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/lit/ - Literature

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10344588 No.10344588 [Reply] [Original]

>another weekend in London as an ugly subhhuman
>woke up at 9 am
>bought coffee during my binge yesterday so I can drink it at home instead of overpaying at coffee shops
>drink coffee and browse internet on my phone from 9 to 12
>wonder whether I should throw away the coffee and tell myself I'll give it up or keep it because I'd have to spend more if my willpower fails by tomorrow
>go to gym
>only just left my flat to walk around and feel sad about life

What do I even do today? I am planning to maybe eat at McDonalds to reward myself in advance for giving up coffee and eating nothing for the past 24 hours.

Remember when I'd post like this during summer? I had many more daylight hours to feel sad in. And there were Staceys everywhere. Now it's all in my head. There are barely any hours before it gets too dark to do anything.

>> No.10344593


>> No.10344594
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To go without getting closer
To search and to always be far from something

Stealing from night pieces of the road
And seeing yourself disfigured in a shattered mirror

While on lighting rods periwinkle flowers blossom.

>> No.10344597

It's the weekend you should be clubbing or hungover from clubbing last night but recovering to go clubbing again tonight

>> No.10344607

>it gets too dark to do anything.
What the fuck are streetlights? Or are you just worried you'll not be able to see yourself in the dark, shitskin?

>> No.10344679
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he loathes the dark
he does not loath the cold

what a normie this guy

>> No.10344692

wait im confused, where is the backstory????

>> No.10344725

I'm in an underground train currently overground and i have no clue where to get off or what to do.

I am near a group of happy young people and I suddenly feel a lot more bitter about myself.

Ok, that was a while ago. Now I'm waking around the city of London while feeling sad about life.


The backstory has been perfected and now warrants its own topic. I will post it below

>> No.10344727

>aged 27
>living in London
>ugly beta loser autist male with no friends or social life for 9 years and no female attention ever, including time at university
>became the ugly loser nobody talks to after one day at my current job
>failed over 30 interview processes for great jobs due to ugliness and lack of normieness or extroversion
>never been to pub, club, party, or any social experience since school
>bitter about being a complete social failure with a wasted youth while Chads, Staceys, and normies get everything handed to them and judged solely on normieness
>work in zero effort public sector job with lots of free time (but felt like a cucked prisoner when I stayed at the office 9 to 5)
>all hobbies feel like they turn in to work (reading books becomes reading boring classics; learning programming becomes learning functional masturbation) i.e., everything is advertising you to join the bottom of a hierarchy and telling you to worship the top and pay your dues
>don't have the initiative to program something in my own time or try anything entrepreneurial or do anything that takes initiative - feel like an obedient student who was trained in to being a worker drone who needs to follow a set path
>main hobby is walking around central London, drinking coffee, feeling sad about life, hoping I will spontaneously feel like my 20s haven't been wasted because I "just went outside"
>can't bear going full hermit autist, obviously can't do anything normies do
>feel under constant pressure to read lots of boring books, learn lots of boring shit, and so on
>waste shitloads of time on internet
>spent many months after university working part time menial jobs and wasting all my free time on the internet and genuinely see my time back then as a near zombie stuck in a loop
>fully grasp the arbitrariness of all philosophical axioms - as a result I see proselytisers as either fucking ignorant or dishonest

>> No.10344734

Everyday I thank /lit/ for making these posts.

>> No.10344735

As an ex-Neet who now works full time, the routine in the OP looks ideal to me

>sleep however long i want
>get up and read or browse interesting topics online
>have some tea and write/think
>go out to a cafe by myself and sit/think
>walk to library, read and take notes for several hours
>go have meal somewhere alone
>do whatever i want then go to sleep and repeat