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/lit/ - Literature

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10366939 No.10366939 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that deal with insecurity regarding racial identity?

>> No.10366950
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Embrace the power of individualism

>> No.10366958

Mein Kampf

>> No.10366970


>> No.10367032

fred douglas autobio

web daboi

native son - rick right

>> No.10367043


>> No.10367044

any book by an american ever

>> No.10367185
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Nationalism is for losers who have nothing in their own life

>> No.10367197

So that's why white nationalism is cancer. White people just shouldn't show any sign of weakness or loss. I mean, the responsibilities of categorically higher people...

>> No.10367198

basically anything from the Lovecraft Mythos

>> No.10367202

It makes sense to love your nation because anyone would be almost nothing if they weren't born into a nation. If schopenhauer had been born in a cave without a language or a culture or any community, he would have been basically worthless.

>> No.10367215

All people shouldn’t show weakness. Self improvement is something every human should do
Being born to a country doesn’t mean swearing full loyalty to it.

>> No.10367216

I smell an amerimutt...

>> No.10367221

America isn't a real nation. Amerimutts are the ones who have no reasons to be nationalists.

>> No.10367228

Nor should Arabs, African, Europeans, or Asian. All have a little shit in their past

>> No.10367229

>anyone would be almost nothing if they weren't born into a nation
You mean anyone would be nothing if not born into an already developed human culture. Law, art, philosophy, language, medicine, are not any predicated on the existence of nations. We are the children of the law, not of the nation.

>> No.10367237

But it makes sense to be loyal to your country like it makes sense to be loyal to your family. Obviously it can be good to sometimes go against your country like it can be good to sometimes go against your family, but if a nation has no loyalty to itself then it will function poorly which is bad for all the individuals who make up the nation.

>> No.10367240

>anyone would be almost nothing if they weren't born into a nation.
you mean all people were almost nothing before the 18th century?

>> No.10367254

Yeah. That was the first time tribes ever existed.

>> No.10367256
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>being this spooked

>> No.10367262

nations are artificial, tribes are not

>> No.10367263

Tribes are just a social construct.

>> No.10367267

An individual could never accomplish those things on their own. Those things are predicated on the existence of nations.

>> No.10367280
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the social is just a tribal construct

>> No.10367314

Well in my case I was disowned by my family so they can go fuck themselves, and I don’t really like the country I live in either.

>> No.10368142


>> No.10368255
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>social constructs aren't real

>> No.10368287

But if nations are artificial then tribes are artificial in the same way. They are man-made.

>> No.10368300

remember to let your wife fuck whoever she wants lest you by bound by the "slavery of marriage" like Cuckner

>> No.10368341
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this is a theme in modern south african writing
>How to be white when you’re no longer the centre of attention? When you no longer even matter? How to be white when everyone’s patience runs out? These existential questions are addressed in Hagen Engler’s third novel, the satirical farce In the Maid’s Room. Other crucial learnings are how to buy weed, how to handle a “brown mouse” and how not to rhyme 16 bars about wanking.

>> No.10368364

national pride as a source of ego is a meme

tribalism is a de facto compact for mutual protection. a discrete group that doesn't cohere through some form of jingoism will fall to one that does.

>> No.10368367

The Bluest Eye
John Dollar
A Passage to India
Black Mischief
A Handful of Dust
A Man in Full
Damascus Gate
A Flag for Sunrise
Light in August

>> No.10368418

I guess you missed the core message, but that's all good.

>> No.10368670

The core message is shite. Just because you are proud of the greater whole you are part of does not mean you have nothing to be proud of individually. Successful people do not necessarily hate their country.

>> No.10369151

>posting forced memes created by media matters

>> No.10369164

nations are self imposing super organisms that propagate from being a parasitic host of the morons that align with it

>> No.10369191
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Stay mad, r*ddiToid.

>> No.10369225

>shitposting for the DNC
>being the cucks bitch

>> No.10369245

They're actually the cornerstone of Western Enlightenment but sure whatever

>> No.10369262

I'm not sure what you guys are even arguing over at this point.

