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10347943 No.10347943[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


"Emily Wilson, the first woman to translate the Odyssey into English opens with the line: “Tell me about a complicated man.” In its matter-of-fact language, it’s worlds different from Fagles’s “Sing to me of the man, Muse,” or Robert Fitzgerald’s 1961 version, “Sing in me, Muse, and through me tell the story / of that man skilled in all ways of contending.” Wilson chose to use plain, relatively contemporary language in part to “invite readers to respond more actively with the text,” she writes in a translator’s note. “Impressive displays of rhetoric and linguistic force are a good way to seem important and invite a particular kind of admiration, but they tend to silence dissent and discourage deeper modes of engagement.”

> “There’s an idea that Homer has to sound heroic and ancient,” Wilson told me, but that idea comes with a value system attached, one that includes “endorsing this very hierarchical kind of society as if that’s what heroism is.” Telling the story in plainer language allows readers to see Odysseus and his society in another light.

Wew lads

>> No.10347951

yes, yes, >complicated man hahahaha >women hahahaha yes, yes, hahahaha, this thread again hahahaha yes, yes

>> No.10347953
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>making a thread about a Vox article
>giving Vox any kind of attention whatsoever
very wew indeed

>> No.10347958

How do you fuck up greentext so bad

>> No.10347960

who gives a shit

>> No.10347979

her translation is actually well worth reading. I've sampled books I, VI and IX and she did a good job. pleasurable to read

>> No.10348002

>roastie translates odyssey
>turns the endeavour into a political screed
How typical. This is yet more proof that education should be withheld from women.

>teaching girls to read

>> No.10348005

>direct linking

>> No.10348007

How come Asia, India, Russia don't have SJWs? Why is it only the most privileged whites?

>> No.10348012

>a person translated a book, now let me decorate that with irrelevant Vox ideological talking points
ok then, do you have something to say about the translation or is this just boring shit nobody cares about?

>> No.10348014


>> No.10348022

Well, China and India have been practicing agriculture for much longer than western and northern Europe, so the hunter gatherer genes were bred out of them more thoroughly.
Russia has SJWs actually, it's just that you don't know of them because they're confined to the Russian language internet, mostly (like the French).

Oh yes, my model is that left-wing politics have an evolutionary origin in the hunter-gatherer mindset, while right-wing politics are a recent innovation from when humans began practising agriculture. Agriculture creates surplus food and specialised labour, which allows for the formation of a stratified society, while hunter-gatherer living is more egalitarian, since typically most men can and do have to hunt and most women can and do have to gather to ensure their subsistence.

As a test of the hypothesis, note that Scandinavia is the most left-leaning region in Europe but also the very last region to adopt agricultural living.

(I'm talking asocial issues only, i.e. left = egalitarian, right = hierarchical.)

>> No.10348027
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>getting heated over a clickbait Vox article

i wish every nu-/pol/ fag would stop posting here. you are shit at posting. go back to lurking only.

>> No.10348077

>not getting it's hyperbole

>> No.10348089

>Russia has SJWs actually, it's just that you don't know of them because they're confined to the Russian language internet, mostly (like the French).
but they are /fit/ and show their titties in russia, it's very different

>> No.10348095

>tell me about a complicated man
Sounds like the beginning of a romantic novel.

>> No.10348096
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>tfw can't even tell anymore

>> No.10348117


>> No.10348156

>“There’s an idea that Homer has to sound heroic and ancient,
Yes, because that's what Homer is, you cunt.

>> No.10348168
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>that idea comes with a value system attached, one that includes “endorsing this very hierarchical kind of society as if that’s what heroism is.” Telling the story in plainer language allows readers to see Odysseus and his society in another light.

I can only get so mad.

>> No.10348173

Why do you care?

>> No.10348174

East Asia has a fuckton of SJWs especially in South Korea.

>> No.10348176
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>> No.10348188

Because when people like the author try to "redefine heroism" it's the reason why people think they're heroic for shoving a dildo up their ass in public

>> No.10348189

Fuck you.

>> No.10348190

What the mother fuck are you talking about?

Post pics of your boipussi and we'll take it from there.

>> No.10348200

Obviously meant for >>10348189

>> No.10348204

Fuck you.

>> No.10348206

Which reply is meant for whom?

>> No.10348209

who is responding who now? is this you?

>> No.10348211

Tell us more about your theory anon, how did you come to this conclusion? Has some author discussed this idea before?

>> No.10348227

Is it you John Wayne? Is it me?

>> No.10348230

This is one of the most retarded things I have ever read.

>> No.10348240
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>Has some author discussed this idea before?
A notable, more recent book is Cristopher Boehm's "Hierarchy in the Forest: The Evolution of Egalitarian Behaviour".

I will take that as a compliment, given how it's coming from an obvious pseud.

>> No.10348244

>hunter gatherer genes

M9-1, you're bafflingly stupid, don't understand how genes work and need to shut the fuck up.

