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1034710 No.1034710 [Reply] [Original]

Heaven or Hell: LET'S ROCK, /LIT/!

>> No.1034719



>> No.1034723

3/10. I used to like pseudo-religious fiction, but lately the market's been suffused with HURR DURR KNIGHTS TEMPLAR AND DA CHURCH DID IT. Might read it if it actually had to do with /lit/

>> No.1034737


It would be 2, but I might read it solely for Captain Ahab ramming the Escape Pod directly into Moby Dick, the gigantic Space Horror.

>> No.1034761

Alternate history where King George and George Washington have switched roles.

>> No.1034768

Father takes young man to pub for his 18th birthday as rite of passage, along with his own father. Both older men go to bathroom. Undertaker walks in while they're gone. Young boy and undertaker talk while the barman gets them drinks. When undertaker leaves, barman is found dead and undertaker is Death

>> No.1034781

1/10. You need to elaborate on it, because right now I really can't see what that would accomplish.

6/10. It might make for a nice Short Story idea, but it seems a bit cliche.

>> No.1034796

i was thinking about a story all about how this guys life got turned head over heels after getting in this massive battle. anyway his parents send him away to the village, with this guy who's got a really cool attitude. anyway, when he gets to his new home, it turns out he's a prince.

>> No.1034806

A guy falls in love with a zombie girl. He´s not that crazy, so he doesn´t fuck her. He just has her prisoner and narrates while she rots away.

>> No.1034820

7/10. If it was played more towards the creepy angle than the lovey-dovey angle, I could see it working very well.

0/10. That doesn't sound very fresh.

>> No.1034821

A man runs away from his posh upper middle-class lifestyle and close-knit family who is super religious to "get away from it all". He decides to "live off the land" in Papua New Guinea where he then inadvertently becomes the leader of a cargo cult.

>> No.1034823

A failed novelist finds work as a high school teacher. Bitter and cynical, he instantly wins over the goth crowd, who tell him of a ritual they can perform that can make him wildly successful as a writer.

He doubts their abilities (being cynical derp) but when they begin to show their deep talents through paranormal phenomena (poltergeists, telekinesis) and redirection of fate (teacher receives an unexpected raise, old ex-girlfriend wants to rekindle romance) he is willing to give it a shot.

The caveat: the teacher must literally travel through Hell to be given the gift; not the hell of Dante or the hell of fire and brimstone, but the hell of emptiness. He must spend time trapped in limbo, accompanied by naught but his thoughts, until he is pulled back to reality by the goths overseeing the ceremony.

While the ceremony is going on, the dark forces of the Netherworld from which the goths take their power return for the goths (gotta give a little to get supernatural powers) and all the goths in the ceremony die before they can pull the teacher back out.

The dark forces then invade eternity, and the teacher has to find his way back to the world he knows before falling to their insidious grasp.

Holy fuck, and that was ad-libbed as I sat here. brb future Hugo Award

>> No.1034827

Quantum leap guy, excpet he jumps maybe once ever three years and hundreds of years pass during the jump.

He is either hoping time is circular or he wants to steer the scientific community to discover a time machine that can send him back to his home.

>> No.1034831

okay /lit/ so our story starts out in the suburbs of newyork. it's 2005, right around when the internet started getting popular with kids and all alike. there was one girl, she loved to post videos. she talked of threats and glocks and brain slushies. It was horrible. those who couldnt take it formed legion under one nation to attack. The story continues as the little girl and the nation rage on in epic battle. this is their story.

and it shall be called A Tale of Lulz, Rage, and Good Morning America.

>> No.1034833

Guy has a very serious girlfriend and soulmate gay best-friend who is secretly in love with him. Guy tells his best-friend he plans on proposing to the girlfriend. girlfriend and best-friend have to secretly pull comical shenanigans for Guy's affection and ultimately get the other out of the picture.

>> No.1034834


Hello Stephen King. I give your idea 2/10. It sounds kinda acceptable, but the "goths having supermagical powers" stuff ruins itt.

>> No.1034840


Funny, I felt more of a Koontz vibe.

>> No.1034845


sounds like a low-brow comedy. because every gay guy falls for straight guys...

>> No.1034846

there's this couple and the guy keeps cheating on the girl, breaking a heart, being a bastard and is also a golden retriever. The woman keeps thinking he is this great guy and how he's brilliant and so does everyone else and he rises up his office place and everyone falls for him until he is killed by an insane guy who knows the truth and they all see him for who he is. A dog.

It's about never truly knowing who someone else is and how we project our own views of a person onto them

>> No.1034847


and heres the kicker; based on a true story =\

>> No.1034852

on his way through time, he of course comes into conflict with the current time he's in but his ultimate goal is to help return home by whatever means are neccessary.

Of course. until he realizes he's not the only time jumper

>> No.1034858

Story about a serial killer which alternates between first-person accounts of the crimes and people talking about them after the fact.

>> No.1034859

Fast forward 400 years into the future. Cryogenics has allowed people from past times to be finally revived. How do they cope with a radically different society? (herp derp Futurama)

Immortality has been "invented." With the merge of the mind and technology, memories and everything else that makes us human can be uploaded into computers, immortality can be achieved by taking the data from your old body and putting it in a new body, albeit it is very expensive. Some people work their whole lives so they can afford a new body. Some people fail, some people are stuck in an endless pattern of toiling away in lifetimes so they can renew their time alive when their old body is about to die.

How does this technology affect war? What happens when your mind is uploaded to two bodies? For the people who can afford it, how do they deal with immortality? Is immortality good or bad? What are the ethics of "growing" a body in stasis so you can upload your new mind when the new body is at a prime age.

Of course such technology would have to be protected. With normal human reproduction rates, overpopulation is a problem even in space. Not everyone can be immortal. How does immortality affect people's view of reproducing and continuing the human race?

Or in a super-idea, a person who is cryogenically frozen wakes up in a society where immortality is an option. They find a fortune in funds which piled up while they were dead. They can easily afford this. How do they deal with the future and immortality?

I don't really have a story line but if I were to write something based on this. Also my other idea about an apocalypse scenario where humans send out a giant, self-sufficient space station into the unexplored vastness of space in search of a habitational planet while Earth dies. Won't go into that, I'm taking that one seriously.

