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File: 99 KB, 615x340, cs-lewis_at_desk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10368967 No.10368967 [Reply] [Original]

>most people in a prominently and historically judeo-christian society think that religious morals are good
>therefore it is bad to not be religious
>therefore God exists!

Holy shit what is wrong with Anglicans

>> No.10368973

Dunno, logic checks out to me

>> No.10369020

No it doesn't. I'm Catholic and I at least acknowledge that what is judged good by a society is relative. Just because England or Europe has a Christian moral system doesn't mean it's the right one in and of itself. It's not a good argument.

>> No.10369024

Nah its locktight, you're wrong

>> No.10369047

there is no such "judeo-christian" society.

>> No.10369058

>if you believe morality is defined relatively, then you have no means by which to condemn nazism
>by jove! this would not be a jolly good outcome!
>but wait, don't worry, I'm not purely advocating Christian universal morality for functional reasons...
>moral feeling exists independent of our choices...... i hav ea moral prferennce... i can will to do wrong but i will still feel i am doing wronng..... terfor,.. ur.. mor,..l. . god../vov naglio-can -p leas.. dont let... ms ancsomb.. near me.gfdmk
>whatever lol, lions

>> No.10369135

Care to rephrase that

>> No.10369165


>> No.10369170

Of course you do. That's the whole point of relativism. Nazism is bad RELATIVE TO most currently existing human cultures.

>> No.10369183
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>Of course you do. That's the whole point of relativism. Nazism is bad RELATIVE TO most currently existing human cultures.
To be more clear: Lewis is disagreeing with the notion that what is 'bad' for us can really be 'good for the Nazis - if cultural context is the means of moral evaluation, if moral quality of a thing is dependent on its nearness to a certain society's goals or values etc.

>> No.10369205

>Lewis is disagreeing
Ok but why? I am too fucking lazy to read his retarded opinions so please spoon-feed me. Also why should I take seriously an """""""""atheist""""" who is basically the Jordan Peterson of Christian evangelism?

>> No.10369221

I dunno. I tried to replicate how I remembered his argument going in the greentext, but I'd be being dishonest to present it any more seriously because I can't remember. He's a moral realist because he's a Christian, or maybe he's a Christian because he's a moral realist. What do you mean "atheist"

>> No.10369226

>an """""""""atheist""""" who is basically the Jordan Peterson of Christian evangelism?


>> No.10369290

Mere Christianity is the book that finally made me commit to a anti-theist agnosticism, just because the leaps in logic were so painfully obvious. Lewises teleological baggage ruined his capacity to think critically. It really brought home to me that once you've swallowed the neo-platonism-disguised-as-christianity-pill, your terror of eternal damnation basically hard-wires you into dogmatism on a subconscious level.

I still believe that if Lewis read Hegel he'd have understood that his god was really just a distorted low-level mythological representation of a much more real philosophical concept. He even got the 'heaven is the perfect relation of all parts to each other and hell is empty self-worship turning you into a mere shadow'-idea right, if only allegorically.

>> No.10369368

To be fair, Lewis is better remembered as a Christian writer for his uncommon insight than his philosophy or argumentation. An apologist for the intuition and imagination, rather than reason. I don't disagree with your perspective but Lewis is an easy target, and I wouldn't harden one's heart against theism because of him.

>> No.10369376

>what is wrong with Anglicans

>> No.10369605

he actually takes some space to refute that moral relativism. I believe he said at some point that anyone in the world would protest against unfair treatment. And they do

