as bookmarks.

>> No.1037149

Fold like a motherfucker.

>> No.1037150

Get a Kindle, enjoy infinite bookmarks

>> No.1037153

I prefer using toilet paper and kleenex for a bookmark.

Toilet paper for my bathroom reading (Uncle John series) and kleenex for real reading. They're nice and easy, large and mark the page well, and can be misplaced without concern.

>> No.1037154

Bookmarks are for pussies. Real men remember whereabouts they were and flip around till they find where they left off.

>> No.1037156

I've never needed a bookmark; I usually remember the page.

>> No.1037171

Fuck I hate you dog earing people, so much.

Remember the page number

>> No.1037173

I'm sure that line works on the ladies.

>Bookmarks? Naw, I never use those. I do too many SQUATS 'N' OATS to really fuck with those.

>Oh my God! You're so manly and interesting. What a total badass.

>> No.1037174

Dogearing is horrible. Damaging books is horrible. I just use old scraps of school papers or sticky notes as bookmarks

>> No.1037181

I started this year remembering the page number, but I lost my progress several times on the first book so I stopped.

I started using zip ties and continued for months. They were great because if I lost one I had another hundred next to my bed.

This last week I started using the free bookmarks I got from an online retailer (Book Depository).

I would never fold the page over, I try to keep my books in the best quality possible because I borrow and lend books often.

>> No.1037188

I have a bookmark that I made out of a shirt my great grandfather gave me. It's my favorite bookmark,

>> No.1037215


No need to be jealous just because you're too busy sucking cock to remember a page number.

>> No.1037224

stickynotes. for books that i own i just fold fold fold. don't give a fuck

>> No.1037228
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0/10. Obvious summerkid.

Don't you have some trash to take out? Maybe some dishes to wash?

>> No.1037231


>> No.1037243

Nice boobs OP.

>> No.1037263
File: 560 KB, 250x251, haaaaaaaaaaaaaank.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1037305

I just look around my general area and use whatever.

A piece of paper from the printer? I tear a scrap off and use it. My graded midterm? I tear a scrap off and use it. Paper grocery bag? I tear a scrap off and use it.

>> No.1037309

I use a rubber band like a boss.

Wrap that fucker around the book at your page, monetary gain.

Also, you're welcome.

>> No.1037318

Delicious tits, OP.

And bookmarks all day, son. Fuck all that "remembering" shit and dogearers can seriously go die.

For real, why would you bend the page? I hate when books look fucked up -- dog ears are an example of a fuck up.

>> No.1037326

I can't dog ear pages, so I just use whatever scrap of paper I can find around me.

>> No.1037332

Receipt. Always use the receipt.

>> No.1037336

I'm a man, I never close a book unless I'm done reading it.

>> No.1037357

Read until the end of the chapter and remember what chapter I am on for next time.

>> No.1037362

I normally dog ear when it's the first read. If i'm rereading i use a bookmark b/c there may be a 3rd read and I don't really even notice evidence of dogears just from the 1st.

>> No.1037610


this, it really isn't hard to do. If you are paying enough attention while you read it should be very easy.