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10331872 No.10331872 [Reply] [Original]

if you don't know what i'm talking about, this quiz sums it up pretty neatly:


also, this copy pasta does a good job:
>puts down a toni morrison novel
>cracks open the latest new yorker
>downloads an npr podcast
>goes to a free summer concert series
>gets hair cut at place that serves whiskey, like back when real men shaved with straight razors
>wears an untucked gingham shirt not over a t-shirt and over-polished menswear wingtips
>waits three hours for a text from the new small plates pop-up restaurant
>orders the second least-expensive malbec
>tries to watch all the oscar nominees each year
>cannot believe how good the new rap album is
>goes to a coffee tasting
>orders a kindle and hard copy of the latest kwame ngobongo novel but listens to it on audiobook during commute to his new marketing job
>goes to four spinning classes a week
>talks about how busy life as a creative is
>buys a groupon for hamilton
lives in new york city

most all stuff being written right now seems to unironically be from the BKLYN perspective

>> No.10331900

Because rich people live there and rich people get MFAs from tiny liberal arts schools and rich people have more money to spend on frivolous things like your greentext. If you do not like this state of affairs, then you should ask yourself why are the wealthy inordinantly favored by academia?

>> No.10331914

man. what are you talking about

>> No.10331927

Do people actually think people like this really exist outside of TV? Like, yeah, hipsters exist, but they're absolutely nothing like this. Real life hipsters who live in my Greenpoint building are all "Rick and Morty, Hey dude check out this video on why nihilism is the answer, isn't Damien Hirst so cool" types

>> No.10331940

yeah. being into damien hirst and rick and morty is who this is talking about

>> No.10331952

>can't understand the picture being painted because the colors aren't exact

>> No.10331966

Real life hipsters are one or two of these things, not all of them.

>> No.10332048

sounds like white people culture to me

>> No.10332155

Nah it's not.

Celine is sort of like this. Voltaire a little. French people making fun of the petit bourgeois.

>> No.10332202

What the hell? How is Celine anything like this? He was a poor miserable bastard who, if anything, was railing against people like that.

>> No.10332204

Oh unless you meant he was anti-that, in which case I'm a moron

>> No.10332235

Unironically Salinger. BKLYN types are the people who shit on Catcher in the Rye and talk about Holden being annoying as a kickback against the book being 'mainstream'.

Plus his refusal to buy into the whole artsy greenwich village bullshit.

>> No.10332564

there's a rich tradition of anti-bourgeois french novelists which is similar to what youre talking about but obviously not american and contemporary

houellebecq is the most contemporary i can think of

>> No.10332637

What book in particular for houllebecq?

>> No.10332647 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.10332656

>>gets hair cut at place that serves whiskey,
wait what?

>> No.10332663
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>nothing about basketball or listening to deangelo while having sex with your girlfriend
7/10, needs work

>> No.10332765


>> No.10333122

Fucking this.

>> No.10333167

how fucking new are you?

>> No.10333177
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>giving a shit what some hipster losers are doing

Come on Anon you're better than this. These urchins aren't worth your time

>> No.10333195

It needs an update.

>> No.10333199

shitters get out

>> No.10333224

t. basketball watcher

>> No.10333237

I know it's how the word is used now, but these people are not, or were not, hipsters. In 2008, Williamsburg was a different place—the people who used to be called hipsters had nothing in common with the culture vulture, pseud-individual, soyboy materialist, faggot posers that currently larp as cool kids. It's not even geographic areas being gentrified anymore, whole generations of Americans have been sucked of life—ride the subway in any major city and all you'll see is people 'playing city' like how their boomer parents always told them they'd wished they had. Bedford Ave. is one big Apple store of people imagining themselves in an Aziz Ansari plotline.

>> No.10333254

While this is less prevalent in my country, I have to agree. One of my friend's younger brother's friends started hanging around with us and it's so weird how at the same time they accuse anything of being hipster, they are completely oblivious to what the mid 2000s "hipster" actually is.

>> No.10333310

i disagree with this. hipsters in 2000's were about the same as now.

of course members of the vanguard of any subculture are less stereotyped and ridiculous than the people who come afterwards but it was already becoming a bandwagon of uncreative followers by the late 2000s

>> No.10333726

It was a difference in magnitude that changed the practical effects.

>> No.10334144

elementary particles and 'whatever' as its translated into french

>> No.10334187

Quit spamming dead memes here. We get it's fun to mock fads. You've said nothing at all.

Also don't ever directly link to BuzzFeed you shithead. You even left the UTM. The mods should ban your ass just for that but now we've got Hiro ($^$) who can't get enough fucking the site up.

>> No.10334384

>orders the second least-expensive malbec
The jig is up!
>buys a groupon for hamilton
Fukin rekt

>> No.10334401

>Real life hipsters
>Proceeds to describe qualities uncharacteristic of hipsters.
Like, yeah, Scotsmen exist, but they're absolutely nothing like this. Real Scotsmen who live in my building are all "Sealskins! Hey dude check out this video on the varieties of snow. Isn't whale blubber the shit?" types.

