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/lit/ - Literature

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10326601 No.10326601 [Reply] [Original]

>I've just read an incredible article where "The Handmaid's Tale", a sub-par piece of science-fi trash, is defended by its author. The author, who rightly should be apologizing for her execrable prose, not only defends it but calls it "timely". The book has been made in to some sort of cable mini-series. I'm Canadian, so had to suffer through this book as a young person.
>It's one of those cheap, dystopian tracts. The difference with this one is it has a deeply paranoid feminist look into the future. The story is as impossible as most of these " frightening looks into the future". But to call it timely, when the possibility of this fiction ever becoming fact even more of a joke, is just a cynical cash-grab.

>One might not like the premise, the meandering non-plot, the ugly themes, the subliterate dialogue and the dull fillibustering.
>I would say "unpublishable" would describe her style.
>I don’t hate Margaret Atwood. I hate bad writing. It isn’t her fault and I’d never have anything but pity for the talentless. But the Canadian school system makes you read her.

>It is nauseating to consider that through shameless self-promotion someone like Margaret Atwood could dare consider herself Munro’s peer. Unlike Munro, Margaret Atwood is incapable of writing a novel, yet churns out chum at an alarming rate. Munro is the greatest writer Canada has ever produced but feels herself incapable of writing a novel. On the flip side sits Margaret Atwood.
>What do I care if it's well-regarded. I have eyes to read. Everyone but me is welcome to love it. But I am right. Content-free.

Is Norm right?

>> No.10326625

He's right. Munro is actually good, Atwood is genre trash pop fiction

>> No.10326627

It is timely, and it is certainly possible. The Handmaid's tale is a 100% accurate reflection of what happens in Islam, but Atwood was too busy with her anti-christian horse blinders to realize she'd make a poignant simile of Saudi Arabia

>> No.10326639

Norm is always right.

>> No.10326677

Did Norm actually say that? Can I get a link?

>> No.10326686


>> No.10326698

based norm, never wrong

>> No.10326798

It's funny how when women try out these speculative and borderline ridiculous plotlines they are verbally assaulted, as if they were preaching some universal truth that made people super uncomfortable. But when male writers write about missile detecting boners, rebellious talking animals, Prophets that are literally "Boy, everyone is stupid except me" and other superfluous "plots" they are lauded.

I'm being facetious of course, her writing may not be good, but to attack a FICTION writer because the FICTION is not realistic that's pretty fucking petty. I doubt Atwood was closeminded enough to have written A Handmaid's Tale as a strict "Bro This shit gonna happen FORREAL" cautionary tale, and it's more of a male insecurity overreaction.

T. a dude who is tired of seeing double standards.

>> No.10326800

btw, I love Norm. His more fucked up jokes are the best. His recent show with Bobby Lee killed me.

>> No.10326843
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>bitching about a personal attack on Atwood fueled by some deep misogynistic views when norm attacked her ability as a writter soley and all your response is is a simplistic attack on norms character

>comparing speculative fiction like Handmaids tale to something like animal farm, which was a reflection on something that had already happened

>comparing speculative dystopian fiction which explores dangerous ideas that could affect the world as a whole to purely feminist fear mongering that only focuses on what could happen to western women and then implying that the former is short sighted and selfish to identity politics concerning sex

>> No.10326859

She actually hates calling it "sci fi" and thinks it's "speculative fiction"

She clearly believes it carries more weight than just "fiction"

>> No.10326866

Reminder that liberals are christians who hate christians

>> No.10326881


>> No.10326887

how should i into munro?

>> No.10326917


norm, you're a faggot. munro's whole approach (mass simulation, extreme time-compression, seemingly cramming entire lifespans into stories) is styled to fill the short form, her stories overbrim and 'read' like novels. why should she demean her prose to novel-length?

atwood i've never read a novel from, but she's a fine ss writer, typical form though

>> No.10326966

>That she has gotten so much hype for her short stories, along with the spurious comparisons to Anton Chekhov’s best works, is due to what I might call the ‘little country’ factor. Yes, Canada is larger than the USA in terms of square miles but it’s only about a tenth the size in population and often writers get reputations or awards due to their coming from small nations, where they have been granted demigod status due to their being the only writer known outside of their country.

>comparing Chekhov and Munroe

That is absurd. But I agree that Canada's literary tradition involves government sponsored hype and promotion so mediocre writers are propped up and read and hailed as great. Munroe is probably one of the best Canada has to offer but on the world stage she's only a bit better than good.

There is a lot of room for a truly great Canadian author to emerge but they have to overcome the great Canadian media machine that wants to churn out trite immigrant struggles, muh rural living, survival, etc. I think something along the lines of a harsh, culturally satirical book (think holluebeq) could really shock people and have broad appeal.