>> No.1034860

The New Testament replacing Jesus with Ronald McDonald

>> No.1034869

9/10. this could be 2010's "Ulysses"

>> No.1034878

No.1034768 here, No.1034781 Yeah I'm writing it as a short story but it needs some serious editing and I dunno how to tie it up yet.

>> No.1034882
File: 30 KB, 331x500, Accelerando(1stEd).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, bud.

>> No.1034884

Story about a future archelolgist who travels to another planet, humanity hasn't made contact with aliens or even found planets with life (terraformed their colonies) then, the planet their on (which is irradiated, catching their interest because it could mean a civilization destroyed in nuclear war) is revealed to be earth, when the protagonist sees michaelangelos david and is discusted by the human form. We then realize the characters were never human. (Trying to decide between david or a crusafix)

>> No.1034885

I think it would be cool to show how people are dealing with the grief of knowing someone they loved was killed by that serial killer. Like you have the first person narratives for each person be at different time intervals from when the murder happened to show how some people digest grief. like person a who was the mother of someone killed by the killer could be like 2 weeks into grieving and be really angry and volatile and then person b be like 2 years since their father was killed by the killer. as long as it wasn't revealed how long it's been until the perfect time to make the reader guess a bit.


>> No.1034887
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>No.1034768 here, No.1034781

>> No.1034893

what happens next? is this a comedy?

>> No.1034896



>> No.1034900

it's 2009 again

the world thinks patrick swayze is dead but a team of scientists know the world is wrong. They know the truth. PS was an agent and volunteer working for a new secret government science project experimenting with time travel.

An experiment that went horribly wrong.

PS stepped into the time machine expecting to travel back several hours but instead found himself ricocheting back and forth through history and the future whilst the scientists try to locate where he is and where he will end up next.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the epic, the heartfelt, the magnificent...'Which Swayze Going?'

>> No.1034905

I'm writing a story about an epidemic illness from the perspective of a woman living on an isolated farm. It sort of slowly invades her world, rather than the sudden shift that occurs in the lives of people in the city centers.

Guidance? I'm not sure about it, but her character is easy to write for now, so I'm going with the flow.

>> No.1034910

Way too close for >>1034859 to bother. Add to that the fact that none of the ideas would have been original before Accelerando...

>> No.1034911

that sounds pretty good. however, it might be a little too easy to catch on to the fact that they found earth unless you obscure the details of earth really well.

>> No.1034913

> 'Which Swayze Going?'

fuckin lol'd

>> No.1034914

8/10. It sounds very interesting, and I'd like to see how society would respond to genetic immortality.

>> No.1034915

Two best friends travel the world. One decides to move back home to pursue an education, the other opts to stay and continue travelling for a bit more. On their last trip, the richer one buys a Range Rover and fixes it up, and they travel the Australian outback with it. When he leaves, he leaves the car as a gift to his friend, but they both agree that once he is done travelling in Australia, he'll give the car to another traveller, but only if that traveller promises to pass it on, etc.

The story follows the one who pursued the education a decade later, now successful, when he finds the broken down car in a scrapyard. He fixes it up and talks to the scrapyard owner. The story basically follows him as he takes the car and journeys backwards, meeting each traveller and finding out who the last person to have it was, in order to find out what happened to his friend.

>> No.1034923

A prison under siege by paranormal forces due to the presence of a certain prisoner, the prison slowly falls apart as events get more and more out of hand. The story culminates in the accursed prisoner disapearing and all the surviving prisoners and guards in the chapel singing amazing grace as shadows close in around them and slowly envelope them all.

>> No.1034925

if they are best friends why would one need to track the other down and why haven't they kept in touch for 10 years?
i'd never do that to my best friend

>> No.1034929

it follows two parents in heaven who are upset because their child is not there with them although he is dead along with them. They join an underground movement that helps smuggle individuals into heaven because they believe their son was sent to the wrong place.

The story follows them smuggling one guy into heaven but they are unsure of whether he is worthy to get into heaven and whether he is an undercover operative to bring down the movement and it watches their relationship fall apart

>> No.1034942

what if you could fire your government
and everyone had free medical
we all had good housing
no one died of starvation
learning was free and educational
we all had technology
had no epidemic diseases
no taxes
and no corruption
or crime
or inequality
or war...

and you get your very own flying car

>> No.1034944


It isn't that implausible. They had different life views.

Also, this idea is pretty much an extrapolation of the tv show departures, if you've seen the last episode.

Originally I was thinking of the two of them, on their last trip, meeting some crazy chick, forming a love triangle, and then the chick is the one who takes the car. Then they both return to the normality of their lives, fall out of touch, then one finds the car and they meet up again to find out what happened to this chick.

Is that better/worse?

>> No.1034948

A man discovers he has the ability to change the numerical value of pi

and wreaks havoc with society

>> No.1034949

A young child rapes a senior citizen. And we slowly discover why!

[spoilers/] It's because he has been alive for trillions of years, and he is basically trying everything that can be done.[/spoilers]

>> No.1034952

>what if you could fire your government Check.
>and everyone had free medical Check.
>we all had good housing Check.
>no one died of starvation Check
>learning was free and educational Check.
>we all had technology Check.
>had no epidemic diseases Check
>no taxes
>and no corruption
>or crime
>or inequality
>or war...

My country is better than your country.

>> No.1034957


Nice spoiiler. 3/10

>> No.1034958

It's based somewhat off my life.

A man grows up in a poor family with a hateful father figure and swears one day, when he is a parent he will treat his son how a father is supposed to treat his son. And eventually the day comes when he has a son of his own

But something is amiss, for his son bears a striking resemblance to Elton John and the man hates nothing more in this world than Elton John and is torn between his hatred and his promise he made to himself

>> No.1034960


Not if you back it up with fringe science.

>> No.1034969

>AND you don't have to leave the greatest country on earth to live in some cold place like canada or norway

>> No.1034972

the slash goes on the second spoiler only

>> No.1034973

Starving actor becomes a coyote just as the Opium Wars are starting.