>> No.10348246
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nice pet theory, but that doesn't explain why the swedes were huge into eugenics between 1934 and 1975

i prefer the theory that says that swedes are like a more autistic version of germans, and that when they try to follow any social theory they can't do it like reasonable people and improvise along the way, instead they go into autistic overdrive and crank it up to 150%, that also makes them a society highly based on consensus, where everybody follows everybody else and tries not to stand out too much, so as soon as the tide turns right wing when the egalitarian shit fails they will probably go crazy and start murdering people like autistic retards instead of trying more reasonable measures

>> No.10348249

Eugenics used to be a progressive, left wing idea; it was pushed heavily in Britain by Shaw and the Fabian Society.

>> No.10348251

And the Democrats founded a certain Klan

>> No.10348253

America is the worst cancer. You fuck up everything.

>> No.10348255

> that doesn't explain why the swedes were huge into eugenics between 1934 and 1975
Sure it does. Egalitarian types are also highly conformist, with a homogenisation impulse. The Swedes did not have an eugenics program to increase the hierarchisation of their society, but to minimise it. You seem to be very poorly informed about the actual history of eugenics and the way in which it was practised. Linking it with right-wing politics is an anachronism. Before WW2 the whole political spectrum was pro-eugenics, what differed was the end goal.
Right-eugenics = the creation of a superior form of human; left-eugenics = elimination of disparity in ability between different members of society.
So the left was much more focused on, for example, sterilising retards, while completely ignoring trying to "breed" people for "higher" traits, like for example the Germans did in the National Socialist era.

You're so out of your dept it's not even funny.
Fuck off.

>> No.10348257


>> No.10348259
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What a mess. Anyways, to the guy I originally said >Fuck you. to, if you're reading this, fuck you. I really mean it. Man oh man. I come back from my shit day to this shit board and I see a fucking Vox article thread about some harpy's apparently Marxist-inspired translation of the Odyssey. Just fucking kill me.
>gurg problematic hierarchical value systems1
Fucking fuck you, hemorrhoid licking twat. I'm watching the few things I like get raped by these faggots. Rolls out value system as a buzz word. She does this for no reason. She has a value system too obviously. There's no reason, just rhetoric. "Look, I'm fighting something!"
> endorsing this very hierarchical kind of society, as if that's what heroism is.
> “Impressive displays of rhetoric and linguistic force are a good way to seem important and invite a particular kind of admiration, but they tend to silence dissent and discourage deeper modes of engagement.”
Translation: I wrote at a 9th grade level because I want as many people as possible to buy my FIRST WOMAN'Stm (she isn't even, by the way) translation, so I made it real fuckin' easy to comprehend, and to cover my tracks I tacked on some vapid shit about how all the evil oppressive men who came before wrote in a manner trying to do the original Greek justice just to "silence dissent" and "discourage deeper modes of engagement." What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.10348260

That's retarded dude. Denmark didn't have any trace of welfare until the mid-twenties, and that only happened through a complicated political struggle lasting until this very day. How does your theory explain the fact that all Scandinavian countries (except Finland and Iceland) are constitutional monarchies?

>> No.10348261


Mate, you're talking as if the only thing that defines a man are his genes, you're a fucking loon, fuck off.

>> No.10348263

I'll explain to you for him: jgshjghsjjjjkahkmmmhgg fucking liberals.

>> No.10348268

I can tell you have never read a population genetics textbook in your life. Can you fucking stop posting already, moron?
You're clutching at straws. A social phenomenon like 'Jante's law' is far more relevant to this theory than the fact that Denmark is a constitutional monarchy (which affects the social life and inclinations of the average Dane pretty much not at all.)

>> No.10348271

I like you. I can feel your rage off the screen. Say more , I enjoy hating this woman very much.

>> No.10348272

>population genetics textbook

Autism is a terrible disease kids, abortion is always an option

>> No.10348284

I have no idea what you meant because you're rambling and incoherent. Maybe find something better to do with your life than raging over a clickbait article?

>> No.10348285

Being a monarchy means that statehood is bound to the nation, which is inherited by the sovergein. In a republic the ideal goes before the concreteness of the nation. It makes quite the difference.

If you want to discuss Jantes law, you have to understand that it is not a tool of egalitarianism, but rather a mechanism of social control

>> No.10348288

You have no idea how modern European monarchies work do you?

>> No.10348289
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>all these screeching, triggered brainlets upset that someone dares to bring biology into the picture
I had forgotten that /lit/ rivals /pol/ in the amount of lunacy espoused by the average poster. I wonder how many pseuds here are flat-earthers.

>> No.10348291


>> No.10348293

I live in one

>> No.10348296

>if you don't agree with my hyperadvanced form of autism you're stupid

OK Ignatius, we get it, you found your little niche and now need to show your powerlevel to everyone. Stop.

>> No.10348297

>You have no idea how modern European monarchies work do you?
Or much of anything, really. He's probably some 'tarded Lacan fanboy.

>> No.10348299 [DELETED] 
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>Not having SJW

Boy you're in for a treat.


>> No.10348302
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I hope your house burns down.

>> No.10348305

He's definitely a tard. Imagine trying to explain the political system of a country through genes. He probably tries to slip his genetics assburgers in conversation IRL too

>> No.10348307

Rude. You need to get that rage under control tho.

>> No.10348308

>oh shit, someone is not a dilettante, time to attack him and cut him down to our size
This is very typical egalitarian behaviour. A broader colloquialism is "crab bucket mentality".

