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10335465 No.10335465 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best book about the holocaust /lit/?

>> No.10335469

check the fantasy aisle at barnes and noble

>> No.10335521

If this is a man or The drowned and the saved by Primo Levi.

Or, if you're more into an autistic level of attention to historical detail, a gay SS protagonist who wants to fuck his sister and keeps sticking things in his bum while having fun with the boys from the EInsatzgruppen, then the Kindly Ones by Jonathan Littell might be something for you

>> No.10335563

The Holocaust Industry
The Painted Bird
The Culture of Critique series
The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy

>> No.10335564

Sophie's choice is good fiction.

>> No.10335568

>reading genre fiction

>> No.10335591

This place is so boring and predictable.
>if I repost stale nazi memes will I be a cool kid?

Anyway OP, seconding If This Is A Man by Levi, Man's Search For Meaning, the Diaries of Victor Klemperer are amazing (even though he wasn't deported since he was a WW1 war hero), Eli Wiesel's Night, Snyder's Black Earth (non-fiction with a very different interpretation of the holocaust, giving much more importance to Hitler's biology ideas), Witness Voices from the Holocaust for interviews

>> No.10335604

Why do progressives get off to their own propaganda so much? It's one thing to be a weak-willed dumbass who believes whatever the pushy Ivy league kike on TV tells him to believe, but it's entirely another to actually seek out your brainwashing material and take pleasure from submitting to Dr. Goldstein. Do progs have a proclivity to the moral high that watching a ten hours of torture porn gives them, do they relish the opportunity to feign intellectual superiority, or are they simply dumb and submissive people?

>> No.10335612
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Guess the tribe of the poster.

>> No.10335615

This Way for the Gas, Ladies and Gentlemen

>> No.10335616
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Cesarani's Final Solution is the best I've read, dispenses with a lot of myths of earlier research.

>> No.10335620

Anyone else amazed by this epic thread? I'm gonna add to my picture folder for great 4chan screen caps.

>> No.10335626

You don't even have an argument, lol

>> No.10335642

Samaritan, without the added benefits of human DNA.

>> No.10335645

Ordinary Men

>> No.10335646

Thanks for the recommendations.

>> No.10335648

The term for that is "shabbos goy."

>> No.10335655

That's because this isn't a debate, retard. You are not on Reddit. You are not bottoming for Socrates. I am not trying to convince you through reason and facts that you're stupid (this is already self-evident). What is happening is that I'm telling you point-blank that your brain is real fucking incompetent and repulsive and that both the world and yourself would be better served if you closed your fat retard mouth

Cotdamn you are fucking stupid

>> No.10335675

>if I use swear words I'm a big guy, right, mommy?

>> No.10335715

I honestly have no idea what you're trying to say

>> No.10335724

You mean G-ddamn? Well, I got good news for you! http://archive.is/qMDqo

>> No.10335739

Also recommended, Solzhenitsyn's Two Hundred Years Together

>> No.10335745

Repeating a lot of the good recs in this thread, but:

Survival in Auschwitz
The Reawakening
The Drowned and the Saved
This way for the gas, ladies and gentlemen
(Parts of) Life and Fate
Badenheim 1939
(Parts of) Gravity's Rainbow
The Painted Bird (also part of Steps)

>> No.10335755

>nazi memes
three of those four books are written by literal Jews.

>> No.10335756

Came here to post this. Gave me nightmares

>> No.10335792

Funny, four of those four books are not history books about the holocaust, it's almost like you have a ready-made list to "le redpill" people and aren't interested in people actually being educated about the holocaust

The Holocast Industry: about the US Israeli lobby
The Painted Bird: a novel
Culture of Critique: about IQ and genetics
The Israel Lobby: about the US Israeli lobby

>> No.10335813

Austerlitz by Sebald

>> No.10335815

>You are not bottoming for Socrates.
"Good lord, what’s going on here? It’s Socrates! You’ve trapped me again! You always do this to me—all of a sudden you’ll turn up out of nowhere where I least expect you! Well, what do you want now? Why did you choose this particular couch? Why aren’t you with Aristophanes or anyone else we could tease you about? But no, you figured out a way to find a place next to the most handsome man in the room!"

hey, buddy, it's not my list. besides, OP asked for books on the holocaust, not historical texts. we are on /lit/, not /his/, so your objection to a fiction recommendation is—at best—misguided.
of course, all holocaust history is fiction ;^)

>> No.10335840

t. shlomo shekelbergensis

>> No.10335975

>The Holocast Industry: about the US Israeli lobby

Ive read it. It is not

Raul Hilberg, Hannah Arendt, and Richard Evans have the best work on the holocaust

>> No.10336001

Two out of the three there are jews. Never trust anything a jew says about the holocaust.

>> No.10336029
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>> No.10336043
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>> No.10336073

Every year jews get caught lying about having survived the holocaust. These are often jews who are not only paraded out in front of us when it's convenient to appeal for things like unlimited immigration into white countries, but who actually go around indoctrinating children about the supposed horrors of the nazism, i.e., that whites are evil and jews are innocent victims. Jews are bad people.



