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/lit/ - Literature

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10361369 No.10361369 [Reply] [Original]

Let's suppose you were to be stranded on a desert island and you could only take five books with you. Show/tell us your five, /lit/ I'll list mine since my phone camera is shit:

1. Homer--Odyssey (trans. Fitzgerald)
2. Haruki Murakami--Kafka on the Shore
3. Donald Keene--Anthology of Japanese Literature
4. M.L. West--Lyric Greek poetry (Oxford World's Classics)
5. T.S. Eliot--Four Quartets

Also, feel free to tell us why you picked what you picked.

>> No.10361371

I would bring only my diary desu

>> No.10361374

My Diary
My Diary (Part 2: Desu)
My Diary (Part 3: Revenge of My Diary)
My Diary (Part 4: My Diary Returns)
My Diary (Part 5: The Epic Conclusion of Memetic Proportions)

>> No.10361376

George Eliot - Middlemarch
H.D. - Trilogy
Gene Wolfe - Book of the New Sun
Ovid - Metamorphoses (Mandelbaum)
Homer - Iliad (Fagles)

>> No.10361380


>> No.10361381

Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Lightning Thief
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Sea of Monsters
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Titan's Curse
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Battle of the Labyrinth
Percy Jackson & The Olympians: The Last Olympian

>> No.10361383

ur face

>> No.10361387

This, this, this.

>> No.10361396


>> No.10361400

>Phenomenology of Spirit
>Dead Souls
>Being and Time
>KJV Bible

Please let me take Swann's Way too

>> No.10361409

Brothers Karamazov
Don Quixote
Tristram Shandy
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

>> No.10361441
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>> No.10361462
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>> No.10361463


>> No.10361465

this guy gets it

>> No.10361490
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Should keep me occupied for a good while.

>> No.10361510


>> No.10361511

KJV, disgusting.

>> No.10361517

It's the most important English translation of the Bible even if it isn't the most accurate. It's worth reading if you care about the Anglo literary tradition

>> No.10361531
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Only real answer for Catholics.

>> No.10361541


>> No.10361581

Gravity's Rainbow
Paradise Lost
Swann's Way
Moby Dick
Invisible Cities

>> No.10361647

1.Rudolf Erich Raspe - Baron Munchausen
2.Lúcia Machado - O Escaravelho do Diabo ( it's national )
3.Homer - Odyssey
5.Milk and Vine

>> No.10361727

To those who have read swanns way, are the other volumes very important to read after that? Thanks I appreciate the help

>> No.10361736


At one post alone, not a chuckle.
But with this kind of follow through, I chortled.

>> No.10361770
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>> No.10361775

The Odyssey was waste of time, tbqh. Call me a pleb, I really don't care.

>> No.10361781

The Encyclopedia of Country Living, Emery
Manual of Zen Buddhism, Suzuki
Don Quixote, Cervantes
The Feynman Lectures On Physics
Principia Mathematica, Whitehead/Russell

>> No.10361827

What an awful taste. Kys.

>> No.10361854

good taste

>> No.10361873

Agrippa's Three Books of Occult Philosophy
The Lesser Key of Solomon
Crowley's Book of the Law
The Picatrix
Grimorium Verum

Give me a few weeks study and whoosh! Back home in a flash, as if by magic.

>> No.10361875

>US Army Survival Manual, OR , SAS Survival Handbook: How to Survive in the Wild, in Any Climate, on Land or at Sea
>Simple Shelters: Tents, Tipis, Yurts, Domes and Other Ancient Homes
>Bushcraft 101: A Field Guide to the Art of Wilderness Survival
>Survival Medicine
>The Man Without Qualities, OR, Parallel Lives by Plutarch

>> No.10361880

Wouldn't there be at least one text that would tell you how to make tents with some literary value? The Torah teaches you how to make loans.

>> No.10361882

>The Torah teaches you how to make loans.
citation needed

>> No.10361886

maybe Robinson Crusoe?

>> No.10361975
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Complete essays - Montaigne
À la recherche du temps perdu
The man without qualities
My diary
You tell me

>> No.10361982

Five books about how to survive on an island.

>> No.10361986
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The Bible
Complete Shakespeare
Complete Plato
Plutarch - Lives
Thomas Aquinas - Summa

>> No.10361993

Do you think the summa would be interesting for a non-believer/agnostic/non religious person? Is it a universal work?

>> No.10361995

Surely you must take Robinson Crusoe?

>> No.10361998

Add the bible and one copy of playboy magazine and you got my vote.

>> No.10362007

Why the need of the playboy magazine when I can just imagine

or just fuck some random animals on the island

>> No.10362024

After a few months with no porn on an island seeing some bimbo in a magazine probably feels like Christmas. Porn ruined our imagination. im just being practical here.

>> No.10362028

Yea, maybe you're right. It's been a week or so since I decided to stop looking at porn. So far I don't have regrets. It's not difficult nor anything. I'm feeling good. Masturbation is always a good thing, though

>> No.10362090


Only if you are interested in philosophy. Most analytic philosophers don't mind reading him.

>> No.10362417

Literally use google.

>> No.10363904

Why would you want to be reminded of your situation?

>> No.10363906

Casanova, is that you?

>> No.10363919

wtf I hate Jews now!

>> No.10363930
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>> No.10363951

1. Collected works of H.P Lovecraft
2. On War, by Clausewitz
3. The Odyssey
4. The Book of Five Rings
5. The Bible

Just of the top of my head, feel like these will keep me goin.

>> No.10364000
File: 18 KB, 416x588, Linna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolita - Nabokov
Under the North Star - Linna
Brothers Karamazov - Dostojevskij
Anna Karenina - Tolstoy
The hundred-year-old man who climbed out of the window and disappeared - Jonasson

>> No.10364780

Add The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao.
Not to read it of course but to rip the pages and make paper boats when you get tired of reading.

>> No.10364832

you forget douay-rheims for english

>> No.10364839

The complete works of Shakespeare
The Metamorphoses (mandelbaum)
The Collector
Borges fiction
Maybe the Bible

>> No.10364908

> The KJV Bible
> Don Quijote de la Mancha
> Complete Works of Shakespeare
> The Divine Comedy
> The Iliad/Odyssey (Lattimore translations, pretending that an edition exists with both texts)

>> No.10365083


Just a further comment: I'd leave all philosophy in the dirt, except maybe Plato/Aristotle.

>> No.10365265

>Not volume 2 of ISOLT for its evocations of childhood

>> No.10365397

>complete Plato
>Divine Comedy
>On The Tartar Steppe

>> No.10366236

why would I be tired though

>> No.10366323

Complete Plato
Complete Shakespeare
The Hobbit
The Oxford History of Britain
Epictetus: Discourses, Fragments, Handbook

>Principia Mathematica, Whitehead/Russell
As if you can understand that, lol

>> No.10367121

Stop pretending to be a sectarian you stupid child, you dont live in Derry in 1970, and if you did you wouldnt make that comment with a triple digit IQ. Stop it with the fake emotion, its not contrarian you're just a retard. No offense.

>> No.10367125

well what are the five longest books,,,?

>> No.10368393

The Magic Mountain
Collected Poems by Heine
An intensive Anne Frank biography

>> No.10368412

The Bible
Compete works of Augustine
The Crusades (by Thomas Asbridge)
Dungeon, Fire, and Sword
Complete Shakespeare

>> No.10368439

Douey-Rheims has had zero impact on the English language, it's been 400 years, get over it.