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/lit/ - Literature

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10329807 No.10329807 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Good advice you actually received from /lit/

>> No.10329816


>> No.10329851


>> No.10329868

become catholic

>> No.10329882
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Post Lit related memes.

>> No.10329883

Don't actually read books. It's such a waste of time.

>> No.10329886

I second that advice

>> No.10329891

"you should fill this prescription, because you have pneumonia"

>> No.10329892

just do it

>> No.10329907
File: 57 KB, 512x753, __wet_twink_hot_bod_225345_by_leesanfran-d5xyq3u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tight pink boipucci is the best cure for writer's block.

>> No.10329909

Read the stickie

>> No.10329976

Read a book?

pls leave, I'd rather discuss a book with a /pol/lack than someone who hasn't actually read the book.

>> No.10329987

But you never notice anyway. Many of you even take my advice. Lel.

>> No.10330003

/pol/acks don't even read infographs nowadays

>> No.10330006

If you're planning on a large project make sure to write every day so you don't fall into the abyss.

>> No.10330077

I notice when you casually drop that bit of information in threads like these. It happens often enough that i expect it.
kill your self you literal psuedo-intellectual.

>> No.10330079

Read Culture of Critique.

>> No.10330085

a period of sincere, uncontrived Catholicism in a man's life is necessary for any understanding of human nature, life, culture and the arts...

>> No.10330088



>> No.10330094

that is the opposite of a twink

>> No.10330097

The Tiger
He broke his cage
The Tiger is free

>> No.10330098

Don't self publish. Whatever you do. Don't self publish.

>> No.10330100

t. age 6

>> No.10330101
File: 610 KB, 1038x1567, 91nH7xdpzhL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't ever really get to bring this up, but I've received a lot of great recommendations from /lit/ including my all time favourite book, The Recognitions by William Gaddis. Also, shout out to the anon that posted pic related in a "recent purchases" thread a couple of months ago. This, along with Jessie Weston's From Ritual to Romance have been the source of many discoveries for which I will forever be thankful.

>> No.10330105

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.10330113

start with the Greeks was the best fucking literary advice I ever got anywhere. and pretty much the only good advice i've read on this board

>> No.10330128

>retarded to the point he manages to spoil a perfect 12 word poem
Now that's talent.

>> No.10330136

>being this new
It's like you literally weren't even here yesterday

>> No.10330157

/lit/ hasn't given me much good advice, but the sliver of good literary discussion that goes on here helps to off-set the fact that I know literally no one who reads beyond a high school level right now, and that even casually mentioning some of the ideas and topics I get genuinely excited about is enough to make people laugh under their breath or smile and nod politely until the topic returns to whatever fucking 1980's culture rehash popular entertainment has decided to churn out this week.

>> No.10330159

This is legitimately fantastic advice

>> No.10330164

Please can you tell me a bit more on this topic?

>> No.10330166

Nah that’s just neo-/pol/ and T_D fags.

/SIG/ and /NSG/ usually have great book discussions.

>> No.10330189

along the lines of this, catholic priests are amazing mentors and far better for your mental health (and wallet) than most therapists.

>> No.10330207

That's cause they're actually smart and have a theology/philosophy background

>> No.10330253

of what, mein kampf lmao
I bet those faggots don't even read Pound

>> No.10330265

That is the literal definition of a twink.

>> No.10330274

Is "you're new" the new "you're reddit" panic button among underage?

>> No.10330303

this is some pretty elaborate bait desu senpai

>> No.10330318

>he goes full panic and tries to fit in maximum amount of ebyn memewords in one sentence

>> No.10330328

I would, but I like sleeping in on Sundays.

>> No.10330524

No one, and I mean NO ONE, will read your book unless you have a fanbase that you can convince to meme your book into popularity.

