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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 34 KB, 271x176, Udklip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10322006 No.10322006 [Reply] [Original]

Have y'all managed to read as much as you intended to at the start of the year?Why/why not?

My goal wasn't very ambitious due to stress, but at least I'm on track.

>> No.10322010

I also try for 1 book every 2 weeks. I've done slightly better than that this year because I went to the beach for a 2 week vacation and cranked out several

>> No.10322024


I'm behind by like 27 books because I got separated from my book collection and free time and future by homelessness.

>> No.10322033
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>> No.10322037
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I did it! I read some books!

>> No.10322059

is history of the munster anabaptists the most underrated classic of our time

>> No.10322072
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Its a fantastic book, and the backstory is amazing.

The work is Bockelson: A Tale of Mass Insanity

>> No.10322085


I like your taste. Are you older than 30?

>> No.10322088

35 :(

>> No.10322152
File: 28 KB, 836x387, Screenshot_2017-11-27-10-36-19-352_com.goodreads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost there

>> No.10322165

How did you get this view?

>> No.10322167


while signed in

(or 16 15 whatever)

>> No.10322170

Thank you!

>> No.10322186
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This is the most amount of pages I have read in a year since I started reading, too! I am pleased.

>> No.10322193

Nice, ty. Apparently I've read a book that only one other user has read.

>> No.10322208
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>> No.10322229

How did you like Independent People? I've never seen it mentioned here. Come to think of it I've never seen an Icelandic book mentioned here bar some of the old sagas. It's a shame since Halldór Laxness is such a great writer.

>> No.10322245


>4.3 average rating
>4.4 average rating

Why do so many people literally rate nothing but 4s and 5s? IMO 4 is only for really good books and 5 for absolute masterpieces.

>> No.10322249

I used to not care that much, but lately I've been thinking more about ratings and started to rate things lower. However, as far as books go, I've read some good shit lately.

>> No.10322267

I thought it ranged from excellent in the beginning to a total let down at the end, with the actual last chapter being somewhat redeeming. The first half shined.

I only rate books 4 (flawed but stayed with me) or 5 stars (an amazing book that profoundly effected me) and less than that are usually ok, or it doesnt matter. I basically give 5 stars to sort out my favorite books. Sorry for blog post.

I only rated 6 books 5 stars out of 52 so far this year:
The Master of Hestviken
Arrian's Anabasis
Confessions of Justified Sinner
A Distant Mirror
The Red and the Black

>> No.10322270

My 4s and 5s serve a similar purpose.
I usually only rate lower if I've been especially disappointed or irritated by a book for some reason, and that doesn't happen all that often luckily.

>> No.10322286

Interesting. I felt like the latter half of the book was better. The book shows a reality that alot of Icelanders at the time had to deal with or were at least familiar with. That is one of the reasons I liked it so much I think.

>> No.10322308

I liked the idea of the cursed croft and Kolumkilli standing as a barrier to power and success, I felt like taking out a bad loan took away from the struggle that played out until the slaughter of the sheep and the death of the son and turned it into an obviously true but somewhat uninteresting social commentary. I did like the end when the consumptive daughter walks independently from her fathers horse.

It was a solid book that effected me, but I felt it was flawed insofar as my enjoyment of it and sense of what its purpose was.

>> No.10322414

Did you like Zama? How did you find out about DiBenedetto? I'm a spic and I heard him mentioned in an interview by Roberto Bolaño years ago. I was finally going to get around to reading him when I saw that they've just started to publish English translations of his work. I'm glad he's getting that kind of exposure.

>> No.10322454

cute birds, bill

>> No.10322467

How can you plan out the number of books you're going to read in a year when books vary widely in length?

>> No.10322496

you pick a number

>> No.10322537

You can also just choose a number of pages to read in a year instead of books if you want to. Personally I choose books instead and I always try to raise the bar a little each year. Last year I managed to read 30 books (not much, but hey) so for this year I decided to try to read 40 books and I've finished 35 as of now.

>> No.10322555
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>> No.10322619

Sebastian i assume

>> No.10322660

It was bad, I read the review in the NYRB. It was disjointed, with useless and inappropriate magical realism. Standing alone the last chapter was somewhat amusing.