>> No.10336090

>Every year jews get caught lying about having survived the holocaust.
1-2 elites
>These are often jews who are not only paraded out in front of us when it's convenient to appeal for things like unlimited immigration into white countries, but who actually go around indoctrinating children about the supposed horrors of the nazism, i.e., that whites are evil and jews are innocent victims
5-20 hollywood executives and directors
>Jews are bad people.
14-20 Million people depending on what you call a Jew (patriarchal-matriarchal-secularists)

I just dont understand the endgame

>> No.10336132

goy extermination/subjugation.

>> No.10336176

>I just dont understand the endgame
It's about power. Imagine that they are what they claim us to be, and you're set.

>> No.10336654
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>> No.10336726

Read the Red Nuremburg Book and look at all the first hand meticulously recorded and collected evidence by whyte 120+ IQ military intelligence officers and forensic experts and then go to /pol/ and ask them how long crematoria can be on, then go to your local university and ask some engineers to kindly help you debunk the evil nazis they will acquiesce. also ask them what happened to all the Jews in russia and why the population post war doesn’t account for them all “being sent to siberia”. also ask them about the mass graves of civies riddled with bullet holes in estonia and Ukraine. also ask them about all the first hand documents with himmler’s handwriting on it talking about exterminating the Jews. then ask them what they would have done with the Jews or just lurk their board for a few years like i did and wait for the racial supremacist threads, the ones where they talk as if they were alone, and wait for the Turner Diaries shit to start. Also go look up the member banks of the Fed in 1914 and now, look how few are Jew owned, look how many are owned by groups of whytes and jews combined and by mutual funds and other groups, then go look at who owns and chairs a lot of major fortune 500 companies they’re mostly whyte, then go look at all the Fed directors going into the 60’s and go look at who Trump wants to put in charge. Also maybe look up CIA-Nazi MK smuggling, GLADIO, Argentina, Boys from brazil, Klause Barbey and David irvine and the fascist underground of gun runners and human traffickers from the Netherlands and South america. Also maybe look up Douglas McCarthur post war and his son/nephew too. Would be worthwhile to study things like Le Cercle and P2 where fascists, former nazis, far right military and defense people, whyte bankers were rigging elections and stealing/laundering billions and taking drug money payments and facilitating cocaine and heroin trafficking. There’s a lot more but fascists have existed as an entity all century and there are elites loyal to their cause to the bitter end, they also love stealing, lying, abuse, rayp, human trafficking, snuff films, extreme violence, hunting humans alive, torture, cannibalism, sodomy, espionage on whytes, gun running, money laundering and assassination and crashing political systems and planning fake terrorist attacks. also all the anti-jew stuff is tsarist and post ww1 fascist propaganda and the holocaust denial started in 1946 immediately by former Nazi generals and intelligence officers who stayed true to their cause. They planned on denying the holocaust ahead of time and went out of their way to try to cover it up at the end of the war. Jews knew about the holocaust and were ambivalent or even opprotunistic about it, but it was whyte elites who allowed it to happen. Also look up how much wealth the Nazis stole from the Czech Republic, France and Poland and from other Germans. Also look up Goebells “pedophile” and SS officers gang rape, “poland

>> No.10336890
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I don't like Night because it's purported to be a true story of a Holocaust survivor but he admitted to making up portions of it. This isn't to say the Holocaust was largely fabricated or that it was justified, but come on!

>> No.10336940

If you want a weirder Holocaust book try Hasidic Tales of the Holocaust.

>> No.10337888

It's been largely fabricated though. There is a wide consensus among those who have studied the evidence, science, and logistics that the gas chambers stuff was completely made up. Combined with the tales of lampshades and soap, the information about typhus outbreaks and later-war embargos, and the actual accounts of what auchwitz was really like with club soccer teams and the like, and you see a very different picture than the one jews have been telling us since the 1970s, which was when the holocaust as sacred atrocity against poor, defenseless jews really became a cultural phenomenon.

>> No.10338090


Super 88 trips confirms Holocaust it's hoax.

Seriously, I know Jews were rounded up. But none of these camps were "death camps" at all.
>The fake chimney the Russians built off site where supposedly another crematorium was but it's totally gone now no evidence or foundation but we built another chimney to show what it "would have" looked like in photos.

>> No.10338388
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>> No.10338419

>wow um seriously nazism is #NotOk please go back to drumpf.com
>also read (((Night))) goy it is reliable

>> No.10338461



omg like



>> No.10338477

that book is trash.

>> No.10338522

Leuchter Report

>> No.10338528

Read the transcript of the Zundel trial. Proved the holocaust didnt happen.

>> No.10338846
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>But none of these camps were "death camps" at all.
Even if the Nazis wanted to have extermination camps, I'm not the only one that thinks that it's a little too historically convenient for the concentration camps to all be in U.S.-controlled western Germany and the extermination camps all in Soviet-controlled eastern Germany.

