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10325877 No.10325877 [Reply] [Original]

Absolutely monogamous marriage with regular sexual intercourse with a beautiful wife.
Mastubatory harem with all the many many gorgeous ladies who show of their bodies on the net.

>> No.10325892


>> No.10325895

pleasure v joy

you don't understand the difference, and are unworthy of the discussion.

>> No.10325896

Numero due
Sex is overrated

>> No.10325915

Why not both?

>> No.10326287

Fuck many girls, but you must love them all. So you'll end up fuck few girls, but with no restrictions.

>> No.10326386 [DELETED] 

>>10325877 I can tell you straight from the source. I was roped into the concept from all that generic shitty anime that would pop up online. Loved it. Couldn't get enough of the stuff.

At the same rate though I was turning into a major faggot with going to /v/. Somehow though I am the miracle case that gets bitches jumping on the autistic miracle dick. Bitches coming from miles around. But you know your boy don't really play like that. Ya see I grew up listening only to one album that my dad left behind. It was an album of love and passion. I would listen to Tom Jones-"Love me tonight" every day of my life diving deeper and deeper into it. Its so heart wrenching. You really should give it a listen.

Anyways where was I? Ah yes. Right. Autism, bitches and fagotry. I had been with the current gf for 4 years at the time and I fucked up real bad. I let my dick control my brain. I went to fuck a trap and really fucked up my relationship. Eventually tried killing myself from that one. Hoowhee. That was quite a time. Feels like another life at this point.

Anyways harems don't work love your wife happily married.

>> No.10326693

One takes, the other gives.

>> No.10326720

pleasure = cum
joy = cum
love = cum