>> No.10348317

You quoted the wrong post. And I did not attempt to explain the political system of any country by appealing to genetics, but its social dynamics (with political orientation downstream fo that).
Maybe you should take some reading comprehension classes? Remedial English or some shit?

>> No.10348318

This stopped being funny for me 1 post ago. Have a last (You) for the effort.

>> No.10348324

Good for you. Unfortunately for me you're too stupid and uneducated for our interaction to have ever been amusing.

>> No.10348329

*dibs bedora XDXD*

>> No.10348332

It's probably a woman.

>> No.10348335


>> No.10348343
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>SJW free


>> No.10348351
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V*x had an article months ago featuring another woman scholar. That time it was about her call to put pictures up next to Greco-Roman statues that show their original colors. I was onboard. Then she went into how the whiteness of those rocks "whitewashed" the Romans. The androgynous man interviewing her asked if she thought the statues had corrupted our beauty standards. Then, out of nowhere, she swerved into another lane and started calling Western Civ a "cultural construct" with the implication that its a meme of some kind.

That made me much angrier than this.

>> No.10348357
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Can you repeat that in non-Bible-thumper please?

India also has well over a billion people.

>> No.10348360
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This is probably the anglos angloposting evr.
>Meme darwinism
>Petersonesque left/right categories

Pic related

>> No.10348378
File: 81 KB, 500x301, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brainlet claims standard population genetics and anthropology from a Harvard professor is "meme Darwinism"
>brainlet thinks I am somehow a Petersontard even though I can't stand the man and the legion of /v/irginal /pol/lution his popularity has drenched the internet in (including this board)
>the brainlet is under the impression that Peterson invented a standard sociological category system for social structures
>the brainlet is under the impression that I am an utilitarian when I actually subscribe to virtue ethics, not realising that one can find useful information in a work even when not fully agreeing with it
Thank you for once again proving just how much of a pseud you are, 'tard.
Now can you please stop polluting the board with your imbecility?

>> No.10348379
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Yeah go on, explain how India actually is to a Pajeet . Regardless of that , it applies to all . The "sjw"(bourgeoisie left) infestation recides where it actually matter ,i.e entertainment , academia , "free market" and infotainment .

The worst part of our "sjw" is that it's a culture of globalization , hence is extremely ignorant of their own culture . Now with Facebook at their arms reach , they are going around copy pasting every other liberal left meme they could find from the anglosphere that don't even makes sense in our cultural context .

>> No.10348381

Are you seriously going to claim that, proportionally, SJWism is as prevalent in India as it is in Europe or North America? Is this out of desperation to appear more western or what? Once again, India has well over a billion people. That you can find some members of a political fringe among some of its urbanites is not surprising.

>> No.10348391
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>Thank you for once again proving just how much of a pseud you are, 'tard'.

I am not even trying to prove or disprove myself otherwise tho , as that's not even the point here , so I wonder why you'd bring that up ? >:-)

It's not like you made an argument to begin with.While being empirically wrong.
>Muh Harvard
>Aaa...Accc... Actually I hate Peterson , also it's not the category exclusive to him.
>Aaaaa...Accc....Actually I subscribe to virtue ethics in my private life, while giving an utilitarian take for which i got called out for.

Now STFU goofy.

>> No.10348395

>I am not even trying to prove or disprove myself otherwise tho
I never claimed you're doing it intentionally. Stupid people tend to give themselves away whether they intend to or not.

>> No.10348402
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I can tell about Europe or America , my exposure to your contemporary state is not first hand . But here it's pretty much saturated culturally, a part of it is indeed to appear more "western"(American pop corn culture) , they even infiltrated among the deep seated secreterian dispute we had , making it worse . This shit really blew up with the democratization of fast internet here. Same could be said for "right" wing here ,neolibs who pretends to hate muzzies for not being liberal enough .

>> No.10348417

You're avoiding the question.

Does the majority of the Indian population consist of feminists or people who broadly agree with feminist ideals, like it is the case in much of northern Europe, or is it mostly a thing among urbanites? You're giving conflicting info, in one post claiming it's a "bourgeoisie" thing while now saying it "saturates the culture".
Which is it? Does the average guy in, say, Punjab or Telangala, give a shit about this like the average guy in Minnesota or Vermont does?

>> No.10348478
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My intent isn't to evade rather to try my best to illustrate the condition and context to you , but I can see where you are coming from and I don't blame you.

Getting back to the point, my answer remains the same , it resides where it matters the most . Now do we all "identifies" as feminist, is a redundant question even if we are talking about west. But is the "feminist ideals" prevelent and saturated culturally ?? YES, the state itself has been pushing it for decades now , only to be taken up by the culture industry and making a cash cow out of it , now the thing about India is that our state isn't as all encompassing as the western ones , the state fails to reach certain places indeed,but that doesn't stop the culture industry from reaching it .

In regards to Punjab and telengana , the question u pose is a loded one , both especially Punjab is pretty saturated with what we call sjw here.

Pic related is one such examples of this pervasive nature .

