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10338253 No.10338253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did Socrates do it?

>> No.10338257

Socrates drank poison because it was his punishment, this friendly ustase drank poison to evade punishment.

>> No.10338259

Deep down, he knew he was guilty.

>> No.10338264
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>> No.10338265

As much as I sympathize with socrates, he was guilty as fuck.

>> No.10338271

This. He was the original cultural marxist. Got what he deserved for subverting tradition and advocating turning away from whiteness and pursue philosophag shit

>> No.10338278
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>see thread on /lit/ making fun of Confucianism for "muh rules"
>disciples of Socrates tell him that, by his own teaching, his punishment does not constitute "justice"
>disciples tell him "dude, it's fucking 400 BC, just leave the city and nobody will give a shit"
>Socrates sits on his ass and drinks his poison like a cuck because of "muh justice"

>> No.10338288

he did it for free

>> No.10338289

>ancient Greeks

>> No.10338305
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>that picture

>> No.10338317

He would have only served two years in jail. They only convicted him of blowing up a bridge and not being careful enough around mosques during the war. Also the bridge that was blown up was done so after he had left his post.

>> No.10338342

His sentence was 20 years I thought

>> No.10338347


We're talking about socrates damnit.

>> No.10338429

Yeah but he has already spent years in jail during the trial, and a part of sentence would be forgiven, or something similar.
Poor guy desu. Committing suicide that way is ridiculously transgressive, he had massive balls. (Legit war criminals are spineless scum that would never do this, while Pralyak actually had ideals and principles.) And now he's just a meme.

>> No.10338452

So the Nazi leadership weren't actually legit war criminals, but just visionaries with massive balls?

>> No.10338465
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>nazis were the bad guys meme

Lets stick to Socrates since politics is too hard for humanities/art folks.

>> No.10338469

This. Praise Hitler and Praise Lord Kek.

Deus Vult

>> No.10338498

>Cannot stand justice
>Flee from justice and virtue
>were not the bad guys
stick to your sophistry, kiddo

>> No.10338517

>international (((clown court)))
read Plato's Phaedo.

>> No.10338534
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>Athenian court
>Not just
Read Plato's Apology

>> No.10338556

Sorry for exposing your mental confusion.

>> No.10338633

He's right though, lets talk about Socrates not merchants and nomadic-parasite culture.

>> No.10338853

Guilty of what?

>> No.10338943
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>ancient greeks
>not white

>> No.10339526


He served most of his sentence.

>> No.10339564

he actually looks like socrates a lot

>> No.10339597

It's because ancient Greeks were actually the same as modern Croats. They've migrated North to escape Islamic conquests

>> No.10339606

In origin, Socrates belonged to the lowest class: Socrates was plebs. We know, we can still see for ourselves, how ugly he was. But ugliness, in itself an objection, is among the Greeks almost a refutation. Was Socrates a Greek at all? Ugliness is often enough the expression of a development that has been crossed, thwarted by crossing. Or it appears as declining development. The anthropologists among the criminologists tell us that the typical criminal is ugly: monstrum in fronte, monstrum in animo. [“monster in face, monster in soul”] But the criminal is a decadent. Was Socrates a typical criminal? At least that would not be contradicted by the famous judgment of the physiognomist which sounded so offensive to the friends of Socrates. A foreigner who knew about faces once passed through Athens and told Socrates to his face that he was a monstrum -- that he harbored in himself all the bad vices and appetites. And Socrates merely answered: "You know me, sir!"

>> No.10339613

good post, my friend

>> No.10339634

Imagine being so retarded that propaganda from the 1930's still informs your thinking and perspective on the world.

>> No.10339643

what are you referencing? globalism?

>> No.10339645
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>commits suicide
>gets compared to Socrates

These are heights that most of us can only dream of.

>> No.10339646
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>> No.10339715
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RIP in peace in peace sweet wiedźmin.

>> No.10339752

Were they? Pretty sure they would be if they'd won.
I mean, were the leaders of merrica considered war criminals after what they did with napalm and shit in Vietnam?

>> No.10339753

A man accepts his destiny. Look at Christ.

>> No.10339844

>Can't be racist if there are no other races.
Now tell me, is this line of thinking leftist or right-wing?

