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/lit/ - Literature

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10344170 No.10344170 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best description of a woman you have ever read?

>> No.10344197

Do you mean a female character's personality an appearance?
Or a description of the beauty of women?
Or a description of the supposedly "evil" of women?

>> No.10344198

ur diary des

>> No.10344202

"T H I C C"

>> No.10344210

>"Women are glorified whores."

>> No.10344229
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>> No.10345314

Gods second mistake.

>> No.10345340
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"What a tool."

>> No.10345350

Kate Gompert's big tits bouncing through her sweater to the pace of her rapid breathing while she hugged her knees in IJ.

>> No.10345433

Faulkner has a scene where a fat black slave is washing clothes or something and he describes her figure for like a paragraph. But what started blood creeping was the part about her tits heaving through her wet dress.

>> No.10345445

>Women have served all these centuries as looking glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of man at twice its natural size.

>> No.10345454

A featherless biped with broad flat nails and tits

>> No.10345468

A hole.

>> No.10345471

How very Lacanian (and true). Where's this from?

>> No.10345599

Plato, go out.

>> No.10345646

They are more intelligent then men, and appreciate the aesthetic more in every little thing
Love is beautiful and wonderful. No matter what the others say on this list you should pursue love. Let her think she is deceiving you, praise her, and be mad when she is mad, and sad when she is sad.
They're not smart but they are needed in every stage of life because they're fun and live in the present (On Women is severely misrepresented and under-supplemented on this board but that's to be expected)
Cf. Ovid. Take Ophelia for her sweetness and innocence, Portia and Lady Macbeth because they'll fight for you, or the patrician's choice for a reason: Rosalind (and to an extent Cleopatra) because in a tough time in any of our relationships we can resort to thinking that she is testing our love
The worst M is better than the best W. W wants to be lead. She is amoral, and always thinks about sex. She lives in the moment. She hates logic.
"But let this be your honor: always to love more than you are loved, and never to be second..."
"Then the little old woman answered me: 'Many fine things has Zarathustra said, especially for those who are young enough for them. It is strange: Zarathustra knows women little, and yet he is right about them. Is this because nothing is impossible with woman?
cf. Shakespeare
cf. Shakespeare
Love is a flickering flame, and can never match the friendship between man and woman. It is a different beast, and it limits freedom. Still fun though. "Perhaps this is the reason why neither we nor theology require much learning of women; and why Francis, when they were talking to him about his marriage with Isabel, and told him that she had been brought up simply and without any instruction in letters, replied that he loved her the better for it, and that a woman was learned enough when she knew how to distinguish between her husband's shirt and his doublet."
>Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius
Does not compute. Cf. Schopenhauer in early chapters of TWAW. However, Epictetus does mention that you may go along with it, as long as you don't criticize those who do live a sexually promiscuous lifestyle.
Don't sleep with them, and only then will love flourish into something where you learn and ascend to a higher plane
The happiest couple seems to lie in Underworld. The old couple is a pair where the woman wants to travel (which the man never criticizes) and the man is obsessed with tracking down the baseball, and she is perhaps not smarter than him, but he lets her correct his words and his posture and say he's stupid because maybe he is. He is the opposite of the protag, who comes off as too smart and is married to someone who reads too much. The old couple really is the happiest, and DeLillo lets it be known.

>> No.10345678

w-what book?

>> No.10345685
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>> No.10345721

wow, that's great. are you a professional quote maker?

>> No.10345733

Embarrassing redditor

>> No.10345750

—Yo soy ardiente, yo soy morena,
yo soy el símbolo de la pasión,
de ansia de goces mi alma está llena.
¿A mí me buscas?
—No es a ti, no.
—Mi frente es pálida, mis trenzas de oro,
puedo brindarte dichas sin fin.
Yo de ternura guardo un tesoro.
¿A mí me llamas?
—No, no es a ti.
—Yo soy un sueño, un imposible,
vano fantasma de niebla y luz.
Soy incorpórea, soy intangible,
no puedo amarte.
—¡Oh ven, ven tú!

