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10354001 No.10354001 [Reply] [Original]

What drugs does /lit/ do?

>> No.10354010

Kill yourself

>> No.10354011


>> No.10354027

None, I'm not a retarded pseud

>> No.10354041
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joke: drug use, promiscuity, nightlife
woke: straight edge, celibacy, up before dawn to exercise

>> No.10354055

rhino ket is the tits

but honestly mdma is my ting

>> No.10354063

weed everyday
booze 3 or 4 days of the week
anything else other than crack and meth when it pops up
I kinda wanna start dropping acid more often but it's impossible to buy good acid where I live and I'm too scared to buy shit on tor

>> No.10354081

shrooms, wanna do dmt

>> No.10354085

Opiates. I'm not proud of it and I would reccomend to stay away from all opiates. I also like psychedelics.
Weed is garbage.

>> No.10354088

how often does heron 'pop up'?

>> No.10354090

shrooms. have had pretty intense trips walking around in public

cannabis. get baked errday

>> No.10354095

None, anymore. Wouldn't trade the experiences for nothing, wouldn't go back to it for anything.

>> No.10354100

Why so mad, pseuds?

>> No.10354102

Heroin isn't even a thing in my country, honestly, but codeine is fairly common. When I was a kid I used to rail it, but trap is the new thing here and everyone is doing their own versions of "lean" (I didn't like it though, but I'll probably drink again if someone offers me). As for the intensity, hardly more than once a month.

>> No.10354116


Regularly? None but I've tried a few in the past.

I'd like to try mushrooms but I don't trust my mental state.

>> No.10354123

>country where heroin isn't a thing

Which country? Sounds rare and strange.

>> No.10354125

Try a low dose like 2g

>> No.10354139

Brazil. Really, now that I'm thinking about it, even "soft" opioids are kinda rare and I only know people into it because my group of friends / acquaintances is extremely degenerate and a lot of people will do anything / anyone in the right circunstances.

Fun fact: Nick Cave actually lived in my city when quitting heroin because it simply isn't a thing, even band people, the ones who got into heroin only did so after touring Europe / the US

>> No.10354147

Is sucking dick for H part of the literary lifestyle?

>> No.10354148

Opiates too. They killed the last creativity I had in me
I've got that monkey on my back for over 4 years now. Too bad I'm rich so I never have enough reason to get him off

>> No.10354214

reminder that all drug use permanently damages the energy/astral body

>> No.10354228

They feel like a hug for me, like a replacement for the love that lacks in my life. I hate that drugs make you pay such a high price for the good they make, they are the only thing that make life tolerable.

>> No.10354236

LSD occasionally

>> No.10354243

amoxicllin and fluconazole

I have pneumonia or valley fever

>> No.10354252

What does that even mean

>> No.10354295

None. Drug users tend to bore me. I'd rather remain lucid and interesting.

>> No.10354407

all living beings have a subtle body. drug use damages the subtle body

the consequences of this are wide-ranging. the most immediately apparent will be warps/rends in your sense-data filter ("flashbacks" or tendency to hallucinate sober). other overt symptoms could include memory problems, concentration problems, difficulty speaking, weird thought patterns and non-sequiturs. a lot of this can go away if you quit drugs but certain traces and propensities in your cognition caused by the drug-use will last for the rest of this lifetime

but there are also more serious physical health consequences that may not manifest until later. damage to the subtle body makes early death and serious illnesses more likely - headaches, tumors, mental illnesses but also muscle soreness, joint pains, back pains, susceptibility to stress. the subtle body is not separate or independent from the physical body in some dualistic sense, it supervenes on the physical body causally. proper functioning of the subtle body system is necessary for physical well-being: if you stress or distort that system, problems are inevitable, whether those problems present as catastrophic ailments or just a barely-perceptible down-going of your general system's functioning almost indistinguishable from normal aging (but if you could compare this state to what you would feel like with optimal subtle body fitness the difference would be night and day)

t. guy who used to love shrooms and MDMA, took up meditation and encountered serious problems in my practice because of my past drug-use, which are still ongoing

>> No.10354413

I smoked weed for 16years straight multiple times daily. During that time I was diagnosed with hypochondira, anxiety, social anxiety and depression. I thought the weed was helping. It's been a year since I quit weed and now I don't even notice my mental issues. I'm pretty much fine. If I do smoke which I did a few weeks ago to test this out all that shit came back. Don't do drugs.

>> No.10354419

Mdma regularly but trying to avoid it because the comedowns have gotten very bad. Coke when I can afford it. Benzos and painkillers when I can get them. Obviously alcohol regularly too.