>> No.10326975
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Ah see but I was not attacking Norm, I was attacking neets and insecure neckbeards like yourself. I'm not one to argue that there is a whole lot of baseless speculation out there, but to attack a writer for their fiction not being prophetic or realistic is moot. It's fucking fiction, wether the writer thinks it hold weight or not.

Animal Farm, 1984 and A Brave New World are constantly used as examples of the Ol' "It's a warning, not an instruction manual!" by idiotic sjws. And let's not forget that these at their point in time of publishing received their fair share of criticism and lambasting for being ridiculous, which still happens today, more so in /lit/. To the point of many here thinking those works are childish and blatant.

So it's only a dangerous idea when it doesnt have to do with discrimination against women and extreme measures by authoritarian governments? ok, pal that's an interesting hot take. Nice greenarrows and meme image, you save that in one of your Soyboy reaction folders? So yeah, you're gay *out of tune Sandman by Metallica riff*

>> No.10326989

People have to actually read that shit in school? I can't say I'm surprised. I see people promoting female authors just because they're female all the time.

>> No.10326991

Norm's whole point is that people are calling The Handmaid's Tale realistic. Every unintelligent leftist on my Facebook feed as compared the election of Donald Trump to the book. Every single one says that it's the direction we're headed.

Unrelated to any of that, you sound like the most whipped white knight on the internett.

>> No.10327000

>I was attacking neets and insecure neckbeards like yourself.

stopped reading there. Youre a troglodite that can do nothing but project personal insults because you lack the ability to articulate any actual defense of your trashy feminist shlock

>> No.10327006

I didn't know anything about the show and tried to watch the first episode. I immediately knew it was written by a women because the main character had a constant inner monologue. She would be in the middle of the conversation and she's still talking to herself and providing exposition.

>> No.10327031

>Animal Farm, 1984 and A Brave New World are constantly used as examples of the Ol' "It's a warning, not an instruction manual!" by idiotic sjws.

the way you guys spout SJW nonsense and then try to use this pathetic "trick" of calling everyone else a SJW when it makes literally no contextual sense is the most retarded thing I have ever seen. Seriously, how deluded does someone have to be to get so angry at a criticism of handmaids tale that they then imply only SJWs like A Brave New World or 1984 or Animal Farm?

>> No.10327068

wtf i love norm now

>> No.10327114

Wow, Norm is a legend

>> No.10327123

His /lit/ tweets are always good. I should get around to checking out his book.

>> No.10327139

the handmaid's tale was published in 1985, long before most people in europe/americas were aware of how fucked up islam is

>> No.10327143


t. millenial

muslims have been terrorist and chimping out since the early 1970s

>> No.10327147


Hes always been a /lit/ fag and a lover of russian writers in particular.

>that time he said he hates all the russian names for characters, so he just gives them anglo-saxon names in his head

>> No.10327164

anon they've been at it since islam was invented
but it was only when they started leaking into europe that we really started taking notice
lockerbie, terry waite kidnapping, satanic verses uproar etc
then the first gulf war is when people started taking notice
to most westerners even the iran/iraq war was just some brown people killing each other

>> No.10327211

>Animal Farm, 1984 and A Brave New World
Those are all high school-tier books of little literary value. Nobody on /lit/ has ever lauded any of those three. This isn't reddit.

>> No.10327543

I agree that it's retarded to call it realistic, but to blast it for being speculative is also a very stupid thing to do. Why hasnt Norm attacked 1984 or A Brave New World or We? People quote those as mirrors to today's society but they are still far from realistic.


I'm not a feminist. And it appears I touched a sore spot. dont worry, I'll let it go ;^)

What's "sjw" about what I said? That an author shouldnt be critiqued for their fiction not being realistic enough? or because it doesnt place itself squarely into what Norm thinks is timely? See the problem is, if I defend a woman, on anything, I'l be labeled an sjw no matter what, when I'm not. I just think it makes no sense for Norm to say that the book isnt timely, it's pretty fucking obvious even to a goddamn lobotomized child that there aren women walking around in red robes being used only to breed children, but that doesnt mean it cant be used as commentary on current gender issues.

Either way, you'll all just deny everything and still call me sjw or soyboy. I know I wont convince you, from this point on I'm just shooting the shit. Respond if you want. doesnt matter.

>> No.10327552


just take your L and leave you cringy faggot

>> No.10327555

But Anon, I'm not angry, you guys are the one getting buttflustered because someone disagrees with you.

>> No.10327563

>take your L

12yo detected

>> No.10327577

Because Handmaid's Tale just got a tv show, you utter fag. It's almost like people comment on what is relevant in pop culture.

>> No.10327633

Philip K dick's stories have been adapted into a show and not to mention Bladerunner 2049. There's plenty of SJWing in that, where's Norm's BTFO of Dick and villeneuve?