>> No.1034974


>> No.1034978

You're absolutely right. I was making a pretty hasty generalization there.

>> No.1034981

>I don't really have a story line but if I were to write something based on this. Also my other idea about an apocalypse scenario where humans send out a giant, self-sufficient space station into the unexplored vastness of space in search of a habitational planet while Earth dies. Won't go into that, I'm taking that one seriously.

I had the exact same idea.

>> No.1034982


>> No.1034986

You`re american aren`t you? I feel your pain. It must be bad to watch your country go down the toilet.

>> No.1034997

Yes. Drugs help to ease the pain, but I still let that single sad indian tear roll down my cheek whenever I stop and think about the last 60 years or so.

>> No.1035000

A writer recieves a letter from an old friend who has decieded to write his own biography. After recieving the first few chapters the writer decides to be brutally honest and tells his friend that the book is dull and pointless.

However he still recieves chapters through the mail each one becoming more interesting yet for all the wrong reasons. Each new becomes an increasingly violent rant against the writer the finale being that he has decided to kill the writer. The climax is that throughout the story the freind placed stamps in the letters so that the writer could send feedback. The stamps all contained poison slowly killing the writer with each lick. Mwahahahaahaha ha

>> No.1035002

Two childhood friends start a rock band that becomes wildly successful almost overnight. The story is basically a chronicle of their lives as rock stars. Includes love, drugs, suicide, humor, and whores.

It's not something I ever actually intend to publish, but I just write it for my own amusement.

>> No.1035006

Historical satire (science fiction?): American Congress is more insane than usual and passes some legislation regarding time zones that none of congressmen bothered to read very closely; a particularly devious congressman includes a line about the time zones being divided by centuries. East coast is 2000s, central is 1900s, mountain is 1800s, and Pacific is 1700s. The non-contiguous states are completely out there, maybe thousands of years in the past. Rather than dispute this legislation, the spineless population decides to adapt, re-enacting the history of each century (as is required by law) until it cycles through and they proceed to the next century.

Willful suspension of disbelief required.

>> No.1035007

We don`t lick stamps anymore. This is the 21. century. Stamps are self sticking.

>> No.1035013

why come the east coast gets to stay in the present?

actually this could be

no i take that back find a better mechanism for your anachronistic mashup than congress passing a law about timezones

>> No.1035014
File: 40 KB, 420x335, templesmith-b_g-corpse_crop-420px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man makes a living selling "haunted" items through eBay. One day comes across an old violin and thinks it could rake in a fat paychack. Turns out the violin is connected to his past, and the female ghost haunting it begins to torment him.

The bulk of the novel would he him trying to find a way to rid himself of the violin, and how it's connected to him all while being assaulted by this spirit

Also...Some allusions to The Pied Piper

>> No.1035016

There's a tugboat, who tugs spaceships, in space!
He's not anthropomorphic or anything, he doesn't have eyes or talk, just a regular space tugboat. He has to tug a spaceship through an asteroid field. The title is: Tuggy the Tug-boat tugs in space!

>> No.1035017


Science fiction is proletkult, but you have this notion of

> the spineless population,

so I don't think that one would work, I'm afraid.

>> No.1035023

Any ideas, friends?

>> No.1035026

Yeah, it's really just excuse-exposition. Do you suggest an alternative?

>> No.1035030


Ok then, each letter comes with a scratch and sniff pad. The twist is thats it's the smell of anthrax

>> No.1035032

Extraterrestrials do it for their own ammusement

>> No.1035033

do it with science. i don't know, throw string theory and nine dimensions in there, then come up with an excuse for fractures and overlaps? just spitballing here, but I am positive you can do better than a law

>> No.1035040

The skyline on the horizon could slowly be chaging once it starts...Lots of smoke in the atomosphere from burning animals/bodies, etc...Then slowly the virus comes creeping over the horizon in animals, and people trying to get away from epicenters

>> No.1035052

I'm thinking about something where a man is captured by aliens and forced to fight other men in a gladiator style arena for the aliens ammusement

It sounds cliche but I have a few twists and ideas that could make it more origonal but I don't want to post them on here

>> No.1035053

Hm... I did write a story about a beekeeper where the horizon kept changing as housing developments and roadways and so forth came closer. It was an okay effect. I'll see if I can do that. I was thinking she'd experience most of the progression of the disease when she goes into town for the farmer's markets, though. Just subtle changes that start out almost coincidental, and then begin to get eerie.

>> No.1035061

I came up with another one. It was supposed to be an intelligent work but it ended up being about a hybrid of zombies and robots.

You see, it was about civilization becoming a lot smaller but a lot smarter but we’re still too snobby to do our dirty work ourselves, so a team of scientists invent a serum that restores the motor functions of the recently deceased but does not restore their capacity for thought, thus turning them into a highly-expendable workforce. The dead rise, pick apples, and then sort of deactivate (they are also like robots).

It’s fine and all until people get too dependent on the work force and don’t allow the laborers to deactivate, keeping them running all the time. To keep them functioning, however, they need continued doses of the serum. The problem is, the increased doses begin to restore some of their brain functions to the point where they gain enough sentience to connect their living with the serum. It’s around this time that the serum becomes a metaphor for heroin and the zombies are metaphors for junkies.

I’m considering having some sort of plotline where the zombies, so strong in their numbers and with their increased capacity for intelligence, begin holding revolts and overtaking the plantations on which they work. They also represent the slave revolts of sugar farms in the Caribbean during the 1700s, only successful. In the end, the zombies begin using the humans as slaves to produce the serum that keeps them from decaying and collapsing.

There’d be some allegory in there somewhere, I guess. I didn't think it out very well.

>> No.1035063

A leprechaun gets lost in NYC.

>> No.1035076

10/10 If I could put my boss to work in a poppy field that would be so cash.