>> No.10322870

Sensini, one of Bolaño's best and most popular short stories, was built around Bolaño's friendship with DiBenedetto.

>> No.10322901
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Lads, I did it!

>> No.10322922
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I also read Arrian.

Maybe I should read that Münster book. I'm sure Dan Carlin did a podcast about that.

>> No.10322954

about 40 this year...mostly classical and Elizabethan English. Its been a year of attempted literary autodidacticism

>> No.10322964

I don't count how many books I read because it discourages me from rereading books. It becomes a competition where I constantly try to outdo myself and that's not good for learning. I rarely see people with thousands of books read on their Goodreads profile have anything useful to say. I don't like them for the same reason I don't like booktubers, which is that they read so many different books that they don't specialize in anything so they can never go in depth. Their reviews and analysis are always surface level generics.

Counting books is also not even a good way to track how much you're reading because I could spend a few months reading Plato: The Complete Works or I could read a few hundred short stories in less time.

>> No.10322977
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teach me how senpai

>> No.10322978

wow he busted this case right open

>> No.10323201

You can just count a reread as having read 2 books. And noone says you have to pick a big goal.

>> No.10323221

i'm shooting for 50 and done 45 so far, but i just bought a ps4 so we'll see

>> No.10323621

Read Diary of a Man in Despair first, its why I read Bockelson. You feel so fuckin bad for the guy

I try to read a book a week just like I try to go to the gym 3 days a week just like I try to go to church on sundays just like I try to eat less than a tablespoon of sugar a day

>> No.10323635


reading challenges don't even really matter because I record comic books on goodreads, which means I can read 20+ "books" in December if I want to reach a particular goal

but I do try to read around 100 books a year, and try to keep the actual novel count as high as I can manage

>> No.10323640

Yeah I hit 50 books in a couple months at the rate I read comics. Substantially less novels but a fair amount this year at least.

>> No.10323648

I set my goal way too low. I only started my goodreads account in August, so I thought just to be sure I only set 10 books as my goal but I blew way past that.

>> No.10323687

You could also count each of Plato's dialogues as a separate "book" and add like two dozen entries to your Goodreads account.

>> No.10323710


That would be cheating though

>> No.10324999
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80% of it was pointless garbage though.

>> No.10326347 [DELETED] 

How does one access this graph?

>> No.10326354

Is this on Goodreads

>> No.10326359


>> No.10326428
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>thank you depression and BPD cokeslut gf.

>> No.10326436

there are 0 excuses for any failures

>> No.10326444

does she read?

>> No.10326496
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I have become a father so I've had much less time for reading. Only during my commute, the evenings are for my son

>> No.10326554

congrats, you will get a lot more reading done when you are sitting at practices and classes waiting for them to be done in 4-8 years

>> No.10326556

She used to

>> No.10326563

Thank you :3

>> No.10326656

>people claiming to have read hundreds of books in a year

What's the deal with this? Are they sad adults pumping up their stats on YA? Are they "speed reading" and telling themselves that they read a book because they looked at every word on every page? Or are they just actually way smarter than me and can easily read five to ten times my ceiling?

>> No.10326667

thats sebastian, he is a mentally ill shutin with a heart of gold.

If he was korean he would have died at a video game cafe, but he is german, so he just reads at his house, and presumably pees in jugs

>> No.10326903

Is he actually real? I thought he was just a meme.
I want to visit him.

>> No.10326913
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>friend reading the bible

>> No.10326944

Novels read extremely fast. 50 pages/hour is 2-3 novels every week.

>> No.10327023
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past 2 weeks
considering continuing The Black Company, will probably do tonight
not really considering tome 2 of Bas-Lag but maybe

>> No.10327073

I read 104 books last year. Calming down this year because i'm tired of being a condescending fuck.

>> No.10327087

9/24 desu

>> No.10327095

damn u took the words from my mouth anon

>> No.10327225
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>> No.10327243

I gotta go by my ISBN's brah. The collected Lovecraft will sit on my Currently Reading shelf for as long as there is even one story I don't care to read.

