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10358526 No.10358526[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey bucko /pol/ now hates Jordan Peterson so you can stop posting him 24-7 okay? Also this nigger really doesn't get postmodernism.

>> No.10358528

but we don't like him either, retard

>> No.10358530

Why does /pol/ dislike him? Did he say he's part Jewish or something?

>> No.10358532

Ethnonationalists BTFO

Based JP

>> No.10358543

He call them raycis and kick faith goofy out of free speech talk because she's a nazi

>> No.10358544
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he said that being proud because of your race is a crutch used by people who can't accomplish something worth being proud of

>> No.10358551

I wanna snuggle Velma

>> No.10358553

He's stupid as fuck. All aesthetics over substance, as brainlets usually do.

>> No.10358564

seems spot on. he might be the biggest meme intellectual since sam harris, but I guess even a broken clock tells the time twice a day.

>> No.10358566

Aesthetics > austistic intellectual theorizing

>> No.10358570

it would be spot on if it wasn't a complete strawman of what white nationalists/identitarians actually believe

>> No.10358574

the same goes for culture and nationality, you know.

>> No.10358581
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>being proud because of your race is a crutch used by people who can't accomplish something worth being proud of

>I'm proud of my grandfather, he was a great man.
>You've made it! I'm so proud of you.
But remember, being proud of achievements other than your own is for losers!

>> No.10358590

t. brainlet

>> No.10358602

>my grandfather was primarily defined by his whiteness or cultural background and not his myriad of individualistic traits
Doesn't sound like much to be proud of no.

>> No.10358604

i'm saying its a strawman because it's not simply whites being proud of their ethnicity or "melanin levels"
it's whites not wanting to become an ethnocultural minority in their own homelands surrounded by third world animals with average IQ's in the 70's.(IQ and race is something Peterson acknowledges btw)

>> No.10358607

aesthetics are the prime virtue. there's no point in seeking knowledge if it wasn't aesthetic

>> No.10358608

I thought they always did since he was never a deluded far right retard?

>> No.10358610

>it's whites not wanting to become an ethnocultural minority in their own homelands surrounded by third world animals with average IQ's in the 70's.(IQ and race is something Peterson acknowledges btw)
so why not make it "it's about smart people not wanting to become a minority in their own country surrounded by stupid animals with average IQ's in the 70s"? why even drag race into it, unless you deny the existence of smart blacks and stupid whites

>> No.10358612

>faith goofy
literally who?

>> No.10358613

You literally can't point out a difference between
>being proud of an achievement of your family member or friend
>being proud of achivements of your countrymen
Who's the brainlet here?

>my grandfather was primarily defined by his whiteness or cultural background and not his myriad of individualistic traits
What? Who said that?

>> No.10358624

If your proud of your grandfather as an individual does not lead to being proud of your race. One could say both things are unrelated, considering there were plenty of horrible white people as of any other race during the 20th century, the time your grandfather lived in.

>> No.10358625

THEY loved him because he wouldn't call TRANNIES BY what ever they wanted. That's how he got famous.

>> No.10358628

>What? Who said that?
You implied it by implying that your grandfather was at all relevant to my statement

>> No.10358631

Faith goldy

>> No.10358636
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>so why not make it "it's about smart people not wanting to become a minority in their own country surrounded by stupid animals with average IQ's in the 70s"? why even drag race into it, unless you deny the existence of smart blacks and stupid whites

It's the
>well, this one black man is pretty smart, so I guess check-mate you racist
Except that there is a myriad of statistics to show that race and criminality, collectivist viewpoints and low IQ are extremely correlated (half of violent crime in the US is commited by 7% of the population that is black men). The exceptional black professor is literally not an argument (anecdotes are not valid arguments)

>> No.10358643

So they had no clue what he is actually on about and the anti-Peterson troupe that formed to spite /pol/ was based on something completely false.

>> No.10358644

I still don't get it dude, why is the correlation relevant? if the low iq is the problem, why not handle it directly? unless you're a racist what's the point in making a distinction between a stupid white person and a stupid black person just because the stupid black person is more common? you didn't answer my question, I never denied the correlation

>> No.10358645

By accepting that you CAN be proud of achievements of your family/friends you accept that you CAN be proud of achievements other than your own.

Shared pride acts as social glue to increase the cohesion of a group - be it a family, a nation, fans of a sports team, or literally any other group.
Why is it OK to be proud of your mother or LA Lakers, but not your race?