>> No.10348495

>Impressive displays of rhetoric and linguistic force are a good way to seem important and invite a particular kind of admiration, but they tend to silence dissent...
Wait. So when it is shit it is easier to critizise it? What have we come to?
Inb4 at least it's logically consistent.

>> No.10348497


>ugh I really need a break from these dating apps
>these women are making me hate women
>as if I need more reasons to hate women
>wonder what /lit/ is up t-

>> No.10348498

This is the only consideration of any importance. I know it is fun to rile up the hornets nets of crypto-pole and the paranoiac leftists who see crypto-pole behind every post but really who gives a shot about some retard journalists liberation narrative. Did she do a good job or not is the only important question if you are a persyn of taste. I am not a person of taste so I leave with this remark: Fuck this SJw new male soy boy Jewish bug man cuckolded white genocide Mexican abortion cultural Marxism! I subscribe to a vaguely older iteration of liberalism!

>> No.10348511



>> No.10348517

>Pic related is one such examples of this pervasive nature .
You'll have to hold my hand through that one.
> Now do we all "identifies" as feminist, is a redundant question even if we are talking about west.
This is just not true.
>it resides where it matters the most
Nor is this, but seeing how you believe man is a tabula rasa, I can see why you'd (wrongly) think that.

(I will take your continued evasiveness as a "no, SJWism is nowhere near as prevalent, proportionally, in India as it is in Europe or North America". Of course, this much was obvious when you pointed out that
>[Indian SJWs] are going around copy pasting every other liberal left meme they could find from the anglosphere

>> No.10348519
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it's always fun seeing euro-sjws and other third world sjws copy/pasting racial dynamics analysis from the US when it usually makes no sense in their own countries, at least put some effort and develop something that fits your country

>> No.10348531

>euro-sjws copy/pasting racial dynamics analysis from the US
How? The chief SJW concerns in Europe revolve around Muslims and the feminist cluster of issues, which are "indigenous" problems. The US has imported far more leftist memes from Europe in recent decades than the other way around, excluding the racially focused stuff (for obvious reasons).

>> No.10348533


I'm a Nazi now. We need to euthanise the mentally challenged.

>> No.10348578

>Mate, you're talking as if the only thing that defines a man are his genes, you're a fucking loon, fuck off.

love how egalitarian goofs always take any mention of genes to heart

>> No.10348634

This. 3rd worlder here, cosmopolitan liberals here actually followed Trump vs. Hillary here more than the local elections, and proceeded to apply the same paradigm for our context. That they just copy-paste and regurgitate a template from the US of all places just shows the absolute lack of creativity they have.

I think all Pajeet's trying to say is that the phenomenon of SJWs have diffused to his country through globalization, and while it's not as pervasive proportionally as it is in the West (i.e. it doesn't dominate mass culture), it is there in the places you'd expect to see it in the West, like education, entertainment and other liberal enclaves. This is what he meant by "where it matters".

>> No.10348716

No, I think he's a blank slate believer who thinks this was a top-down imposition by western states upon their citizenry (which is plainly untrue, although it might be true in India since there it is a foreign importation). That's why he was screeching so hard at the mention of biology/genetics. (Unless that was someone else.)
He denies that anyone can be naturally predisposed to certain ways of thinking about things and that consequently some populations tend towards different kinds of social dynamics.

>> No.10348728

what a dumb slut

>> No.10348731

Liberal "Liberty" :)))

Ruining art since it's creation.

But I'll be denounced as a "poltard" because that's apparently the only grasp you lefties on this board have of defensive measure.

The Jews have won.

>> No.10348732
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You r misunderstanding me fundamentally , I don't presuppose a tabula rasa , the whole dichotomy is rather misguided . Rather my concern lies with the cultural logic,it's categories , "ideology" etc . .... A lot of this misunderstanding is you being rather unfamiliar and fixated on certain context.

This. They even threw tantrum over a fairness cream being "racist" , even though fairness or the lack of it is generally a preference based on aesthetic (like height or weight) than genes .

This pajeet gets it , also modi took the full advantage of this pathetic Trump vs Hillary hysteria ,while launching the demonetization lmao.

However you are falling short you aren't going further . It's not just matter of "copy/paste" or lack of creativity, rather of desolation . The SJW are just symptomatic of this I'm.

>> No.10348740

>If you want to discuss Jantes law, you have to understand that it is not a tool of egalitarianism, but rather a mechanism of social control
Use any loaded Foucauldian term you like, but it doesn't reduce anything from the argument, because we've only had anything of the like in Northwestern Europe. You don't install egalitarian thoughts into Arabs neither by shipping them here nor by taking the neocon route, for they aren't blind to group competition by their--naturally selected--nature.

>> No.10348744

(((the most privileged whites)))

>> No.10348748

Indian men are literally raping women in the street and tearing their intestines out. Radical feminism is actually justified there

>> No.10348758

>Rather my concern lies with the cultural logic,it's categories , "ideology" etc
Meaning? This is just hand-waving. Be specific.

>> No.10348764

Gr8 b8 m8, also none of this is radical feminism.