>> No.1035091

No.1034768 here, Yeah I'm writing it as a short story but it needs some serious editing and I dunno how to tie it up yet

>> No.1035109
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>> No.1035111

Humans land on new planet, encounter stone-age aliens, assume roles of gods. These human "gods" are obviously just as flawed and imperfect as you and me.
>metaphor for greek/roman pantheon's genesis

>> No.1035123

A world in peace, which means there is an ultimate and powerful ruler. (Moral is peace isn't good, for war to cease someone had to take charge) But the knowledge of said ruler is scarce and almost non-existent. It's mainly about a teenage girl and little girl ( who is actually not crazy and is an old hag who doesn't age, and because she is so old she has seen the war that put the leader in charge) and their quests to destroy the sun. Because the omnipresent ruler uses the sun for his source of power so night never comes. (or something)

"The moon and stars are the only light in the darkness, they bring us warmth and shield us from the bitter night. They lead our lives and souls. And pave the way to our destinations"

It's apart of my attempt to create as many possible stories as I can to practice writing.

Don't know if I can ever get a good one that might bring you to another world like many good stories do.

>> No.1035130

Dune IV

>> No.1035137

I was working on a short story that I got bored of after five days, but the idea is this:

In this world, pain can be harvested then made into pleasure. So there are two different societies of people the Supines and the Sanguines.
The Supines are forced to work menial jobs such as pushing large boulders around that serve no other purpose then to build up a "pain" inside of the Supine. They also work other experimental jobs which are done to achieve Pure Pleasure. Which is basically a sort of myth, and companies throw it around to boost sales.

Well, after a Supine's shift (they work two, six hour shifts) is finished, their pain is harvested though their blood then gone through specific scientific changes done by Sanguine Placentologists. Many companies each with their own formula to work on. The result is a form of Pleasure, each different in their own way. (The pleasure kind of works like a drug.)

The story explains all this then I worked on two brothers who had a Supine mother and a Sanguine father, which is extremely forbidden by the Government. The twins are adopted by the Government, and the mother is jailed. But the father can't be found.

The twins are used in a experiment by a new company, Pure-O Tech. The experiment guarantees the production of Pure Pleasure. Basically the two brothers are placed into two small mechanical chambers, where one is affected by a sort of drug which creates massive amounts of pain. Which is then transformed into pleasure and administered to the brother in the other chamber continuously.

I had more which included the taking down of the system by a group called the Supine Liberationists, but I've already written a lot. I'll just keep it at that.

>> No.1035146



>> No.1035532

man walks into a bar.

man walks out of the bar.

man is now a nigger.

nigger walks into a bar.

nigger comes out man.

>> No.1035566



>> No.1035575 [DELETED] 

Year 210X
A Mexican-American fleet during joint excersices in the caribean gets backs in time for some misterious reasons to the year of our lord 1750

>> No.1035579 [DELETED] 

A lonely filmmaker hires a high-class male prostitute for company on a tour of his old haunts, a tour undertaken by taxi. Taxi driver, hustler, filmmaker. Stuff happens.

>> No.1035582

A deranged psychopath blows up his asylum and goes on a senseless killing spree.

>> No.1035589


That's not a story. That's just what you want to do. Go. Become Penis.

>> No.1035591

It's called Every Joker Story Ever

>> No.1035594

One day, a man claiming to be Winston Churchill appears. He is treated as a loony-person, naturally, until similar instances of deceased world leaders reappearing sprout up across the world. Everyone from Boudicca to Qin Shi Huang appear, and soon these people are under investigation by the governments of the world, who are finding the graves of their dead leaders mysteriously empty.

And, more curiously yet, they key to all of this may rest with the most evil man in all of human history.

>> No.1035601
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>man smokes a cigarette
>man looks wistfully out a window
>info dump on his past, about his family, even if it bears no relevance to the story
>explain why he's miserable
>man has everyday chit chat with someone for five pages
>man has sex with a girl
>man smokes a cigarette
>man concludes that he will always be miserable. Nothing is resolved.

This synopsis is brought to you by about 100 different unpublished manuscripts I rejected.

>> No.1035606

I swear I've seen about a dozen pseudo film noir shorts with that exact plotline.

>> No.1035609

The everyday life of a man who stays in his room all day, watching TV.
In an alien zoo, as the last of mankind.

>> No.1035615

A lot of shit is being carried by the explosive gas coming from my ass right now.

There's shit all down the crack of my ass, and it's stained the bed.

>> No.1035616

Too much Pynchon for you

>> No.1035622

A small farming village in feudal Japan is being pillaged by local bandits. Unable to fight the bandits themselves, the farmers hire a samurai to defend them. Who must then recruit more willing to join the fight. The pay is non-existent, these samurai fight only for room and board and the satisfaction they get from saving the village.

>> No.1035624


My dick is covered in slime, I pissed myself and it made a noxious soup with the liquid shit.

>> No.1035626


That's just Seven Samurai.

>> No.1035629

Mine is a semi autobiographical story about a young, somewhat nerdish intellectual teenager who studies at upstate elite boarding school. Sick of the shallowness and absurdity of modern society, he travels back home to visit his parents in New York, who are living a life of lies and conformity. He will get drunk, do drugs and meet a beautiful girl who answers all his hopes and prayers. I think I'm going to call him Ford.

>> No.1035633

Christopher Paolini has had worse published.

>> No.1035635


u trollan

>> No.1035643


no I'm not. I'm going to be the next Zach Braff, once the film rights are sold.

God, I hope it's as popular as Igby Goes Down.

>> No.1035653

Moses is a conman liar with a heart of gold.

He's got no fucking idea where israel is, and when he gets there has to convince them it's the holy land.

The jews are a maurauding band of ex convicts, essentially, constantly bending and breaking the ten commandments.

>> No.1035657


Yeah, we get it, it's shit.


>> No.1035671

fanfiction.net methinks. It would be a marked improvement over the usual fare there.

>> No.1035673

i like it :D

>> No.1035686

I want to write a fanfiction series where the characters from a variety of media properties are placed in a 1970s / 1980s cop drama, and have to solve crimes, conduct romances with women with gigantic hair, get into shootouts with drug lords, have car chases, argue with police chiefs, etc. all while constantly wearing huge honking mustaches.

>> No.1035768

A story focusing on an incredibly immature hitman. Despite being in his late thirties, he's obsessed with toys, cartoons, and board games. He kills people in his pajamas. His boss, the head of a mafia family, pays him in candy. Eventually we realize he can't tell his targets from innocent bystanders anymore, and as he kills indiscriminately, the world around him transforms into a childish fantasy in which he is the hero.

