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/lit/ - Literature

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10364416 No.10364416[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is how I pictured Lolita while reading the book. How about you lads?

>> No.10364418

This should be an interesting thread.

>> No.10364430

Like my 14 year old girlfriend at the time.

>> No.10364431
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Ah a fellow /tv/ afficionado I see

>> No.10364435
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>> No.10364436

Someone unironically tell me what's wrong with fucking this

>> No.10364441

She's a college girl, someone on /tv/'s friend was her boyfriend once he even knew her college and everything.

>> No.10364443

Takes attention away from jealous old roasties

>> No.10364444
File: 316 KB, 1024x1003, south-africa-cape-town-portrait-of-teen-girl-picture-id171626843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is how I picture Humbert picturing Lolita.

This is regular old Doris

>> No.10364447

I remember when this body top was popular, good times

>> No.10364450

I want to go to that college

>> No.10364462

Doesn't look like a 12 year old girl

>> No.10364467

>this girl exists
>she's of legal age
>someone has already fucked her
>I will never fuck her
why even live?

>> No.10364480

WTF is wrong with you, degenerated. That girl is too old and slut to be Lolita.

>> No.10364487

I imagined a girl I was kind of into in elementary school. She had those feline eyes and face, the eyes especially.

>> No.10364494

Me too, before I decided to move out of teaching

>> No.10364496

I picture her as Danny Devito. Makes me laugh.

>> No.10364509
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nabokov's choice

>> No.10364510

What the hell, I wouldn't fuck her

>> No.10364512

Humbert truly was a disgusting pervert.

>> No.10364530

What the fuck, man? She's just a little girl. It's really hard to see Lolita as a love story now that I know Humbert was in fact a pedophile. Fuck him.

>> No.10364537

most disturbing post itt

>> No.10364549

To clarify, this isn't the girl he thought Lo looked like, just the actress he thought would be the best choice to portray her on the film adaptation.

>> No.10364556
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>> No.10364568
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This with longer hair

>> No.10364587
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>duh: the trilogy

>> No.10364594

to build on this, the way the book is written is extremely biased in favor of HH - I think most of us see Lolita as some well developed vixen who wanted the dick, when in reality HH was a truly sick man who projected his own feelings onto her. No doubt Lolita was troubled and probably had daddy issues, but HH manipulated her 100%. Talk to a 12 year old girl for 15 minutes, they're extremely impressionable, that's why they go through so many phases

>> No.10364622

>reddit the interpretation

There's literally no reason to assume what you're talking about other than to reaffirm banal suburban liberal ideology

>> No.10364642
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>reaffirm banal suburban liberal ideology
nice words retard

>> No.10364651

Basically normalfags are afraid to admit that men are naturally attracted to some recently pubescent girls

>> No.10364681
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>> No.10364690

I didn't believe it either until I started teaching. If you're attracted to someone you're attracted to someone

>> No.10364704

Nothing, that girl is 18.

>> No.10364709

lol stop or some redditor is gonna send this to cnn

>> No.10364738
File: 10 KB, 300x225, Itsgendohng_991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10364746


>> No.10364749

You're not married to her

>> No.10364756

a boy?

>> No.10364764
File: 37 KB, 540x668, 1489858824324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, I was curious if you were an idiot or were just b8ing. thank you for clearing that up.

>> No.10364765

not op but don't you think girls look younger the older you get or something. sometimes I feel like a pervert for think a girls hot and then i find out shes actually like 17, sometimes not so much tho :^s

>> No.10364769

>he actually thinks I'm joking

>> No.10364771

No one should respond to this post but people will because this is /lit/, the hive of the double digitoids


>> No.10364799

this has to be one of the best comments i've ever seen on /lit/

>> No.10364820

>How about you lads?
In my mind Lo resembled my old boss, a very tan woman from Nebraska. For a midwesterner, she was vaguely Jewish. Tall, friendly brown eyes, a round forehead, long thin limbs and that strange smile that some women have: half-predatory, half-cautious. Except instead of 40, Lo she was 12.

>> No.10364860

That girl has large breasts and an adult face.

Genuine pedos don't rustle me, but I have no respect for degenerates who fetishize the taboo of pedophilia but picture themselves fucking a slightly childlike teen who orgasms at the end.