>> No.10358646

The whole problem comes from the fact that A) collectivism only seems to be such a huge problem for Americans, the rest of the world (and I mean THE REST of the world) seems willing to adopt some degree of restriction "for the greater good", in many different ways and for many different reasons. Also, criminality is something that exists in homogeneous population, but the kind of gang related insanity the US goes through only seems to exist in America. Even in Africa and the Middle East the situation is completely different, it's caused by political instability, not by typical retarded government "planning". The biggest threat to the US is itself, no population in the world is as dull and dim-witted as the average american.

>> No.10358655

>>>10358590 #
>>>10358590 #
>You literally can't point out a difference between
>>being proud of an achievement of your family member or friend
>>being proud of achivements of your countrymen
>Who's the brainlet here?


>> No.10358656

If you don't see the difference between being proud of a a grandfather and some 600 year old cunt from another country I must assume you barely even understand the difference between "pride" and "admiration".

I admire both James Baldwin and Samuel Beckett and I'm neither black or irish, let alone "proud of being" either.

>> No.10358658

And it was never the point that you can't be proud of something other than your own achievements, it's that, specifically, taking pride and defining yourself on something so arbitrary and broad is only for really weak people with no accomplishments of their own

>> No.10358660

>that shade of difference between Canad and US
ayyy must be all the niggers

>> No.10358661

This thread is full of retards beyond possible

>> No.10358669

He's also ignoring the social and economic factors that account for WHY Africa is in the red and China is purple. This does not interest these people. This, to him, is better explained by biological and cultural differences.

>> No.10358671

All I know is they liked him because he was defending free speech and pissing off liberals. CANADA was passing some bill that made it a hate crime to not call a tranny by their preferred pronoun and Peterson was saying that goes against free speech. Pol always loved the guy. It was /lit who questioned him and most didn't like him. Pol loved him until about 2 weeks ago when he didn't let faith talk then he said some shit on Twitter like "listen bucko its Dr Peterson to you" blah blah your racists.

>> No.10358672

how do they have NK stats?

>> No.10358673
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>if the low iq is the problem, why not handle it directly?
There are more problems. Even the whites with low IQ don't commit as much crime as blacks.
Also blacks are FAR more likely to support increasing state control and surveillence (gun confiscation, speech censorship) than whites.

I'm not making a distinction between a white criminal and a black criminal - they deserve punishment all alike - just saying that blacks AS A WHOLE (or ON AVERAGE) are a detriment to society. Exceptional individuals exist but they don't change the trends.

>> No.10358677

He's just a memefaggot who likes to take advantage from the internet, as if he has discovered a new little game.


>> No.10358684

we need a /yootoober/ and /self-help/ board.

also the faggot mods and janitors should stop spending their lives buggering the living daylights out of each other and actually enforce board rules.

>> No.10358689


Jordan Memerson has NOTHING to do with literature or philosophy. Nothing.

>> No.10358694

>If you don't see the difference between being proud of a a grandfather and some 600 year old cunt from another country I must assume you barely even understand the difference between "pride" and "admiration".
So if I say that I "admire" the white race instead of being "proud of it" will you shut up?

> taking pride and defining yourself on something so arbitrary and broad is only for really weak people with no accomplishments of their own
I'd say, and the history of humankind agrees, that nationality is a BIG part of one's self-identity. Countless people have died for it, countless works of literature written about it.
If it's OK to be proud of one's nation, to feel a deep sense of belonging to it - why not one's race?

>> No.10358709

>Goldy is a Christian, of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church

>> No.10358712

If nationality is such a big part in the construciton of one's identity how come can I admire Spinoza and Kant without being neither jewish, dutch, portuguese, german, lutheran or even white by most of /pol/'s conceptions? If you want to say you admire "people of the white race" it becomes rather arbitrary considering there's plenty of non-white people all over history who should be admired for the same reason.

Just admit you're butthurt about blacks dating white chicks on TV and get on with your life, I highly doubt someone with hot opinions like yours has that much of a social life to lose anyway.

>> No.10358730

>you can NOT be proud of your nationality because there are admirable people of all nationalities
Wow, have anyone ever been so stupid?
Tell that to millions of people who gave up their lives for their countries, to billions who celebrate national holidays and cheer on their nations' teams during tournaments.

National pride is very natural to humans. Racial pride is demonised because "muh nazis" and literally no other reason.

>> No.10358735

Why do you have to pull the white collar blacks into this? Can't you just hate hoodniggas and hood culture?

>> No.10358739

How the fuck can national pride be natural when "nations" as we understand today are about 300 years old. This is your problem, you always turn history into your little curiosity shop then get mad when reality doesn't fit your fantasy.

>> No.10358740

There are white nationalists and there are conservatives/centrists pushing back against white cultural suicide done by the left.