>> No.10327528

every time you say that sebastian is a meme a fairy dies

>> No.10327697
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>> No.10329177

this is some boring looking shit

>> No.10329231

>it's december

>> No.10329252
File: 105 KB, 558x562, srafasa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ye boi, i don't remember 3/4 of what I read but I did it

>> No.10329322

>Ryszard Kapuscinski

mah nigga

>> No.10329339

shes not worth it m8

>> No.10329419

why do you guys measure yourself by the amount of books you've read

doesn't seem right

>> No.10329426

it's just a number of pages and books, man.

>> No.10329459

I used to think of reading as a competition, which is why I was always so eager to build up my goodreads count. But now when I look back on what I've read I don't feel any satisfaction at all, my reading is just so awkward and nonsensical. I still like to use goodreads though to keep track of this stuff and know that I'm reading something, instead of just wasting away playing vidya

>> No.10329473


this is some teenager social media bullshit.

Free yourselves from the narcissistic lifestyle.

>> No.10329490
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I was also reading Journey to the west but i don't think that i would be able to finish it this year

>> No.10329506

Who here /deletinggoodreadsaccountin2018/ here?

>> No.10329538

It's a useful organizing tool and people don't care how much you read. It's mostly silent communal encouragement while everyone pursues their own ends, and it's pretty nice.

>> No.10330175

Well when my depression comes around and tells me I haven't done shit with myself all year I can pull up the empirical evidence to disprove it

>> No.10330182

She's the only one supporting me in my depression.

>> No.10330185

She's the cause of your depression.

>> No.10330368

>only read 20 (new) books this year because I have been busy getting pussy, working and studying
Fuck /lit/ I am going backwards, help me!

>> No.10330442

You're not going out of your way for sex are you? Satisfying your sexual needs is healthy, but if you're actively just trolling for pussy out of sport or incontinence you'd probably get more out of reading instead.

>> No.10330443

If I include my required reading in college then yes. But I don't put that stuff on my goodreads

>> No.10330503

When I said "getting pussy" I really meant developing a stable relationship with my girlfriend. Its just that after getting a gf I went from having the free time to read for 4-5 hours a day to having maybe 1 or 2 hours a day that I can actually focus on reading.

>> No.10331905


>> No.10332069

Wont make 100 because im reading 500+ page books right now. Will get around 90.

>> No.10332087
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Forgot to add.

>> No.10332621

> Books i read in this year
The Book of Five Rings - Miyamoto Musashi
Metamorphosis - Kafka
Man and Technics - Spengler
Human, All Too Human - Nietzsche
Blood Meridian - Mccarthy
Grow Youthful - David Miller
The Way of the Superior Man - Deida
Confessions of a Mask - Mishima
Patriotism - Mishima
Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said - Philip K. Dick
A Son of God: The Life and Philosophy of Akhnaton, King of Egypt - Savitri Devi
The Mystery of the Grail - Evola
Industrial Society and Its Future - Kaczynski
Dandelion Wine - Bradbury
Simulacra and Simulation - Baudrillard

Rate me /lit/

>> No.10332628

Need more mishima

>> No.10332740

Part 1 of my reading
Education of the Christian Prince by Erasmus
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by David Hume
On Certainty by Ludwig Wittgenstein
The Aesthetics of Thomas Aquinas by Umberto Eco
The Steppe and Other Stories, 1887-91 by Anton Chekhov
Intention by G.E.M. Anscombe
Beauty and Sadness by Yasunari Kawabata
Problems of Moral Philosophy by Theodor W. Adorno
First and Last by Hilaire Belloc
Ancient Wisdom and Modern Misconceptions by Wolfgang Smith
Malleus by Dan Abnett
Death in Venice and Other Tales by Thomas Mann
Xenos by Dan Abnett
Essays on Catholicism, Liberalism and Socialism; Considered i... by Juan Donoso Cortés
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner by James Hogg
God by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange
Letters on the Spanish Inquisition by Joseph de Maistre By Man Shall His Blood Be Shed by Edward Feser
Dependent Rational Animals by Alasdair MacIntyre