>> No.10348770

>also modi took the full advantage of this pathetic Trump vs Hillary hysteria ,while launching the demonetization lmao.
your average 'guju' doesn't really give a shit about Trump/Hillary. It's only the 'hip' college students or your relative who's on facebook all the time that were actually interested in talking about them or SJWs. But even then, it's just gossip for them.

tell me about it, i live in the most 'urban' part of the city and even then I'm not allowed to go out of my house after 5 in the evening without my father. It's pathetic. Our culture and education is in a terrible state.

>> No.10348794

>your average 'guju' doesn't really give a shit about Trump/Hillary.


Where are you from tho ??

>> No.10348803


>> No.10348814

Is there anything to anti women threads or is it just self referential shit posting?

>> No.10348819
File: 87 KB, 850x400, quote-the-white-race-is-the-cancer-of-human-history-it-is-the-white-race-and-it-aloneits-ideologies-susan-sontag-108-49-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woman writes the millionth translation of Homer into English creating more unecessary resource dumps into our oceans and atmosphere, and it's not even a good translation.

>> No.10348841


>> No.10348844

>white race
>not christianity

>> No.10348972
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My man, you have some serious reading to do on evolution and primates. We default on hierarchy. I'll agree that mass acceptance of certain abstractions like ethical ideals most definitely show a line of progress in intellectual evolution, in which case right-wing ideals can be held as evolutionary progress. However, how do you account for Marxism in the first place when it was motivated directly by the existence of a hierarchy?

>> No.10348983

They do. Often a lot more, this is just USA media shit. Doesn't even reflect USA itself, let alone western countries in general.

>> No.10348988

oh yeah, sure

>> No.10349029

Piss off.
Have you been living under a rock?

>> No.10349056

This. That guy is an idiot. Genes don't mean shit. Culture shapes us

>> No.10349069

Ebonics translation of the Odyssey when?

>> No.10349073

Biology is literally a pseudo science.

>> No.10349084

You need to go back to /pol/. Your right-wing shit doesn't fly here.

>> No.10349096

Terrifying, ain't it?

>> No.10349103

I hope you get punched, nazi bitch.

>> No.10349124

I read some of it the other day and it's absolutely terrible.

>> No.10349145

are pajets /ourguys/?

>> No.10349181

Because they don't have a significant Jewish population. Eastern Europe doesn't have SJWs because they either got rid of their Jews or Hitler did it for them.

>> No.10349211

There are less Jews in Europe than ever before

>> No.10349216

at least

>> No.10349231

we wuz achaeans n shiet

>> No.10349234

There is nothing right-wing about anything I said.

>> No.10349251

Maybe bongs will do it in Pidgin

>> No.10349298

>woman does thing

>> No.10349371

>mechanisms of social control is made up by Foucault!

Lol how many levels of autism are you on captain retard?

>> No.10349380

Seemed like an arbitrary word to throw in there

>> No.10349417

if this is due to the jewish virus, how come the israel homeland is not infected with the SJW stuff?

>> No.10349437

Seriously though, "polutropos" -> "complicated" is borderline insane.

>> No.10349440

Viruses don't infect themselves

>> No.10349458

I was questioning a straight causation between the number of Jews and "degeneracy"

>> No.10349468

They do, they just have less relevance because the middle class is smaller and thus less likely to agitate about identitarianisnlm

>> No.10350953
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I wish i could see your face when you find out she translated Seneca.
Also heres how she starts the translation.

Tell me about a complicated man.
Muse, tell me how he wandered and was lost
when he had wrecked the holy town of Troy,
and where he went, and who he met, the pain
he suffered in the storms at sea, and how
he worked to save his life and bring his men
back home. He failed to keep them safe; poor fools,
they ate the Sun God’s cattle, and the god
kept them from home. Now goddess, child of Zeus,
tell the old story for our modern times.
Find the beginning.

>> No.10350990

She's kind of a milf.

>> No.10351002
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>> No.10351031

>“There’s an idea that Homer has to sound heroic and ancient,” Wilson told me, but that idea comes with a value system attached, one that includes “endorsing this very hierarchical kind of society as if that’s what heroism is.”
But isn't that the societal context of the poem? Shouldn't you translate it to accurately reflect its context? How is that "endorsing" anything?

>> No.10351039

Sounds dumbed down af, and devoid of heroism. She also completely omits the line about the recklessness of the crew.
>Find the beginning
Da fuck?

>> No.10351092

>who thinks this was a top-down imposition by western states upon their citizenry (which is plainly untrue

Depends on what the meaning of 'this' is.

In the case of Trump's election, yeah, plainly untrue.

In the case of a lot of other stuff, 'plainly untrue' is plainly untrue.

>> No.10351111

Oh, I'm sure Sontag hated Christians as much as you do, my Jewish friend.

>> No.10351169

It is an inaccurate translation made with a heavy hand of personal ideology that dictates her choice in words. Wilson purposely neuters the language of Homer in favor of interpolating or expurgating emphasis to create her own personal narrative that changes the whole of the poem. It is dishonest and manipulative, a translation attempt like the ones in the Hellenistic age that tried to bend the poem of Homer to their own will, but ended up discarding all of Homer's nuances in favor for a cleaner story that linguistically sounds inferior.

>> No.10351206

you've hit the nail on the head. this is the long and short of it.

people will complain that other translations do this as well, but they don't do it for cheap political ends. Instead, they do it for an aesthetic that the bulk of aesthetes don't end up agreeing with.

