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File: 10 KB, 273x246, TheThoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10340973 No.10340973 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10341019
File: 46 KB, 394x331, Screenshot_20171128-233528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe later.

>> No.10341085

thanks thot

>> No.10341185


>> No.10341203
File: 99 KB, 1024x576, 1509372657573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been on my first relationship for six months now. I was a loner before but I never felt lonely. Now I am not a loner anymore but I feel loneliness sometimes.

I feel neglected and that I have put up with so much. She is sweet and golden though, but the events we have gone through have been so taxing to me.

>> No.10341210

Spooked as fuck

>> No.10341217


I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing and not doing.

>> No.10341220

begone thoth

>> No.10341335
File: 210 KB, 380x495, Thoth3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

01101010100w0What's this11010101

>> No.10341483

You're not "supposed" to do anything. Go with the flow.

>> No.10341489

Give it a moment

>> No.10341500

Rise above, don't go full redpill and don't go full whatever-term-you-want-to-use to define an effeminate man on this board, and read the following:

>Plato Complete
>Shakespeare Complete
>Ovid's Art of Love
>Swann's Way
>Schopenhauer essays, especially "Metaphysical Love of the Sexes" FIRSTLY, and then: "General Rules," "Personality," "Property," and "Ages of Life"

>> No.10341516


>> No.10341523

This is like telling a depressed guy he should enjoy himself.

In the evening I plan the coming day and I see it quite clear. Come morning routine sets in. Constant distraction. Constant dopamine craving. There is no focus. You can't work like that

>> No.10341559
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>> No.10341610
File: 86 KB, 168x256, Horus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tf is going on here

>> No.10341632
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>> No.10341640

why does this exist?

>> No.10341644
File: 98 KB, 571x756, shamashrises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out.

>> No.10341650
File: 86 KB, 168x256, Sekhmet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fap is going grea-

>> No.10341662

sorry, hathor confirmed for best girl

>> No.10341677

childhood fap general?

>> No.10341684
File: 21 KB, 357x313, wojak2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably my first

>> No.10341687
File: 380 KB, 350x496, Ishtarin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did he mean by this

>> No.10341767

I can't

>> No.10341778

But thou must!

>> No.10341825

It's so hard, though. As more and more things that I need to do pile up it all becomes too overwhelming and makes it all even harder to begin. Plus, constantly having second thoughts about my major is really dampening my resolve.

>> No.10341838
File: 36 KB, 357x357, el lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

El >>> Egyptian faggot gods

>> No.10341852

I'm having a language exam in 15 hours, and I still need to write half of my essays and then memorize them all. I had at least a week to do that, but did I? No.
Tomorrow I'm having exam in another language. I had six months to prepare, and I didn't do anything besides reading a couple of news stories.
I haven't slept tonight.
Please, don't become me.
>constantly having second thoughts about my major is really dampening my resolve
I know the feeling.

>> No.10341908

Sorry to hear that, anon. What's your major? Mine is IT. My first real computer class has been intro to networks and it's been such a slog. Semester is almost over, but I feel like I haven't learned anything. Even my business and economics classes have been easier to stomach.

>> No.10341917

good luck while it lasts. don't be too bitter when it ends, because you will certainly learn from the experience

>> No.10342044

Thank you. I'm thinking linguistics. No one around me knows about the field, so I'll soon start spamming some actual students with questions, I guess.
I'm sure it will get better with time, anon. And if it doesn't, you can change majors, right I'm not from the US? How's your overall experience?
This autumn was weird, I couldn't work at all. Nothing like this happened before.

>> No.10342103

That sounds pretty cool. I hope it works out for you, sincerely. Maybe it will get better, but I had thought that I'd find the field more interesting than I actually do. The longer I wait to switch the more time and money it will require, and I don't have much of either to spare. Experience with computers? Not much admittedly. I only work at a grocery store for about 24 hours per week at the moment.

>> No.10342180

Y-you too! The biggest hesitation I have is that I'd love to work overseas, at least short-term, and I have 0% confidence even masters degree would help me.
Oh, that's a problem I'm familiar with. Is that the field you're were most interested in? Doesn't really sound like it.
That's sad. We have (mostly) free education over here, so it's way easier for me. I was asking about your college experience, but that's fine too.
I hope your future will be better than the present, anon and you will publish that novel you're surely writing.

>> No.10342210
File: 88 KB, 533x611, Enki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave my land.

>> No.10342227

Half of this thread is two college fags giving each other reach around and the other half is two Egyptophiles larping. All in all a great thread.

>> No.10342253

>two Egyptophiles
But what about the Mesopotamia poster?
>All in all a great thread.

>> No.10342394
File: 56 KB, 720x644, 1510022525578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. Same goes to you. Good luck with finding work overseas.. And you, too.