>> No.10332752

Part 2
The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius
The Third Reich by Roberto Bolaño
Nazi Literature in the Americas by Roberto Bolaño
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Ludwig Wittgenstein
The philosophical works of Leibnitz by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Holy Women by Pope Benedict XVI
The Devil in a Forest by Gene Wolfe
Manalive by G.K. Chesterton
The Knight and Knave of Swords by Fritz Leiber
Castle of Days by Gene Wolfe
De Rationibus Fidei by Thomas Aquinas
Against the Errors of the Greeks by Thomas Aquinas
Blood of Elves by Andrzej Sapkowski
The Blue and Brown Books by Ludwig Wittgenstein Four Discourses Against the Arians by Athanasius of Alexandria
The Violent Bear It Away by Flannery O'Connor
Atenagora by Athenagoras of Athens
Man and the State by Jacques Maritain
The First and Second Apologies by Justin Martyr
Summa Contra Gentiles by Thomas Aquinas
Dialogue with Trypho by Justin Martyr
Philosophical Investigations by Ludwig Wittgenstein
A History of Philosophy, Vol. 4 by Frederick Charles Copleston
The Plague by Albert Camus
Meditations and Devotions by John Henry Newman
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat and Other Clinical Tales by Oliver Sacks
Summa Contra Gentiles by Thomas Aquinas
Butcher's Crossing by John Williams
Ethics and Politics by Alasdair MacIntyre
Saved in Hope by Pope Benedict XVI
Demian by Hermann Hesse Apologia Pro Vita Sua by John Henry Newman
Discourse on Inequality by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
God Is Love by Pope Benedict XVI Apostoli Fathers III. by Apostolic Fathers
Where is the new theology leading us by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange
Last Testament by Pope Benedict XVI The Master of Mankind by Aaron Dembski-Bowden
Apostolic Fathers II. by Apostolic Fathers
Apostolic Fathers I. by Apostolic Fathers
Democracy in America by Alexis de Tocqueville
A History of Philosophy, Vol. 3 by Frederick Charles Copleston
The Essential Schopenhauer by Arthur Schopenhauer
The Culture Industry by Theodor W. Adorno
Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska by Maria Faustina Kowalska
The Metaphysics by Aristotle
Selected Aphorisms by Edith Stein
The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe

>> No.10332775
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I didn't stand a fucking chance. I'm not complaining though, I enjoyed everything I read and I hope I can get to 30 by the end of the year

>> No.10332796
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judge me harshly /lit/

>> No.10332895
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*ALMOST everything, a couple were absolute trash
and here are the books

>> No.10333360

This happens to me all the time since I'm from a tiny euro country. I have to add those books myself quite often as well.

Kaj ima?

>> No.10334035
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Nice non-meme taste.

>Why do so many people literally rate nothing but 4s and 5s? IMO 4 is only for really good books and 5 for absolute masterpieces.
Most people tend to read books they think they are likely to enjoy idk man.

>falling for jordan b petermeme this hard

Tbh I am super down with your taste you need to read more though wtf anon 24 books? That's only two a month...

>> No.10334040


>> No.10334136

Not so bad just Prometheus rising, what the hell anon?
please tell that you take reading as a hobby recently

>> No.10334192

so far i read american psycho, catcher in the rye, and the great gatsby

>> No.10334490

>you need to read more though
Life gets in the way. I promise to do better next year senpai.
>Prometheus rising, what the hell anon?
/lit/ has memed me once again. I rated it 2/5 fyi

>> No.10334500

I read 20 books this year, I'd like to read more but depression. I also don't set goals because I know I won't accomplish them and I'll feel worse later.

>> No.10334509

I'm at 67/60, and on track to get probably 4 or 5 more by the end of the year.

>> No.10334593

Here's a list - I read everything from pulp trash to masterpieces and have no regerts:

>East of Eden by Steinbeck
>Ancient Gonzo Wisdom by Hunter Thompson
>On Revolution by Hannah Arendt
>The Second Generation by Weis & Hickman
>Evil in Modern Thought by Susan Neiman
>Dragons of Summer Flame by Weis & Hickman
>Light in August by William Faulkner
>Rebel Dream by Aaron Allston
>Rebel Stand by Aaron Allston
>The Demon Lover by Robin Morgan
>Revival by Stephen King
>The Plague by Camus
>Under the Dome by Stephen King
>Desperation by Stephen King
>A People's History of the United States by Zinn
>The Great Shark Hunt by Hunter Thompson
>Skeleton Crew by Stephen King
>Runoff by Clay Matthews
>Not that Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham
>Sermons and Lectures Both Blank and Relentless by Matt Hart
>Astonishing the Gods by Ben Okri
>Jacob, Menahem, & Mimoun by Marcel Benabou
>All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren
>Under Milk Wood by Dylan Thomas
>A Case of Need by Michael Crichton
>Love & Other Hungers by Susan O'dell Underwood
>Looking Awry by Zizek
>Interrogating the Real by Zizek
>A Tale of Two Cities by Dickens
>Bacchae by Euripides
>The Prague Cemetery by Eco
>Poetics by Aristotle
>The Prince by Machiavelli
>Twelfth Night by Shakespeare
>Incidents at the Shrine by Ben Okri
>Existential Errands by Norman Mailer
>The Legend of Sigurd and Gudrun by Tolkien
>Words of a Rebel by Kropotkin
>The Tempest by Shakespeare
>The Sound and the Fury by Faulkner
>Discourse by David Howarth
>The Rum Diary by Hunter Thompson
>Radiant Action by Matt Hart
>Radiant Companion by Matt Hart
>Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
>Simulacra and Simulation by Baudrillard
>The Reaver by Richard Lee Byers
>Isms: Understanding Art by Stephen Little
>Hamlet by Shakespeare
>Brief Interviews With Hideous Men by DFW
>Wampeters, Foma, & Granfalloons by Vonnegut
>Simpatico by Sam Shepard
>God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater by Vonnegut
>What Narcissism Means to Me by Tony Hoagland
>Surprise the World by Michael Frost
>One-Dimensional Man by Herbert Marcuse
>Cat's Cradle by Vonnegut
>Oleanna by David Mamet
>The Sacred Canopy by Peter Berger
>Closing Time by Heller
>John Adams by McCullough
>The Collected Poems by Yeats
>M. Butterfly by David Henry Hwang
>Notes from Underground by Dostoevsky
>The Awful Rowing Toward God by Anne Sexton
>Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power by Jon Meacham
>The Crucible by Arthur Miller

>> No.10334604

>Not that Kind of Girl by Lena Dunham

>> No.10334620

Girls was an excellent television show, so I took a shot. It was a middling collection of essays much less interesting and self-reflective than the writing in the show. That said, she actually isn't a terrible essayist. A handful were actually quite good.

>> No.10334640

I like to count each chapter as a separate book. So I read The Catcher in the Rye in a couple of days and boom 26 books I'm halfway done with my reading goals for the year.

>> No.10334696
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>only read 9/20

Jesus fuck I failed big time.

>> No.10334715
File: 1.09 MB, 1892x5255, screenshot-www.goodreads.com-2017-11-29-23-38-26-630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8, h8 and masturb8.


>> No.10334716

Is Napoleon the Great as good as some are shilling?

>> No.10334744

I didn't read nearly as much as I shouldve. Had a pretty good start (like 13 books by April) but since May I've only managed to read JR and The Recognitions

>> No.10334754
File: 3.06 MB, 4032x3024, F296B711-30B0-4860-A1EA-4F5CD923625C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely, my dude. I’m full Napoboo now.

>> No.10334762
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how more plebeian can this board get

>> No.10334790

sorry fag not everyone reads old pointless boring crap to try and prove how smart they are

>> No.10334795

yeah you're still a pleb tho

>> No.10334796
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>i am a brainlet in denial that will not challenge myself to read something other than pulp because i know that i am a mouthbreathing mongoloid

>> No.10334802

But he's right, the ratio of utter shit to everything else in those pics is remarkable. And /lit/ is supposed to be elitist...

>> No.10334807
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>tfw you haven't begun counting but you're looking forward to 1 book a week in 2018

>> No.10334818

you might like >>>/tv/ better mate

>> No.10334836

Embrace the plebeian life, my dude.

>> No.10334837
File: 603 KB, 1350x1722, 035FA6E9-0994-48E9-971D-247197889707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot muh pic.

>> No.10334855

guess i hit the nail on the head. get back to your convoluted boring books no one cares about anymore. why are you wasting your time responding to a lowly pleb? lets be real none of you fags read for shit lmao. the absolute state of /lit/ is hilarious. you guys are like the dunning kruger of book reading.

>> No.10334861

you're still here?

>> No.10334864

you're still responding?