Pretty big difference imo

>> No.10351448
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"Wilson's approach has been to translate the text in a way that resonates with today's politics. Her translation, spare and provocative, will engage a new generation of students." Times Literary Supplement


"First, what was the value of ancient Greek and Roman literature, if any, in the wake of contemporary scientific and philosophical advances?"
She is a Professor of classical lit and see questions the value of it a week before her tranlation was Published

"I believe that in important ways, my version of the poem is more faithful than the dozens of earlier English translations by men."
"But the poem also provides glimpses of alternative perspectives. Helen, the adulterous wife whose affair with Paris sparked the Trojan War, is a surprisingly well-rounded and likable character"

"Translators interpret a poem’s depiction of gender — or any other concept — in light of their own presuppositions. For example, Robert Fagles’ still top-selling version of The Odyssey, was praised by Garry Wills in the New Yorker when it came out in 1996 for being “politically correct” and for its “sympathetic” treatment of female characters."

The articule is bit of a glimpse into here own mind. I not sure if she dislikes the source material or if you enjoys translating.

>> No.10351511
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I hope Bloom doesn't find out about this, I don't want him to have a heart attack.

>> No.10351520

when a civilization peaks, it then falls

>> No.10351532
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This review is a bit more how I feel.


>> No.10351590

>For example, Robert Fagles’ still top-selling version of The Odyssey, was praised by Garry Wills in the New Yorker when it came out in 1996 for being “politically correct” and for its “sympathetic” treatment of female characters."
Welp, time for me to throw my Fagle copies of Homer into the fireplace, and acquire Lattimore or Fitzgerald translations.

>> No.10351614

Show bob open pusi i give nice love

>> No.10351622

>Robert Fagles’ still top-selling version of The Odyssey, was praised by Garry Wills in the New Yorker when it came out in 1996 for being “politically correct” and for its “sympathetic” treatment of female characters

OK so faggles is out

Which one now. I can't have pussies cutting out the good stuff.

>> No.10351625
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Feminism was a mistake.

>> No.10351644

>all this brainlets bitching about translations but can't be bothered to learn Ancient Greek not to rely on others' voices

>> No.10351646

Mono-cultures, though saying Japan or Korea doesn't have any is inaccurate.
They have actual terrorism problems.
Authoritarian government suppresses things it doesn't like, they have SJW's it's just much much more dangerous to be one.

>> No.10351667

Israelis do have SJW stuff, from what I've observed. There are a lot of homos there and I know there are even, believe it or not, some Israelis that support a two-state solution.

However, it's questionable why they would encourage degeneracy in our countries because they are dependent on the US so much for aid. I would presume they want stability in our countries so they can continue to get consistent aid.

I don't like Jews for the same reason I don't like PoC and Muslims, but I have a hard time accepting that Israelis are actively involved with engineering the refugee crisis. Their existence is reliant on Western support.

>> No.10351671

>Jews and Judaism
>Whites and Christianity
>Middle Easterners and Muslims
Is there a greater assembly of subhumans than the Judaeo-Christians?

>> No.10351674

Pope's translation is praised, although the Augustan heroic couplets put some off. Personally I love it. Alexander Pope is one of England's most patrician poets.

>> No.10351703

first thing I've read in a while that had me spitting on my screen. thanks OP

>> No.10351864

I hate women

>> No.10351910

What makes an animal a human and not a cat?

>> No.10351927

>Oh yes, my model is that left-wing politics have an evolutionary origin in the hunter-gatherer mindset, while right-wing politics are a recent innovation from when humans began practising agriculture. Agriculture creates surplus food and specialised labour, which allows for the formation of a stratified society, while hunter-gatherer living is more egalitarian, since typically most men can and do have to hunt and most women can and do have to gather to ensure their subsistence.
Not true, as the earliest agriculturalists deified females and had matriarchal religion. Not unusual for high status females to keep harems. In a lot of ways, more like early capitalism.

Pastoral cultures on the other hand, invented war, created warrior caste dominated by violence.

>> No.10352058

Unironically this

>> No.10352120

do you seriously believe pastoralists are the same thing as hunter-gatherers, lmao

>> No.10352129

um, sweetie, animal husbandry is agriculture too

>> No.10352135


>> No.10352137

>muh evolution
Fuck off back to plebbit with your pseud bullshit.

>> No.10352143

*tips rosary*

>> No.10352152

What makes a human a liberal and not a conservative?

>> No.10352159

Catholics believe in that bullshit, so no try again.

>> No.10352161

Bipedalism and lack of feathers

>> No.10352168

No. But "agriculturalists" in population genetics refer to neolithic farming communities.
Yes, but nomadic pastoralists != sedentary farmers.

>> No.10352172

Surely there would be a practical limit to the genetic potential of the super human which will result in the end of ability disparity.

In the end it doesn't matter because super human AI will supersede humanity.

>> No.10352214

Doesn't Odysseus stay in Africa for a while or am I thinking of Aeneas?

>> No.10352267

Aeneas; he's the one who hangs out with Dido in Carthage.

>> No.10352317

Jesus Christ.