>social Media paranoia
>Black Mirror
>Trump president
>1984, Brave New World and This Cant Happen reprints selling out

What? what else should I mention? Or is Norm working on those right now?

>> No.10327635

Phillip K Dick is a good writer

>> No.10327641

Nigga, you're just ultra determined to find sexism in the fact that Norm doesn't like Atwood, even as he contrasts her writing with a woman who is better. You're undeniably pathetic.

>> No.10327645

>Norm Macdonald Is Really Mad at ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ For Some Reason
Fuck, this title upsets me. Fucking smug dismissiveness.

>> No.10327653
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>the subliterate dialogue
Mercy, Norm!

>> No.10327741
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>dude muh vaginer lmao
t. Margaret Atwood

>> No.10328269

Nah, I'm ultraannoyed at /lit/'s reactionary antagonism against female writers. You Schopenhaurfags are the worst.


nice fallacy, hollow brain idiot.

>> No.10328294

/lit/ loves Austen and O'Connor, go cry in a corner faggot.

>> No.10328301

Holy shit, you actually got triggered by the Schopenhauer threads. That's hilarious.

>> No.10328312

Are we now supposed to take seriously Norm MacDonald's tweets about literature? What about this guy makes him worth listening to? It's certainly not what he actually says about Atwood.

> teh writing is bad
> because I can see it is bad

>> No.10328313

I never knew Norm is this articulate, holy shit.

>> No.10328321

He's just repeating what we've already said in threads on the book, but funnier. That's why it's fun.

>> No.10328329

>But the Canadian school system makes you read her.
Only if you live somewhere shitty.

>> No.10328330
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holy shit Norm is cultured as fuck

>> No.10328333

I can't believe you dumbfucks are fawning over this pleb "analysis".

>> No.10328352

All humanity loves a sick burn.

>> No.10328359

What the fuck, she has no tits?

>> No.10328386

>I would say "unpublishable" would describe her style.

fucking owned

>> No.10328412

He's actually pretty damn erudite.

>> No.10328426

a good portion of /lit/ takes the antiwomen meme too far and creams at whatever "critic" that tries to show womyn whats what.

>> No.10328442

>The story is as impossible as most of these " frightening looks into the future"
This is enough to sink him. He has no idea what this type of fiction is supposed to be. Dystopian fiction does not ever suppose that its speculative universe is going to happen. That's as banal a reading as the "1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual" cliche.

>> No.10328443

I'm just saying I could easily mistake him for an intellectual like Bloom in writing

>> No.10328500

judging from the quote it's not the book he's attacking over its fantastical premise, but the author's pretensions for the book

>> No.10328519

Did Atwood somewhere say "I am as important/good as Alice Munro"? Because he seems to be attacking her for not measuring up to Munro. If Atwood made the comparison, that's one thing, but otherwise MacDonald seems to be complaining that one well-regarded author is just not as good as another.

>> No.10328529

Why should anyone read your comment anon? Nobody even knows who you are except that its likely you live with your parents.

>> No.10328535

Honestly, the idea that Atwood is simply a bad writer is laughable. She's quite good, and you don't have to politically aligned with her to think so.

Is she absolutely marvelous? No, I guess not. But I've found myself really liking her writing on a number of occasions.

>> No.10328549
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>> No.10328556

lol this is a feature of Scrubs though

>> No.10328598

Only this time it's one that deserves it. He wouldn't shit on our girl Ursula I don't think.

>> No.10329033


>> No.10329089

oryx and crake was a pretty damn good book. Just like you said though, is she marvelous? No not really, but is she good? Of course. Is she a raging feminist? well yeah kind of.

>> No.10329449

Its just a lot of pejoratives and personal attacks
I think Norm must have been triggered

>> No.10329526
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Noam did way too many recreational drugs as a youth, now he's paying the price. Now, he's just a bitter old man, easily triggered by things out of his control, upset that his career is trash since he left SNL years ago.

>> No.10329549

Leaf here, never was subjected to Atwood in school. But my sister and mum hate her writing so Ive never really bothered.

Richler is my preferred Anglo novelist

>> No.10329611

O+C is fucking trash imo

>> No.10329665

wasnt handmaids tale based on Iran?

>> No.10329684

kek does Norm have a crush on Alice Munro or something? He always brings her up like a fucking schizo's obsession

>> No.10329689

Children of Men is more accurate than Handmaid

>> No.10329701

Well she is very arguably the greatest writer that Canada has ever produced. Norm's just being a patriot.

>> No.10330012

>She is quite good because i found myself really liking her writing sometimes.
I see. I am now persuaded she's a good writer, because you found you really liked her writing sometimes.