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10344608 No.10344608 [Reply] [Original]

hi anon,

remember that some years back we had a pi reading group, which later came back to tackle oc? how about another one?

im about to dive again into w's work and thought that maybe we could have some discussion, based on a common reading. what do you think? id propose the bb books as it is a good intro, but it could also be one of the remarks or maybe zettel.

the thing used to be done by chat, maybe a discord would work, tho scheduling is not without problems... or maybe a weekly thread every sunday to discuss a certain part? idk im just putting it out there to see if anyone wants to join.

an epub for pic related is on libgen and i'll be uploading a pdf too.

>> No.10344649

I would be but no fucking discord

>> No.10345292

I remember when we did On Certainty, it's funny looking back at how unrefined all my thoughts+points were before I started studying philosophy at a university. Don't think I can stretch my schedule for this but I wish all the best for anyone involved.

>> No.10345398

W never said anything practical. It's just like "Uhh that would be a good point if you could express it in fake math notation". Who cares? What important topic (justice, ethics, love, power) needs such a creepy plastic treatment?

>> No.10345426

Dumbest, most ignorant post post I've read in many moons

>> No.10345573
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that is not entirely false but that doesnt mean his work is out of value or relevance. in order to be able to be effective in practice a lot of things have to be in place first, and as there is no predefined system to establish this base, such system will always be arbitrary.

people like wittgenstein appear precisely when there are practical problems in a society that is facing an important change, when imperceptible misunderstandings begin to corrode social cohesion and chaos begins to appear, due to the incompatibility of the old conception and the new conditions. he came out of the fin de siecle vienna that was leaving behind the greatness of the empire and was seeing a whole world disappear. a whole lot of thinkers appeared in that context to face the new situation. not to mention the wars that succeeded.

it is not a coincidence that w's philosophy has been compared to buddhism or to chuangtzu. those two came in a similar moment of social rupture where a new conception was needed to face the change of conditions, in india the growing urbanization and in china the empire.

it is just as chuangtzu says "everyone knows the usefulness of the useful, but no one knows the usefulness of the useless." that might as well had been said by lw himself.

>> No.10345589

I'd join if/once it focuses on PI and maybe OC

Also no discord for me, thread only

Wittgenstein is exact opposite of that, Wittgenstein is basically ur-continental

>> No.10345595

it's mentioned in another post up right now, but id be interested in reading his book on the golden bough if a lot of other people have already read the notebooks/tractatuc/PI

>> No.10345633
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theres no such book, just a short text on it (that has been published in the form of a small book with the german text en face)

that one could actually be a good option to discuss, as it is short and rich in content for discussion, for is a direct polemic with an example of the common conception that wittgenstein was trying to question.

>> No.10345638

i just tried finding it and it looks like they are publishing a new edition in a few weeks. couldnt find it on libgen—you know another place?

>> No.10345660

t. Retard that doesn't even know basic philosophy and literally takes Wittgenstein to endorse the complete opposite of his actual view.

Nice job bro, but Wittgenstein's whole point was that mathematical formalizations of philosophical problems are banal and superficial (btw its not fake math notation, I have a degree in math and most of what I studied was logic and group theory, and while Wittgenstein's notation is archaic in the 21st century, it is real math).

>> No.10345673
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Look at this idiot. Look at him and laugh

>> No.10345695

i think it is found in a pdf called the complete works or something like that.

the text is found in the book philosophical occasions. let me make a pdf of the text and ill share it.

>> No.10345729

I'd also recommend Wittgenstein' Lectures and Conversations on Aesthetics Psychology and Religious Belief

Short, compiled in a tiny volume

And RFM of course

>> No.10345758 [DELETED] 
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here https://ufile.io/wxm38
the notes by the editor are incomplete tho

i thought of those short texts too. .that little volume and the lecture on ethics.

and the rfm are too dense for an informal and quick discussion imo.

>> No.10345763
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here https://ufile.io/wxm38
the notes by the editor are incomplete tho

i thought of those short texts too. .that little volume and the lecture on ethics.
and the rfm are too dense for an informal and quick discussion imo.

>> No.10345782

Even after reading PI in its entirety?

>> No.10345824

tobe honest i think the pi are 1) incomprehensible read alone and 2) too tainted by w's explicit intention of making a book. the rest of his writings are much more 'relaxed', he is just letting his thoughts come out as they come to him instead of trying to carve something concrete or finished out of them. they of course require a patient familiarization but i think it is only thus that one can understand any of his work.

they are like the sketches that the artist makes and that are usually indispensable to understand his great works. there are even some who say the only real art is that made as a sketch.

additionally, the rmf are his most important work imo for it is there that he gave form to all that he observed in his so called lost years. it is his anthropology (where he exposes whai it means to follow a social rule using maths as an illustration), without which one cant truly see the point of his later writings on psychology and 'epistemology'.

>> No.10345963

Hehe, no thanks, I mean, I am the most versed in his work across the world but hehe, no thanks.

>> No.10346467
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>everyone knows the usefulness of the useful, but no one knows the usefulness of the useless

Sort of does sound akin to his description of the verification principle. If I had to check out one of the books you rec'd which is better?

>> No.10346476

Why does nobody ever talk about Culture and Value? I found it to be his easiest work to comprehend next to the notebooks.

>> No.10347008

because its not that great

>> No.10347038
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I think Frege+Russell survey is going to be better than BB as an intro. Maybe toss in some modal logic youtube videos or something.

>> No.10348398

mm you mean of the books i referenced? i wouldnt 'recommend' reading them just like that but only after getting well acquainted with the two philosophies being compared. and that would be just out of curiosity because comparatism is a flawed enterprise in its principle. that said, i personally find more interesting the chinese 'philosophies' than what is found in india, but that is just an opinion.

i wonder how you can 'comprehend' cv if it is a medley of random scattered notes taken over a long period of time. it is not a bad read, it has precious notes here and there, but it is meaningless out of context. there is of course some continuity of thought across it, but i wouldnt see it as 'a book'.
i think that is the fault of the editors, who began publishing books with random titles giving the illusion of closed works with defined themes making a progression, where in reality there is just a bunch of notes taking different themes but always guided by the same thrust, the quest for the 'ubersicht', present from his first writings and which never really changed.