>> No.10352328

"First, what was the value of ancient Greek and Roman literature, if any, in the wake of contemporary scientific and philosophical advances?"
I'm done.

>> No.10352461

I don't know how things actually are in India (thanks for the subthread) but I can tell you that Indian expatriates in the West are disproportionately chip-on-the-shoulder SJW agitators. They're also particularly prominent in the (admittedly fairly small) explicit Open Borders movement.

>> No.10352466

>This pajeet gets it , also modi took the full advantage of this pathetic Trump vs Hillary hysteria ,while launching the demonetization lmao.
Yeah wtf, I don't understand how banning cash could be less of a big deal than a foreign election but that's definitely the impression I got.

>> No.10352538

>woman does thing
More like
>woman does really stupid thing

>> No.10352568

>woman does really stupid thing
>is praised for it for political reasons

>> No.10352575

Well the Odyssey was written by a man from a culture that would have no way to be aware of Africa (baltic-scandinavian) so that would be the Aeneid.

>> No.10352578

>I'm stupid whithout even getting spiritual guidance in return

>> No.10352586


>> No.10352587


That nose looks awfully suspicious.

>> No.10352717

My blood is boiling.

>> No.10352728
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>Homer was baltic-scandinavian

>> No.10352732

>the earliest agriculturalists deified females and had matriarchal religion. Not unusual for high status females to keep harems. In a lot of ways, more like early capitalism.
This is fantasy. Read less feminist drivel.

>> No.10352743

You need to read less Gimbutas. Her conception of early European farmers is almost entirely made up. She did happen to get some details about the invading pastoralists right, however. But even broken clocks are right twice a day, so...

>> No.10352762

Hold on, what?

>> No.10352767


>> No.10352773
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>First, what was the value of ancient Greek and Roman literature, if any, in the wake of contemporary scientific and philosophical advances?"
>She is a Professor of classical lit

>> No.10352784

I primarily got this from Eliade Tbh

>> No.10352789

>they don't know that Troy (actually Toija) is in Finland
>they don't know that the Odyseey takes places in Norway and the Faroe Islands

>> No.10352805


"Look, I hate meme man the most! You love meme man, tee hee!"
"No! I hate meme man! Meme man is shit because meme boards!"
Fucking cringe.




Muslims are Europe's black people. There is nothing indigenous about them. Our socialists needed a sort of saccharine minority figure to put in their propaganda and to let them militate against muh nasties, so they chose the darkest people on hand.
They need original sin, so New Imperialism becomes transatlantic slavery. They don't understand that the social dynamics of America are as much a result of proximity as anything else - they only consume American cultural content and use it to define themselves, they didn't actually come out of that context, they lack the implicit understanding of American society that comes with having been raised in that society.
I expect they think they understand it, but all they have to go on is tacky HBO shows and cheap films. They think they are facing up to a reality nobody will accept rather than actively and aggressively forcing the spectacle into every nook and cranny it had not already filtered down into.
Not that any of this matters, since I'm fairly sure you're a little murk with no real interest, all you'll do is say 'nuh uh dis yoowup fawt you gib us da weftis,' something about cucks and then continue to chew the cud like the dopey ruminant animal you probably are.

>> No.10352886


>> No.10352899

Dark times, friend. Dark times.

>> No.10352904

So does anyone have any samples of the translation or is this just a circle jerk?

>> No.10352907

He was wrong. (Never read him, but if that is what he's saying on this point, it's simply untrue.)

>> No.10352911
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>> No.10352912


>> No.10352916

What a dumb 'murrican. Shit pose. Recuse yourself from /lit/ for at least a week please.

>> No.10352920


Go ahead and tell me where you're from.

>> No.10353497

Is he though? I thought the principal feature of cereal and plant-based cultures was a belief that the seed of the plant is born of the body of a primordial woman or "mother" figure.

>> No.10353511

Wrong about the association of "matriarchal" (more accurately fertility goddess focused) religions with egalitarian social structures (if Eliade ever claimed such a relation, which that anon/you seem(s) to imply; like I said, I never read Eliade, I initially though he was using Gimbutas as a source).

>> No.10353520

This I did not, but western-european (and middle-eastern for that matter) is not necessarily egalitarian but matriarchal, an inverse pyramid were "soil" is on top rather than "the sky" as it would be in the nomadic pastoral model.

>> No.10353698

Russia does have SJWs. I've seen the cringe compilation evidence.

>> No.10353701
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>the earliest agriculturalists deified females and had matriarchal religion
deified females and matriarchal religion doesn't mean that actual women had any executive power

>Pastoral cultures on the other hand, invented war, created warrior caste dominated by violence.
there's plenty of warrior cultures derived from the indoeuropeans where the power of the king (god) emanates from the queen (goddess, shakti), so that if the queen dies she has to be replaced fast so he doesn't lose the power, still exists in some small country in asia, forgot the name, sorry

doesn't mean that the queen as a human actually has any real world power

>> No.10353714

[citation highly needed]
I can think of only a handful of matriarchal agricultural societies and they were fucking shit and died out, t b h

>> No.10353734

Well yes, they were all conquered and died out by the end of the stone age or bronze age at the very latest, in so far as they can even be said to have existed.
Well that is a more sophisticated era of religion, occuring in the bronze age. Of course the idea is that this is a pseudomorphosis that occurs when the "farmer" meets the "pastoralist", whether by conquest or not.