>> No.1035806




>> No.1035817

luna turns evil and goes dominatrix on everything.

>> No.1035825

A detective vehemently believes that a string of killings in the Raleigh/Durham area are related despite a severe lack of evidence to link them. He relentlessly and desperately tries to solve the unsolvable, even after culprits are caught and convicted for individual crimes, driving away his friends and family and losing himself in alcoholism.

>> No.1035840

Cmon, rate me /lit/! I know it sounds like a James Patterson novel but I promise it's more interesting.

>> No.1035842

Hard boiled detective noire, super fucking cliche in every way. Dames, 45's, internal monologues. Here's the twist; Set in L.A., hero is a re-imagined Batman.

>> No.1035843

Ok ok.... I got it.... A wealthy man decides to use cloning technology to bring dinosaurs back to life that he plans to put in a kind of zoo. Facing pressure from his concerned investors, he is forced to invite experts to look over, and hopefully, endorse his zoo. He puts together a rag-tag team that includes a zany and witty mathematician, two archeologists, the lawyer that represents the investors and, in an attempt to show just how safe his zoo is, his two grandchildren. It is basically about the wacky and crazy adventure that this team gets itself into. I think I'll call it.... Schindler's List

>> No.1035850

I want to read this so fucking bad.

>> No.1035853


>> No.1035869

inb4 this is James Patterson on /lit/ pitching an idea for his next novel.

You should have stopped after Along Came A Spider.

>> No.1035895

In a post-apocalypse North America, a feudalistic state emerges in the midwest. Using books and salvaged technology, they manage to construct a limited industrial infrastructure and field an army to protect their territory from roving bands of marauders. After losing a close friend and enduring a hard winter of patrolling the frontier, one soldier is tasked to lead an expedition beyond the boarders to recover technology from a fallen satellite.

>> No.1035906


>> No.1035925

A hypothetical meeting between a young Winston Churchill and a young Adolf Hitler (or Joseph Stalin). Neither individual learns who the other one is but a serious conflict occurs between them.

>> No.1035926

A story about a man who is pretty normal, who decides one day that it would be a good idea to kill someone. He finds a victim, stabs them to death, then, while burying the body, someone sees him and tells him that they've seen everything. The person who saw him is a different man named S. S says that he will keep it a secret if he follows S. The man follows S to his home, which is a small apartment. S shows the man a strange metal box with 9 buttons on it. The buttons do nothing at all, even though S is sure they do. They'd talk a lot about boxes and buttons and holes and killing people a lot. One day they decide to put a rock into the box. They do, then press all of the buttons. They open the box again, and notice the rock is gone. The end.

>> No.1035931

Oh and before "The end", they killed some more people and made more boxes, that was only an idea and a very small part of the story obviously

>> No.1035941

Never heard of it, but my idea is way more down-to-earth and distant (no mutants, set hundreds of years after the apocalypse, more focused on group dynamics, etc.). Humanity definitely has a future, but it's not clear.

>> No.1035945

A middle-aged man quits his job as a psychologist, ironically quitting because his clients caused him to suffer great depression.

He has no family, except for a son who he had during a one night stand. He is allowed to visit him every now and then. A psychologist friend of his tells the man about an experimental method of countering depression by lucid dreaming, while doing so, he meets a beautiful woman, "the woman of his dreams"

As the book progresses, the man falls madly in love with her, and sleeps as much as he can to dream about her and be with her. His son hates him for not being there with him anymore. To the reader, it begins to be unclear whether he is dreaming or not, and the woman may in fact be real.

Still need to think of an ending.

>> No.1036000
File: 96 KB, 600x806, unwind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about a fisherman who has become obsessed with catching this fucking HUGE trout. His very soul and sanity is dependent on catching this record breaking fish. I haven't really fleshed it out yet, so I'll just copy-paste some articles from Field & Stream and Wikipedia into every other chapter.

>> No.1036022


>> No.1036069

A assassin is revived or cryogenically unfrozen. He still has a hit to carry out, one that is personal. The mark killed and raped his wife or some shit, and so the assassin really hates the mark. Over the course of the story, he realizes that he is not the assassin, but the mark, and the assassination has already taken place. He kills himself.

>> No.1036083

So he was brainwashed?

>> No.1036088


Also, read Fifth Head of Cerberus and Chasm City

>> No.1036091

NOOOOO was this done already? :(

>> No.1036096

Not exactly. And it was never the sole point of a story. But Fifth Head of Cerberus definitely, definitely shares some plot elements in one of its component stories. And Chasm City is very complicated but I believe there's something like that in there. In fact, I think that your exact plot twist is in there, but then there's a further plot twist that confuses things even more... you should read it, it's a good book.

>> No.1036101
File: 60 KB, 550x316, shutter-island-2010-wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sorry, but isn't this the gist of Shutter island? A detective hunts a murderer, only to discover that HE'S the murderer who's been living in a fantasy world to accept having killed his wife?

>> No.1036102

Will do, thanks.
I think I'll write it anyway.

>> No.1036105

I haven't seen that, but goddamn. I thought I was being original.

>> No.1036109

Nihil sub sole novum, and all that.

>> No.1036116


Write it anyway.

You know what I'd like to do? Start a thread for new story ideas where we can post established/published works with similar plot/hook.

>> No.1036124

Nah, that's been done. Keep it in here.

I always wanted to write a story about a man becoming a god through technology. Kinda based on the Animorphs books, particularly the Ellimist.

>> No.1036133

Alright get this.

There's this mutation that causes humans to develope A FUCKING POINTY ARM. And all these problems arise as to what to do with them. soon they start getting quarantined and they start rebelling. the suicide rate sky rockets within mutated people.

im high so this sounds really awesome to me. what do you think?

>> No.1036140

How pointy are we talking?

>> No.1036144


like the fucking fingernail mutates to make a sharp point

it can cut people

>> No.1036147


This sounds kind of interesting if it was done right.

but sadly, it sounds waaay to familiar to district 9

>> No.1036152

I'd read it, but I'd prefer if you pull a Stephen King: write it while high.