>> No.10345751

This was a great effort. Thank you Anon, you are a good soul

>> No.10345767


Not that guy but Virginia Woolf's essay A Room of One's Own

>> No.10345784

this hore is cock crazy

>> No.10345795

let no r9k posters deceive you, women are beautiful little birds I love them

>> No.10345879

I have been spurned, decieved, manipulated and outright conspired against by women and I still hold them categoricially morally superior to men

>> No.10345890

Qué puto asco becquer

>> No.10345894

>Don't sleep with them, and only then will love flourish into something where you learn and ascend to a higher plane

This gives me hope

>> No.10345920
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This is so sweet. I want to cuddle a man now.

>> No.10345928

Kys, Wilson.

>> No.10346285

mucus sucky daddy

>> No.10346529

give me some fucking pussy bitch

>> No.10346718


>> No.10346737
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Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up she was shitting brown water. The more she drank, the more she shat

>> No.10346752

"Ever since poets have been writing and women reading them (for which they should receive the deepest gratitude), they have been called angels so many times, that in the simplicity of their souls, they have actually believed this compliment, forgetting that the same poets dubbed Nero a demigod, for money." -Lermontov

Nah I'm kidding the best I've read is probably something from Troilus and Cressida or Hero and Leander or whatever.

>> No.10346758

hehe cheeky russian

>> No.10346833

Grendel's mother is the archetypal woman

>> No.10346957
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2nding this. 1000 hours of r9k could not inspire in me the least dislike of women. Inexpressibly dear beings without whom life would not be worthwhile.

>> No.10346974


>> No.10346991
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If you can´t read it in German, I´m really fucking sorry for you guys.

>> No.10346999
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>professional quote maker?

>> No.10347005
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this desu.
if you spend enough time around them you understand them outside the context of yourself and it all starts to make sense and the sense it makes is beautiful.
most of my friends are girls, they're pretty and they smell nice and they listen when you talk and they compliment you sometimes

>> No.10347039

Is that a tiddy?

>> No.10347052

this just warmed my bitter heart

>> No.10347064

female friends are so much better than male friends in many ways
why are we so emotionally retarded bros

>> No.10347083

once a bitch always a bitch

>> No.10347084

I have loved a woman for 10 years, she is like the blistering winter moon and the warm summer sun all at once, soft and skiddish as a doe yet hard and sharp as stone. A true badass, she is my inspiration most days, and I'm even coming to terms that I may never be with her again, or even see her again. I still will always remember her as the one who lit my heart and my soul on fire.

>> No.10347094

The process of hunting and preparing an animal is a game for boys. They don't even do the real work of cooking, which is what converts the beast into something of value.

Any aware first world boy who has slain a deer and drug it from the woods just to begin the putrid work of slicing open it's odorous middle and ripping the flesh from the muscle realizes that the perceived value of this act comes only from paternal praise. But who cleans up the buckets of blood?

Even in pre-historic times hunting was an activity to get the men away from camp so the women could get work done without some goofball of a man coming up behind and rubbing a cock in their crack. They couldn't even store the meat for god's sake.

Vegetarianism is maturity. Thoreau knew it.

>I'm not a vegetarian.

>> No.10347099

Males are literally the footsoldiers, the cannon-fodder. We were made to be tough and be expendable so women could survive to the next day. I don't think the path the male emotional balance is through feminization, I think it is through ascending to the divine masculine form, just as women can aspire to the divine feminine. Yin and Yang type stuff.

>> No.10347109

This is pretty good
>tfw might have actually found a good, Christian qt
We're all going to make it bros

>> No.10347120

I'll pray for you. Hope it all goes well.

>> No.10347124

Tbh I've never posted on r9k, but for some reason I've always held this mixture of pity and resentment towards women.
I've come to learn that they're best admired from afar, typically enough distance to be out of earshot.
Unfortunately, I've learned this 4 years into a relationship.
We have lower EQ
Who knows why. Perhaps like the other anon mentioned, we were meant to get shit done. Back in the caves and on the trees, that probably meant having to fight other people or animals. That requires a certain emotional detachment

>> No.10347150

so, what's this from?

