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10338164 No.10338164 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the best writers Catholic?

>> No.10338166

Name five elite Catholic writers

Dante doesn't count since he was a heretic

>> No.10338167

Because its the correct religion, just as Heidegger

>> No.10338175

Flannery O'Connor
Graham Greene
GK Chesterton
Anthony burgess
James Joyce

>> No.10338178
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>Dante doesn't count

>> No.10338179

>Dante doesn't count since he was a heretic
>implying you can get out of catholicism
getting out of the mob is easier
waugh, greene, wilde, chesterton, spark, kerouac, burgess, benson, flannery o'conner, frank o'conner, joyce

>> No.10338180 [SPOILER] 
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stop being a cuck, op

>> No.10338190

*Raised Catholic.

>> No.10338192


>> No.10338194

So far Joyce is the only one of the named writers who is both elite and can actually be considered Catholic (and he openly renounced his faith and the Church)

>> No.10338195

For the record, Zappa, Carlin & Crumb were each raised Catholic

>> No.10338201

he called himself a jesuit, and the pope never recalled him. it's the only way for a jesuit to get even censured.
>only joyce
some of those people are the prime movers of literary genres and one of them predicted WWI's dates and is recommended by papal authority. your ignorance of them isn't a valid judgment of their impact.

>> No.10338202

Being raised Catholic is what matters. No intelligent people are actually Catholic.

Don't forget

>> No.10338209

>(and he openly renounced his faith and the Church)

>> No.10338211

How about you name some elite non-Catholic writers? Nabokov? Tolstoy? Dostoevsky?

>> No.10338213

>not mentioning Cervantes

>> No.10338217
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>sticking to religion
>being intelligent

>> No.10338220

>being protestant
>one book is enough to be smart

>> No.10338221
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>> No.10338228

Don't link that absolute bender again

>> No.10338232

pretty sure he's married to a lady

>> No.10338234

He was Jewish, you stupid fuck.

>> No.10338235

Doesn't matter if you have a benders soul

>> No.10338241

why the faggot hate? why even the response? did he own you when you heckled his show or something? i mean, he can be a fedora smug bastard, but that's hardly benderish, or worth a response. i sense storytime.

>> No.10338247


>> No.10338270

All the best writers are pagans actually: greeks and romans.

>> No.10338293

Pynchon was a fucking degenerate, he did drugs and fucked his friend's wife all the time.

>> No.10338298

I mean if you like plays sure.

>> No.10338299

Of course I do.
The novel is an inferior artform invented by wh*Toids.

>> No.10338301
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get the fuck out delusion cathcunt

>> No.10338315

>No intelligent people are actually Catholic.

>> No.10338321

>being raised Catholic contributes to a generative mindset
>no one intelligent is Catholic

It's been awhile but *tips*

>> No.10338350

Here we go again...

>> No.10338392


>He based a gruesome section of his debut novel V around a Jewish princess having a rhinoplasty because the author was once dumped for being a Catholic.


What did Pynchon mean by this?

>> No.10338402

>Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Goethe, Schiller, Hölderlin, Milton, Keats, Sterne...
W-wow, you're right!

>> No.10338553

christfags have become the most irritating people on this board.
anti-theist psyop?

>> No.10338557

>Irish Anglican
The Anglican cathedral in Dublin still shares duties with the Catholic cathedral and is the primary authority to the Catholic diocese under Papal law, due to a 1300 agreement. It did so also during Sterne's residence there, and the replacement of Catholicism with the CoI didn't impact much of the practices of the religion or diocese. See also: Wodehouse's much later joke about the roaming Catholic Anglican.
>Orthodox are not Catholic
They're not Roman Catholic, but the Russian Orthodox Church are part of the Orthodox Catholic Churches.

>> No.10338587

>t-t-they're catholic, too!

>> No.10338594

The major Catholic character in TS is named "Slop."

>> No.10338598

>reality doesn't play to my shallow prejudices about religion and there's millions of them to prove me wrong
killing yourself would void you of the torment of living with the knowledge you were wrong and others know it, so i cannot recommend likewise.