>> No.1036187
File: 51 KB, 600x469, Cel04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the future, a ground war is fought using advanced weaponry. Plasma, laser weaponry, blah blah blah. Terminator 4 type of environ.

I'd enjoy it if the enemy were totally alien, something along the lines of Forever War. The creepier, the better. I'm talking fuckers so alien that there's no point in even trying to see their point of view.

The human military intends on building a time machine to send a soldier blah blah blah. The chrono-lab exists somewhat removed from the front-lines. They use a rookie to check out kinks on a first test run.

Malfunction occurs. Machine explodes, rendered useless. In fact, fuck it--the entire test labratory dissolves into ashes.

Test soldier is stuck in some quantum stasis field at the end of time. Think Quantum Leap, except character ain't in a waiting room, he's frozen in time, literally on pause.

Our story actually begins within (AND REVOLVES AROUND) the ranks of a platoon stationed near the now-destroyed labratory. Their original orders were to protect the lab, but who gives a shit since the enemy draws closer each day.

Our frozen time-traveller appears within their midst, now aged ten years, with intimate knowledge of the platoon and an aptitude for battle leadership. After a few tension-filled first encounters, they accept him.

It's tricky though. Our time-traveller can only stay for a few hours every jump. The platoon sees him every few months or so.

Here's the kicker: he's randomly pulled out of his time-nap along his own timeline.

>> No.1036190

In other words, his platoon first meets him when he's older. Next time they see him, he's younger. Sometimes, they gotta fill him in on what's going on, other times, he leads them to small victories.

Somewhere along the middle, his CORPSE pops into the platoon with some sign that he's been killed by someone on the team. This leads to strife in the group, trying to figure out who did it and why, while the time-traveller has no idea about this particular development.

Maybe they don't tell him so he can continue to keep them alive as a group. God knows if he finds out, there's zero reason for him to help these murdering backstabbers stay alive.

Book should end ten years later when the platoon figures out the time-traveller wanted to die all along. Hell, he's only popped out of the stasis to fight, never getting any real R&R. They kill him and that's that.

It'd be nice if the guy who does him in is the same guy who was at first really horrified that anyone would kill their time-hopping buddy.

>> No.1036197

Sounds exactly like The Time-Travelers Wife but I like it anyways. 7/10

>> No.1036204


Shit yeah, it sounds like Time Traveller's Wife. Problem with that book is that the time-travel gimmick is all there is. I want to see that gimmick worked into a development that works outside of the character's sad-sack story.

Also, that whole thing about not wanting to give away details of the future is bull-fucking-shit. Give me a character who runs at the mouth and radically affects advancements at every turn.

>> No.1036255

I was actually thinking of writing a mock-grimoire. In it, I would use the concept of "magic" to explore concepts of Jungian psychology such as the collective subconscious, archetypes etc.

>> No.1036260

Glenn Beck: Undead Slayer

Part 1: Beck vs. Zombie Lenin

>> No.1036261

So, there is a guy who is having a sex transplant. During the operation an evil sourcer od XXI century is killed in an epic battle and his soul is transfered to the soon-to-be removed penis. Most of the story takes place in the mind and body of the operated guy where the evil soul tries to take over his mind.

>> No.1036262

does anyone have the original of OP's pic? without the text

>> No.1036264

Alien Surgeon Story -
A man who grew up in Everywhere (a mega-city with most of the major cities in the world stacked on top of eachother) is exiled to Elsewhere (the rest of the world, Iowa, specifically), for helping humans to breed with the cohabiting alien species of Earth (taboo in this timeframe).
The problem is, I don't know what to do with him next. I've got the character and setting down, but I'm stumped on plot. Halp? I don't really want to do the cliche conspiracy thing...

>> No.1036268

>I recently responded to a CL ad asking for boxing scripts
>I am not a screenplay writer
>I have not written the following script
>I emailed them two days ago, I have yet to hear back


It's my understanding that you are looking for a script about boxing. I have one. It is called KING COLES.

The synopsis, as requested:

Colin Coles is a small time hustler who sells cigarettes on the streets of Los Angeles which he orders off from the Ukraine on the cheap. To make ends meet, he sells in increasingly dangerous areas, including around his friend's, Jim "Bricks" Maloney, underground, illegal boxing ring. At this venue, the undefeated street champion Morton "Rollin' Thunder" Brooklyn has a epileptic fit outside the view of the crowd in front of Coles, who is assumed to have taken him down in a single punch. Rumors spread like wildfire, and Coles contacts Brooklyn with a scheme: the two will market Coles as an unbeatable outsider, and put him up against Brooklyn. They will then throw the fight and get rich on the odds. Tensions raise as Bricks gets word of the scam, and as Coles gets the confidence to think he might actually have a shot. And then, Coles falls for the beautiful Samantha Woodbridge, the hard-boiled bookie who belivies in him, but may be a mole for the police. Will Brooklyn kill Coles? Will Coles betray Maloney? Will the cops come before its all over? Can Sam and Colin make it out alive?

I'm thinking Michael Caine for Bricks, Joseph Gordon-Levitt for Coles, and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson for Brooklyn. Woodbridge could be played by a lot of people, and I had no particular actress in mind while writing.

It is my understanding that The Writer's Guild of America sets $40,700 as the minimum for a script. I will accept this amount.

>> No.1036272

This guy meets this bitch, this bitch won't fuck with him, so he meets this other bitch whose family hates him and his family, so they get to fucking, and then she hears he skipped town (he kills her brother) and fakes her own death. He thinks shes dead, she sees him dead, kills herself, and then the two families are like "2MUCH BULLSHIT LETS B FREINDS!"

>the end.

>> No.1036273

also, this is awesome

>> No.1036280

bump, I'm enjoying this thread.

more people comment/say your stupid fucking story

>> No.1036288

dear future you,
How is fame treating you?

>> No.1036293
File: 61 KB, 300x300, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this, plz

>> No.1036312

I wanna write a detective novel with all the well-established cliches in place: a hardboiled, lonely detective, a chief who thinks his best man is starting to lose it and keeps busting his balls for not following procedure, a debonair sociopath that taunts our hero to catch him, a victim so sympathetic it's impossible not to want her killer brought to justice, twists and turns aplenty...