>> No.10347226

we dont. boys are just educated differently

>> No.10347391

they really are. i'm a male with a female best friend, bunch of other female friends. dunno what it is about it, just better compatibility i suppose. they're a lot more fun to be around.

i mean in a war i'd want a shitload of guys, but when it just comes to hanging out, girls are much more interesting to be with. not even talking about sex, from my perspective the best relationships in humanity appear when sex isn't even an option.

with guys, i always feel like we're butting heads or competing with each other. could be because my dad was a power-tripping shithead drunk so maybe i'm more comfortable with women, who from my experience aren't nearly as competitive.

i have seen more "crazy" women than "crazy" guys though

>> No.10347417

bunch of houseniggers in this thread, repulsive

>> No.10347422

>women are "emotionally intelligent" and men are just psychopathic
>hysteria and neuroticism is good
what the fuck is this garbage?

>> No.10347452

fucking gay nonsense. now i just see billie as an amalgamy of pasta, sewing utensils, and porous invertebrates. prose-metaphors are for fuckin' commies.

>> No.10347467
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>abbreviating a word for the exact same character count

>> No.10347474

well you're probably a closet homosexual

>> No.10347479

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.10347484

>They're not smart but they are needed in every stage of life because they're fun and live in the present
I don't WANT to feel this way but it's looking like this is what I believe

>> No.10347489

t. GIANT faggot

>> No.10347501

don't reply to me ever again or I'll fucking rape you twink

>> No.10347506

what are you, fucking gay?

>> No.10347719


I recall having seen a chart that stated that out of all of 4chan's boards, /lit/ had the highest IQ.

Imagine just how retarded must the other boards be.

>> No.10347721


>> No.10347750

You just don't have any good bros. The female friends I've had don't come close to male friends I've had.

>> No.10347792


>> No.10347841

I believe this to be true, yet for some reason I can't seem to form a meaningful connection with any woman I have ever met. I can be funny, charming, and energetic around and with women, and I'm decently attractive (strong Germanic jawline, thick curly hair, angular facial structure, no physical defects), at least I assume since multiple women have complemented my looks. But I can't seem to engage on an emotional level. For example, I often find myself frustrated when women behave differently in social situations (talking and giggling during a lecture, freaking out when seeing a rat, constantly acting helpless so the men will step in for them). I just get disgusted in my mind and wonder who the hell would want to spend time with them. That isn't to say I don't find women attractive because I do, but I just can't stand the way they react to life and avoid trying to relate to them. Figuring them out seems like a large time investment that could be spent accomplishing more useful things like reading or building stuff for my ham radio. Am I just not being empathetic enough?

>> No.10347845

I know it's become a meme and everything, so know that I am saying this completely seriously: you have clinical autism.

>> No.10347851


the shortest and accurate

>> No.10347855

You may be right, but for the record I have no issue at all befriending men.

>> No.10347856

only women and other liberals use the word sexy

>> No.10347862
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>> No.10347870

I had my suspicions most people on lit were very effeminate but good god, I didn't expect this.
>oh no muh competition
>oh no muh lower levels of empathy
I can't tell whether you guys were bullied too much or too little.

>> No.10347871

Totally agree son.
>Am I just not being empathetic enough?
Empathy isn't needed for this.

>> No.10347879

Then go back to your website redditfriend.

>> No.10347883

Some of them are alright.

>> No.10347888

The stuff I quoted is literally rebbit. I mean, I'm not surprised, lots people here like to write poems and novels but still. Preferring female friends to male friends? Damn.

>> No.10347910

Yeah I don't agree with him, but unlike /pol/ and/or reddit, people are allowed to have different opinions here.

>> No.10347921

"And never yet, since high in Paradise
O'er the four rivers the first roses blew,
Came purer pleasure unto mortal kind
Than lived through her, who in that perilous hour
Put hand to hand beneath her husband's heart,
And felt him hers again: she did not weep,
But o'er her meek eyes came a happy mist
Like that which kept the heart of Eden green
Before the useful trouble of the rain..."