>> No.10338936

But what if I suggested you eat tempeh?

>> No.10338944

my diary desu
(I'm Anne Frank btw)

>> No.10338958

I prefer the version where her gas gives away their position, the Diary of Anne Stank.

>> No.10338967

i firmly believe that jews in fact committed the holocaust against the german people and that is why they lost the war

the jews were herding germans up into concentration camps by the millions and we havent heard of that because of repression from the jewish cabal controlling the MSM

get redpilled faggots

>> No.10339099

Jesus Christ, what happened here?

>> No.10339105


just a jew jewing up a jew board with jewish nonsense. read >>10338967 for the trueth

>> No.10339118

looks like some good old fashioned search-and-replace

>> No.10339129

The one with the most fap material. Preferably, with a female Nazi protagonist torturing kikes.

>> No.10339135
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Fucking kek.

>> No.10339136

This is unironically true though. Jews had been pushing the war for years in Britain and the US, who were reluctant, but the jews eventually got what they wanted and tens of millions of Europeans were slaughtered. Yet all you ever hear about is the 6 million. Huh. Many of us wish 6 million jews had been shoahed, but as people who value truth over emotional appeals to victimhood and childhood indoctrination, the only conclusion the wiser man can come to is that the jewish lies that were rampant before the war to push western powers into it only continued afterward. And the jews deserve and will receive every bit of what's coming to them because of it.

>> No.10339171

Have you ever said this aloud to someone else? No, because it's so fucking ridiculous

>> No.10339179

"Ridiculous" is not a counter-argument, rabbi.

>> No.10339333

>but the jews eventually got what they wanted
>Germany declares war on Poland, knowing well that France and Britain have a mutual defense pact with them
>Japs sperg out over oil embargo and attack pearl harbor
>Germany declares war right after
Man, they sure are good at getting what they want, aren't they.

>> No.10339348


>> No.10339369

They were. Not anymore though, and the house of cards they built via debt is collapsing in on them, as it always does before they're expelled. Too much chutzpah. Before they were jewing from the shadows through bribery and covert influence, now they're the elite -- an elite that has no history of ruling anything or understanding of how to rule because they're gypsy conmen.

>> No.10339692
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Unironically this.

>> No.10340091


>> No.10340369
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I always wondered why the Jews were portrayed as mice in Maus, literal vermin. Was it an unfortunate choice that the author forgotten to realize the implications of, or something darker?

>> No.10341808

But mice are cute.

>> No.10341816

Primo Levi is good

>> No.10341821

Lectures on the Holocaust by Germar Rudolf

Don't be scared, homie

>> No.10341865

yeah pick up the bible too while you're there amirite guyz

>> No.10341874

Calling someone a rabbi isn't either

>> No.10341882

The Germans are drawn as cats and the Jews as mice. Did the least subtle imagery of the 20th century go oer your head?

>> No.10341907

Boris Pahor - Necropolis

Best there is, neutral, objective, and truthful. And not a Jew in case you're being an idiot.

>> No.10342908

Just read "The destruction of European Jews" by Hilberg. For your own sake, stay away from Night, it's 6000000% trash.

>t. starving history graduate with an unhealthy obsession with Jewish history (not pol, I swear)

>> No.10343011

>If this is a man or The drowned and the saved by Primo Levi
This. No greater book has ever been written on the holocaust.

>> No.10343057
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> trusting jewish writers to tell the truth about the hollycost

>> No.10343132
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You need to go back.

>> No.10343155

freakn lol

>> No.10343187

>After the book was translated into German, there was widespread debate in Germany, during which Littell was accused of being "a pornographer of violence." Some criticised it from an historical perspective, calling the novel a "strange, monstrous book" and alleging it is "full of errors and anachronisms over wartime German culture."

>Upon its publication in English in early 2009, The Kindly Ones received mixed reviews. The New Republic's literary critic Ruth Franklin called it "one of the most repugnant books I have ever read [...] if getting under the skin of a murderer were sufficient to produce a masterpiece, then Thomas Harris would be Tolstoy." Michiko Kakutani, the principal book critic of The New York Times, called the novel "[w]illfully sensationalistic and deliberately repellent" and went on to question the "perversity" of the French literary establishment for praising the novel.

That book did not go over well with progressives, and failed to sell in the United States. Personally I enjoyed it.

>> No.10343326

>unhealthy obsession with Jewish history
>Just read "The destruction of European Jews"
If you really were obsessed with Jewish history, you would have read it much earlier

>> No.10343331

Or maybe you told him to read it, not that you just finished it ?

>> No.10343492

>oy vey we have to protect our buddy poland from occupation by dem doity natzees
>stalin who?

>> No.10343515

It would seem that way on the surface, yes.

>> No.10343737

>yeah, lets just declare war on not just germany but ALSO the Russians
>this is totally a war we can win!
You'll also remember that it wasn't long after Hitler had put a bullet in his head that the cold war begun.

>> No.10344774

That was a recommendation my man