>> No.10358743
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>> No.10358749

I'm legitimately confused, I thought /pol/ never liked him?

>> No.10358752

Herd mentality. Groupthink. Lack of own achievements. An example of that is the person you're arguing against.

>> No.10358757

>/pol/ is a mass of retards
>memerson is a retard
Why do you even care? Go read a nice book.

>> No.10358758

They didn't but /lit/ equals pseuds and newfags with /pol/, and Peterson posters are likely one of the two.

>> No.10358759

overt racists and covert racists

>> No.10358761

What confuses me is that these faggots are always rambling about Nietzsche and saying communism destroys the individual and blah blah blah but at the first sign of a banner to hide below they're like victorian ladies running from the sun.

>> No.10358780
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According to statistics, even the well-off white-collar blacks commit more crimes than poor whites.
Even adopted black children raised by well-off white parents don't match up with their white counterparts.
>it's not race, it's culture
>it's not race, it's social status
Both have been debunked.

>How the fuck can national pride be natural when "nations" as we understand today are about 300 years old.
It is obviously natural, you fucking brainlet, because the moment modern nations developed everone jumped on board with waving flags and singing anthems. Before that people felt that belonging to their polis, tribe, religion, or whatever else.
Shared pride and a sense of belonging/duty to some larger group is natural to humans as social animals. Your theorizing doesn't mean shit.

I gotta go, see you on the boards guys.

>> No.10358784

>"nations" as we understand today are about 300 years old
I didn't know people still unironically tried claiming this, makes me nostalgic to when /leftypol/ tried to adopt /his/.

>> No.10358788
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>> No.10358795

>actual far right poster incorrectly groups itself with people who dislike population replacement
>lefty poster incorrectly groups both together and calls them racist
And that's how you lose elections, kids.

>> No.10358799
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>> No.10358803

Before I go though I'll just address how absurd it is to bring up how "they always talk about Nietzsche and communism" when I haven't said literally a word about any of those

>> No.10358805
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>> No.10358811
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>> No.10358816

>the moment modern nations developed everone jumped on board
More like it begin in the 16th century and is still hard to say it's a finished proccess, probably never will be.

>> No.10358817
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>How the fuck can national pride be natural when "nations" as we understand today are about 300 years old

>> No.10358822
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>> No.10358823

Which is precisely why I didn't quote you.

>what is the constitution of the modern nation state

>> No.10358833


>> No.10358836
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>> No.10358841

I'm confused, did you not know some countries have been unified for at least a thousand years?

>> No.10358843

Nation-states are silly though, they try to lump swathes of different dialects, cultural pockets (which usually form in remote areas like mountains, etc.) with the municipalities over vast regions. Sometimes, you get different ethnic backgrounds completely (most of European nations will have this, and especially America). It's not really a communal, natural grouping anymore. If you try to institute eugenics or nationalised language, or whatever, then you're making a synthetic "nation" that didn't occur with collective effort, destroying the idea of nation.

I think having cultural groupings that occur more with geography and dialect will be the future. Technically, there would be no state, just a world community with very obvious cultural borders.

>> No.10358846
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>> No.10358847

That wasn't what was being argued nor claimed and irrelevant to the discussion at hand.

>> No.10358852

I just came in friend-o. Nations and nation-states as I understand them are recent creations, which are completely different to the "nations" of empires and fiefdoms before them.

>> No.10358855
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>> No.10358863

You don't get it, historiography and political science are memes and what truly matters are the feelings of the white man.

>> No.10358864


>> No.10358865
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>> No.10358885

>at least a thousand years
White European ones weren't
Colonies in America weren't
Africa weren't (some of them still aren't)

>> No.10358886

>if the low iq is the problem, why not handle it directly?
That's a good question. I think we should kill the following
>Low IQ plebs, all of them, because their violence and crimes against all things, their usefulness for evil - due to their inherent lack of desire for any higher values, yet any that pretends to be one will get their support
>Nerds, for attacking all things holy because they are fans of a different system, which should obviously have a monopoly on truth. Although they won't directly attack anything that gets them ridiculed, like most moral questions when they get serious. Instead they pull the rug from under morality as a whole, whilst pretending that it has no effect on those specific moral questions.
>Current elites, for being cannibal pedos and in bed with the kikes
Who is left?

>> No.10358890

Your just regurgitating what you've read online probably from a source that gives undue weight to fringe opinions, stop that.

>> No.10358894
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>> No.10358897



>> No.10358900
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>> No.10358902

Nice post relevant to the topic at hand

>> No.10358904

What? Anything we can call a "nation-state" didn't exist until the advent of liberalism, which was late 18th Century.