>> No.10330526
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Read Gravity's Rainbow. I thought it was my dad that told me about it first. Turns out it was /lit/

>> No.10330528
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and your boipussy too

>> No.10330537

Really? I think a conversation with someone from presumably the third world and who is presumably illiterate might be intriguing

>> No.10330541

t. i larped as a Catholic for three months

>> No.10330543

It is just a number

>> No.10330544
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/lit/ is actually full of Catholics now

I'll bet half of you are haughty Thomists in the bargain

>> No.10330547

Why do pseuds always pretend they've read Nael?

>> No.10330552
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>> No.10330561

As to study their primitive ways?

>> No.10330587

Moby Dick, Oxford Annotated Bible

>> No.10330604

Becoming catholic will only ease your lack of discipline and purpose for a short while, you will eventually fall back into your old habits

t. fell for the convert meme a decade before any of you

>> No.10330609

Obviously I'm not Catholic anymore if I talk about it like that, but I did specify 'sincere'. Don't call me a larper anon :(

>> No.10330616
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Oh. I that all? Well That's fine. I control reality. I'll be living modestly with my with in the hills by the time I'm 65. You'll see faggot.

>> No.10330619
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Totally. My college chaplain has offered me fantastic guidance while the college counsellor has given me nothing else but "mindfulness" aka the art of avoiding bad thoughts.

Most Catholic churches have 3 masses on Sunday, one of which happens in the evening

>became Catholic
>gave up
>"Being Catholic won't solve your problems"


>> No.10330627

Still a catholic lad

>> No.10330629

implying priests won't refer you to a psychiatrist if you need psychiatric help
the eunuch's jurisdiction should know where it ends.......

>> No.10330638

not skinny enough, thats called a twunk

>> No.10330644
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Oh nice brother nice

>> No.10330768

>I'm not Catholic anymore
Fuck you.

>> No.10330771

>Leave this board
I usually come back after half a week, but I get more reading done in that time.

>> No.10330786


>> No.10330800

>tfw live in protestant country and all the catholic priests here are con-artists and scammers

>> No.10330809

Amerikkka? I'm in Australia (mostly Anglicans and Catholics, but there's a bunch of others) and our Catholic services seem boring and white-washed with liberalism anyway. I'd never join a church, but I'm religiously curious myself.

>> No.10330812

Are you implying that a devout believer can't stir from the path, anon? And, jeez, who are you to get offended? You say "fuck you" while admonishing my use of the word sincere, as if I was compromising your own faith.

>> No.10330813

Norway. Might larp as a buddhist in the future.

>> No.10330817

There's Latin mass services in Australia if you want the Deluxe Traditional experience.

>> No.10330824

Australian Cath here too. My local church is Jesuit, so it suffers from that problem though. The homilies are generally quite good, but the style of mass is very modern. Try find a church run by Dominicans, they're generally quite traditional

>> No.10330825

How do you decide between Catholic or Orthodox?

>> No.10330833

There is just so many issues with the Catholic church. Going to a protestant service is so less uptight and formal. Just some bloke talking about the the bible and nothing else. Far better for someone interested in the scripture aspect only

>went to a sermon of a friend of mine. He literally spoke about the stoics, epicureans and name dropped David foster wallace

>> No.10330839

But Church isn't just about getting some wisdom from the preacher, but it's also about communing with God, to which rituals are essential. My girlfriend is Baptist and I don't get attacked by grace at her masses like I do at Catholic masses. But perhaps that's just me. Admittedly I'm a bit of a masochist when it comes to these things, but Protestant masses often feel kind of empty to me, lacking as they do the mystic element that makes Cathodox so compelling.

>> No.10330841

I go to an Anglican church and we say the creeds, confess and do communion. It is a very nice compromise. I just feel no allegiance to the pope or maybe i would be catholic.

