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10349692 No.10349692 [Reply] [Original]

Are miserable incels the best writers and philosophers?

>> No.10349698

>Hegel, Schelling and Fichte were all happily married to intelligent women

really makes a person think

>> No.10349699

only to readers who are miserable incels

>> No.10349747

kierkegaard probably fucked lots of bitches in his time

>> No.10349750

is sex really such a big deal that you'd divide the world into two categories based on celibacy

>> No.10349754

I understand this intellectually, but it still hurts for some reason.

>> No.10349756

It IS a big deal if you cannot have it. Just like money. Upper middle class people also love to proclaim how money is secondary to happiness.

>> No.10349764

I just can't get pussy, bros. I know other people who usually stay inside and do nothing interesting and they still manage to get pussy. I know I'm ugly but not THAT ugly.

>> No.10349770
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N and S fucked hookers, K remained celibate after his engagement ended.

>> No.10349773
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>> No.10349774

Kierkegaard was actually a VolCel.

Kant was an actual Incel, IMO, he didn't even get a prostitute. But he still died happily.

>> No.10349781

According to Samuel Beckett, he had unresolved sexual feelings for his own daughter.

>> No.10349785

Why is it that some men just dont get pussy? Nietzsche was far more handsome and interesting than me and still, no pussy for him. Whats the deal? Whats the secret?

>> No.10349787

This. “Air is overrated” he said to the drowning man.

I think to most people it’s a more exciting/varied part of what is still “normal” life. For me it is a near-constant whisper in my brain, and ever present criticism, a condemnation of my past and an ever-mounting pressure to feel resignation towards the future. I literally cannot envision myself experiencing it like how most people seem to have done with relative ease.

>> No.10349789

no, ladies of Königsberg were enchanted with Kant, he was a volcel

>> No.10349795

But none of them were really incels. Nietzsche and Schopenhauer fucked hookers and Kierkegaard voluntarily turned down Regina's pussy

>> No.10349802

Nietzsche was a creep with creepy behavior. If he lived today, he could've very well pulled an Elliot Rodger, leaving behind his Ubermensch manifesto.

>> No.10349808

i thought schopenhauer was a ladies man in his younger days? didn't he have kids?

>> No.10349821

I felt better when I was like this though, so far away. I'm so close now that I can taste it, but I still have like one or two social skill growth phases before I get there. Now it's just teasing me, despite how little it really matters from an objective pov.

>> No.10349824

>ladies man
no he hated women because of his mum and just bought a lot of prostitutes for carnal pleasures, as was the norm for the bourgeoise and gentlemen at that time

>> No.10349828

>t. nu-male or woman

>> No.10349845
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>he still died happily

>> No.10349853
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>these 3

>> No.10349860

t. Analytic Anglo Autist

>> No.10349876

I'd like to believe that.

>> No.10349885

If you're a charmless guy, even if you're a 5-7/10, then you have to go below your league. It's not really about looks. If you're really desperate to fug, then go for a fatty. They usually break bread. Personally I'm a volcel now, but it worked for me when I still believed in the sex meme.

>> No.10349891

prostitutes don't really count
but yeah, K was volcle

>> No.10349921

Hume was described as happy even as he died. He was known for having snuck bits of pornography onto library shelves in his lifetime, and he was supposedly addressed as "The Good David" by local prostitutes, who went so far as to visit him on his deathbed.

>> No.10349930

It wasn’t uncommon for men of Humes times to visit prostitutes, regardless of their sexual life.

>> No.10349936

Has it ever been

>> No.10349959

Do happy people ever really examine life? Do they appreciate art?
When you are sad you really start using your brain.

>> No.10349963

Kierkegaard cucked his fiancée with Jesus, basically pussed out and thought that the love wouldn't last forever so it wasn't even worth pursuing

>> No.10349971

read Genesis 22 friend

>> No.10349996

How was he a creep? Do you have a source for this or are you just shit-talking someone who is dead and had a miserable life but still did his best and left a huge inspiring mark in humanity?

>> No.10350001

Did you miss the part where Nietzsche started to pretend to be insane out of shame?

