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10347968 No.10347968[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Dear Christians, you know that there's life waiting on you after death that is better than anything that could possibly be had here.
The only stipulation is your belief in God, as I understand.
Why aren't you then doing whatever you can to help the needy, after taking care of yourself? You know God would want that, and in the end it's a very small sacrifice for what awaits you. You could easily do more if you wanted to. You have the time. You have the ability. Most people here do barely anything at all.

So what's the deal with this? Help me, Christbros.
Pic unrelated

>> No.10347975

>not /lit/ related
your post is what Christians try to imitate. what response were you looking for?

>> No.10347978

>Dear Christians, you know that there's life waiting on you after death that is better than anything that could possibly be had here
there is no life after death, that is Protestant bullshit
there is only Existence and its various strata
>Why aren't you then doing whatever you can to help the needy, after taking care of yourself? You know God would want that, and in the end it's a very small sacrifice for what awaits you. You could easily do more if you wanted to. You have the time. You have the ability. Most people here do barely anything at all.
charitable acts mean nothing
most are only manifesting narcissism anyways
one must give without thought
it must not be an act but a nature of you
you need to get beyond "good" and "evil" morality

>> No.10347983

God's moral idealism is rather strict isn't it?
He asks us to let homeless people into our homes or be condemned to hell.
You can even be condemned just for not wanting to help homeless people (immoral thoughts).
He also asks to give away all our riches and give to the poor.

I figure I'll just become a monk later in life or something. Plenty of time to be wicked and then ask for forgiveness later.

>> No.10347986

I always wonder why the christians are all trump supporters. Build the wall keep people out, make life miserable for anyone non white non rich.

>> No.10347991

Why are people who have NEVER read the Bible so judgemental and critical of Christians and Christianity. Maybe if you read the book you would know. Its embarrassing that I have to share the same board with illiterate people.

>> No.10348000

christianity is nazbol

>> No.10348019

I grew up in the church and read the Bible in its entirety multiple times. I agree with OP, those acts do not seem Christ-like. Jesus spent time washing the feet of tax collectors and sinners and preached love.

>> No.10348020

>Plenty of time to be wicked and then ask for forgiveness later.
You don't know how much time you have. Could be just a day.

>> No.10348032

>Jesus spent time washing the feet of tax collectors and sinners
Can you provide source on that?

>> No.10348036

Not him but this is pretty basic Bible stuff. Washing people's feet, I mean. Not that my anecdotal post is any argument.

>> No.10348039

>reads the Bible “multiple” times
>misquotes one of the most referenced passages of the gospels

>> No.10348041

Eh i mean i guess technically he only washed his disciples feet, but he spent time with tax collectors and sinners.

>> No.10348042

>Have never read the Bible but knows the basics
Then you have no problem giving me source.

>> No.10348044

>is drunk
>can still type
Calling this one a win

>> No.10348047

So you have read the book multiple times and still get wrong one of the most famous events? Can you give me an overview of Christianity without looking at google?

>> No.10348052

that's Protestants for you
they probably think that Christianity comes from the bible as well

>> No.10348053
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>identity politics
contrary to what you believe, not all atheists are left-wing; not all Christians are right-wing. the reality is that a good majority of Christians are left wing. ditch your ridiculous preconceived notions and then maybe we might have a discussion.

>> No.10348054

Hey cool diversion but we are talking about Christ-like behavior and regardless of whose feet got washed Jesus still wouldnt have condoned being a wall building nationalist cunt.

>> No.10348055

It is a great point. And I’ve called myself a Christian my whole life, but I didn’t actually give my life to God until a few months ago. It was only when I gave my life to God, started studying the Bible daily and letting it change me that I finally started giving my money and time to the homeless.

I definitely didn’t do it before I gave my life to God and acknowledges that everything that I “own” belongs to God. And I’m still not perfect at it, I’ll find myself buying expensive things I don’t really need.

So from my experience let me offer two explanations. “Christians” who don’t desire to follow their God’s commands and give a lot to the poor haven’t truly given their life to God and come to know him. I hope I’m not falling into the “no true Scotsman” fallacy here, but if we are judging a tree by its fruit, then it might be hard to call them genuine believers.

Second, even now that I’ve given my life to God I mess up. I buy expensive things, I talk myself out of giving from my paycheck sometimes. I am still human, I still do the things I don’t want to do sometimes, even though my spirit knows what’s right.

These are my two best reasons, not that they are excuses for why it shouldn’t be done. It should.

>> No.10348059

Have you read the Old Testament... thought so

>> No.10348060

Please stop using Christ for your self-serving political talking points, be they left or right. Thank you.

>> No.10348062

you're in high school, aren't you?

>> No.10348063

Lol yes and you are still refuting nothing. This board is a joke.

>> No.10348067

To refute what, you're the one claiming something without giving a reason for why must be so.

>> No.10348068

Not trying to stir shit, but what do you think about these people? >>10348059 >>10348060
What else do you think about "Christians"?

>> No.10348071

Nah religion is inherently political and the bible prescribes fairly explicitly how to behave, and most modern christians ignore it.

>> No.10348076
File: 21 KB, 500x173, Ilikeyourchrist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has been true for decades

>> No.10348078

I’m not sure what the first poster meant. And about the second one, I agree that the Bible shouldn’t be used to support a political agenda or ideology, but instead you should read the Bible exegesis and allow it to build your political ideology.

My heart goes out to “Christians” because I was one my whole life. Ultimately I just want them to read the Bible they say they love for an hour a day for two months. God’s word is powerful and it will change them.

What do you think of all this?

>> No.10348080

"They that are whole have no need of the physician, but they that are sick: I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

>> No.10348087

How is that supposed to make sense? Just because the people are bad this doesn't negate the source. People can always improve but not the source itself if it is corrupted.

>> No.10348088

It makes no comment on the source, just you shitty christians failing to live by the tenets of the book you supposedly follow. At least mormons follow their rules.

>> No.10348093

>there is no life after death, that is Protestant bullshit
'Life' is the word Jesus gave it. You sound like some kind of gnostic, anyway.

>> No.10348099

What I think of this is that I respect you and I want to hear more from you. I'm incompatible with belief but it (and you) fascinates me.
I'd like to have some kind of a correspondence with you outside 4chan, if you wouldn't mind that as well. I've got some additional questions to ask. But if you wouldn't like to do that, I can just ask you here.

>> No.10348106

If he like it so much he would have converted, especially considered the part where the religion actually has a reason unlike in his. This just a simple fallacy and a lot of people use it as an excuse to say why they are not Christians.

>> No.10348139

is this post intended to be a Crime and Punishment reference?

>> No.10348146

Their earthly lives are just as meaningless as mine, though. The only important thing is to ensure the salvation of as many people as possible.

>> No.10348159

Another great point. So what do you do to achieve that?

>> No.10348185

Gandhi was a racist who molested women. Just so you know.

>> No.10348187

Nobody actually believes in that stuff nowadays.

>> No.10348192

Well, you didn't say "no", so I'm still holding my breath, but here goes my first question:
What do you specifically do that you didn't do before you actually gave your life to God? Similarly, what, if any, "Christian" things have you stopped doing?

>> No.10348195

>unironically believing in some bullshit because it's convenient for you
how stupid and delusional do you have to be?