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10332002 No.10332002 [Reply] [Original]

> just suck it up until you die
Was this supposed to help me out of my existential vacuum?

>> No.10332010

Is that really the message? My therapist suggested i read this book but i just keep reading depressing novels. Currently waiting for Dazai's The Setting Sun in the mail.

>> No.10332016
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>just suck it up until you die
I present you with the pure opposite

>> No.10332265

Is that honestly what you got out of it OP? No-one is going to rescue you from your vacuum if you're not willing to be rescued - remember that.

>> No.10332268

That's some kino in the cover, might actually read this

>> No.10332503

No, it's more like >always have goals to work towards lmao. Either way though, it's two sides of the same Jewish coin.

>> No.10332550

It's more like
>Life might suck but you better make the most of it

Also I really liked Frankl's writing so reading it was pretty fun

>> No.10332552

Lmao please get off this board friendo

>> No.10332567

>suck it up until you die
had you hopes of continuing to suck it up after you died?

>existential vacuum?
1) switch the power off if it's sucking too hard
2) The Denial of Death -Ernest Becker

>> No.10332569

The Jewish coin only has one side because the other one got clipped.

>> No.10333712

Frankl's philosophy rests on the finding/creation of meaning. Suffering is less soul-crushing if you endure it for a purpose.