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10343477 No.10343477 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize he was right all along

Who /awakened/ here?

>> No.10343485
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Yeah, I'm over here desu

>> No.10343494
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Can all Land posters neck themselves? Why do people take this twitter poo in the loo shit poster seriously? All he does is say edgy shit on twitter and write shitty 5th grade level articles on gay ass websites. His only fan boy is some serial dick sucker named n1x who runs a cringe ass twitter page.

>> No.10343506

Yeah, but he's right about literally everything though.

>> No.10343526

>mfw realize that there will be no "revolution" because the proletariat today is unable to fully seize the means of production on it's own. The modern economy is too complex. Production is decentralized, ownership is centralized. Even Imperialism in it's traditional form is dying. The division of labor has reached such an extend that no one actually knows what's going on anymore
>grow out of marxism to embrace nuclear accelerationism
who here /LandianPosadist/ ?

>> No.10343537

He is right about nothing. I really get annoyed when people with no formal training in Mathematics, Computer Science, or any other related fields start spouting out inane AI related bull shit conspiracy theories. He is the deepak chopra of AI. I sometimes wonder if he puts on jungle music, puts his laptop on the floor whilst positioning his torso to be above the keyboard, and start slithering like a snake in order to write out more inane bull shit.

>> No.10344511

Pretty sure that's what he does.

If you treat him as what he is - an extreme philosophical fiction writer with some good concepts sprinkled with tons of insanity, he becomes pretty valuable IMO. There's no else in philosophy trying to think beyond humanity to the point of self induced insanity.

>> No.10344631

I’m still waiting for Neo-China to arrive from the future.

>> No.10344644

It arrived yesterday.

>> No.10344797
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>> No.10345082

Why did he choose Shanghai, of all places? China is far detached from Western thought.

>> No.10345132

Is that where he lives now?

>> No.10345162

Yeah. Apparently his family went with him.

>> No.10345200

China is where it's at technology wise, finance wise, and guess culture wise. Who knows besides Land. After all, he's right about everything. Plus his ideas are probably so revolutionary he exiled himself before his native land had a chance to send him notice. How considerate. It just goes to show how subversive and cutting edge, oh sorry, and right his thought truly is. He's the philosopher of the future, we all just don't know it yet.

>> No.10345235

>After all, he's right about everything

Neo-China didn't arrive from the future, though.

>> No.10345256

Post-psychosis land is basically the opposite of revolutionary. All he does now is tally up the number of times trump mentions Western Civilization

>> No.10345281

He still drops a gem or two, occasionally

>> No.10345286

I just did yesterday.

>> No.10345290


>> No.10345368

You're idealizing Land. He's simply an intellectual that wrote speculative theory under the influence of amphetamines.

>> No.10345451

Where should I start with Land?

>> No.10345456

Is philosophy the study of literally being right about everything dude xd?

>> No.10345458

Stick your head in a particle accelerator at set it to TV dinner

>> No.10345459

Can I get a quick rundown on that mental breakdown?

>> No.10345464

Fanged Noumena it is.

>> No.10345477

Start with the Greeks

>> No.10345545
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>> No.10345552
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>tfw combat robots will make any seizing of the means of production by humans impossible
>tfw Marxism is time-conditional