>> No.10369263

>implying thats a good thing

>> No.10369268

>implying baneposting isn't the best meme

>> No.10369272

fuckoff back to/his/ illiterate

>> No.10369277

Nah sweetie

>> No.10369476

>tfw find out I'm 2% black
>tfw find out I'm 2% Jewish
>tfw find out I'm 53% German
>tfw find out I'm 43% Anglo
I'm literally the worst kind of person

>> No.10369493

I'm 8% black so I lose.

>> No.10369512

>tfw 15% jewish and 2% asian
I'm barely 80% white.

>> No.10369531

>>tfw find out I'm 2% black

That has to hurt

>> No.10369535
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>trusting results of a fly by night company that has a 20% error rates
they dont even have to try to spook faggots like you in order to sell off your dna to pharma corporations

>> No.10369545

Well in my case I can actually find the jewish individual in my genealogy so the results are legit.

>> No.10369548

Oh no, companies will use my spit to improve medicine for everyone. What horror

>> No.10369558

>paying money to have your personal information sold off

(((google))) isnt even kiked enough to charge people

>> No.10369565

The owner of 23andme is the wife of a google co founder, so it might as well be google.

>> No.10369737

"White Nationalism" is led by Jews.

>> No.10369751

I thought Negroland was pretty good if you skip all the random poetry scattered throughout

Those companies perform primitive operations like string matching to infer your racial composition. It's obviously bullshit, except they also have lots of -80C freezer space and can store your genome indefinitely and use it for any purpose

>> No.10369796

If you do this, don't be one of those hopeless Randian counterfeit "egoists" who think they're gonna shitcoin gamble their way to Gordon Gecko's office. The only egoism I respect is Max Stirner. The virgin individualist is always consumed by the chad egoist.

>> No.10370069

Arabs, Europeans, and Asians all have long and stories histories with their own heroes, epic sagas, famous authors, and folklore
What does Amerisharts have? Some slave driving traitor who was too greedy to pay taxes, a tall jackass who destroyed the southern half of his country because he was afraid of them becoming more successful, and an old fuck in a wheelchair that forced socialism on everyone. Their great authors are some hick poet who writes smug and dry mockeries of simple people and some hack that tumbled off a whaling boat and wrote bloated garbage with an absurdly simple message.

Ameriniggers have no worth. They have no reason to respect their own existence. They should resent their worthless birth, how they get mutilated the second they are born, how they're all fat from sugar and poisoned water, how their culture is so soulless and disgusting that they think plain chicken and hamburgers are good food, how they have no good writers, no good poets, no good directors, no good artists, no good composers, no spirituality, no history, and no culture. I hate yanks.

>> No.10370092

> Paul bunion
> Johnny apple seed
> headless horseman

>Then there’s native Americans culture
America has just as much culture as any other nation, but if you faggots stopped stealing it than we could call it our own. Also you might be retarded if you think everyone in America is fat and there’s a McDonalds around every corner
Also are you really that stupid to think that America doesn’t have great writers? Some of the biggest names in literature are American

>> No.10370093

shitposting this loudly on /lit/
>not even DFW related

>> No.10370109

>Some of the biggest names in literature are American
Nobody except for Americans care about American authors.

>> No.10370129

Oh then what the fuck is Ernest Hemingway one of the biggest and widely known writer huh?

>> No.10370133

>what the fuck is Ernest Hemingway
A hack that is overhyped by yanks?

>> No.10370138

>My opinion outweighs the rest of the world
Stay mad europoor

>> No.10370146

>stealing American culture

Yeah if you consider fast-fashion, music and cinema culture. Even then, your “culture” mimics Europe.

>> No.10370159

The culture we "steal" from America is just a bunch of junk we use for fast entertainment. We still treasure our art and literature that appeals to our collective soul. But American art? It's just soulless and hollow, good to waste time, but of no worth beyond that. Fitting for American culture - consume until you die fat, weak, and with brain damage, alone in a nursing home where your even fatter grandchildren lack the respect for the past to care for visiting you (but will gladly use Facebook to post sad faces).

American culture is disgusting. You people are like a disease.

>> No.10370172

youre too angry, you literally stink of inferiority complex

>> No.10370187

Culture is culture anon
We have cowboys and shit too
*tips angrily*
Were you molested by an American tourist?