>> No.10350003

literally fucking use google, n-dog was a juvenile asshole

>> No.10350011

His advances and letters to Lou Salome and her fiancees.

Also, Nietzsche is ignored by each and every philosophical school that isn't based upon speculation.

>> No.10350108

So, none of them?

>> No.10350120

You can't be an intellectual and believe in /r9k/'s delusions. They're a bunch of fucking video game and anime enthusiasts.

>> No.10350143

Shame of what?
What do you mean by juvenile asshole?
Quick rundown on the letters?

>> No.10350158

read a book

>> No.10350179

>is the only thing keeping us a big deal?

>> No.10350185

Any reccomendations?

>> No.10350190


>> No.10350196

t. female or normie

>> No.10350206

You can't be a good writer unless you have some major dysfunction of some sort. Whether that's being a sexual deviant, mental illness, social retardation, people who have their head screwed on tight have nothing worth saying.

>> No.10350208
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>t. female or normie
More likely a brainlet.

>> No.10350223

A noticeable amount of writers and philosophers struggled with some sort of deviancy. But others, such as Nabokov or Kant, were reported to be well-adjusted and happy people.

>> No.10350244

Happy people just
>hang out with friends
>sex their significant others
>do sports
>have hobbies

When you're a miserable incel - THAT's when you really start to think esoterically.
t. speaking from experience

>> No.10350261

how is it that visiting prostitutes became so stigmatized? when did the transition happen to it being socially unacceptable?

>> No.10350266

Socratic dialogues, perhaps? Check out https://docs.google.com/document/d/1y8_RRaZW5X3xwztjZ4p0XeRplqebYwpmuNNpaN_TkgM/mobilebasic?pli=1

>> No.10350283

early feminits campaigned heavily against prostitution. Some still do.
Women want to have monopoly on men's sex supply. It's a form of soft control.

>> No.10350291

Reminder that asexual spergs are the true master race as they don't let the vaginal Jew distract them from their higher pursuits.

>> No.10350551

Didn't Nietzsche have Syphilis?

>> No.10350665


>> No.10350687

I could just as easily replace every sad in this sentence with happy.

>> No.10350764

you could, but that would make it less truthful

>> No.10350997

IP ban for anglos when?

>> No.10351021

Imagine being this self-obsessed with how "weird" you are. You guys should read man's search for meaning by Jung, it has a lovely section about young men getting their head rammed and stuck up the ass of their own psychology.

>> No.10351025

Yes he did you fucking quack. Stop reinventing history to suit your own personal failures.

>> No.10351033

Carnal pleasures are literally the opposite of a meme you dip. Volcel is a meme.

>> No.10351053


>man's search for meaning by Jung

This convinces the anonymous readers that the poster is retarded.

>> No.10351061


>every philosophical school that isn't based upon speculation.

Dude what.

>> No.10351066

So, a celibate. Being a virgin does not make you "celibate."

>> No.10351075

And had to break off a possible marriage to Joyce's daughter because he thought she was just looking for a genius stand-in for her own father.

>> No.10351080

I mean yeah, but that only applies if you want to have sex solely to breed and pass on your genes. Sex for fun becomes irrelevant if you consider it from that standpoint

seconding this. you don't need sex to be fulfilled, that's just what you've convinced yourself to believe and the meanings you have applied to an otherwise mindless and primitive act. sex is not this beautiful experience that instills meaning into your life, objectively speaking, sex is about as magical and therapeutic as taking a shit.

you guys might be confusing the act of sex with the process of love, as the two go hand-in-hand, but realize that THEY ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT

i was a virgin til i was 23 believing this bullshit, then I finally just fucked a hooker and read Jung. all of the meaning and beliefs i had placed on sex were simply products of my imagination existing solely to provide reasons and excuses that is built upon completely ass-backwards, hypocritical, and arbitrary subjective rhetoric.

>> No.10351082

Look: we can't go around pretending this board is cultured if all you guys do is post this retarded shit about authors you haven't even read. We're supposed to be the smart board. Step it up, my guy.