But of course, as we are speaking about very primitive society, it is to a large extent speculative, though I would argue that we can see traits of this in most if not all of the complex religions of the world, even those "appearing" patriarchal such as Islam.

>> No.10353872
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>Schools and colleges are going to use this version until people no longer know that unpozzed translations exist.

>> No.10354298

it's probably ironic

>> No.10354305

>Using the term SJWs unironically
Also, what is Pussy Riot

>> No.10354334

>who gives a shot
I agree but I think you should get a better leash on your language, this is a family friendly board

>probably the anglos angloposting!
>posts 56% amerimutt

Leftists should be gulaged and rightists dropped from apaches

I can tell you browse r/tumblrinaction because of how you use the phrase Radical Feminism.

>> No.10354362

If you're brazilian it's just that a lot of the municipal elections felt a lot like a rich non-politician vs a moderate liberal pretending to be social-democrat

>> No.10354386
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>> No.10354401

This could be satire, I think that's what seperates it from /pol/bait, genuinely funny

>> No.10354422

Except at no point the other guy claimed those societies were egalitarian.

>> No.10354534

Any mention on sirens? Do they become heroes trying to stop these cis olive males?

>> No.10354582

Pretty sure South Korea has radical feminists.

>> No.10354762
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>> No.10354828

>reading translations
>being told what is being read instead of just reading it
I'm sure hoping you guys don't do that.

>> No.10354845

That gilf can translate my dick anytime she wants.

>> No.10355018

>Not unusual for high status females to keep harems.

Complete nonsense.

>In the anthropological record, about 0.3 percent of human societies have polyandry. And those societies don’t have lots of polyandry. They have a nontrivial proportion of polyandry. The elite males in those societies are still often polygynous and there’s lots of monogamous marriage.

>> No.10355284

It looks to be a bad translation, taking the heroic and epic qualities out of a heroic epic.

That the translator in question is a woman is meaningless. Also consider that the translation of Don Quixote that is most frequently recommended on /lit/ is Edith Grossman's before you lable /lit/ as reactionary and sexist.

>> No.10355321

TL;DR: she did a shit job at it.

>> No.10355358
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They do, but they don't exclusively scream about identity because there are real class struggles that need to be fought for like workers rights, housing, sanitation, public health etc..

>> No.10355360


>> No.10355401

>This could be satire

>> No.10355412

Sure he did. It's implicit in his claim that "matriarchal" neolithic farmer societies "disprove" the hypothesis that farming allowed for the created more stratified/hierarchical societal structures due to labour specialisation.

>> No.10355418

Stop samefagging and learn to read.

>> No.10355420


>> No.10355432


>> No.10355510

At what point does it stop becoming translating and become reinterpreting?

>> No.10355525

That would be an understatement for what she did.

>> No.10355541

When someone translates it, it's a translation.
When an anglo/american translates it, it's a butchering.

>> No.10355618

On the topic of translations, I know next to nothing about them and have the Penguin Classics Rieu translations of The Odyssey and The Illiad. Would these be fine for my first readings or should I grab something else?

>> No.10355650

>tfw to intellegent for good prose

>> No.10355660

enough with this shit, youre worse than the peterson trolls at this point

>> No.10355820

The real question is how does this abomination pass through all the filters to be published and even taken seriously? How is she even qualified to hold the position of a professor? For this to happen, there has to be an active force behind it, to dismiss such a logic-defying event as an accident seems lazy and unrealistic.

>> No.10355824

I'm sorry?

>> No.10355833

>how does this abomination pass through all the filters to be published and even taken seriously?
Classics has been almost entirely co-opted by loons, that's how.

>> No.10356134
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>woman translates something
>turns it into a political screed
>this provokes anon into wanting women to never be allowed education again, as though that could possibly be implemented in any kind of realistic way.

I can honestly say your momma fucked up

>> No.10356220

No no no no NO NO NO NO NOOO

>> No.10356368
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Really makes you think.

>> No.10356389

My undergrad Classics professor was a pretty conservative guy, so I got the impression his colleagues were a bit like that too.

I have never been so wrong.

>> No.10356552

emily pls leave

>> No.10356562

>reddit spacing

>> No.10356727

EVERYTHING has been almost entirely co-opted by loons, that's the problem. It's not just Classics; it's all the Humanities.

>> No.10356737

It's an American thing.

>woman does thing
>turns it political
>anons rage
>she becomes famous in the ensuing controversy

Stop sperging and giving them attention you fucks.

>> No.10356925

How long before this is the translation they use in universities?

>> No.10356994

Plans are in motion.

>> No.10357019

>It's an American thing.
lol nice try, yuropeon.

>> No.10357027
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>> No.10357032

America started it and it spread over here.

>> No.10357242

murder and cannibalism were mistakes n shit
As if a matriarchy isn't still a hierarchy.

>> No.10357789

sorry about the basic question but I don't want to start a new thread:
which translation do you prefer for The Iliad? I'm going for readability