>> No.10370196

Being content and apathetic with the current state of the world is why America is such a despicable country.

>Were you molested by an American tourist?
No, but all of Europe was.

>> No.10370227

Unironically good post

>> No.10370429

Nobody's perfect anon.

>> No.10370872

Year 2017 I think people want to be niggers. If you are nigger girls will want to talk to you because they know you have big dick. Plus coarser body to defend them. Plus less intelligence and less thinking, thus less introverty and more extroverty.
At least this is the case in my country where niggers are rare. Girls see them as gods.
20s frustrated undersocialized neet male is trendy stereotype, at least in my gossipy city.


>> No.10371105

>It makes sense to love your nation because anyone would be almost nothing if they weren't born into a nation
why would i love MY nation, and not the concept of a nation? how exactly does some geek discovering something is supposed to make me feel proud of not having to die in a cave?

>> No.10372491

As a born and raised American I totally relate.
Great art can come from this though.

>> No.10372940
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Well, what about Texas? We're no Yankees, that's for sure.

>> No.10373218

that picture describes me

>> No.10373225

as if europeans are any better. europeans are just as deracinated and denaturalized as americans, you only like to pretend you aren't.

>> No.10373308

All Americans are yanks to the rest of the world. Southerners get more sympathy though, they tried to bail from their dying nation and got raped by Sherman as a result.

>> No.10373351

It was Ivan and Abdul that molested you anon not Billy Bob

>> No.10374152

Most South American literature

>> No.10374170

Reminder that Europeans, Americans, Australians, and Canadians, along with a few others, all have the same jewish enemy inside the gates importing the same third world trash into our nations. Anyone playing the Europoor vs Burger divide and conquer bullshit is either a 90s fag or an idiot. Exert solidarity mofos.

>> No.10374431
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>> No.10374449

>young schopenhauer
jesus christ how horrifying

>Hey nationalism is bad, that one weakness is something you shouldn't have
you are exactly who the quote is referring to if you think that eliminating nationalism gets rid of everything else you have to your name

>> No.10374584
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>Swede posts
>Canadian posts
>Brit posts
>Ukrainian posts
>Russian posts
>Finn posts
No, Amerinigger, there's no shilling. We just hate you.

>> No.10374591
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>> No.10374789

Passing by Nella Larson
Swing Time by Zadie Smith
Oreo by Fran Ross

>> No.10375299
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> Amerm

>> No.10375310

I can't fathom going through life obsessed with americans, thinking about them and posting about them constantly. What a sad existence. I think I'd rather kill myself than be consumed by such an inferior idee fixe.

>> No.10375396

Fantastic post, I'll save it for future pasta use

>> No.10375618

Jokes on you, I already do

>> No.10375625

Hemingway is for boys aged 8-15.

>> No.10375632

>posting an antisemite who believed in aryanism that was the thought master of Hitler

>> No.10375636

so this is the true intellect behind the non-stop ironic posting anime reaction having faggots that shit up this board. nation is just a word for a larger more diverse tribe you fucking brainlet.

>> No.10375666
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>> No.10375699

this :(

>> No.10375749

When you realize the hand feeds you shit, it's time to bite and get your own food.

>> No.10375820

>nation is just a word for a larger more diverse tribe you fucking brainlet.

>> No.10376085

Completely delusional brainlet

>> No.10376088


>egg came first or the chicken ?

>individual created the state or the state create the individual ?

are you so retarded that you don't understand synthetic processes ?

>> No.10376961

>Also you might be retarded if you think everyone in America is fat and there’s a McDonalds around every corner
There might not be a Mcdonalds on every corner, but come on, something equally as shitty is
T. Ameritard

>> No.10377849

Hanif Kureishi : The Buddha of suburbia

>> No.10377895

>i literally want to be shot by police, followed in convenience stores, and be called nigger and shot at for listening to rap

>> No.10377907

If you become a Stirnerite please do not become a pedophile homosexual drug addict thief. Be a sovereign individual, it is not an excuse to be a sociopath or a predator.

>> No.10379323

just kys already, /pol/tard