>> No.10358905
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>White European ones weren't
Does public education in your country not teach European history any more?

>> No.10358919
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>> No.10358920

Actually the concept of a "nation-state" was codified during the thirty years war in the 1600's.

>> No.10358925

What a weird definition of "country" and "unified" you have there, friend.

>> No.10358930
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>> No.10358936
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>> No.10358938

that metokur fag did a hitpiece on him

>> No.10358941
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>> No.10358959

Show me one European "nation" that stood for more than a century. They were all subject to massive cultural, linguistic, genetic and structural changes, not to mention their borders always shifted. What we call the United Kingdom was an absolute orgy since the Battle of Stanford Bridge. I know I have nothing in common with a Welsh bowman or a Norman overlord, except that we shared the same island over many years - which housed many invaders.

Anyway, none of these countries created a national identity, they just had a ruling class that shifted every so often and tried to take more land. Why do you think there's still independence struggles for minority "nations" within nations in Europe? They obviously didn't create an identity over a millennia of conflict and kingdom-building.

Straight from wikipedia > nation state > origin. Nice. Anyway, you're not contradicting me. I said that no nation-state existed properly until Napoleon. It was still an alien concept to most of Europe while a French Republic was around.

>> No.10358961

But /pol/ hates Metokur because he's a "race traitor".

>> No.10358976

they don't hate him any more than they hate "based black dudes" or "based faggots"
/pol/ is a bunch of retarded redditors led around by the nose by retarded youtubers like metokur and peterson, though honestly i dont blame peterson because i would be doing the same shit if i made that much money

>> No.10358984

Again this group is still a net positive to society, no reason to cut on such big lines like race

>> No.10358988
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my grandfather was an individual, not a poorly defined monolith known for fighting its "self" as much as it fights others.
The white nationalist obsession with pan-white identity is as silly as the feminist obsession with universal sisterhood, and both would require tyrannical enforcement to ever come into being because whites and women simply don't get along with themselves.

>> No.10358989
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>Show me one European "nation" that stood for more than a century
To be fair theses stupid fuckers actually did despite other countries insistent otherwise.

>> No.10358993

how can i have lost an election if i've never run for office or worked on a campaign?

oh, right
>anyone who is even vaguely left of center is a shillary supporter

>> No.10358996
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>> No.10359033

except in your examples you're proud of someone else for something they did while race pride is generally being proud of yourself for something someone else did

>> No.10359050
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yeah fuck off. You can be against the destruction of your culture and your race without believing that you're better than anybody for your race. Me being white doesn't make me righteous or great, but wanting to preserve the security of the nation state in lieu of idealized globalism has nothing to do with race. Nationalism is how many non-euro, non-white countries through off the shackles of colonialism. is it any wonder that the countries pushing for globalization are ex-colonial powers? Is globalism, an ideology born out of white nations and based on white ideals, much closer to white supremacy than a bunch of disgruntled blue-collars wanting to have the nation once promised them?
The nation state is what gives us our rights, not a foreign ruler in a foreign land, not the germans, once again, trying to control Poland.
I hate nazis because like marxists they hate the nation state (just not their own) and their tribalism is toxic to national unity, both of which have proven to be the best things for human rights and good peace, while the peace they offer (and how rarely it is offered!) is always bad.

>> No.10359061
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>> No.10359068

the stuff about muh cultural preservation is dishonest because you retards believe that ethnicity/race and culture are inextricably linked. you see the mere presence of a non-white person as an attack against white culture and the white race.

>> No.10359071

Why don't mods delete this excruciating shit?

>> No.10359101
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>all of that
Point to, if you don't mind, where I said anything like your accusing me of saying.
I don't want white people to die out and I don't want black people to die out for the same reasons why I don't want black labs to die out or pugs to die out. Losing a whole category of life is tragic and in the context of the human race, generally desired by evil people.
People who move to a country need to embrace that country's unique culture or leave. They can add things to that culture, and western nations are quite open minded, but when your values clash violently with those of your new home, you're the one who needs to change or go. It has nothing to do with race, but everything to do with national values, and the preservation of the social construct which throughout history has allowed for more liberty than all alternatives which is the nation state.

>> No.10359196

>Both have been debunked.
Debunked how? The share of non-whites in the US has been rising and yet the crime rate has been steadily falling since early 90s.

>It is obviously natural, you fucking brainlet, because the moment modern nations developed everone jumped on board with waving flags and singing anthems.
They did it for pragmatic reasons, mostly to be guaranteed safety. Today it's the internationalisaton that leads to more safety and stability so it's the same "natural" tendency that lead to nationalism that now makes it disappear.