Except, it all takes place in a universe where people are aware of their lack of free will. They're basically prisoners in their own bodies, forced to act as though they choose to do things, but really they're just unwilling passengers watching the action. So a big part of it would come to building up this atmosphere of futility, "What's the point of catching the bad guy if he didn't really choose to act? Is the detective really determined to carry out justice, or is he just forced to go through the motions?" etc.

>> No.1036320

That's the most nihilistic piece of shit I've read in a while. Don't waste your ink.

>> No.1036322

>>1036312 here,
And if anyone was thinking of saying "hurr durr why would they have a justice system if they knew they weren't responsible for their actions" keep in mind that this predetermined behavior has been set in place for the duration of their existence. In fact, I'm thinking of making the characters of this alternate universe "mirrors" of our own, only without the internal motivation to act, they're just tugged along by whatever their equivalent in our world decides to do, and are constantly baffled by their own "decisions."

>> No.1036323

It's a piece of shit because it's nihilistic? Or is it a piece of shit on its own merits?

>> No.1036324

I wanna write some kind of mindfuck sci-fi flick about a crew on a space ship who rotates crew members every six months for hyper sleep. Crew 1 controls shit and wakes crew 2 up so they can sleep. There trip is gonna take like 20 years so with hyper sleep they will only age 10 or something.

Anyways during hypersleep the crew starts to have lucid dreaming and what not and forget what's real. I just can't think of any kind of problem or something to make them realize shit is fucking up. Does that make sense?

>> No.1036326

Fantasy book, magic + capitalism. I want to explore the power struggle between a couple of big magic cartels.

>> No.1036327

these are awesome

>> No.1036346

A man ekes out a living in a robot city. He never interacts with the robots, and is the only human he knows of. Not supposed to be a bleak story though.

>> No.1036351

I like it. Depending on how you do it, between 6/10 and 9/10.
I'd suggest making it contrast between very clinical and very surreal and abstract.

>> No.1036354

How would a prisoner or something in continuous hyper sleep sound? Like he gets out or something? Torwards the beginning of the book though we would establish that prolonged hyper sleep for over a year has weird side effects?

>> No.1036356


>> No.1036357

I have a fan fiction I started writing in fifth grade that's basically about a Twilight vampire girl that lives in the Kingdom Hearts world, sort of taking the place of Kairi. I got a lot of positive responses to the livejournal group I posted it to. I haven't really touched it in forever, but I think it might make an interesting book when it's finished.

>> No.1036360


>> No.1036372

A brilliant young chap has everything he wants and is even trying to publish his first book.
But then he gets stuck on some demonic site called 'C4' (channel 4), the site seems boring at first, but he slowly gets sucked into the huge timesink that it provides.
In the mean time, all of his senses of good and evil are vanishing, he gets dumped by his girlfriend for making her do all kinds of deprived stuff that he learnt on the site, loses contact with all of his friends because of his warped image of the world and himself, drops out of college and although all these things provide even more time for him to finish his to-be bestselling novel, he stops writing at all (except when trying to write witty pieces of text for C4.
It ends with him dying as a cancerous alcoholic with his penis dry-glued onto his hand with excess cum.

>> No.1036373


They did this on Life On Mars.

>> No.1036385
File: 188 KB, 800x672, !1280032403078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A dark, shadowy, tentacled, Lovecraftian female monster falls in love with an average Human man.

>> No.1036394

A guy who was born with the innate knowledge of the Aladdin game for Sega Genesis and has a disorder similar to tourettes where he brings up the game in conversation literally every 3 minutes and how he struggles socially because of it.

>> No.1036398

start, a, a, b, b, a, a, b, b, a, a, b, b.
next level!

>> No.1036402

Saya no Uta.
It's quite a good story, actually.

>> No.1036404

I don't think so.

>> No.1036412

A man falls in love with a woman he sees in his dreams. He starts dabbling in drugs, so he'll be zonked out and get to spend more time with her. Eventually, he goes too far and induces a coma. They spend their lifetime together, in his coma.

He wakes up from the coma and she's gone.

>> No.1036422



>> No.1036423

i like this, a nice way to present the ways people chango themselves for love.

>> No.1036424

Open with a man and a woman in a dirty hotel making the sex. Prostitute wants to become famous, and become a musician which the man can assist in, but he stops her from doing it because he'd be no longer able to have be with her.

Subsequently, she refuses to progress their relationship any further, they both keep each other miserable with the only bright side of their life the brief visits in the dirty motel. They hate each other and themselves, cue self-deprecating humor.

>> No.1036425

This is what happens when you edit your sentence and don't read it.

He refuses to help her progress because it would remove her from his life.

>> No.1036428

I've actually played that game before.

I never really related my story to it, though.

My story is more light-hearted and doesn't involve gore everywhere.

I'm trying to go for the "love goes beyond all physical looks and species," expect taking it a step further. Also, having an Elder Goddess for a girlfriend would be awesome.

>> No.1036430

>expect taking it a step further.
fuck you, /lit/.

>> No.1036433

A bunch of people sit around at home "pitching" story ideas to no one in particular.

They all are fairly lighthearted about it, but actually take their ideas quite seriously on the inside and secretly wish that people will get excited about their stories.

The story ends, of course, with someone deciding to write a story about these people. He thinks this is a really good idea. It isn't. He thinks that his acknowledgment of what a bad idea it is will make it a good idea. It doesn't.

>> No.1036438
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>> No.1036441

It's underground

>> No.1036446
File: 258 KB, 900x1200, 1273437938921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A written version of this.

>> No.1036447

An Asian-crimes detective investigates the murder of his partner after his partner is killed by a skilled Yakuza assassin; but the Assassin comes back and incites a war between the Yakuza and their mortal enemy the Triads.

But get this, the assassin is really the dead detective's partner who took on the Assassin's role despite the fact that for over 99% of the movie the assassin has acted/had a history and somehow no one notices the change. Oh and the original detective is a dirty cop. Oh and it reinforces strong Asian stereotyping by making every single Asian a OH ROOK I KEEL YOU HA HA HA.

Wait a second...I think I may just win the Pullitzer.