>> No.10339870

The very notion of war criminal is a progressive liberal globalist meme.

>> No.10339879

Left wing, they love the idea of a caramel coloured generic mass. Nazis weren't in favour of exterminating all races, or any for that matter.

They were zionists in fact, they wanted to create a homeland for the Jews.

>> No.10339898


Really, really bad puns

>> No.10339945



>> No.10340215

Socrates deserved to die and the Athenian courts were 100% in the right
even Socrates recognized this

>> No.10340225

While this is partially true it is false in the sense that war crime is an aspect of global liberal power. Essentially a warlord is not above their justice. /pol/ never seems to ubderstand or want to admit that this state of affairs is an aspect of power and no amount of redpilling will change the actual power relations as they exist.

>> No.10340242

Hur dur I think violence is necessary for my political regimes. Inb4 “I think life is sacred only when it’s the type of life I agree with.”
Have you ever had an original thought in your life?

>> No.10340347

because of the owed cock

>> No.10340355

>Can't be racist if there are no other races.
>Now tell me, is this line of thinking leftist or right-wing?
Neither, or in another way both.
The left/right wing axis is not based on idpol.
Where we see similar views on racial/cultural issues on the left, and contrary views on the right, it is a correlation. It is not these issues that define left or right.
You have examples of left wingers with socially conservative views, like Otto Strasser, or right wingers with socially liberal views, such as Elon Musk.

>> No.10340730

Where does that meme come from?

>> No.10340734


>> No.10340742

What's the story?

>> No.10340746

Croatian general was denied an appeal on war crimes charge and drank poison in the courtroom and there are videos of it online he died later in the hospital.

>> No.10340750

Slobodan Praljak. He was a Croatian general during the Yugoslav wars. He fought the Mujahideen and muslim insurgents in based Sarajevo and was convicted of war crimes by the international kangaroo courts (who've never brought a single western european leader to justice), and after being sentenced to 20 years for his "crimes" (most of the time of which he'd already served), he stood up, proudly proclaimed all the charges false, and drank hemlock, which causes extreme neuromuscular paralysis and death within minutes

>> No.10340753

Kinda funny and badass way to go. He looks like goddamned silverback gorilla too.

>> No.10340770

Thank you. Tragic story but I find the meme super funny. Is the video online?

>> No.10340779

It was on youtube yesterday

>> No.10340783

>t. Never read the Crito

>> No.10340784

he didn't care and there was no way out

>> No.10340788

Yeah found it

>> No.10341482

He literally explains it in phaedo.
you can't live by and support the law and then bitch and moan about how unfair it is as soon as it becomes expedient to you .

>> No.10341641


He was a philosophy professor before he became a general. The trouble is it's not just him on trial. His country was founded during that war. A man's soul is immortal, but a nation is a fragile thing. It very well can die. With his background the choice was elementary.

>> No.10341722

It's from Nietzsche's Twilight of the Idols, the first chapter I believe

>> No.10341741

Did trepination really make such big holes? I thought the point was just to relieve pressure.

>> No.10341900

He was prosecuted for false claims. The elenchus in the Apology is Socrates countering the false claims.

He was accused of not believing in the gods of the city and belief in the gods was something necessary to be a citizen of Athens. He DID believe in the gods but not necessarily those deemed necessary by Athenian society.

He was also accused of corrupting the youth. This follows from the first accusation. Corrupting the youth pertains to the elenchus in that the audience, generally the youth of Athens, was influenced to rethink their beliefs. Citizens of Athens at the time had a mindset similar to Cephalus or Polemarchus in Book I of the Republic. Socrates exposed those who considered themselves to be experts, causing the youth to question their own beliefs.

Something similar to this is Thrasymachus' account from Book I, in which he goes against Cephalus' and Polemarchus' institution-influenced accounts to provide a different conception of justice that isn't like theirs.

>> No.10341926

Is there footage of Croatman post-poisoning? I’m curious what death by cyanide looks like. The vids I found cut to the judge.

>> No.10342438
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The civic cult was only the foundation of social and cultural life. Meme socratic all you like, but premodern Greece never experienced a better social organization. His moral teachings are reflected all too well by the traitorous conduct of his favorite pupil Alcibiades. The works Plato associates with Socrates were plagiarized from the Pythagoreans, whose leader Archytas rescued Plato from the dungeons of Syracuse. Archytas was the true philosopher general, undefeated in battle, a leader of men by both word and deed, the literal embodiment of areté.