>> No.10354428

I'm already manic depressive so is not like I had any hope. Thanks for the sincere answer.

>> No.10354486

Drugs are bad, but
Go back to /x/

>> No.10354495
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Anchor steam beer, Indica, cocaine, 2-fma, 4 aco dmt

>> No.10354513


>> No.10354515

Weed a couple nights/week, mushrooms every once in awhile. Cocaine every once ina while. Drink 1/week

>> No.10354518
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>> No.10354520

Drinking probably 2-3 nights a week. I used to sip codeine a bunch in high school but I've since stopped. Currently trying to kick cocaine, haven't done it in a little over a week.

>> No.10354524

Dam, shes so fuckin fine

>> No.10354527

Same desu fampai
Sucks being schizo

>> No.10354538

>tfw no gf

>> No.10354546

Get a second opinion. I was told by a psych I was a paranoid schizophrenic, took aripiprazole and made me a jittery quasi-zombie. If you're actually schizo, then it's not that strong of a drug to give you, so I'm guessing it's early treatment. When did you get diagnosed?

Another psych just said I had drug-induced psychosis, and now I'm fine. I second-guess lots of my memories still, but I'm happy. At least I don't feel doomed. If you were really schizophrenic too, you'd probably not give a shit. They have lots of apathy. The one schizo I met just smokes heaps of weed and enjoys himself, even though it's sending him to the edge.

>> No.10354553

I can't bring myself to drink and I silently judge stoners even though I should no better, but I have to use adderall to be able to function in society thanks to ADHD which sucks because it wrecks havoc on me.

>> No.10354578

you're lucky to be free from the taint

>> No.10354586


>> No.10354595

I don't really consider myself lucky, the only reason I don't drink is playing witness to an unfortunate domestic dispute between my parents involving copious amounts of wine and egregious misuse of a kitchen knife. Better never to have seen that sort of thing and be able to drink a bit in social situations for fun rather than having to remember the blood splatters whenever you consider easing up and having some hard lemonade or whatever.

>> No.10354604

There is no second opinion. My dad has it and my psychiatrist happens to be one of the best in his field and was awarded for it in 2008 (he's seen me for 10 years now ever since I was 8). He diagnosed me with schizo features about 3/4 of a year ago because I also have autism, and you can't have both schizophrenia and autism at the same time. I don't hear voices but I do have visual hallucinations.

>> No.10354626

Visual hallucinations, oh boy. I remember mine from when I had drug induced psychosis. Does it happen in public? Do people think you are nuts?

>> No.10354665

It only happens in the morning and evening never out in public. Almost like I'm still dreaming

>> No.10354753

Used to do a lot of ket-- mdma-- hallucinogens; whilst i only smoke the weedz nowadays. Addicted to it tho

>> No.10354764

Quit while ahead nig.

>> No.10354777

Hi, (((CIA)))

>> No.10354779

>There is no second opinion
Nice, go waste your life on tranquillisers.

>> No.10354803

Ure'eemum is a nigggggg

>> No.10354815

If someone doesn't need drugs, good. But don't try and convince someone who does need them to go off them. People only tank the side effects if their life off the miserable medication is significantly worse than on.

>> No.10354839

I didn't tell him to go off. I told him to see someone else. My friend who studies psychology told me how dodgy my first psych was: making judgements and prescribing from one meeting, etc. I may be in a different boat than other anon, but he's only set on his fate because he has had one person since he was 8 say he is a certain way. It doesn't matter how sane you think you are, psychs will gaslight you. Hell, they did it to me after one meeting.

I didn't even cut my meds when I was sick, so why would I tell someone to stop theirs? When I did experience bad side effects, I went to a GP and psych to cut it down, and they let me. I didn't do it on my own volition.

>> No.10354856

i'm just a good old fashioned alcoholic

>> No.10354889

I’ve been straight edge for around 2 months now. Before that i was eating edibles with concentrated thc in them, drinking and smoking cigarettes pretty regularly. Got a few connections to the hard drug world and came dangerously close to going down that path.

I’d like to believe that some form of higher consciousness (at least in the sense of creativity or composed emotional expression) is achievable through a high, but results are often mixed and clouded. Various forms of addiction to the high because of the perceived increased creativity, much less the physiological addiction, is unavoidable regardless if you think it’s controllable or not. It is better to avoid vices all together and learn to express creativity in more healthy ways (i.e. in work, study, general self improvement).