>> No.10351087

Sounds like a good rec. I'll check it out. I'm definitely pathetically self obsessed with how "weird" I am. It's debilitating.

>> No.10351097

this board has really fucking gone down the drain in the past month or so. there's been a massive /pol/ leak and it sucks this shit keeps getting posted.

>> No.10351119

Don't listen to this guy, you should read Infinite Jest by Sigmund Freud instead.

>> No.10351148

An unexamined life is not worth living. But so is a life spent entirely in self examination. What a waste of time. Just stop it this instant and find some balance.

>> No.10351157

It's sigmus, idiolte.

>> No.10351163
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No u.

>> No.10351168

What's wrong with a life based entirely on examination?

>> No.10351173

I just like, my opinion, man. But jokes aside, it seems to be associated with an existential despair that points towards an unfulfillment of purpose.

>> No.10351180

What if examining your own life is the purpose?

>> No.10351215

Well I suppose you'd get an indication of that by your sensed fulfillment, but I've dealt with a lot of people and get the sense that complete Kantian isolation/introspection is pretty fucking rare. Systematic and productive self examination seems to lose out to worried circular repetitive rumination most of the time.

>> No.10351274
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Nikola Tesla
-Patron saint of Electricity and NoFap
-Said women would only distract him from his work
-Pretty much illuminated the entire world.
-Edison fucked him over and still he persisted with his work.

Keep your eyes on the prize gentlemen, never stop hustling.

>> No.10351346

>tfw instinctively push away any woman who shows affection in some sense
Why do I only love women I can't have? Is it porn?

>> No.10351399
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just be yourself

>> No.10351991

The sad thing is, even if r9k are autistic, they're still smarter than 99% of the population on earth.

>> No.10352021

>none of them were really incels
none of them lived in the 21 century either

>> No.10352757

Guys, i lost my virginity not too long ago. And now i am fucking upset that this garbage is like the biggest deal of all times. It was just as boring and unintressting as i thought i would be in the end and now i feel tainted. If only i could go back i tell myself that it actually was fucking northing and not to bother with it.
Is there actually anything meaningfull in this damned life ? Or is it all just a joke ?

>> No.10352798

Try a long term relationsship

>> No.10353028
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>> No.10353071

>you don't need sex to be fulfilled

read between the lines, it's not just sex, but the entire feminine element of life that these guys are missing, loving congress just a picture, a kind of foundation, an image that serves to demonstrate that completeness. surely a jungian can understand that.

>> No.10353077
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>tfw the obsession has magically transmogrified into near-total anhedonia with the most numbing effects centered around sex and love

... heh

>> No.10353079

Never understood this. At what point did the good lord ask Kierkegaard to give up his one true sweetheart?

>> No.10353082

This is such a stupid meme. The brush of worldly pain paints immoderately over good and bad writer alike. Suffering is no bonus, grants no extra understanding. Belee dat bet

>> No.10353084

overactive superego means you're rarin for a challenge, secretely wish for a world which would throw up impediments to your love

Freud wrote about this, forget what his solution was though

>> No.10353455

They just had a lot of time to write, because the weren't distracted by woman and kids.
Have you ever red a book written by a happy and functional human being? Me neither.

>> No.10353470


>> No.10353480

Nietzsche fucked Neapolitan peasant girls and, according to some, beautiful Sicilian boys. Schopenhauer fucked all kinds of maids and even impregnated one of them.

Kierkegaard probably really was a loser though.

>> No.10353482
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>4 feet 11 inch = 149.86 centimeters


>> No.10353506

Why is Kant portrayed sometimes portrayed handsome and sometimes like a hobbit?

>> No.10353507

Incel should be a ban word. Not a spam filter word, a straight up oldschool, you post it and you get banned for forgotten arbitrary reasons.

>> No.10353513

It depends on how well the painter got paid.