>> No.10342769
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>Croat general who removed muslim shits in the Yugoslav war, defending Christians.
>Put on trial for (((war crimes)))
>Goes to the Hague voluntarily 15 years ago to prove his innocence
>Spends 2/3 of the sentence therefore was to be released immediately
>Court tells him he is guilty after all and sentences him to 20 years (he would still get out soon since he spent 2.3 of it in prison already)
>Says fuck your rules I go down how I want and drinks Hemlock poison like a boss.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ll8-VYM5xYU [Open] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1OhsiZjpww [Open] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]

He said “Slobodan Praljak is not a war criminal. I reject your judgment with contempt.”


Slobodan PraljakJust was a Bosnian Croat engineer, film and theatre director, businessman, author and retired general in the Croatian Army. This madman graduated from 3 different colleges (College of Computing and Electrical Engineering, Philoshopy and Dramatic Art) all with high marks, wrote dozens of books, made plays and television series and was a Philosophy and Sociology professor .

He voluntarily joined the newly formed Croatian Armed Forces after the outbreak of the Croatian War of Independence. He formed a unit composed of the Zagreb artists and intellectuals. Although he did not have any military education, he successfully defended this position from the technically superior forces of the Yugoslav People's Army and the Army of the Republic of Serb Krajina. Then he proceeded to remove Bosniak muslim shits and the Saudi mujahedeen sent to Bosnia, who were attacking and slaughtering innocent Christians in the war.

And mind you that he voluntarily surrendered to the International Court, not caught, only for all of this fuckery to happen in the end.

Press F

>> No.10342781

Can I write a book about this absolute mad man

>> No.10342830

if he didn't drink, the executioner would have poured t down his throat

Socrates should have split, he had abettors, so perhaps Plato thought he would be more noble if he finally in the end, obeyed the state

>> No.10342897

As someone who knows next to nothing about 'The Greeks', what was Socretes guilty of: fucking too many boys, or not fucking enough?

>> No.10342914


>> No.10342923

Will you all please read the fucking dialogues... he says that anyone who wants to live is an idiot and you shouldn’t kill yourself, so he said he was fortunate to be offered an easy/early way out. Why didn’t Jesus run away if he was in an identical situation?

>> No.10342941
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>> No.10343002

The Athenian court rules that it was too many, but Socrates maintains that it wasn't enough and that with his death the dialectical method lives on forever.

>> No.10343030

>Praljak was married to Kaćuša Babić. The couple had no children, but Praljak was close to his two stepchildren Nikola and Nataša, who took his last name.

/pol/ making a cuck their hero yet again.

>> No.10343137

what the fuck is a war criminal. in war you kill people and bad stuff happens lol wtf if you lose a war you just go to prison as a war criminal like wtf even is that. sounds like some made up shit.

>> No.10343156

socrates converted to christianity and was ashamed of his sins

however, he succumbed to despair and committed the sin of suicide (and was helled)

this was known by the early church fathers, google it

>> No.10343164
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>> No.10343189


>they actually did try to pull this shit in the early church

>> No.10343203

(Because they realized that Christianity was repackaged Platonism. Philo was called a church father by some because he basically started Christianity, he invented Jesus)

>> No.10343429

Slav-shit attention whore.

>> No.10343598

how is this a cuck move? imagine some guy being so much of good father to your children that they take his name instead of yours.

>> No.10343622

name a regime that sucessfully navigated conflict without committing atrocities.

>> No.10343640

legit question though

>> No.10343689
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A war criminal is who the courts and the media tell us it is.

>> No.10343701

Mine in Civ5

>> No.10343792

Making shit up and touching little boys

>> No.10343796

Jesus Christ /lit/. The UN has a branch called the International Court of Justice. I'm sure you can figure the rest out on your own.

>> No.10343804

>this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.10343809
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>> No.10343817

>wtf if you lose a war you just go to prison as a war criminal
No. It is perfectly legal to go to war against other nations, but there are some general agreements on what not to do, such as using chemical weapons.

>> No.10343833

Yeah, if they had won.