>> No.10338611

>>reality doesn't play to my shallow prejudices about religion and there's millions of them to prove me wrong
this is what you should be getting out of this thread.
These authors are not catholic, and by trying to read Catholicism into them you are corrupting perhaps the one religion that prides itself the most for purity.
I am laffin, my bro, my dude

>> No.10338613

he's based on the guy who shopped his uncle during the revolution, that he's catholic is pretty incidental. it's that he's a midwife that's the key, and sterne being pissed off at a jacobite who fucked his uncle over is not sterne focusing on catholics.

>> No.10338622

R.A. Lafferty
Gene Wolfe

>> No.10338626

Orthodox Churches believe they are the true Catholicism, which is why Orthodox and Roman Catholic bishops share Ecumenical Catholic conferences. They're called Orthodox because they believe they are the continuation from the schism, and the Roman part of Roman Catholic is to differentiate between the various branches, just like Orthodox Catholics and Syriac Catholics use it to denote not their kind of Catholicism.

>> No.10338638

okay dude, keep up your delusional gibberings that every good writer is somehow catholic
despite the mass of evidence to the contrary

>> No.10338642

>Dostoevsky can't be an Orthodox Catholic
Maybe try reading, dude.

>> No.10338654

>when people say catholic they are referring to the Orthodox church
nice delusional bending of the english language, dude

>> No.10338665

Well, once you get all the Orthodox Catholics to stop calling their churches Catholic, and stop using the word catholic in their Nicene Creed in English, maybe the English language will agree with your assumptions. Until then, they're going to keep saying that they believe in one holy catholic and apostolic church and mean the Orthodox one.

>> No.10338692

sure thing, buckaroo
I am sure OP was looking for Orthodox writers when he said Catholic

>> No.10338699

>maybe OP's as ignorant as me

>> No.10339214

Shakespeare yes. Milton no way

>> No.10339256

You guys are literally just arguing over different interpretations of catholic. I could literally says proddies are catholic because they think they're church is universal too.

>> No.10339265

suppressed paedophilic tendencies diverted into art.

>> No.10339275


because you are trapped in your own chauvinism, as we all are. You also mistake the historical longevity of Catholicism for actual intellectual legitimacy (most cultural Catholics do this). Catholicism is just another cult that hit the right beats at the right times. That's all.

>> No.10339278

>You also mistake the historical longevity of Catholicism for actual intellectual legitimacy
That's literally in their theology where tradition has religious authority though.

>> No.10339279

>I could literally says proddies are catholic because they think they're church is universal to
>sola scriptura prods wrote the nicene council into the bible

>> No.10339288


>> No.10339293


Thanks for letting me know about that. It plays into my point and strengthens my argument for next time, I'll have to look it up and see if it's true.

Makes total sense, if true: "this way that we correctly perceive that you might actually undermine us in argumentation isn't true because nuh-uh we're the dominant culture this century and we say nuh-uh no you can't. Give this a few centuries' accretion and it starts to look good for no other reason than that it's old. Whoop-dee-doo.

These are the people whose intellectual heritage is heavily based on Aristotle. /Aristotle/. If you can think correctly about it, let that sink in for a bit, and surmise the appropriate inferences.

>> No.10339300

>/Aristotle/. If you can think correctly about it, let that sink in for a bit, and surmise the appropriate inferences.
well who wouldn't be ridden like a horsie for a fun time?

>> No.10339301

LMAOING at your life

>> No.10339329

>redditfaggots mad because atheist can't produce anything worth a shit

>> No.10339756

faggots are annoying

>> No.10340191

Well catholic literally just means universal and they believe they are. Also Luther didn't hate all tradition. Just tradition contradicting scripture.

>> No.10340193

Shakespeare was an Irish Catholic

>> No.10340206

This is so much shit. There are so few good Catholic writers of novels. The novel is an essentially anarchic form, which is why the best novellists are dissidents, protestant or otherwise. "Catholic" writers like James Joyce, as someone has already pointed out, renounced their faith. Does anyone seriously believe that Joyce would be the same writer if he was a devoted Catholic? Of course not.

>> No.10340211

Writers don't matter. The greatest thinker of all time, Newton, was Catholic.

>> No.10340327