>> No.10353519

Without incels, 4chan would t have half as many posts and memes

Incels built image board culture

>> No.10353525

I really honestly aspire to be the first Philosopher to bring male-trap marriages to the mainstream public consciousness. I think dating a succubi necessarily causes untold stress and mental deterioration since women are basically oversized meme cat children, but traps on the other hand are not only a heterosexual alternative but one that could, providing the trap is properly vetted, provide not only physical stimulation but mental stimulation also due to her dual-role as erotic object and intellectual companion. It really is something to think about. Food for thought.

>> No.10353531

Goblin when realistic, handsome when propaganda.

>> No.10353550

you are gay

>> No.10353557

But you're wrong faggot. Nietzsche did not have syphilis.

>> No.10353562

Current consensus is that he had brain cancer like his dad.

The syphilis meme is actually the reinvented bullshit sensationalist story.

>> No.10353563

>forgot* what his solution was though
Why would you even bring it up then?
What a motherfucker.

>> No.10353565

>women are basically oversized meme cat children
mostly, yeah
however I know a single mildly autistic chick who kinda thinks like a man. it's weird and she's pretty edgy too. I think I'd rather mate with an oversizede meme cat child

>> No.10353858


>> No.10353889

The handsome paintings are usually produced after he died, basically from thin air

>> No.10353964
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>heterosexual alternative

>> No.10354013

i have the exact same problem. in highschool, i went to prom with this girl who i had a crush on and when she started kissing me i basically left her on the dance floor. in college, i flirt with girls until it's obvious they want me, at which point i avoid them and never talk to them again.

how do i cure my super autism?

>> No.10354222

but traps are gay

>> No.10354715

nah man, you just arbitrarily decide something is meaningfull and then you run with it.

>> No.10354731

man, there is nothing behind that courtain. Just read some Hegel or Lacan.

>> No.10354794

it's fear of rejection

>> No.10354802

Probably the densest superautist in the thread.

>> No.10354820
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How do free myself from the allure of the female?

>> No.10354929

completely agreed, which is why I emphasized that sex and love in modern society are ultimately different processes that are often seen as interchangeable only because they both sometimes have the connotation of romance applied to them. that and many people have an incorrect definition of love where they think it's an end result in which one person basically owns another to some degree. from what i've read, it seems like true love is more a process in which one person attempts to know another through selfless devotion.

i could also go into detail about how this new incel phenomenon correlates with the whole "cuck" meme but lol maybe not

yes, there are things a hell of a lot more fulfilling than sex in this world. the thing is they are different from person to person.

>> No.10355123
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>detail about how this new incel phenomenon correlates with the whole "cuck" meme
numales are into cuckolding
it's really that simple

>> No.10355471

Enlighten us.

>> No.10355589

>i could also go into detail about ...
Prove it.

>> No.10355653

i think you mean range ban, stupid continental

>> No.10355665

lmfao this is me too

>> No.10356390

wasnt going to but now im drunk lol so here comes pseudo-psychology

basically any men that label themselves incel do so solely to victimize themselves by taking away personal agency and responsibility due to some "greater evil", which can vary from chads to jews etc. it's also my personal belief that relationships now (that is to say, long-term romantic relationships) are much more temporary than they have ever been in the history of the first-world due to modern technology trivializing human contact, combined with the absolutely staggering amount of people that are available now compared to before, leading the general populace to believe that relationships are replaceable accessories and parts of your identity.

how is this correlated with cucking? well there's actually a shit-ton of reasons behind cuckolding being a "big thing" now in itself, but this correlates with cucking because the average modern person's idea of love today is the idea of partially owning another person and how taboo and exciting it is to "give up" that person in front of another. that's just one reason cuckings so huge though, another is the whole GENDER shit where people are basically experimenting with how far we can push human relationships and sexuality in general, and it makes sense for cucking to take the spotlight because to most of human history it's a middle finger to the patriarchy and gender norms and whatever the fuck.

>> No.10356407
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>> No.10356417

The point is that calling Big K involuntarily celibate is wrong, because he was voluntarily celibate. There was no argument on his virginity.

>> No.10356418

They can smell your neuroticism

>> No.10356773

one needs to have some type of internal struggle to innovate or create great works, whether or not that struggle has to do with sex isn't relevant

>> No.10356860

Karl Marx fucked all round him, so no.