>> No.10347945


The admiring description of a domestic CEO in Proverbs 31 is pretty grate. If only, right?

>> No.10347947

Wilbur Smith in River God,

Figs will always be associated with 12 year old breasts in my mind.

>> No.10348198

You're such a fucking faggot holy shit

>> No.10348217

>believing sourceless infographics
Get a brain moran

>> No.10348231
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Unless they seem like the kind of opinions you associate with reddit and especially /pol/.

>> No.10348282
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>> No.10348328

but if men didn't give it attention or fuck the worthless cunt it wouldn't be a problem

>> No.10348362

But a celestial brightness—a more ethereal beauty—
Shone on her face and encircled her form, when, after confession,
Homeward serenely she walked with God’s benediction upon her.
When she had passed, it seemed like the ceasing of exquisite music

>> No.10348364

What is sex like with Michael Gira? It’s a question I’ve pondered many times, about a great many men, but the thought of sexual intercourse with Michael Gira is something I constantly return to, more so than others. Sex with Friedrich Nietzsche must have surely been terrifyingly masochistic and dangerous (not without protection, Freddy). Ingmar Bergman’s many affairs meant he was probably a great lover in bed, but he also probably cried relentlessly afterwards every time out of guilt and the lack of God’s answers for shagging. Someone like Cary Grant would have been a fantastically smooth talker, but given that he was probably gay, he would also have probably been a slight disappointment. Klaus Kinski would probably not allow you to make a single sound, in case you distract him from his task. A Marlene Dietrich would probably eat you alive and forget about you immediately. It goes on. But Michael Gira? Lord knows what that’s like. I don’t think Jarboe could bring herself to talk about it if you asked her, it was probably too terrifying, or maybe even non-existent. After many hours pondering (because what better things do I have to do than ponder how Michael Gira tackles penetration?), I have come to the conclusion that Mr. Gira is either entirely asexual and has always been that way, or he’s a complete fucking jackhammer. I can imagine him hating sex like he hates absolutely everything. On the other hand perhaps he only hates everything because he does not get enough sex. If it’s the latter than he’s probably incredibly frustrated in bed anyway, and it leads to 300mph machine-gun fucking. Does he even have a mattress? Is it just a metal or concrete slab? I doubt Michael Gira has a memory foam mattress. There’s probably a bunch of metal chains hanging around for sado-masochistic stuff, and also love poems to Jarboe and some hot waitress in a place he frequents, although I suppose Michael Gira probably only eats goat intestines.

>> No.10348369

I dont wholly agree with it but its a fairly well written little thing that fits in quite well in this thread

>> No.10348387

masterful prose by GRRM

>> No.10349040

>a masochist

>> No.10349150
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Words can't do it

>> No.10349277

Yukio Mishima's After the Banquet has a great female character.

>> No.10349499
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>> No.10349804

>girls are DUMB

>> No.10349813

I want to believe it's just a very dedicated few samefags.

>> No.10349933

is this thread a bunch of girlies falseflagging as boys or are you all this effeminate? just fucking lol

>> No.10350028

>all these nu-males saying how women are supposedly more perceptive towards beauty

Is that so? Show me all those timeless, well renowned female sculptors, architects, painters and musicians. I'm talking ones up there with the likes of Bach, Michelangelo, da Vinci.

>> No.10350132

their fucking soyboys lolmao

>> No.10350245


>> No.10350540

>loving women

>> No.10350620
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this .webm

>> No.10350863

One day she'll find a man who'll actually pay attention to her and leave him and all he'll think is about what he didn't do

t. ex left boyfriend for me

>> No.10351010


"Her invitation wasn’t to pleasure, but to struggle, hard and sharp, closer to murder than to love. If you threw yourself on her, it would be like throwing yourself from the parapet of a skyscraper. You would do it with a scream. You couldn’t expect to rise again. Your teeth would be driven into your skull like nails into a pine board and your back would be broken. You wouldn’t even have time to sweat or close your eyes."