>> No.10330842

I personally don't think it's meant to be about rituals and I personally see them as false worship

I understand how the Catholic church was formed and respect it, but I feel like it has been ruined by mortal men

Protestantism gives me the tools to worship just fine

>> No.10330858

>feel no allegiance to the Pope

Totally fair. Part of the reason why I find it quite easy to trust the Pope is becausw the last three we've had have been so good (JP2 is mah boi). If I'm honest the reason I'm a Catholic is 1) I was born into it, and 2) I haven't had a reason to leave yet--though there have been times when Anglicanism or Orthodoxy have appealed to me.

I hope my post before didn't make it sound like I don't like Prottys. I love you guys.

>> No.10330861

Do you think rituals are false in all cases, or just when they're done mechanically? Because I'm wary of mechnical worship too, which is why I avoid recitation.

>> No.10330862

Someone actually told me here once
>Step One - Buy some Nike's.
>Step Two - Lace them up.
>Step Three - Just fucking do it, you sperg.

And so I did.

>> No.10330868

Become Confucian

>> No.10330873

Pretty much. Also the community aspect of church, a huge part a lot of cultures (northern Ireland) seems to only come about by joining the club by doing begruding rituals

Instead of coming together for a community meeting first and foremost to which you find faith and guidance in the scripture

>> No.10330876

I don't get it?

>> No.10330879

Thanks. I have liked the last few popes a lot as well.

>> No.10330899

the thread says "good advice you actually recieved from /lit/", which means this thread is about good advice you thought came from another source that you later realized was from /lit/.

>> No.10331294


>> No.10331737

Having one is

>> No.10331745

Don't rewrite and don't get hung up on planning. Just write, and if the finished work isn't what you expected that can be for the best.

>> No.10332107

>"mindfulness" aka the art of avoiding bad thoughts.
Mindfulness is the avoidance of all reflective thought.

>> No.10332112

>Actual good advice in the good advice thread.

>> No.10332517

Become Taoist

>> No.10333578

But the church in the USA seems absolutely hellbent on letting everyone from Mexico/Central/South America into the country because they know that attendance is waning among U.S. whites and instead of doing something to fix that they just ignore it and want open borders. It's the Christian thing to be welcoming to guests, of course, but to openly celebrate population replacement and promote illegal immigration doesn't seem very appealing to me as someone who has watched the demographics of my region drastically change in a very short period of time.

>> No.10333608

We're all brothers under Christ.

>> No.10333617

Catholics are universalists, anon. It's right in the name. You can't be both an ethnic nationalist and a Catholic. You will have to give one up eventually.

>> No.10333622

Tell that to 20th century popes.

>> No.10333628

You meme fucks just blow around in whatever wind happens to be blowing. Have some intellectual dignity.

>> No.10333631

when you're writing, first write it physically out, then type. When typing you will notice grammar, logic holes, and plot holes.

>> No.10333632

Why can't we be brothers in different countries? Why do the brothers who drive without licenses or car insurance have to move to my neighborhood?

>> No.10333637

Christianity is a cuck ideology

>> No.10333657

kill yourself and start with the greeks

>> No.10333662


>> No.10333782

Lol christfags btfo'd. Have an upvote muh dood.

>> No.10334352

i mean if you have some real trauma like attempted murder, childhood rape, and other heavy shit like that, a psychiatrist might be better equipped to give you methods to help cope with that, but if you don't have anything heavy but still feel some form of existential dread or lack of meaning in your life, that is where priests shine most.

>> No.10334372

Alright, give me the quick rundown of greek shit and I'll start.

>> No.10334547
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>tfw I can realistically see this as good advice

>> No.10336173


>> No.10336368

Objectively correct answer

>> No.10337837

I wouldn't have read Evola without this place

>> No.10338345

alrighty, here you go. effortpost incoming

go in this order:

Edith Hamilton's Mythology or the Bibliotheca by Apollodorus. these are books all about the Greek pantheon so you know who all these gods and heroes are that future stories refer to. personally I found the Bibliotheca to be rambling at times, but it was written during actual Greek history. hamilton's mythology was written in the 40's and is more like a straightforward compendium of the Greek pantheon (as well as some Roman and Norse gods) and is far easier to comprehend because it's more modern. I personally recommend Hamilton for the newcomer unless you're a big history buff.