>> No.10334410

Don't tell me what to do fucking bitch

>> No.10334558

What is a hipster then, huh? If not a pop-up restaurant eating whiskey with beard hair floating drinking skinny jean'd whitey?

>> No.10334571

non-fiction - The Unsettlers: In Search of the Good Life in Today's America

A book about hipsterish types that went out and did something.

>> No.10334610
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>kwame ngobongo
Love his work on the post colonial mixed identity refugee experience. More authors like this? His struggle to find his identity and maintain his cultural values is so moving and original —a true artist.

>> No.10335354

....theres a difference?

>> No.10335374


you seem to be confused
you faggots were never cool

>> No.10335423

Yeah. The neohipsters managed to ruin a subculture/lifestyle that was based on sincerity and the rejection of contemporary pop culture.

It was (and for some still is) about discovery. Thrifting cool clothes, checking out a new band, a new place, contemporary poets (actual poets), painters, etc. Now it’s all handed to your average hipster. It completely misses the point. And the fucking 6 layers of irony, oh man. Why the fuck would I ironically like something? What’s the point? These people ruined a legit subculture with their bullshit.

>> No.10335478

Whatever your definitions of hipsters may be, or however you see their evolution through the last ten years, they all share a common foundation - that of superficial aesthetics.

Their exploratory nature, like this >>10335423 anon pointed out, stems from a fetishization of iconoclasm, but it's superficially aesthetic in nature, rather than some critique of values and standards of beauty. It's just a divorce from norms they can throw under a large arbitrary category labelled mainstream.

It's merely self-indulgent fetishism and an obsession with authenticity as the nucleus of a cultural identity. Which is fine, as an intermediary stage in everyone's coming of age story, but disgusting once you've reached maturity. The 'authenticity' plague has casted a wider net and what were viewed as mainstream audiences by the hipsters of the mid 2000s, now share the same ethos and obsession with identity through superficial forms.

>> No.10335512

Just reminding your stupid asses that media description of “hipster”, both then and now, is as correct as media description of that 4chan guy.

>> No.10335582

Fucking LMAO at lit wanting anti-rich-liberal hipster books when all publishing companies are staffed entirely by these people. It really sums up the pseud nature of this place

Be a good boy, maybe your unrecognised genius and degree from East South Kansas State will get you noticed, champ!

>> No.10335594

The media portrayals have a hint of truth in them. We are just using them to point at something we can't describe otherwise, not saying that they are completely accurate.


>> No.10335599

Not sure you know what pseud means.

>> No.10335603

> The media portrayals have a hint of truth in them.

BRB, 3xp10d!n 50m3 V4n$.

>> No.10335668

This thread devolved into nonsense and hostility for no reason but I'll just ask this: how do we save literature from virtue signaling yuppies /lit/?

>> No.10335680

I'm not sure we can. It seems like it's way too late. Maybe in a few generations things will change, but even then the tradition will have been broken so it will just be something different.

>> No.10335686

Holocaust all the americlaps

>> No.10335694

Make your own publishing house
Oh right yo are all poor whiny bitches

>> No.10335741
File: 261 KB, 1173x1076, soren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if you realize that the 'authenticity' plague is merely a desire to return to an unbroken system of universal ethics, without the knowledge and/or courage to do so. Deep down, we all long for that "alle menschen werden brüder" ethos, but are shamed into perverting it with consumerism, racialism, whatever-ism. The irony is, please note, the inauthentic search for "authenticity" is in fact an authentic desire to find Authenticity.

Of course, the endgame is God, but only for the brave and the bold.

>> No.10335812


What’s wrong with chasing authenticity? What’s wrong with superficial aesthetics? Or rather, what’s an example of aesthetics that’s not superficial?

>> No.10335820

>what’s an example of aesthetics that’s not superficial?
>a ... critique of values and standards of beauty.
I'm willing to wager this guy has a Kantian notion of aesthetics. desu I have a Platonist one

>> No.10335842

>The irony is, please note, the inauthentic search for "authenticity" is in fact an authentic desire to find Authenticity.
I get the spirit in which you wrote this, but good God, does it sound retarded. Do censor and edit yourself more thoroughly, even at the risk of impeding on your authenticity.

You might be right, in that the whole hipster movement was in fact generated by a genuine desire for 'authenticity', but self-indulgence and fetishizing aesthetics lead to the corruption of their ethos. They're become just as even more baselessly cynical and 'dishonest' as the 'bourgeoisie' they've strived do distance themselves from.

(With you on God heh)

You can't chase authenticity by devising a 'cultural aesthetic' merely based on a reactionary opposition to what you loosely define as 'mainstream'. The result would be by its nature, inauthentic.

you're right about me, but no need to go that far.

>> No.10335866
File: 32 KB, 540x410, 22195730_1956553081291036_2279916840635949031_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuppies gentrify.
Hipsters gentrify, then act amazed when property values go up.

