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10366365 No.10366365 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Classics that you think are bad.

Strong zeroes or below only.

>> No.10366381

Most of Bukowski's work actively makes me feel like i'm wasting my time. It takes more effort to read his work than it did to write it.
Also Gene Wolfe, man, I just can't see the appeal in a world where AE Van Vogt exists.

>> No.10366390

>bukowski and fantasy

>> No.10366395

Well OP posted fucking Ayn Rand so what do you expect?

>> No.10366410

You misunderstand the meaning of classic, friend.

>> No.10366417

> Gene Wolfe
> bad

>> No.10366419

Camus' The Stranger.

Literally "wow everything is shit and absurd dude lmao i can do whatever the fuck": The Book. A common prop in the instagram filtered tumblr post.

>> No.10366428

That’s not regarded as a classic by anyone who read more than five books in his lifetime.

>> No.10366497

Read it through a post-colonial lens next time, kiddo

>> No.10366507

I did not dislike The Stranger, but Camus' Myth of Sysyphus is legit awful

>> No.10366553

It's released as a Penguin Modern Classic in the UK

I would take it with a pinch of salt but the Penguin Modern Classic range is usually spot on with its choices (Dubliners, Last Exit to Brooklyn, Confederacy of Dunces, etc)

>> No.10366559

it is a classic of brainlet literature

>> No.10366717
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Beyond zero. Hard pass. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, go straight to gulag.

>> No.10367265
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>> No.10367294

It's pretty good if you can read it in German desu

>> No.10367300

Out of Africa

>> No.10367328

>le meme mainstream opinion comic
i mean rand may be shit, but that's even worse

>> No.10367774

Suffering through 'Mrs Dalloway' in high school nearly turned me off reading.

Also, I'm gonna go ahead and bite the bait. Time to defecate on Ayn Rand.

>> No.10367781

Atlas shrug is not a classic. Nobody reads it outside of the US.

>> No.10367787

>the current times aren't post-colonial

>> No.10367788

Ideological reader, no sense of style or sensibility for imaginific metaphors. 0/10

>> No.10367817

>Classics that you think are bad
Okay OP you go first

>> No.10367899

Atlas is great fuck off normies

>> No.10367919

Infinite Jest

>> No.10367920

How many of you have actually read this? Seems like one of those things everyone started universally hating because it's the "cool" thing to do.

>> No.10367940

Slogged through 400 pages of shit prose and stories that pandered to stupid people. The book's like okay

>> No.10368048
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Shit. All of it.

>> No.10368167

Wuthering Heights. Call me a brainlet, but every page is torture.

>> No.10368183

fucking hated it

>> No.10368190
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>> No.10368199

'Post-colonial' does not mean 'chronologically after the end of colonialism', it means it is critical of colonialism and acknowledges it is indeed a thing.

>> No.10368205


>> No.10368212

all of camus' books are shit. why are french people so shit at writing and philosophy

>> No.10368921

Fucking this. Nowadays I'm highly suspicious of anyone reppin' this book.

>> No.10368977

Shitting on the stranger is pleb tier

>> No.10368980


>> No.10369314

Wuthering Heights. It's not profound, it's not especially original, it's not even interesting. It's fucking boring and exists only because of its age/author.

>> No.10370000

I liked the The Stranger and I really want to read The Myth, why did you like it?

>> No.10370018

get the fuck out

>> No.10370052

>le meme contrarian
cheap bastard

>> No.10370258

I've had to read Great Expectations several times, and I just think it sucks. It bores me to tears.

>> No.10370291

I think it started off strong, but it went off the rails and the last page was horrific. It's like an obvious schizoid person just dealing with life, though the main plotpoint of the novel being the shooting made little sense to what we knew of Meursault by that stage. It picks up and gets interesting when it builds on how distanced he is while in the courtroom, but then out of nowhere he lets out a totally out of character philosophical exposition dump to the vicar. It's jarring and felt like a waste of time.

>> No.10370311

Opened it, read about a silenced revolver doing zero sound when firing, closed the book
Maybe it was another one of her books, can't be arsed anyway when there are plenty of great books to read

>> No.10370315

>he SEVERS people's heads so his name is SEVERIUS, oh boy ol' Geeney boy you sure did a clever one this time!

>> No.10370329

This is no bullshit. Fuck that faggot