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/lit/ - Literature

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1032964 No.1032964 [Reply] [Original]

Describe the other boards /lit/

>> No.1032973

/a/ - weeaboos
/b/ - retards
/c/ - i didn't even know there was a /c/
/d/ - weeaboo perverts
/e/ - weeaboo perverts
/f/ - doesn't count
/g/ - neeeeerds
/gif/ - horny retards
/h/ - horny weeaboos
/hr/ - they like high resolution
/k/ - rightwing libertarian crazy fucks
/m/ - manchildren
/o/ - no idea
/p/ - lolsoartistic

>> No.1032983

lol thanks for that

>> No.1032989

/r/ - i don't think this counts either
/s/ - horny less retarded than /gif/
/t/ - yarr harr
/u/ - creepy weeaboos
/v/ - nerds
/w/ - weeaboo nerds
/wg/ - white nerds
/i/ - what the fuck is oekaki, so weeaboos
/ic/ - lolsoartistic
/cm/ - queers
/y/ - weeaboo queers
/r9k/ - aspie nerds
/3/ - 3dimensional
/adv/ - like a failed version of the suicide hotline
/an/ - probably furries
/cgl/ - creepy weeaboos
/ck/ - fatties
/co/ - manchildren nerds
/fa/ - queers
/fit/ - buff queers
/int/ - xenophobes

>> No.1032994

/new/ - master race intellectual genisus such as myself
98% of "Americans" won't stand up for God.
Be one of the 2% that will, copy this in your signature.

LIE-BRILS: If YOU don't stand behind our troops, feel free to stand IN FRONT of them.

i'm a hArDcOrE (xXx†hXc†xXx) Christian fiRsT, AnD i b3lEve iN ev0luTion Wh3n mY MuDkIp rEaChEs Lv 18.

>> No.1033005

/jp/ - über weeaboos
/lit/ - superiority complex
/mu/ - 2deep4u
/n/ - no fucking clue
/new/ - nazis
/po/ - probably weeaboos
/sci/ - internet atheists and high school students
/sp/ - fat americans
/tg/ - manchildren
/toy/ - über manchildren
/trv/ - backpackers, hippies
/tv/ - nerds
/vp/ - dear god no
/x/ - people convinced that ghosts live under their beds.

>> No.1033011

vp - teh fuck???

>> No.1033036


>/x/ - people convinced that ghosts live under their beds.