Yuppies read the New Yorker because it's the thing to do.
Hipsters read the New Yorker for its "insightful social commentary."

Yuppies don't think much about politics, but some vote.
Hipsters obsess over politics, but none vote.

Yuppies buy nice things every now and then.
Hipsters buy cheap things all the time and think consumerism is bad.

Yuppies consume popular media because it's popular.
Hipsters consume unpopular media because it's unpopular (or, consume popular media because it pretends to be unpopular).

Yuppies are consumerists.
Hipsters are consumerists with consumerism-phobia.

Yuppies come from money and act like it.
Hipsters come from money but pretend they're not privileged.

t. Yuppie.

>> No.10335990

Bout wraps it up there fellas

>> No.10336041

hipster x yuppie is a false dichotomy if I've ever seen one

I was always around Williamsburg/Brooklyn back in 2008 and even further: you are delusional. It was already a place for upper-middle class kids with expensive liberal arts degrees and an obsession with the "blogosphere" to larp as early 20th century parisiens
atlanta and portland were way more "authentic" cities in this sense

>> No.10336054

>It was already a place for upper-middle class kids with expensive liberal arts degrees
protip: this isn't necessarily a bad thing and it wasn't back then, it was fun

>> No.10336100

>did you listen to the new mountain goats? sooo good. pitchfork seemed to love it!
>mumblecore was supposed to save american indie filmmaking, duuuude *sips craft beer*
>yeah, we use the mezzanine floor as an atelier. the rent is not that expensive and dad is paying for it anyway rofl

>> No.10336122

yeah man, i also think that's gay. not defending that

>> No.10336375
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You motherfucker.

>> No.10336591

>You can't chase authenticity by devising a 'cultural aesthetic' merely based on a reactionary opposition to what you loosely define as 'mainstream'. The result would be by its nature, inauthentic.

So again the difference lies in our definition of hipster. For me it’s looking beyond the mainstream, rejecting the idea that that’s the best arts and fashion has to offer, and having a preference towards more “underground”/niche products which the hipster unironically and honestly enjoys. It’s not the rejection of the mainstream to me, but making the extra effort to discover something better.

IMO. the “I don’t like x because it’s too mainstream” is just a meme that became reality thanks to the new, inauthentic hipsters.

Pretty much the same happened to the local techno scene over here
>club becomes popular because of techno heads
>35 other clubs start playing techno
>everyone’s a techno head now
>cue techno festival and techno fashion stores
>Electroswing becomes hip
>people dance Charleston
>Parov comes 3 times a year to my country now

Original subculture -> businesses see money in it -> subculture ruined by fags

>> No.10336613

do you know of any lit that discusses the cycle at the bottom of your post? the book 'please kill me' does a good job of this for punk in the US

>> No.10336763

>For me it’s looking beyond the mainstream, rejecting the idea that that’s the best arts and fashion has to offer, and having a preference towards more “underground”/niche products which the hipster unironically and honestly enjoys

The problem is automatically "rejecting the idea that that’s the best arts and fashion has to offer". A claim to authenticity can be made only by those who look everywhere and reject only a posteriori. Mainstream culture, as a measure of wide-spread appreciation of certain works, is too much of a heterogeneous category to imperatively dismiss. It's worse than a calssic ad hominem as the hominem here is actual multiple hominems who may or may not have common features.

Again, authenticity, by nature, can not be based on perpetual reactionism.

>> No.10337407

is this bait?

>> No.10337479

You could always read Norman Mailer's essay on hipsters. A lot may have changed, but there are still some similarities.

>> No.10337511

wearing a different uniform doesnt make you a different asshole

>> No.10337942


>> No.10338510

>Like, yeah, Scotsmen exist, but they're absolutely nothing like this. Real Scotsmen who live in my building are all "Sealskins! Hey dude check out this video on the varieties of snow. Isn't whale blubber the shit?" types.
Scotsmen aren't esquimaux anon

>> No.10339708


>> No.10339712

>I get the spirit in which you wrote this, but good God, does it sound retarded
Not him, but why? I thought it was a nice sentence.

>> No.10339750



>> No.10339771

t. hipster

>> No.10339943
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>> No.10341284

t. williamsburg faggot

>> No.10341674
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>> No.10341698

>chasing authenticity

there's nothing less authentic than "chasing authenticity". unironically follow chad's advice and just be yourself

>> No.10341769

But going through inauthentic, superficial attempts at trying to achieve authenticity is unironically a necessary step towards becoming the type of person for whom authenticity is effortless. It's called being a teenager, and some people evidently never grow out of it.

>> No.10341790

it's not necessarily necessary to inauthentically chase authenticity as to reach authentic authenticity.

it is evident that you are retarded and your parents didn't spank your self-indulgent ass enough.

>> No.10341827

>it's not necessarily necessary to inauthentically chase authenticity as to reach authentic authenticity.
Sure it is. But people confuse apathy towards trends with authenticity because autism.