>> No.10369926
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Also Lewis did read Hegel, he mentions the dialectic in the world's last night, though his understanding of it is not that deep.
In any case as this man >>10369368 says C.S Lewis is not a good at philosophical argument, mostly because he doesn't want to be.
btw, I'm a Catholic, I've read Hegel, and what you said in the last paragraph is not part of his philosophy. It can be taken to that point, but it can also be taken to the exact opposite one. Hegel himself is entirely devoid of such conclusions though. For example you could take Hegel to where Zizek took him, becoming an atheist by first assenting to the Christian conceptual framework and then taking it to its conclusion which for zizek is atheism.
Or you could take the view of G.K Chesterton. In fact, chesterton first said that Christ "became an atheist" in chapter 8 of orthodoxy, and this fact to me proves the utter superiority of his position compared to zizek's, since the very last paragraph to that book went:
>"There was something that He hid from all men when He went up a mountain to pray. There was something that He covered constantly by abrupt silence or impetuous isolation. There was some one thing that was too great for God to show us when He walked upon our earth; and I have sometimes fancied that it was His mirth."
Somehow Zizek missed this.
The dialectic can come out at any end, like a roundabout, you can drive past one exit and keep driving past it until maybe on the 3rd or 4th pass you take it, then maybe you say to yourself "I have not taken the 1st exit, I have taken the 1st exit after I passed it 3 or 4 times" but the fact remains that you did take an exit. The arrow was released. The wavefunction did collapse. If you keep going in circles, if the wavefunction never collapses, nothing happens. Zizek's atheism is this vacuum. I believe Chesterton, as a pragmatist, would have said about zizek that the incommensurate nature of the dialectic is its most fatal flaw. That the fact that it cannot reasonably fit into the human mind, cannot be worshipped and adored without always having to comprehend the double movement, lends it a falseness and illogicality. Isn't that what the universe has taught us? The dialectical nature of quantum mechanics is always there, but the wave function collapses and something is made. Every such instance is the exception that shatters the dialectic and brings things into partition and multiplicity. That to me is the crucifixion.

>> No.10369934

Please don't post anime garbage.

>> No.10369958

And if you do post it make sure it's cute boys not girls.

>> No.10370020
File: 194 KB, 498x430, 1477836894134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime and philosophy go hand-in-hand in the modern world kid, if you ain't a weeb you're a normie and if you're a normie you don't worry much about philosophy besides your one sided studies in stoicism (lol) and all that COOL looking analytic philosophy, besides that you don't give a flying HOOT and u know it.
THIS is why once the supranational theocratic world-state rolls around the weebs will be welcome but you will by used as toilet paper by the distributist autistocrats.

>> No.10370297

Good post anon. This is exactly how I feel, when lefty trash try to convince me Hegel wasn't a christian or something,

>> No.10370330
File: 289 KB, 435x438, IMG_0578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone dissing stoicism these days? As far as I can tell, renouncing all desires, attachments and emotions is the way to go

>> No.10370386

>giving up on your waifu/tulpa/oneitis
you're not one of us

>> No.10370405

Because it's a normie self help and /pol/ philosophy philosophy, which might seem like bling reactionism but I think it's warranted

>> No.10370415

Fuck off, viKANG,

>> No.10370418

>as far as i cal tell
stoicshits think this is an argument.

>> No.10370444
File: 3.54 MB, 1806x1220, Sheed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why everyone always recommends Lewis to convince people of Christianity, or what he did to deserve such a position. He meanders around apologetic talk for way too long, and never cuts into the real heart of debate, honestly I feel him having this kind of position is damaging to Christianity if anything.
Sheed is the superior "into the Christianity" author.

>> No.10370937

Say what you will, but Lewis predicted the Waifu.

>> No.10370941

Nope. He copied that from MacDonald.

>> No.10370975

Because that's fucking retarded. Have fun being a lifeless drone. Gotta convince yourself to push aside the feelings that your wagecuck lifestyle is harmful somehow.

>> No.10370997
File: 385 KB, 702x526, [Judgment] Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou - 04 [99259B5A][00:11:04]001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice, i can't wait for this future.

>> No.10371007

>having a state at all
wew lad, hello cuck

>> No.10371048

Stoicism is cuckcore

>> No.10371124

I will be cucked either way. Cucked by my desires, or cucked by abandoning my desires. We can't all be the Ubermensch, can we?

>> No.10371142

I haven't given up on my oneitis just yet, but I know I'm being foolish.

>> No.10371166


>> No.10371243

To be fair, his job is impossible. Read any of the apologists of his era, like Chesterton or Muggeridge. None of their smug bullshit can pass even the most cursory or forgiving logic, but they had fun loving God.

>> No.10371829
File: 164 KB, 646x960, IMG_1441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10372265

i know yukino miyazawa is now a meme on /s4s/ as 'teethgirl', but you have patrician taste my friend

>> No.10372838

You exaggerate, but have encountered contemporary Anglo quasi-moralists who've made exactly that argument.

>> No.10373574

why is The Teeth Girl sleeping like that?