>> No.10343835

>The UN

Why should I care about this organization or what its officials have to say?

>> No.10343840

Holy shit you are naive as fuck. Hague was a political court whose main objective was to ecquate gult of all sides in the war , slander injustice probably for future use when they find it convinient ti start balkan war 3 just as they did balkan balkan wars 1 and 2 as prologue into 2 world wars

>> No.10343889

Because Socrates was thinking long term legacy by his martyrdom
>fuck you faggots, history will remember as the reason democracy is shit rather than the fact that I did corrupt the youth

>> No.10343905


>> No.10343911

hague is so whiny euros cry less. They cry more than ever before now. The pale-faced niggers

>> No.10343914

A man chooses.

>> No.10343926

Look at how effective modern propaganda has become. Just make something seem cringy and socially unacceptable and the debate is won. Just use a picture.

>> No.10344018

The left is anti-white

>> No.10344052

>worship genociders, mass rapists, murderers and torturers for the aesthetics of it
>rant on a japanese child porn forum about the disintegration of western morals
You fucking degenerate LARPers are so disgusting, it actually ceased to be funny.

>> No.10344069

He was in prison for 20 years

got out
they slapped a new charge on him and were about to put him away for another 20 years so he just quit

>> No.10344076

I hate shrill comments like this. It's like listening to one of those angry women at a trump protest.

>> No.10344083

>they slapped a new charge on him
no, they didn't

>> No.10344087

What a fucking piece of shit must you be to get upset over somebody advocating basic decency

>> No.10344093

Just let all the war criminals run free then right

>> No.10344100

I'm not upset, I'm just irritated. I find people like you tiresome. Go hug a muslim or something.

>> No.10344115

Do you genuinely hate people with different beliefs? I mean I get that you can get pissed off if they wanna impose them on you but why else?

>> No.10344124
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>basic decency
so you're a traditionalist?

>>worship genociders, mass rapists, murderers and torturers for the aesthetics of it
no we hate commies, migrant rape squads and the fruits of the "enlightenment" and "french revolution."

>> No.10344128

kill them yourself

>> No.10344147

>Socrates sentenced for his time's biggest crime: questioning God
>This guy sentenced for our times better biggest crime: questioning Islam


>> No.10344156


>> No.10344157

A man accepts what he has Chosen.

>> No.10344199

You fucking jew he spent 13 years waiting for final sentence, he VOLUNTERED to go there in 2004. Trial endured until fucking 2013 when he had a right for appeal of sentence. He waited another 4 years for final verdict where they sentenced him for 20 years. But hague alwayys let sentenced go free after they serve 2/3 of sentence which means he would be free for maximum of few months.
What he has done is taken his life when he HAD a choice to free and with his family but he sacrificed himself to show what a travesty everything connected to supranational institution is
Now FUCK OFF to leddit

>> No.10344203

So, rape and murder committed by ~~them~~ against ~~us~~ is abhorrent, but rape and murder committed by ~~us~~ against ~~them~~ is moral and justified?
If you want to be an amoral, violent piece of shit, at least own it and don't hide under a false pretense of defending values.

>so you're a traditionalist?
I'm not the one you're replying to (I'm >>10344052), but yes, I hold traditional moral values though you likely mean something else by this. If your idea of tradition is corrupted by Nietzschean fascist degeneracy, then no, I'm not ''traditionalist''.

>I hate you because you supposedly resemble something I dislike
You truly live on a world of appearances. You may feel that you're saying something, but you're only inventing a vague justification for yourself to a priori discredit me, or anyone who poses a threat to your warped, fragile worldview on which you depend for self-validation.

>I'm not upset
>I'm irritated
These are synonyms, you idiot. This psychotic use of language is indicative of your overall irrationality.

>> No.10344280

I'd like to see you get close to one of them while their soldiers rape and pillage your homeland. It doesnt fucking work like that you retard

>> No.10344480
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>> No.10344555

Imagine thinking a successful state justifies atrocities.

What does the state do for you?

You pay 35% of your income for some roads and healthcare if you arent in america.

Culture, religion and communities may arise from conflict and struggles but not necessarily atrocities.

Yes, the idea that the life of someone completely unrelated has intrinsic value is a recent concept but that doesnt dminish its importance.