>> No.10334873
File: 18 KB, 182x268, go_to_tv_alrdy_mate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just thought you might've gone already to see the latest s. king adaption

>> No.10334875

ive exceeded my goal and replenished my stores of knowledge, sharpened my wit and become mentally/intellectually active for the first time in years anon. my grades are perfect and i don’t have to study to get A’s its bretty great

>> No.10335016

Do you have an actual argument against any of the authors or just the middleman?

>> No.10335226

How do people screenshot this long of an image? Yes I am a dumb-dumb but I'm sure it's not just printscreen

>> No.10335241
File: 84 KB, 613x230, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been catching up on everything I've missed out on; read some of the Greeks and particularly philosophical writings from that civilization. Mostly been reading through the BBC's 100 essential books to cover casual areas. Going to start reading Life of Pi in a moment, don't know what to expect.

This looks amazing anon!

>> No.10335531

What did you think about The Romanovs?

>> No.10335560
File: 124 KB, 414x414, Dark times.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going to lie that I got a sadistic thrill out of Tsarevich Alexie's death otherwise felt rather bad for them, though they really should have sorted out their identity crisis far earlier and exploiting borderline fundamentalism whilst ignoring industrialization had no chance of ending on a positive note, still it became surprisingly tense where Nicholas II attempted to defuse what became the First World War though lost his chance at doing so, you just want to give him a hug and tell him that everything will be okay. Also found it ironic how Russian Royalty became practically intertwined with promiscuity and drunken parties on a frequent basis, really wasn't expecting that.

>> No.10335793

Boi quit that shit, bussy is the only acceptable thing for a patrician /fitlit/ to pound.

>> No.10335796

I'm really curious about that Third party sex work and pimps books. Would you consider it to be one of the most underrated classics of our time?

>> No.10336112

No :(
Because I'm an internet addicted lowest of scums piece of shite that is also very lazy

>> No.10336552

is Rubicon any good or is it just a popular history book?

>> No.10336817

its pop history, holland does nice easy to understand narratives that i would recommend to highschool sophmores. They are not offensive, but i wouldnt cite it.

>> No.10338173

>Do you have an actual argument against any of the authors or just the middleman?
It's clear that 90% of these books are being read because they were recommended by Peterson. I don't take issue with any one book in particular, but I do take issue with constructing your entire taste around the cult-like worship of a youtube charlatan. I never claimed to have a so-called "actual argument" against any of the authors and was, in fact, explicitly criticizing this kind of embarrassing reverence to the middleman.

>> No.10338260

i never knew this was a thing, this might be what i need holy shit

>> No.10339548
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(some books I rated 1 star)

>> No.10339552
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>quantitative reading
this should be your next book before you fall any lower

>> No.10339556
File: 110 KB, 617x288, spiritual-language-decline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's nothing wrong with memerson, as long as you realize he is a fucking psychologist, not a philosopher nor a literature professor

>> No.10339563


>> No.10339574


>> No.10340075

There's no cultism to speak of whatsoever. What he talked about in terms of mythico-religious analysis was very interesting to me as a subject and so I decided to use his references as a launching point. Do people not decry taking it from the horse's mouth anyway? That they want people to read the actual source, not take the messenger for gospel? And yet it's just more disingenuous noise. But I suppose you're just being irrational anyway. It's not as though he was repeatedly citing Eliade, Neumann, Kierkegaard, Aurelius, Seneca, or Dante in his lectures. All you needed to see was Jung and a Bible, as well as his own book, and suddenly you're overcome with indignance. You seem awfully boxed in to rigid methods of compartmentalization, a pathos one might err for cultlike behavior.

>> No.10341108
File: 38 KB, 640x480, 1487704097599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no cultism to speak of whatsoever.
Mein gott

>> No.10341136


>> No.10341145

How was the pursuit of power, and also if I can make a recommendation in terms of historical books, The Thirty Years War by Wedgwood was fantastic in my opinion

>> No.10341164

y-you too

>> No.10341752

how are u 5 books ahead with 41/40?

>> No.10341765

This thread represents everything that's wrong with /lit/ fags.

>> No.10341807

Such as? People reading and enjoying books?

>> No.10341815

lmao at this fuckn nob right here

>> No.10342844

I read it, peter Wilson did a better job. Evans is great tho.

This is one of the best threads in months, I got real recommendations