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10335874 No.10335874 [Reply] [Original]

Name a better book written by a woman.

>> No.10335880
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The Complete Works of Shakespeare

>> No.10335881

More like
>name a better novel by anyone

>> No.10335885

Is there a book written by a woman that isn't fucking boring?

>> No.10335889

is there a sexist on 4chan that isn't also a fucking pleb?

>> No.10335891

Name a classic written by a woman who isn't Virginia Woolf that isn't sleep-inducing

>> No.10335899

Brideshead Revisited

>> No.10335923

Middlemarch, like OP posted

>> No.10335935

Wise Blood is the only real answer, sorry

>> No.10335948

Wuthering Heights
The Waves
To The Lighthouse

>> No.10335957

Nightwood by Djuana Barnes
It was recommended to me on /lit/ yesterday.
Luckily it was at my bookstore. I'm about half done.
It's very good.

>> No.10336017
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Easily done

>> No.10336023

Yeah these
Especially black lamb and grey falcon.

>> No.10336077
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>> No.10336187

Yes. Orlando, by Virginia Woolf

see above

impossible. >>10335923 is a snoozer.

has been shilled a lot lately and im getting close to reading it

>> No.10336189

Wait for a winter day, it is max-comfy.

Death Comes for the Archbishop is great too

>> No.10336222

Is there a book written by a woman that isn't about relationships to some extent?

>> No.10336224

I assume you mean romantic relationships otherwise that's almost every work of fiction every written.

>> No.10336225

is there a book by a man that isn't about relationships to some extent?

>> No.10336230

This. Books by women are all so parochial. They're all about dinner parties and finding husbands. You're never going to get something like The Brothers Karamazov from a woman

>> No.10336238

The complete works of Emily Dickinson

>> No.10336245

My diary desu, silly boys ;)

>> No.10336285

i mean, no, but okay

>> No.10336593

Are you a woman/transgendered/lesbian/special snowflake? That's literally the only way you could possibly enjoy that heaping pile of shit.

Let me guess, you HEAVILY identity with Robin Vote. No single man/woman/transgendered piece of trash can tie you down. You're like sooooo deep emotionally that you wander the city at night looking for a quick fuck. Like Robin Vote is soooo me. Like open relationships y'all it's almost 2018 ughhhhhh

>> No.10336629

Not OP, but I think you misunderstood Robin's character. Throughout the novel Robin has no agency, no voice, yet the book's loose plot revolves around her. She isn't a symbol for sex-positivism so much as social degeneracy as an imposing force. Modernity, in looking for new ways to live, had yet to find a real place for women beyond sexual objectification.

A lot of contemporary queer/feminist scholarship addresses the shallowness Barnes' interpretation/writing of these groups. It's more of a parade of oddity than an honest characterization.

The reason I enjoyed it was the fucking poetry, that it was a difficult yet rewarding book that presses against the limits of language. You would be able to see that if you could understand more than every third word of a sentence.

>> No.10336719

Thats a dude. It's also not very good.

>> No.10336865

No I am a straight white conservative man. However, I don't need to identify with characters to enjoy a book. I actually disliked most of the characters and their degeneracy. Like >>10336629 I enjoyed the language of the book. It's also an interesting view from a time and perspective I'm not used to.
T.S. Eliot loved it too, and you know he was staunchly against degeneracy.

>> No.10336881

Why don't we focus on merits instead of trying to be inclusive?

>> No.10336888



>> No.10336916
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>> No.10337965

>written by a woman
fucking plebs read the cover at least

>> No.10338018

this. they smell worse out of their butts than the white man as well, because they're filthy base animals barely conscious of logic and rationality

>> No.10339197

The Bell Jar