>> No.10354930

i had a very good batch of acid 10 years ago and still have some of it. i’ve done it rarely. i did the first, insane, life changing trip with a full tab. then i had a few more in the consecutive two years but with 1/4. did none for years cause i started having anxiety problems and became very scared of nearly everything. became addicted to xanax. decided to have a full tab 2 years ago which saved me out of the nothing mixed with anxiety and dread i was living in. i haven’t done more acid since and only 2 tabs left. now i smoke hash almost daily, i almost never used as teen, very sporadic usage. i do speed sometimes and it helps with lingering obsessions, i take 1/20 of a recreational dose, like 10€ lasts 3 months. i’ve tried coke once and it was nice but not my thing. wanna try salvia now.

anyone had salvia?

>> No.10354933

hate alcohol, smoke weed every night before I start working on my projects, shrooms about once a year. That's pretty much it for me

>> No.10354941


>> No.10354955

I drink way too much, but I've been cutting back some lately. I used to trip a lot, but now just a few times a year. Still do speed & coke every now and again. Stims are the unsung hero of literature.

>> No.10354997

Salvia is gross, for me it's like 15 minutes of nonsense hell. My train of thought kicks into overdrive and stops making sense, and I'm basically just free associating gibberish words until it wears off. Friends have totally different experiences with it, none of them sound fun either though.

Just stick with weed or LSD.

>> No.10355031

oh i’ve heard it’s strange. this reminds me of the last time i did acid and i had a 30 minutes solipsistic experience, but as i said the trip was good. i want to try cause it’s only few minutes and i’m too curious at this point. the reason my lsd usage is so diluted in a long arc of years is bc i need time to process everything i feel during it for months later and also i try and save it for the ideal day.

and dmt? is that strong as the famous doc made it seem?

>> No.10355039

mdma, but only when going out to a techno fest

>> No.10355043


>> No.10355046
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After a 5 day binge on shatter I think I made myself completely schizo. Everything just keeps getting worse and worse. I'm done with thc. I am done with that stuff. No more.

>> No.10355056

aripiprazole is also used for bipolar disorder.
specifically to ward off switches to hypomania/mania.
Because when you get to the mania stage, psychosis is frequently around the corner.
Mania being itself already quite dangerous and even at hypomanic stages, there is a crash after or hard landing at least.
hypomanic/manic phases are very much like a meth binge.
Not good even if you feel really great up to the point of psychosis when it gets scary for you then.

aripiprazole is quite stimulating because it is a dopamine partial agonist / modulator
(some weird action that is mixed between agonism and antagonism)
it has a stimulating effect at low doses and starts to be sedating at high doses.
But due to a long plasmatic half life, it cumulates and gets less stimulating after some time. it gave me nasty akhatisia that i had to correct with anticholinergics.

>> No.10355067

Smoked weed daily for a year or two as a NEET, and socially during uni before that.
Made me non-functional and my anxiety and sadness were overwhelming, don't plan to go back to it.

Did LSD a few times during the same timespan and it was a great drug, can't wait to try it again if the opportunity comes up.

>> No.10355090

who else frying their >140iq brain? only genius druggie degenerates allowed
I had to stop after a 5 year binge that turned me into a borderline schizo hermit, and had to move back to my parents. been neeting for a few months, cut back to weed and alcohol every few days. feels weird to be sober and alive

>> No.10355125

i took a test recently and the score hasn’t lowered despite the xanax dependency i had till 2 years ago. i think if i had tested then... better not think about that, i was a jellyfish

>> No.10355145

Mostly weed with the occasional acid or shrooms trip when I find a connect.

I've been really poor latley though and haven't gotten much of a chance to experiment more.

>> No.10355172

Holy shit. Raoul Duke over here.

>> No.10355183

Salvia is okay. Used to be able to buy it at corner stores where I live.

It's quick and short. I mostly felt goofy/giggly and dissociated.

5/10 dissappinting. Maybe I needed better salvia

>> No.10355194

>Anchor steam
But... it's a lager...

>> No.10355209

DXM is the only drug I like

>> No.10355594

i want a shirt with this image on it more than i ever wanted anything in my entire life

>> No.10355598
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Usually just phenibut + drinks. Every now and then though I'll sautée a quarter gram of cannabis in a barely-hot skillet of butter then incorporate into whatever meal I've prepared for myself

>> No.10355603


>> No.10355693

How is Mescaline?

>> No.10355715

I get drunk about twice a week, and I use cocaine, speed, xtc / mdma, ketamin, truffles and designer drugs lik 4fmp and 2cb occasionally.

>> No.10355732

Fucking degenerates