>> No.1036448


Well it's about an you typical person. Family, 2 kids, a dog and a nice t.v. In a shitty house. Blah blah blah. Turn out he Leonardo DiCapprio dreaming.

Eat your hear out oprah.

>> No.1036478

>Tried to do short scifi story about it, but I didn't have much success writing it:

Field too long, so first part:

Extraterrestrial ship come to earth. It stays in Earth orbit and they send out many satellite probes and don't give a damn about humans trying desperately to contact them. Years pass and there is no improvement, no contact whatsoever.

Suddenly probes start to kill people. There seems to be no reason. People are incinerated with surgically precision from satellite probes in orbit. Earth retaliates, but everything is for nothing. Nothing damages alien ship and deaths continue, not against attackers but in same, apparently random pattern. It is not a fast process, one after another people die, like from some disease.

In following years there is chaos. There are new unsuccessful attacks on ship, religious unrest, panic, accusations that ship is international conspiracy to control birth rate and so on. Gradually humanity begins to see patterns in deaths. They drive people from certain areas and at same time shrink populations of various ethnic groups. Again more panic, bigger accusations, new attacks.

>> No.1036483

Continued from:

Many more years follow. As humanity migrates to safe areas, whole areas of earth are left without human life . There is less humans now, but attacks stop. Probes only kill people that enter red zones. Humanity expects aliens to settle in empty zones. Ship stays where it is. Probes are dormant and only kill trespassers.

Half a million years into the future. Humanity evolve as would without aliens in safe zones. There are wars, there is peace, it is as if aliens don't care what humans do in their part. Aliens themselves are dormant, they only zealously protect red zones. Then suddenly they disappear. It takes some courage on human part to enter red zones and when they do, they discover wonders. Certain animals there evolved and developed sophisticated intelligence. There are communities of various monkey species man. Highly spiritual communities of elephant man. Super intelligent squids and so on. From them they learn the reason for all. Aliens drove humans from destroying themselves and enviroment and allowed animals to evolve on their own.

>> No.1036485
File: 22 KB, 431x600, morgan_freeman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A young boy is cursed by a wizard and has his voice changed in to Morgan Freeman's.

>> No.1036486


Curse is the wrong word for that.

>> No.1036487


No, no. He thinks it's a curse at first but it becomes a blessing later on in the book.
It's one of THOSE stories.

>> No.1036508

I like the idea bro, but you're going to need more than half of a million years.

Or some alien phlebotinum.

>> No.1036580

A guy wakes up in a town filled with genii, in the middle of nowhere. Except the nowhere part is actually quite literal. The town is cut off from the rest of the world by a claudication in the time-space continuum. Anyways, this guy has to adjust to living in said town, until aliens start invading earth through a FTL transport system that interferes with the town's claudication, causing the town to snap back into the real world. The earth is helpless in the face of the alien's advanced technology, so it's up to the citizens of the town to save the earth from the alien menace.

>> No.1037988

Thank you for the feedback, bros. I was unsure about whether it was "fun" enough to make up for its silly premise but now I'm more confident about it.

>> No.1038003
File: 496 KB, 1483x2000, snyder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting original of the OP pic.

>> No.1038014

I already posted the tineye-link in this thread, just follow it.

>> No.1038093
File: 95 KB, 445x271, Picture 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man discovers the difference between famous Jewish sports legend Yid Moneystein and the public perception of him as an ass-hungry sex-addicted homosexual, and spreads the gospel around the Jewish Official Organisation of Sports. Ends in a climactic armed battle between Yid and his fear of vaginas, in the form of his nude, drug-dazed mother.

Is it too soon to whisper... Oscar?

>> No.1038104
File: 21 KB, 400x400, 4e87f72d2aa76735843ec3f1c2f5da31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't give a shit about this thread, but does anyone have OP's pic, sans text?

>> No.1038106


I can't say goth now without it sounding weird

>> No.1038122
File: 57 KB, 597x800, 999dc0042ac6ea651850b20363269d55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never mind, just iqdb'd it.

>> No.1038131

two suburban white teens are found at a crime scene, where it looks like they are guilty of murder. they have a long court battle, in which they are proved guilty. they go to jail for years. it turns out black guys did it.

>> No.1038192

True story that you made up?

>> No.1038233

An Indian dude has to travel across 16th century Europe with an elephant that a king gifted to another.

>> No.1038254

school shootings in ancient Rome

>> No.1038257

Protagonist is kicked out of house after dropping out of highschool. His dad rents out his room and other rooms in the house (via. father lives alone) and the son, after staying with various friends, rents out his old room. He and his father pretend to treat each other as strangers.

>> No.1038264

Abraham Lincoln stands outside your house pointing at you thru the window.

>> No.1038278

That sounds awesome! I'd totally read that.

>> No.1038281

do it

7/10 could be a cool short story

>> No.1038295

Yes, please.

>> No.1038310
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>> No.1038323


Yeah ending is a big problem. I just couldn't think of anything better to end it with.
I don't want aliens to be of any other interferance besides killing people and even half a milion years seams too long for humans to even remember aliens.

>> No.1038388

Marx is reincarnated in the body of a rich yuppie in 80s NYC.

Hilarity ensues.

>> No.1038396

ITT: people stealing other people's terrible ideas for a whole bunch of stories that will never be written

>> No.1038399

ive been working on a story about a kid from philadelphia, kinda in a tough area, anyways he's trying to do things right stay out of gangs and just hang with his friends. so one day hes out playing basketball and gets in a fight with a group of hoods, almost dies, so his mom says she going to send him to live with his aunt and uncle who live in an affluent neighbor hood in california. he beggs and pleads with her for a few days and the story develops around their relationship, no father and that sort of thing. the on the flight it goes over his thoughts and as hes taking the long cab ride across several towns. he finally arrives around 7 or 8 pm says goodbye to the cabbie who kept his spirits up durring the ride, then he starts his new life in Bel-Air

>> No.1038427


>Yid Moneystein

I'm never calling a jew anything else, ever.

>> No.1038440


Do it. Then write a sequel with Prince, Madona and top 20 richest man on the world all sharing same shack in goulag camp.

>> No.1039996