after that, pick up the Iliad and the Odyssey. the Iliad is probably the greatest piece of fiction ever made by man. the Iliad is about war, and the glory and tragedy of human nature. the Odyssey is no slouch either. As far as translation, I greatly prefer Fagles' simply because it's beautifully written, but Lattimore's is more exact and specific. i've heard the opposite said just as well, so read some samples, because either one is good, largely personal preference.

if you want to learn more about the specific history before you jump into the Iliad, read The Trojan War: A New History. i personally think it's optional though, as the most powerful moments of the story still come to shine. the Odyssey is much more like a modern fictional novel so you don't need to be as well-versed in Greek history to fully understand it.

next up is the three Oedipus plays by Sophocles translated by Paul Roche. read in this order; Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus, and Antigone. it's a bunch of plays about a dude seeking knowledge that ends up fucking his mom.

now let's middle between fiction and nonfiction by reading The Histories by Herodotus, who traveled across Greece to weave together a version of the Persian war from all of the accounts and fables that he's heard from all of the various city-states.

let's dive into full-blown nonfiction with Plato. Plato was the smartest man that ever lived, as was his mentor, Socrates. read Euthypro, Apology, Phaedo, Crito, and Meno to get a good background of Plato, then read The Republic, arguably his greatest work that still sends ripples through Western political thought to this very day.

After Plato you should go on to his pupil, Aristotle, and read Metaphysics, Nicomachean Ethics, Politics, and Poetics, and these, too, forever shaped Western thought.

I heartily encourage you to read the rest of the plays by Sophocles and the rest of the works written by Plato and Aristotle but what I've given is pretty much what I would consider the "bare minimum" of the Greeks.

>> No.10338430

Fav'ing this post.

>> No.10338778

Hey, original anon who asked for the rundown.

Honestly, I didn't expect a reply of any quality, but deep down I wanted an entry. The fact I got exactly what I wanted, in great detail and effort from you is appreciated anon. Thank you for taking your time to write out your thoughts on resources, order, and small descriptors.

I really am going to read greek literature now, it's something I've been putting off, but you've made both my night and my next few months with this. You've made a difference to me. Thanks again.

>> No.10338955
File: 1.38 MB, 3672x3024, greeks2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your post warmed my heart, anon, and i'm very happy to see amidst all of these horrible /pol/ rejects slouching around on this board, there's still people here that are enthusiastic about reading. i'm more than happy to help out.

if you ever want to read any more Greek stuff, here's the list that I pretty much started off with.

also, Mortimer Adler put a really comprehensive reading list at the end of his "how to read a book" that you can find here that has all of the Greek classics there too if you want to go further:


have fun anon, wish you all the best on your wonderful journey.

>> No.10338992


Wow! I saved both of these posts. People like you are why I browse /lit/. Please continue to put this much effort into your posting. It makes the board a better place. You really seem to have a genuine curiosity for learning, and are well-read yourself. Thank you again for sharing. I’m not even the anon that asked. I’m about a fourth of the way through Hamitlon’s Mythology and already feel like I’ve learned a good deal. Excited to see where this journey takes me!

>> No.10339026

>my college chaplain offered me fantastic guidance

Was that before or after you sucked his dick?

>> No.10339028

before AND after

>> No.10339041

Was the guidance related to the art of the fellatio too?

>suck my dick anon
>no not like that, let me guide you
>oh now you're working it

>> No.10339119

Mindfulness isn't avoiding bad thoughts, it's the opposite. It's about noticing your thoughts, and reflecting on them, and being comfortable with them.

>> No.10339280

Thanks for the good post anon

>> No.10339408

cant believe no one is calling out the mystery cult of modern catholicism

there migiht be some good people in there who are trying to figure stuff out but the doctrine is fantastical and bizzare

just study the bible desu